Thread: List of engineering colleges offering direct admission on the basis of 12th board marks? Reply to Thread

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15th October 2021 09:03 PM
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Re: List of engineering colleges offering direct admission on the basis of 12th board marks?

There are a lot of colleges in India which are offering Engineering courses after 12th.

Here are the list of few of them listed below,

Royal college of Engineering, Hyderabad,

Ayan college of Engineering, Hyderabad,

Dr. MGR, Chennai etc
4th June 2021 04:53 PM
Re: List of engineering colleges offering direct admission on the basis of 12th board marks?

Sagar Institute of Research & Technology (SIRT) also offers direct admission in engineering courses.

Sagar Institute of Research & Technology

Address: Ayodhya Bypass Road, Opposite Minal Residency, Bhopal Madhya Pradesh, India, 462041

Counseling Cell: 0755-4983154, 7773008591 , 7773008592


Visit website:
7th May 2017 07:20 PM
Re: List of engineering colleges offering direct admission on the basis of 12th board marks?

I scored 950 marks in intermediate
I what to study engineering
Please give the list of colleges giving admission on the basis of inter marks
6th March 2017 12:56 PM
Re: List of engineering colleges offering direct admission on the basis of 12th board marks?

Please go through the attachment. You can find the many college in Jaipur for admission after 12th.
5th March 2017 12:49 PM
Re: List of engineering colleges offering direct admission on the basis of 12th board marks?

Sir,can I get direct admission in government polytechnic college on the basis of my 2 aggregate of pcm i.e. 85. If yes please suggest me the procedure about the same..
1st May 2016 12:32 AM
Re: List of engineering colleges offering direct admission on the basis of 12th board marks?

List of engineering colleges offering direct admission on the basis of 12th board marks.

1.Jabalpur Engineering College
2.SRM University
3.Manipal Institute of Technology
4.Maharashtra Institute of Technology
5.Coimbatore Institute of Technology
6.Amrutvahini College Of Engineering
7.CMR Engineering College.
26th April 2016 10:37 AM
Re: List of engineering colleges offering direct admission on the basis of 12th board marks?

Hii sir I'm a polytechnics student I have three backlash I will join to the b tech
22nd April 2016 08:45 PM
Re: List of engineering colleges offering direct admission on the basis of 12th board marks?

I got 95% in ap board I want to join a good engineering college based on 12 marks with fee structure of 3 lakhs and below and also with good placements.........?????please its urgent...
30th November 2015 03:38 PM
Re: List of engineering colleges offering direct admission on the basis of 12th board marks?

List of engineering colleges offering direct admission on the basis of 12th board marks?

--Manipal Institute of Technology

--Coimbatore Institute of Technology

--srm University

--Amrutvahini College Of Engineering

--Nirma Institute of Technology

--Jabalpur Engineering College

--Dhirubhai Ambani Institute of Information and Communication Technology

--rkdf Institute of Technology

--Maharashtra Institute of Technology

--Coimbatore Institute of Technology

--College of Engineering
19th July 2015 09:16 PM
Re: List of engineering colleges offering direct admission on the basis of 12th board marks?

Re: List of Engineering colleges offering direct admission on the basics of 12th board marks?

List of Engineering colleges in India :-----------

1. Rajalakshmi Engineering College, Tamilnadu
2. Assam Engineering College, Assam
3. MVSR Engineering College, Hyderabad
4. Northern India Engineering College, New Delhi
5. CMR Engineering College, Hyderabad
6. Thadomal Shahani Engineering College , Maharashtra
7. Netaji Subhash Engineering College West Bengal
8. VIT University , Vellore
9. SRM University Chennai
10. College of Engineering , Pune
19th July 2015 06:06 PM
Re: List of engineering colleges offering direct admission on the basis of 12th board marks?

