Thread: Cutoff required to join Mechanical Engineering in top 10 engineering colleges of Chennai? Reply to Thread

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10th May 2018 08:18 PM
Re: Cutoff required to join Mechanical Engineering in top 10 engineering colleges of Chennai?

My cutoff is 190 in 12th board exam and I belonged to sc category. Can I join in mechanical engineering in Anna university? ?
11th April 2014 10:33 PM
Re: Cutoff required to join Mechanical Engineering in top 10 engineering colleges of Chennai?

will i get a nice college through coucelling if i get 15o as my cut off and i am oc ?
will i get for engineering
18th June 2013 12:22 AM
Re: Cutoff required to join Mechanical Engineering in top 10 engineering colleges of Chennai?

16th June 2013 09:27 PM
Re: Cutoff required to join Mechanical Engineering in top 10 engineering colleges of Chennai?

sir my name is parvathasamy.v my cut off mark is 161.50 my caste is Bc i selected mechanical department please tell which are the top 20 engineering colleges in chennai please sent mail to [email protected]
11th June 2013 11:02 PM
Re: Cutoff required to join Mechanical Engineering in top 10 engineering colleges of Chennai?

Sir, my cutoff is 188.75. Whether I have any chance to join in ssn college in mech department. Send ur
Opinion to [email protected]
14th May 2013 07:36 PM
Re: Cutoff required to join Mechanical Engineering in top 10 engineering colleges of Chennai?

sir plz reply me my cutoff mark is 188 .i am going to join BE.mechanical .if may have chance to join top 20 colleges.... plz send to my mail id sir.... [email protected] whether i got govt college , PSG or KCT sir.. ply repy fast sir am waity for ur answer sir... plz
13th May 2013 07:31 PM
Re: Cutoff required to join Mechanical Engineering in top 10 engineering colleges of Chennai?

Sir, i am from poor family. my cutoff is 196.75 only. i want to study mechanical engineering in govt. college. whether i can get seats in anna university or PSG or Thiagarajar engg. collge? PLEASE REPLY ME FAST SIR. pls.pls
12th June 2012 12:00 AM
Re: Cutoff required to join Mechanical Engineering in top 10 engineering colleges of Chennai?

Sir my cutoff. Is. 190.25 I want to know. Whether. I can get be be seats in government engineering. College. Please. Reply me fast
7th June 2012 03:34 PM
[email protected]
Re: Cutoff required to join Mechanical Engineering in top 10 engineering colleges of Chennai?


To get Mechanical seat in top ten Engineering colleges in chennai ,
Your cutoff should be 195+ surely .
If not better to apply through management quota to those same top colleges like SSN which provide admission through management quota without any donations

All the best . . . . . . . . . . . .
6th June 2012 11:19 PM
[email protected]
Re: Cutoff required to join Mechanical Engineering in top 10 engineering colleges of Chennai?


I finished my state board 12th std exam this year Mar - 2012.

I want to know the cut off required to join Mechanical Engineering in top 10 engineering colleges in chennai.
I belong to OC Category.

Pls reply soon..[/QUOTE]
3rd June 2012 12:10 PM
Re: Cutoff required to join Mechanical Engineering in top 10 engineering colleges of Chennai?

My cut off mark was 169.33333 so which college is get for this mark in mechanical department .... Send to my mail id [email protected]
1st June 2012 09:49 PM
Re: Cutoff required to join Mechanical Engineering in top 10 engineering colleges of Chennai?

I finished my state board 12th std exam this year Mar - 2012.
I want to know the cut off required to join Mechanical Engineering in top 10 engineering colleges in chennai.
I belong to MAC Category.
Pls reply soon..[
30th May 2012 05:07 PM
Re: Cutoff required to join Mechanical Engineering in top 10 engineering colleges of Chennai?

my cutoff mark is 143 ... category sc. any chance for me to join in ssn...?
29th May 2012 07:21 PM
Re: Cutoff required to join Mechanical Engineering in top 10 engineering colleges of Chennai?

sir, i have secured 1123 in plus two and my cutoff is 189.75 can i join in ssn for mechanical engineering
29th May 2012 01:21 PM
Re: Cutoff required to join Mechanical Engineering in top 10 engineering colleges of Chennai?

I want to know the cut off marks for PSG tech mechanical engg course for 2011 and for 2012 as my son has got 199.25 in his 2012 plus two exams
25th May 2012 06:46 PM
Re: Cutoff required to join Mechanical Engineering in top 10 engineering colleges of Chennai?

