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7th October 2013 11:34 AM
Re: JTO exam dates, syllabus and how to apply for JTO exam?

[QUOTE=Unregistered;203216]Hai am doing my final ece .i would like to write jto exam. I want the exam date, syllabus and how to apply for the exam.
30th October 2011 07:36 PM
Re: JTO exam dates, syllabus and how to apply for JTO exam?

hiiiiiiii i complited my btech in 2011 from eee,i would like to write jto exam please tell me exam dates
26th May 2011 03:21 PM
Re: JTO exam dates, syllabus and how to apply for JTO exam?

iam studying btech in applied electronics and completing 6th semester.presently can i eligible to write jto exame
19th May 2011 11:41 PM
Re: JTO exam dates, syllabus and how to apply for JTO exam?

hi iam naveen kumar MCA gradudate i want u write JTO exam. can i eligible to write the JTO exam please tell me..........................
30th March 2011 03:00 PM
Re: JTO exam dates, syllabus and how to apply for JTO exam?

The JTO notification 2011 is still to come the eligibility will remain the same
to be eligible for written test the candidate must be of 21 years of age and less than 30 years also a age relaxation is there for 3 years and 5 years for obc and SC/ST candidates

complete details off BSNL JTO EXAM notification will be put up there as soon as possiblely

Third week of June, 2011.

Selection Process
The Candidate standard of paper in engineering subjects will be that of Engineering Examination of an Indian University. The candidate manner of selection is by an All India Competitive Examination.

Mode of selection and nature of Question Paper
The mode of selection is through an All India Competitive Examination. The examination will be of three hours duration with one Question Paper containing the following 3 sections:-

How to Apply
The Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited Entrance Examination (BSNL) JTO Entrance Examination Application from Can be Obtained By

Cash Payment from The Admission Office of The Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited Entrance Examination (BSNL) JTO Entrance Examination,

The Application from also can be Obtained by Sending DD in Favour of Registrar.

The Application from also can be downloaded from the Official Website of The BSNL at:

Contact Detail:-
Bharat Sanchar Bhavan
Harish Chandra Mathur Lane
Janpath, New Delhi-110 001
1st March 2011 11:10 AM
Re: JTO exam dates, syllabus and how to apply for JTO exam?

please send me syllabus for jto [civil].
27th February 2011 02:21 AM
Re: JTO exam dates, syllabus and how to apply for JTO exam?


JTO exam date log on this site:-
here you will get all informatio for jto exam.


Nationality : Only Indian Nationals would be eligible to apply.
Educational Qualifications:

JTO (Telecom)
Applicantmust possess as on 31.12.2009, Bachelor of Engineering/Bachelor ofTechnology or equivalent Engineering degree in any of the followingdisciplines from a recognized engineering college/university:
i. Telecommunication,
ii. Electronics,
iii. Radio,
iv. Computer,
v. Electrical.
vi. Information Technology

Candidatesappearing in the final year degree examination may also apply providedthey possess the required educational qualification by 31.12.2009.

JTO (Civil)
Applicantmust possess as on 31.12.2009, Bachelor of Engineering, Bachelor ofTechnology or equivalent in Civil Engineering from a recognizedInstitution/University.

Candidatesappearing in the final year degree examination may also apply providedthey possess the required educational qualification by 31.12.2009

JTO (Electrical)
Applicantmust possess as on 31.12.2009, Bachelor of Engineering, Bachelor ofTechnology or equivalent in Electrical Engineering from a recognizedInstitution/University.

Candidatesappearing in the final year degree examination may also apply providedthey possess the required educational qualification by 31.12.2009

Theapplicant for JTOs(Telecom), JTOs(Civil) and JTOs(Electrical) shouldnot be more than 30 years of age on the closing date for receipt ofapplications from candidates. However, this age is relaxable as perstanding instructions on this subject for:-

i) Govt. servants upto 5 years in accordance with the instructions or orders issued by the Central Govt.;
ii) BSNL employees upto 5 years in accordance with the instructions or orders issued by the BSNL;
iii) For Scheduled Castes & Scheduled Tribes candidates upto 5 years;
iv) For OBC Candidates upto 3 years;
v) For General Category PH candidates upto 10 years ; (for SC/ST 15 years and for OBC 13 years)
vi)For certain other categories like ex-servicemen, displaced persons fromEast Pakistan[now Bangladesh], repatriates from Burma and Ceylon [nowSrilanka],residents of Goa, Daman & Diu, persons migrated fromKenya, Uganda, Republic of Tanzania as per instructions issued by theCentral Government from time to time in this regard.
(vii) ForResidents of J&K ? Relaxation shall be in accordance withDoP&T's Notification No.15012/7/1991-Estt.(D) dtd. 7.12.2007pertaining to "Residents of State of Jammu and Kashmir (Relaxation ofUpper Age Limit for Recruitment to Central Civil Services & Posts)Rules 1997".