List of engineering colleges offering direct admission on the basis of 12th board marks

--Nirma Institute of Technology
--Amrutvahini College Of Engineering
--Park College of Engineering and Technology
--Coimbatore Institute of Technology
--Manipal Institute of Technology
--Sri Satya Sai Institute of Technology
--Jabalpur Engineering College
--Reva engineering college
--saveetha university
--Amity college of engineering
--University of pune
--vbharat university
--Sri venkateswara engineering college
--Jabalpur Engineering College
--Girdhar Institute of Technology
--Sastra University
--Hindustan university
--pune college of engineering
--Maharashtra Institute of Technology
19th July 2015 03:34 PM
Re: List of engineering colleges offering direct admission on the basis of 12th board marks?

List of engineering colleges offering direct admission on the basis of 12th board marks?

(1)Manipal Institute of Technology
(2)Amrutvahini College Of Engineering
(3)srm University
(4)College of Engineering
(5)Maharashtra Institute of Technology
(6)Nirma Institute of Technology
(7)Jabalpur Engineering College
(8)Amity college of engineering
(9)College of Engineering
(10)Girdhar Institute of Technology
(11)University of pune
(12)sri Satya Sai Institute of Technology
(13)pune college of engineering
(14)Sri venkateswara engineering college
(15)Nirma Institute of Technology
(16)Coimbatore Institute of Technology
19th July 2015 02:28 PM
Re: List of engineering colleges offering direct admission on the basis of 12th board marks?

List of engineering colleges offering direct admission on the basis of 12th board marks

--Park College of Engineering and Technology
--Jabalpur Engineering College
--Nirma Institute of Technology
--Amrutvahini College Of Engineering
--Xavier Institute of Engineering
--Manipal Institute of Technology
--Maharashtra Institute of Technology
--rkdf Institute of Technology,
--Dhirubhai Ambani Institute of Information and Communication Technology
--Girdhar Institute of Technology
--Nirma Institute of Technology
--Sri Satya Sai Institute of Technology
--Technocrats Institute of Technology
--Coimbatore Institute of Technology
--Sri Satya Sai Institute of Technology
18th July 2015 03:31 PM
Re: List of engineering colleges offering direct admission on the basis of 12th board marks?

There are lot of engineering colleges which gives you direct admission on the basis of your 2 level marks ..

In chennai :-

a) VELtech university
b) saveetha university
c) mgr university
d) bharat university
e) Hindustan university

In Uttarpradesh :-
1) Amity college of engineering , noida

In Bangalore :-
1) Sri venkateswara engineering college
2) Reva engineering college

In Karnataka
1) Sastra University

In pune
1) pune college of engineering

In Mumbai
1) University of pune .
15th July 2015 01:43 PM
Re: List of engineering colleges offering direct admission on the basis of 12th board marks?

List of engineering colleges offering direct admission on the basis of 12th board marks

There are many engineering colleges in India those provide admission on the basis of 12th Class Marks.They provide admission on college level seats or college level Counseling.

You can also contact me on this no 09074150172 for admission in Engineering College.

--> Maharashtra Institute of Technology (MIT), Pune

--> Technocrats Institute of Technology,Bhopal M.P.

--> Radharaman Institute of Technology,Bhopal M.P.

--> Girdhar Institute of Technology,Bhopal M.P.

--> Sri Satya Sai Institute of Technology,Bhopal M.P.

--> RKDF Institute of Technology,Bhopal M.P.

--> Amrutvahini College Of Engineering - Ahmednagar, Maharashtra

--> College of Engineering - Ahmednagar, Maharashtra

--> Jabalpur Engineering College - Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh

--> Xavier Institute of Engineering (XIE), Mumbai

--> Manipal Institute of Technology (MIT) Manipal

--> Coimbatore Institute of Technology - Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu

--> Dhirubhai Ambani Institute of Information and Communication Technology (DAIICT), Gandhinagar

--> Nirma Institute of Technology, Ahmedabad
17th June 2015 04:03 PM
Re: List of engineering colleges offering direct admission on the basis of 12th board marks?

Institute Name: Vidya Prasarini Sabha's College of Engineering & Technology, Lonavala

E-Mail Address:

Hostel Information (Number of Seats)
Boys - Total 150 Girls - Total 100
27th May 2015 08:41 PM
Re: List of engineering colleges offering direct admission on the basis of 12th board marks?