My cutoff mark is 185.and then MBC caste .i wil get top placements and good coaching engg clgs in coimbatore
25th May 2012 12:15 AM
Re: Cutoff required to join Mechanical Engineering in top 10 engineering colleges of Chennai?

i've finished my 12th in mar 2012..
And my cut off is 195..
can i pursue mech.engg in ssn? and i belong to OC category..
plz help me instantly.(9791790179)
24th May 2012 11:40 PM
sai ram karuppu
Re: Cutoff required to join Mechanical Engineering in top 10 engineering colleges of Chennai?


I finished my state board 12th std exam this year Mar - 2012.

I want to know the cut off required to join Mechanical Engineering in top 10 engineering colleges in chennai.
I belong to OC Category.

Pls reply soon..
23rd May 2012 05:10 PM
Re: Cutoff required to join Mechanical Engineering in top 10 engineering colleges of Chennai?


I scored 185.75 in 12th state board Exam.I want to know cutoff mark required to join in any good institutions of cheenai and coimbatore for ECE?belong to MBC category.
23rd May 2012 05:07 PM
Re: Cutoff required to join Mechanical Engineering in top 10 engineering colleges of Chennai?

I scored 185.75 cutoff mark in 12th state board exam.I Belong to MBC category.I want to know cut off mark required to join in any good institutions of chennai and coimbatore for ECE?
22nd May 2012 07:59 PM
Re: Cutoff required to join Mechanical Engineering in top 10 engineering colleges of Chennai?

hi my cut off mark 190.75 in 2012 wat college will i get PSG like that?
20th May 2012 10:32 PM
Re: Cutoff required to join Mechanical Engineering in top 10 engineering colleges of Chennai?

cutoff required to join electrical engineering in P.S.G college in coimbatore?
13th May 2012 05:45 PM
Re: Cutoff required to join Mechanical Engineering in top 10 engineering colleges of Chennai?

To get Mechanical seat in top ten Engineering colleges in chennai ,
Your cutoff should be 195+ surely .
If not better to apply through management quota to those same top colleges like SSN which provide admission through management quota without any donations .
All the best .
13th May 2012 12:59 PM
Re: Cutoff required to join Mechanical Engineering in top 10 engineering colleges of Chennai?

what is rank requried to get in top 10 colleges
12th May 2012 05:00 PM
Re: Cutoff required to join Mechanical Engineering in top 10 engineering colleges of Chennai?

Hiiiiiiii,May i know the minimum cutoff mark needed for joining B.Tech (mech) in any good institution in Tamilnadu as i belong to the catogery of MBC?
5th May 2012 04:34 PM
Re: Cutoff required to join Mechanical Engineering in top 10 engineering colleges of Chennai?

please send me the cut off marks......

my batch is march 2012
22nd April 2012 04:59 PM
Re: Cutoff required to join Mechanical Engineering in top 10 engineering colleges of Chennai?

I've completed 12th std now.(mar 2012).
I desire to pusue Mechanical engineering in PSG Tech Coimbatore.
I would like to know the cut off marks required.

Pls reply instantly.
call @ 9092394145
22nd April 2012 04:58 PM
Re: Cutoff required to join Mechanical Engineering in top 10 engineering colleges of Chennai?

I've completed 12th std now.(mar 2012).
I desire to pusue Mechanical engineering in PSG Tech Coimbatore.
I would like to know the cut off marks required.

Pls reply instantly.
call @ 9092394145
22nd April 2012 04:57 PM
Re: Cutoff required to join Mechanical Engineering in top 10 engineering colleges of Chennai?

I've completed 12th std now.(mar 2012).
I desire to pusue Mechanical engineering in PSG Tech Coimbatore.
I would like to know the cut off marks required.

Pls reply instantly.
call @
17th April 2012 11:27 PM
Re: Cutoff required to join Mechanical Engineering in top 10 engineering colleges of Chennai?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post

I finished my state board 12th std exam this year Mar - 2012.

I want to know the cut off required to join Mechanical Engineering in top 10 engineering colleges in chennai.
I belong to OC Category.

Pls reply soon..


Hi Folk in chennai we have lot of engineering colleges available also each colleges is not equal to other colleges .so depends on your mark you might proceed

The minmum cutoff marks is 198/200 as to your category

Best Of Luck
17th April 2012 06:41 PM
Re: Cutoff required to join Mechanical Engineering in top 10 engineering colleges of Chennai?

As i am want to know more about mechanical engineering and the cut off mark also in top engineering colleges in chennai and also i attach my cell no 9597136786 and i belonging to the category of MBC MUSLIM
16th April 2012 09:05 PM
Cutoff required to join Mechanical Engineering in top 10 engineering colleges of Chennai?


I finished my state board 12th std exam this year Mar - 2012.

I want to know the cut off required to join Mechanical Engineering in top 10 engineering colleges in chennai.
I belong to OC Category.

Pls reply soon..

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