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3rd November 2012 11:44 AM
Re: Age limit for SCRA exam? Can a 18 years student apply for SCRA?

Hello Friend,

I think you have got a totally wrong information from anywhere about the SCRA Exam.

The Detailed & Correct Information about the SCRA Exam is given below :

* The Union Public Service Commission conducts the SCRA Exam every year.

* The students who have passed 12th with PCM with a minimum of 55% marks from any recognized board are eligible for the exam.

* The Age limit for this exam is 17-21 years , i.e., if your age lie in between 17-21 years , then you can give this exam.

* Nationality : You must be an Indian Citizen.

Hope the above mentioned will provide you the information you were searching for.

14th October 2012 08:49 AM
Re: Age limit for SCRA exam? Can a 18 years student apply for SCRA?

Dear Friend,

Yes you can apply for the SCRA Exam as per your age criteria if you fulfill the below mentioned criteria too :

* You must have passed 12th from any recognized board with a minimum of 55% marks.

* You must be an Indian Resident.

* Your age should lie in between 17-21 years.

This is the information i have to the best of my knowledge regarding your query. Hope the information will help you to the extent you want.
22nd April 2012 04:35 PM
mithu ashi
Re: Age limit for SCRA exam? Can a 18 years student apply for SCRA?

SCRA exam stands for Special Class Railway Apprentice examination .
This exam is conducted by union public services commission(U.P.S.C).
This exam is conducted to recruit candidates in Indian railway.



-- Must be Indian.
-- Age should not be less than 17 years, should not attain the age of 21 years.
-- Upper age limit relaxation is available to SC/ST, OBC candidates.
-- Should have passed +2 /intermediate/equivalent exam with first or second class.
-- Must have studied math & at least one subject from physics & chemistry.
-- must be physically fit.


1)Written test
2)Personal interview

Written test consists of 3 objective papers. Each paper having 200 marks & total mark is 600.
Total mark in personality test is 200 marks.
Candidates who are qualified in written test are called for personality test.
10th October 2011 11:35 AM
Re: Age limit for SCRA exam? Can a 18 years student apply for SCRA?


this examination is conducted by UPSC(UNION PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION).
For appear in this exam one must have maths in 12th as his/her main subject with either of physics,chemistry,.
the age limit for this exam is 17-21.
6th October 2011 12:05 PM
Re: Age limit for SCRA exam? Can a 18 years student apply for SCRA?

after passing scra exam what will be the and about the salary?
31st August 2011 08:59 PM
Re: Age limit for SCRA exam? Can a 18 years student apply for SCRA?

this exam is conducted by UPSC twice in every year. scra means special class railway

apprentice. the agr limit exist for this exam is 17-21 years.For all information you have to visit the website of UPSC-
1st August 2011 12:18 AM
Re: Age limit for SCRA exam? Can a 18 years student apply for SCRA?

UPSC conducts entrance exam for SCRA.

Age limit for SCRA exam is 17-21 are 18 year old so you can apply for SCRA entrance exam.

To apply for this exam you must have pass 12th with Physics and Maths.

SCRA exam for this year is going to be conducted on 31.07.2011.

if you have missed chance for this year then you have to apply for next year.

For all information you have to visit the website of UPSC-
31st July 2011 10:34 PM
Re: Age limit for SCRA exam? Can a 18 years student apply for SCRA?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
it is necessary that for SCRA only those students can apply whose age is 17years? can't the student of age 18 yrs can give this test?
Dear friend,
Yes 18 years old candidate also applicable for SCRA exam .
Because age lim for SCRA exam is:
*Minimum age: 17 years.
*Maximum age:21 years
On 31 august.
25th April 2011 02:53 PM
Re: Age limit for SCRA exam? Can a 18 years student apply for SCRA?

can i apply now
22nd April 2011 11:40 PM
Re: Age limit for SCRA exam? Can a 18 years student apply for SCRA?

What is the syllabus of scra
14th April 2011 11:01 PM
Re: Age limit for SCRA exam? Can a 18 years student apply for SCRA?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
it is necessary that for SCRA only those students can apply whose age is 17years? can't the student of age 18 yrs can give this test?

Age for SCRA Exam :

SCRA stand for Special class railway Apprentice. SCRA exam is conducted

by UPSC in every year on behalf of Ministry of Railway.

For SCRA exam the age must be between 17 to 21 years as on 1/8/2011.

Here i give you age criteria, Important date and educational qualification

for the SCRA exam.

For more information please see the official website of UPSC.