I got 95.5% in 12 and scored 60 marks in jee mains..will i be able to get a good engineering college without donation in kolkata .please suggest me good eng colleges..
11th May 2015 12:41 PM
Re: List of engineering colleges offering direct admission on the basis of 12th board marks?

I got 97% in 2 exams in andhra pradesh and i hold 97% marks in my group subjects(maths,physics,chemistry) based on this marks which best engineering colleges in tamilnadu will give admissions. mai lid:
21st April 2015 10:19 PM
Re: List of engineering colleges offering direct admission on the basis of 12th board marks?

The list of some best engineering colleges in India that offering direct admission on the basis of 12th class marks :-

Jabalpur Engineering College - Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh

Coimbatore Institute of Technology - Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu

Dhirubhai Ambani Institute of Information and Communication Technology (DAIICT), Gandhinagar

Maharashtra Institute of Technology (MIT), Pune

Xavier Institute of Engineering (XIE), Mumbai

College of Engineering - Ahmednagar, Maharashtra

Park College of Engineering and Technology, Chennai

Nirma Institute of Technology, Ahmedabad

Manipal Institute of Technology (MIT) Manipal

SRM University, Chennai

Amrutvahini College Of Engineering - Ahmednagar, Maharashtra
20th April 2015 03:58 PM
Re: List of engineering colleges offering direct admission on the basis of 12th board marks?

I want names of some pune collages which give admission on the basis of 12th class result plz suggest some i really need ur help
10th April 2015 01:55 PM
Re: List of engineering colleges offering direct admission on the basis of 12th board marks?

sir i want to become a software engineer i have 12 appear what i do for this which college university best for me
29th June 2014 11:11 PM
Re: List of engineering colleges offering direct admission on the basis of 12th board marks?

i have scored 88.2% in CBSE 10 2 and 52 in jee mains which are the good collages i can get admission?
10th June 2014 11:39 AM
Re: List of engineering colleges offering direct admission on the basis of 12th board marks?

sir i got 72.4 marks in 12th class and in jee mains i got 45 which collage is given for me
10th June 2014 11:38 AM
Re: List of engineering colleges offering direct admission on the basis of 12th board marks?

sir i got 72.4 marks in 12th class and in jee mains i got 45 which collage is given for me
9th June 2014 05:04 PM
Re: List of engineering colleges offering direct admission on the basis of 12th board marks?

I have got 85.8% in 12th mp board.can i get admission in any in mp?
9th June 2014 05:03 PM
Re: List of engineering colleges offering direct admission on the basis of 12th board marks?

I have got 85.8% in 12th mp board.can i get admission in any in mp?
31st May 2014 11:52 AM
Re: List of engineering colleges offering direct admission on the basis of 12th board marks?

I hv got 89% marks in U.P board and 92% in PCM,,can i get admission in government clg in on the basis of my 12th %???
25th May 2014 03:21 PM
Re: List of engineering colleges offering direct admission on the basis of 12th board marks?

I got 64.6 overall and 68 in ppm . I want to take admission in engineering college in delhi/not without donation please suggest me good colleges.
17th May 2014 12:20 AM
Re: List of engineering colleges offering direct admission on the basis of 12th board marks?

I got 85% if marks in12th in the state of andhra pradesh ,so plz suggest the good colleges to admission....
4th May 2014 09:36 PM
Re: List of engineering colleges offering direct admission on the basis of 12th board marks?

may i get admission on ap board with 95 percentage with 12th marks in mvj banglore
14th July 2013 07:33 PM
jai karan cse
Re: List of engineering colleges offering direct admission on the basis of 12th board marks?

