Thread: What is the exact date of announcement of 10th ICSE results? Reply to Thread

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17th May 2012 07:57 PM
Re: What is the exact date of announcement of 10th ICSE results?

nah abhi tk to nhi aaya
17th May 2012 07:53 PM
Re: What is the exact date of announcement of 10th ICSE results?

plz tell us the exact date . for icse 10th .... plz plz plz .....
17th May 2012 03:42 PM
Re: What is the exact date of announcement of 10th ICSE results?

will u pleas tell me d exact date of CBSE result.........plsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss./................ remember CBSE......
17th May 2012 01:35 PM
Re: What is the exact date of announcement of 10th ICSE results?

sir plzzz tell me the exact and accurate date of the declaration of ICSE results X 2012 .fast sir i am qager to know
16th May 2012 11:03 PM
Re: What is the exact date of announcement of 10th ICSE results?

dear sir,kindly tell me the accurate date of the declaration of the icse board results 2012....its a very curious and nervous situation.
16th May 2012 11:02 PM
Re: What is the exact date of announcement of 10th ICSE results?

Sir what is the exact date of 10 icse results
16th May 2012 10:59 PM
Re: What is the exact date of announcement of 10th ICSE results?

when is the exact date of icse 10th results? is it on17th or 19th?
16th May 2012 10:37 PM
Re: What is the exact date of announcement of 10th ICSE results?

Can just send me a message @ 8797906451 on which website the result will be out
16th May 2012 10:26 PM
Re: What is the exact date of announcement of 10th ICSE results?

please tell me the date of icse result
16th May 2012 08:13 PM
Re: What is the exact date of announcement of 10th ICSE results?

17th of may most probably or definetely 3rd week of may
16th May 2012 06:42 PM
Re: What is the exact date of announcement of 10th ICSE results?

Is 17 may is confirmed for icse result?
16th May 2012 06:40 PM
Re: What is the exact date of announcement of 10th ICSE results?

i want to know if 17 may is confirmed date for icse 10 result or not?
16th May 2012 01:26 PM
Re: What is the exact date of announcement of 10th ICSE results?

when will be results declare of class x icse and at which time?
16th May 2012 12:37 PM
Re: What is the exact date of announcement of 10th ICSE results?

anyone can tell me the exact date of icse result 2012 that when it is coming.?
16th May 2012 12:28 PM
Re: What is the exact date of announcement of 10th ICSE results?

what is the website for the 10th icse result??
16th May 2012 12:14 PM
Re: What is the exact date of announcement of 10th ICSE results?

Is it true that 10 icse result is being declared on 17 may.
16th May 2012 02:21 AM
Re: What is the exact date of announcement of 10th ICSE results?

Exact date n timing of icse class 10 results....???!!
16th May 2012 01:09 AM
Re: What is the exact date of announcement of 10th ICSE results?

i want 2 know d exact date of declaration of 10 icse results

can any1 help me out?
16th May 2012 12:25 AM
Re: What is the exact date of announcement of 10th ICSE results?

is it compulsary to add environmental education marks icse best five
15th May 2012 10:37 PM
Re: What is the exact date of announcement of 10th ICSE results?

on may 17th....
15th May 2012 10:27 PM
Re: What is the exact date of announcement of 10th ICSE results?

Date of result(ICSE)?
15th May 2012 07:15 PM
Re: What is the exact date of announcement of 10th ICSE results?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Sir ,
Will thou tell me the exact date of announcement of 10th ICSE result
17 may
15th May 2012 06:25 PM
Re: What is the exact date of announcement of 10th ICSE results?

exact date of announcement of 10th ICSE result\
16 may 2012
best of luck for your result
15th May 2012 04:42 PM
Re: What is the exact date of announcement of 10th ICSE results?

website for isc and icse is but they havent yet published the result declaration date in their official website.......some are saying 'tis 17th may and some 20th of may!!I'M CONFUSED!!!!