10th April 2011 06:03 PM
Re: Age limit for SCRA exam? Can a 18 years student apply for SCRA?

Hi friend,
Eligiblity criteria for scra exam says that age limit is 17yrs to 21yrs. So you can apply for scra exam with 18 yrs of age.
10th April 2011 05:54 PM
Mayank Shekhar
Re: Age limit for SCRA exam? Can a 18 years student apply for SCRA?

Definitely a 18 year student can apply for SCRA EXAMS
The Union Public Service Commission conducts the Special Class Railway Apprentices’ examination (SCRA) to select candidates for the Mechanical Department of the Indian Railways.
The candidates aspiring for the SCRA examination must have attained 17 years of age and must not have completed 21 years on 1st August of the year of examination.(2011 for this year)
Last date to apply: 25th APRIL,2011
EXAM DATE: 31st JULY,2011.

10th April 2011 05:49 PM
Re: Age limit for SCRA exam? Can a 18 years student apply for SCRA?

hi dear
no 18 years old candidate can also apply for SCRA(SPECIAL CLASS RAILWAY APPRENTICES' EXAMINATION) examination.

the eligibility criterion of SCRA examination is candidate should have minimum of 17years age and maximum of 21 years age as on 1st August, 2011 for general category candidate. there is relaxation in upper limit of age criterion for reserved category candidate. so 18 years old candidate also apply for the SCRA examination.

the form fill up for SCRA examination is going on. here i am attaching the notification for SCRA 2011 examination. go through the notification before form fill up. for more information visit the website for online form fill up visit the website

the last date to apply for SCRA examination is 25th April,2011.
the date of the SCRA examination is 31st July, 2011

10th April 2011 05:47 PM
Re: Age limit for SCRA exam? Can a 18 years student apply for SCRA?

The age limit for SCRA exam is that the candidate should have attained the age of 17yrs and should not have attained the age of 21yrs on 1st August of the year of examination.

So you can give the exam.
10th April 2011 05:26 PM
Re: Age limit for SCRA exam? Can a 18 years student apply for SCRA?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
it is necessary that for SCRA only those students can apply whose age is 17years? can't the student of age 18 yrs can give this test?
SCRA exam is conducted by the UPSC every year. To apply for the SCRA examination a candidate should required the following eligibility criteria:

Education Qualification
To apply for this examination a candidate should be 10+2 pass and should have physics and maths.
Candidates appeared in the 10+2 examination are also eligible.

Age Limit
Candidate age should be between 17 to 21 years.
Relaxation in age is given for the reserved category canidates.

This year SCRA exam is going to be conducted on
The last date of submission of application form is

For more information on SCRA examination visit the UPSC web site
8th April 2011 01:00 AM
Re: Age limit for SCRA exam? Can a 18 years student apply for SCRA?

Yes,You are Eligible To Apply for SCRA Examination.

Age limits :

The candidates must have attained the age of 17yrs and must not attained the

age of 21 yrs on 1st Aug,2011.

Last date for receipt of online Application : 25.04.11

More details,Visit the official website
7th April 2011 12:49 PM
kapila Chaudhary
Re: Age limit for SCRA exam? Can a 18 years student apply for SCRA?

SCRA exams are conducted by UPSC.

You are eligible for SCRA exam, if you must have attained the age of 17 years and must not have attained the age of 21 years on 1st August of year in which the examination is held.

For more details:
7th April 2011 09:31 AM
Re: Age limit for SCRA exam? Can a 18 years student apply for SCRA?

SCRA Special Class Railway Apprentices Examination
Notice Number-7/2011-SCRA
Notice Date-26-03-2011
Closing Date-25-04-2011
Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
can't the student of age 18 yrs can give this test?
Yes you can take this exam

To see more about this exam and other exams vist this link
7th April 2011 09:28 AM
Re: Age limit for SCRA exam? Can a 18 years student apply for SCRA?

yes, why not? you can attend this exam . i am giving a valuable point which i have got from S.C.R.A eligibility criteria.

"Age: A candidate must have attained the age of 17 years and must not have attained the age of 21 years on 1st August of year in which the examination is held."
so if you are not more than 21 years then no one can stop you to attain this exam...

7th April 2011 09:04 AM
Re: Age limit for SCRA exam? Can a 18 years student apply for SCRA?


Eligibility criterion
SCRA examination is candidate should have minimum of 17years age and maximum of 21 years age as on 1st August, 2011 for general category candidate. there is relaxation in upper limit of age criterion for reserved category candidate. so 18 years old candidate also apply for the SCRA examination.
7th April 2011 03:26 AM
Re: Age limit for SCRA exam? Can a 18 years student apply for SCRA?