Further in respect of apprentices who haveundergone apprentice training in BSNL successfully, there will befollowing provision:-
(a) An apprentice will be required to competein the common competitive examination conducted by BSNL along withother direct candidates and preference to the apprentices overnon-apprentices direct candidates will be given only if apprenticessecures equal place in merit in select zone and all other eligibilityconditions being equal.
( The apprentices would not be required to get her/his name sponsored by any employment exchange.
The apprentices would be entitled to age relaxation to the extent ofthe period for which the apprentice had undergone training asapprentice in the BSNL.

Mode of selection and nature of Question Paper
Themode of selection is through an All India Competitive Examination. Theexamination will be of three hours duration with one Question Papercontaining the following three sections:-

For JTOs(Telecom)
Section-I : Engineering stream : 50 questions
Section-II : Engineering stream : 50 questions
Section-III : General Ability Test : 20 questions

For JTOs(Electrical)

Section-I : Electrical Engineering stream : 50 questions
Section-II : Electrical Engineering stream: 50 questions
Section-III : General Awareness : 20 questions

For JTOs (Civil)
Section-I : Civil Engineering stream : 50 questions
Section-II : Civil Engineering stream : 50 questions
Section-III : General Ability Test : 20 questions

TheQuestion Paper will be fully objective type with multiple options asanswers to each question. The standard of paper in engineering subjectswill be that of EngineeringExamination of an Indian University.

However,there would be no separate time fixed for attempting the separatesections. Detailed syllabus for JTOs(Telecom), JTOs(Civil) andJTOs(Electrical) appear at Annexures 'B' , 'C' and 'D' respectively.

A final call letter/appointment letter will be issued to the candidate after completion of all other formalities.

all the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
23rd February 2011 02:56 PM
Re: JTO exam dates, syllabus and how to apply for JTO exam?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Hai am doing my final ece .i would like to write jto exam. I want the exam date, syllabus and how to apply for the me about the application details.
sen me immed
20th February 2011 12:08 PM
Re: JTO exam dates, syllabus and how to apply for JTO exam?

what say for mechanical engg.
can apply the mechanical engg in jto exam
12th February 2011 08:19 AM
Re: JTO exam dates, syllabus and how to apply for JTO exam?


JTO exam dates, syllabus
log on to the sitese
here you will get all details for jto

good luck
9th February 2011 12:05 PM
Re: JTO exam dates, syllabus and how to apply for JTO exam?

Hi am doing M.E-Applied Electronics.I would like to write JTO Exam.I want to know about exam dates,syllabus and eligibility for tat exam
2nd October 2010 08:41 PM
Re: JTO exam dates, syllabus and how to apply for JTO exam?

do the final year student apply for this exam.
30th September 2010 01:54 PM
Re: JTO exam dates, syllabus and how to apply for JTO exam?

how to start prepration fist which subjects should take
25th September 2010 11:26 AM
Re: JTO exam dates, syllabus and how to apply for JTO exam?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Hai am doing my final ece .i would like to write jto exam. I want the exam date, syllabus and how to apply for the me about the application details.
you shouldlog on to the sitese
here you will get all details and papres for jto
gud luck
25th September 2010 02:30 AM
Re: JTO exam dates, syllabus and how to apply for JTO exam?

Dear friend
The dates for for the JTO exam will be available once the notification is published.

The syllabus for the Telecom stream is as follow.

Scheme and Syllabus for the Recruitment of Engineer Junior Telecom Officers(Telecom)

For Direct Recruitment of Junior Telecom Officers, an objective type Examination of 3 hours duration consisting of following sectional papers will be conducted:


A. Engineering Stream Section – I

B. Engineering Stream Section – II

C. General Ability Test Section – III

1. The standard of paper in Engineering subjects will be that of Engineering Degree Examination of an Indian University.

2. In the general ability test, special attention will be paid to assess the candidate’s capacity for general awareness. The standard of paper in general ability test will be such as may be expected of an Engineering Graduate.

3. The syllabus for engineering stream papers will be as given below.


1. Materials and components

Structure and properties of Electronic Engineering materials, Conductors, Semiconductors and Insulators, Magnetic, Ferroelectric, Piezoelectric, Ceramic, Optical and Superconducting materials. Passive components and characteristics, Resistors, Capacitors and Inductors; Ferrites, Quartz crystal, Ceramic resonators, Electromagnetic and Electromechanical components.