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
when will be the result of i.c.s.c board 2012 class 10 will be declaired
y should i tell y....
15th May 2012 04:11 PM
Re: What is the exact date of announcement of 10th ICSE results?

When will we get the result of class Xth....
15th May 2012 02:10 PM
Re: What is the exact date of announcement of 10th ICSE results?

what is d exact date & website for ICSE result?
15th May 2012 12:49 PM
Re: What is the exact date of announcement of 10th ICSE results?

sir plz can u tell when is the 10th icse result plz.......
15th May 2012 12:34 PM
Re: What is the exact date of announcement of 10th ICSE results?

sir when is icse class 10th result is coming?
15th May 2012 02:23 AM
Re: What is the exact date of announcement of 10th ICSE results?

Tel me d exact date of icse resuults or pls dont declare dem v allbwil b vrry happppppppppppppy.
15th May 2012 12:08 AM
Re: What is the exact date of announcement of 10th ICSE results?

please tell me the exact website for the ICSE result.
14th May 2012 10:31 PM
Re: What is the exact date of announcement of 10th ICSE results?

what is d xact date for icse 10th results.?
14th May 2012 04:26 PM
Re: What is the exact date of announcement of 10th ICSE results?

plze tell me perfect date when 10th icse results come in 2012
14th May 2012 04:12 PM
Re: What is the exact date of announcement of 10th ICSE results?

can u plz tell the exact date of announcement of 10th icse results
14th May 2012 02:53 PM
Re: What is the exact date of announcement of 10th ICSE results?

14th May 2012 02:41 PM
Re: What is the exact date of announcement of 10th ICSE results?

when will the std 10th icse board results be decleared ?
14th May 2012 08:34 AM
Re: What is the exact date of announcement of 10th ICSE results?

when class 12 isc results will be declared...
14th May 2012 07:07 AM
Re: What is the exact date of announcement of 10th ICSE results?

i want to say what is the exat date of declaration of result
13th May 2012 11:03 PM
Re: What is the exact date of announcement of 10th ICSE results?

exact date of result of 10th 2012
13th May 2012 10:44 PM
Re: What is the exact date of announcement of 10th ICSE results?

sir, it will be on 17thmay
13th May 2012 09:49 PM
Re: What is the exact date of announcement of 10th ICSE results?

may i know when will be the exact date for the icse class 10th's 2012 results be declaired and where and in which website will i get the informations ?
13th May 2012 08:41 PM
Re: What is the exact date of announcement of 10th ICSE results?

when are the results for icse 2012 going to be declared?
13th May 2012 06:34 PM
Re: What is the exact date of announcement of 10th ICSE results?

Sir please tell what was the exact date for icse board result
13th May 2012 02:44 PM
Re: What is the exact date of announcement of 10th ICSE results?

let me know the date of 10th 2012 result announcement date.ICSE
13th May 2012 12:14 PM
Re: What is the exact date of announcement of 10th ICSE results?

Sir pls tell the exact date of icse 10th...
13th May 2012 02:18 AM
Re: What is the exact date of announcement of 10th ICSE results?

sir can u plz tel me that when is the declaration of 10th icse results..?
13th May 2012 01:46 AM
Re: What is the exact date of announcement of 10th ICSE results?

at what date will the icse2012 results be declared?
13th May 2012 12:19 AM
Re: What is the exact date of announcement of 10th ICSE results?

you have given 10th class exam from ICSE board.
there is no any announcement for 10th class exam.
Result will be come approximate 17 May 2012.
you have to still little wait for your result.
for more update you can visit:
best of luck for result.
12th May 2012 11:53 PM
Re: What is the exact date of announcement of 10th ICSE results?

When will 10 & 12 C.B.S.E. result announced
12th May 2012 10:22 PM
Re: What is the exact date of announcement of 10th ICSE results?

May I know the exact date for the declaration of standard 10 ICSE result ??

12th May 2012 09:58 PM
Re: What is the exact date of announcement of 10th ICSE results?

Icse result wil declair on 17may...
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