Yes, your age sufficient to apply for SCRA exam.But their also some other criteria to fulfill to apply for the exam.

Eligibility criteria for SCRA exam:

  • 12th standard/degree with maths and atleast one subject as physics or chemistry.
  • Age should be 17 to 21 year
  • Indian
Important dates for this year:

Date of submission is on 26th March 2011
Last date of submission is on 25th April 2011
Exam date is on 31st July 2011

Check the attached file to know the exam pattern and syllabus.

visit official website for more information:
7th April 2011 03:04 AM
rahul k
Re: Age limit for SCRA exam? Can a 18 years student apply for SCRA?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
it is necessary that for SCRA only those students can apply whose age is 17years? can't the student of age 18 yrs can give this test?
SCRA 2011 Notification Was Declared And It Was Availiable In the UPSC Official Website.

The Last Date Of Apply For SCRA Examination Was 25/April/2011.

And The Examination Are Going to be held on 31/07/2011.

Age Eligiblity Criteria -

To Appear In This Exam, You Must Have Attained The Age Of 17 Years And Must Not Have Attained The Age Of 21 Years On 1st August, 2011.

So, If You Are Intrested To Apply For SCRA Examination And You Are Full Fill The Eligiblity Criteria, then Apply For This Exam Online -

For Complete Information, Please Read The Notification.
7th April 2011 02:46 AM
Re: Age limit for SCRA exam? Can a 18 years student apply for SCRA?


A 18 years old candidate can apply for SCRA examination.

Age criteria for this application is that a candidate should have completed a minimum of 17 years and a maximum of 21 years. So you are eligible for it don't worry.

for more details please visit the website

and for applying online please visit this site

Last date for receipt of application is 25.04.2011

Exam date of SCRA 2011 is 31.07.2011

Even i have attached the pdf of SCRA 2011 examination details.

All the Best....
7th April 2011 02:38 AM
Re: Age limit for SCRA exam? Can a 18 years student apply for SCRA?

For UPSC SCRA Exam 2011

Age limit:- Not less than 17 years and not more than 21 years as on
10/08/2011, relaxation as per Govt rules.

Educational qualification:- you must have passed in the first or second class, the intermediate or an equivalent examination of a university with mathematics and at least one of the subject’s physics and chemistry
as subject of the examination.

Application Fee:- To applying online required paying a reduced fee of Rs 50/- either
remitting the money in any branch of SBI by cash or by using net banking facilities.
To apply offline required to pay a fee of Rs 100/- (No fee for SC-ST-PH-Female candidates)

Application Form:- To apply online and offline also.

For online from the website, on or before 25/04/2011 till 11:59 pm

Closing date for online registration: 25/04/2011 till 11:59 pm.

Last date for receipt of offline application: 25/04/2011 (For far flung areas 02/05/2011).

Date of written test will be held from: 31/07/2011.

And other more information you can login this
7th April 2011 01:46 AM
Re: Age limit for SCRA exam? Can a 18 years student apply for SCRA?

definitely a 18 year student can apply for SCRA EXAMS

The Union Public Service Commission conducts the Special Class Railway Apprentices’ examination (SCRA) to select candidates for the Mechanical Department of the Indian Railways.

The candidates aspiring for the SCRA examination must have attained 17 years of age and must not have completed 21 years on 1st August of the year of examination.(2011 for this year)

last date to apply: 25th APRIL,2011
EXAM DATE: 31st JULY,2011......

BEST OF LUCK ...........
7th April 2011 01:30 AM
Re: Age limit for SCRA exam? Can a 18 years student apply for SCRA?

no 18 years old candidate can also apply for SCRA(SPECIAL CLASS RAILWAY APPRENTICES' EXAMINATION) examination.

the eligibility criterion of SCRA examination is candidate should have minimum of 17years age and maximum of 21 years age as on 1st August, 2011 for general category candidate. there is relaxation in upper limit of age criterion for reserved category candidate. so 18 years old candidate also apply for the SCRA examination.

the form fill up for SCRA examination is going on. here i am attaching the notification for SCRA 2011 examination. go through the notification before form fill up. for more information visit the website for online form fill up visit the website

the last date to apply for SCRA examination is 25th April,2011.
the date of the SCRA examination is 31st July, 2011.

best wishes.
6th April 2011 07:51 PM
Age limit for SCRA exam? Can a 18 years student apply for SCRA?

it is necessary that for SCRA only those students can apply whose age is 17years? can't the student of age 18 yrs can give this test?

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