2. Physical Electronics, Electron Devices and ICs

Electrons and holes in semiconductors, Carrier Statistics, Mechanics of current flow in a semi-conductor, Hall effect; Junction theory; Different types of diodes and their characteristics; Bipolar Junction transistor; Field effect transistors; Power switching devices like SCRs, CTOs, power MOSFETs; Basics of ICs-bipolar, MOS and CMOS types; Basics of Opto Electronics.

3. Network theory

Network analysis techniques: Network theorem, transcient and steady state sinusoidal response, Transmission criteria: delay and rise time Elmore’s and other definition, effect of cascading. Elements of network synthesis.

4. Electromagnetic Theory

Transmission lines: basic theory, standing waves, matching applications, microstrip lines; Basics of waveguides and resonators; Elements of antenna theory.

5. Electronic Measurements and instrumentation

Basic concepts, standards and error analysis; Measurements of basic electrical quantities and parameters; Electronic measuring instruments and their principles of working: analog and digital, comparison, characteristics, applications. Transducers; Electronic measurements of non-electrical quantities like temperature, pressure, humidity etc. Basics of telemetry for industrial use.

6. Power Electronics

Power Semiconductor devices, Thyristor, Power transistor, MOSFETs, Characteristics and operation. AC to DC convertors; 1-Phase and 3-phase DC to DC Convertors.

AC regulators. Thyristor controlled reactors, switched capacitor networks.

Inverters: Single-phase and 3-phase. Pulse width modulation. Sinusoidal modulation with uniform sampling. Switched mode power supplies



1. Analog Electronic Circuits

Transistor biasing and stabilization, Small Signal analysis. Power amplifiers. Frequency response, Wide band techniques, Feedback amplifiers. Tuned amplifiers. Oscillators. Rectifiers and power supplies. Operational Amplifier, other linear integrated circuits and applications. Pulse shaping circuits and waveform generators.

2. Digital Electronic Circuits

Transistor as a switching element; Boolean algebra, simplification of Boolean functions, Karnaugh Map and applications; IC Logic gates and their characteristics; IC logic families: DTL, TTL, ECL, NMOS, PMOS and CMOS gates and their comparison; Combinational logic circuits; Half adder, full adder; Digital Compartor; Multiplexer Demultiplexer; ROM and their applications. Flip-flops, R-S, J-K, D and T flip-flops; Different types of counters and registers; waveform generators. A/D and D/A convertors. Semiconductor memories.

3. Control Systems

Transient and steady state response of control systems; Effect of feedback on stability and sensitivity, Root locus techniques; Frequency response analysis. Concepts of gain and phase margins; Constant-M and Constant-N Nichol’s Chart; Approximation of transient response from Constant-N Nichol’s Chart; Approximation of transient response from closed loop frequency response; Design of Control Systems, Compensators; Industrial controllers.

4. Communication systems

Basic information theory: Modulation and detection in analogue and digital systems; Sampling and data reconstruction. Quantization & Coding; Time division and frequency division multiplexing; Equalisation; Optical Communication: in free space & fibre optic; Propagation of signals at HF, VHF, UHF and microwave frequency; Satellite communication.

5. Microwave Engineering

Microwave Tubes and solid state devices, Microwave generation and amplifiers, Waveguides and other Microwave Components and Circuits, Microstrip circuits, Microwave antennas, Microwave Measurements, MASERS LASERS; Microwave Propogation. Microwave Communication Systems-terrestrial and satellite based.

6. Computer Engineering
Number Systems; Data representation; Programming; Elements of a high level programming language PASCAL/C; use of basic data structures; Fundamentals of computer architecture processor design; Control unit design; Memory organization. I/O System Organization. Personal computers and their typical uses.

7. Microprocessors
Microprocessor architecture – Instruction set and simple assembly language programming. Interfacing for memory and I/O. Applications of Microprocessors in Telecommunications and power system.

SECTION-III General ability test

The candidate’s comprehension and understanding of General English shall be tested through simple exercises. Questions on knowledge of current events and of such matter of everyday observation and experience in their scientific aspects as may be expected of an educated person. Questions will also be included on events and developments in Telecommunications, History of India and Geography. These will be of a nature, which can be answered without special study by an educated person.
24th September 2010 01:31 PM
JTO exam dates, syllabus and how to apply for JTO exam?

Hai am doing my final ece .i would like to write jto exam. I want the exam date, syllabus and how to apply for the me about the application details.

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