Originally Posted by sandip bhatolia View Post
61% in 12th board and
49.6% in pcm
plz suggest me college for
lpu cbit hyderbad amity ..........
27th June 2013 07:52 PM
Re: List of engineering colleges offering direct admission on the basis of 12th board marks?

i have got 85% marks in class 12 cbse board ....plz tell some good colleges where i can get admission.
13th June 2013 12:34 PM
Re: List of engineering colleges offering direct admission on the basis of 12th board marks?

i have got 85%marks in 12 cbse board and i want to get admission at colleges in delhi for b.arch course.kindly tell me the colleges which will take direct admission on basis of 12th marks
29th May 2013 07:29 PM
Re: List of engineering colleges offering direct admission on the basis of 12th board marks?

i have scored 64.4% in cbse board and pcm61.3% can u please provide top government colleges where i can get admission if ther are especially in kolkata
21st May 2013 06:15 PM
Re: List of engineering colleges offering direct admission on the basis of 12th board marks?

i hv passed 12th with 85% isc board......can i get direct admission in top engineering college(gov.) in or around UP....if yes....plz provide me that list of colleges...
17th May 2013 09:06 PM
Re: List of engineering colleges offering direct admission on the basis of 12th board marks?

i have done 12 with 87% marks,,,,,,,,,,,,,i which collages can i get admission directly in some top engineering colleges..........plz telldetails ofcolleges
7th May 2013 12:10 PM
Re: List of engineering colleges offering direct admission on the basis of 12th board marks?

sir i secured 94.8% in andhra pradesh state board qualifying examination and 80000 rank in viteee can i get a seat in vit. if not plz suggest me some good colleges for my percent in 12th class
18th June 2012 10:34 PM
Re: List of engineering colleges offering direct admission on the basis of 12th board marks?

Please suggest mee.
I want to take admission in a good engineering college where placement should very good.
But that college should take admission on 12th board marks.
Please suggest me.
13th June 2012 12:04 PM
Re: List of engineering colleges offering direct admission on the basis of 12th board marks?

List of colleges offering admission on the basis of 12th merit basis aftrer securing 93% marks in andhra pradesh board
12th June 2012 05:38 PM
sandip bhatolia
Re: List of engineering colleges offering direct admission on the basis of 12th board marks?

61% in 12th board and
49.6% in pcm
plz suggest me college for
12th June 2012 05:34 PM
Re: List of engineering colleges offering direct admission on the basis of 12th board marks?

i got 61.2% in 12th n pcm 49.6%
plz tell me abt college for
22nd May 2012 12:48 PM
Re: List of engineering colleges offering direct admission on the basis of 12th board marks?

I have got 89% in 12th board ,can we take direct admission in engineering colleges in like galgotia,lpu or any best colleges
19th May 2012 10:55 AM
Re: List of engineering colleges offering direct admission on the basis of 12th board marks?

list of engineering colleges offering direct admission on the basis of 12th board marks in Karnataka
13th May 2012 05:16 PM
Re: List of engineering colleges offering direct admission on the basis of 12th board marks?

The best colleges which provide admission through IPE marks without taking donations are

SASTRA University , Tanjavur ,Tamil Nadu
SSN college , Kalavakkam ,Chennai .

Since you have very good marks , I suggest you to try for above mentioned colleges since these are very well known and top ranked colleges in chennai .
All the best !!
13th May 2012 01:27 PM
Re: List of engineering colleges offering direct admission on the basis of 12th board marks?

i completed my intermediate this year. i scored 92.4% in 12th class.did i get admission in sastra university.
13th May 2012 08:00 AM
Re: List of engineering colleges offering direct admission on the basis of 12th board marks?

i got 94percent in ipe with 95.5 percent in groups i need mechanical branch plz suggest me agood college
26th April 2012 07:41 AM
Re: List of engineering colleges offering direct admission on the basis of 12th board marks?

i scored 95% in 10 2 are there any colleges taking admissin in to engineerig on this basis with out any donation
10th April 2012 04:48 PM
Re: List of engineering colleges offering direct admission on the basis of 12th board marks?

i want to get a good college on the basis of my percentage i.e. 90% in mp board, is there any option to get government colleges of engineering
3rd March 2012 06:15 PM
Re: List of engineering colleges offering direct admission on the basis of 12th board marks?

from 2012 onwards will 40% marks of class 12 be considered to prepare merit list of engineering colleges
30th January 2012 07:22 PM
Re: List of engineering colleges offering direct admission on the basis of 12th board marks?

minimum % required for admission into bits
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