Thread: Are there good salaries and jobs in Aviation Industry? Reply to Thread

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14th April 2016 02:46 PM
Re: Are there good salaries and jobs in Aviation Industry?

Hey Guys,
I am doing diploma in mechatronics engg. BT somehow I got detained & now I am no more interested in engg. & I have done diploma after my 10th to join aviation field after 10th ? Is there any external exams for 12th in any stream happening ? Plzz..suggest me & tell me the best institute !! Thanks
8th April 2016 08:49 PM
Re: Are there good salaries and jobs in Aviation Industry?

What is bcom with aviation?please tell me some good institutes of bcom with aviation
8th April 2016 08:43 PM
Re: Are there good salaries and jobs in Aviation Industry?

What is bcom with aviation?please tell me some good institutes of bcom with aviation
8th April 2016 08:40 PM
Re: Are there good salaries and jobs in Aviation Industry?

What is bcom with aviation?please tell me some good institutes of bcom with aviation
11th April 2015 01:52 PM
Re: Are there good salaries and jobs in Aviation Industry?

I have completed MBA and pgdhrm is there any good opportunity to boost up my carrier at aviation sector ?
Kindly direct me the right path.......I m in a big dilemma ????
10th April 2015 03:10 AM
Re: Are there good salaries and jobs in Aviation Industry?

Originally Posted by swati123 View Post
If you are really interested in Aviation Industry, then you can certainly go for an Aviation job. The pay is indeed good and the job quite interesting.If you are aiming for Aviation Management, then you can land jobs like Account-Operations Manager, Regional Manager - Maintenance Services, etc. You can also opt for office and administrative jobs. If you are thinking only about money, then Aviation Manegement will be a far better option to courses like BBA or
Should i take a diploma or not in case of diploma which is the best i dont like accounts field
22nd July 2013 07:56 PM
Re: Are there good salaries and jobs in Aviation Industry?

Best aviation course institute/college in mumbai ?
26th March 2013 08:34 PM
Re: Are there good salaries and jobs in Aviation Industry?

Other Popular Job Openings in Aviation Sector:

Aircraft Engineer
Flight Instructor
Aircraft Technician
Flight Operations Support Personnel
Flight Engineer
Cargo Pilot
Airport Services
Aircraft Maintenance Engineers

In a way, airline jobs can be considered to be very high paying too. They can even be six figure income jobs. A good experience can help you get a high income job and expected responsibilities along with it. Ultimately, we can call an airline job a good combination of hard work with high income and a no-cost adventure.
By Amita Halbe
25th January 2013 02:53 PM
Re: Are there good salaries and jobs in Aviation Industry?

i am arts graduate, which course is best for me.
31st May 2012 12:23 AM
Re: Are there good salaries and jobs in Aviation Industry?

What will be the fees for AVIATION MANAGEMENT for 3 years degree!! Can a 12 std commerce student apply for Aviation?
Plzz reply!!!
17th February 2012 09:21 PM
Re: Are there good salaries and jobs in Aviation Industry?

i had completed my 10 2 n i m intresting to do job in airline sector as cabin crew. But i cant aford the course fee of cabin crew training can i directly apply for the cabin crew job.
10th February 2012 06:58 PM
Re: Are there good salaries and jobs in Aviation Industry?

aviation industry have a good salary package and also good opportunity.

if you have enough interest on aviation industry then you should choose it.

for more detail contact at 09927100960, or visit us at
12th October 2011 04:48 PM
Re: Are there good salaries and jobs in Aviation Industry?

Is there a good scope in aviation management field??

I am currently in class 12th.. Although its my first and foremost aim to enter aviation industry as i acquire a keen interest in it
but i do not have much knowledge regarding that....
kindly suggest me, i am very confused!
Thank You.
27th September 2011 12:48 AM
Re: Are there good salaries and jobs in Aviation Industry?

Hello sir iam SriCharan ihav complted my 2 Bipc iwas very much intrested in Aviation soosir Am I eligeble 4 Bba in aviation. And iwas very much intrested To become a pilot aftr da completion of bba can I go for it pls rply for me sit iwas confused vt my carere my mail id : [email protected]
27th September 2011 12:45 AM
Re: Are there good salaries and jobs in Aviation Industry?

Hello sir iam SriCharan ihav complted my 2 Bipc iwas very much intrested in Aviation soosir Am I eligeble 4 Bba in aviation. And iwas very much intrested To become a pilot aftr da completion of bba can I go for it pls rply for me sit iwas confused vt my carere my mail id : [email protected]
28th August 2011 04:52 AM
Re: Are there good salaries and jobs in Aviation Industry?

Dear Sir/Madam,
I'm a final year student of BBA in (HR). I want to get job in a wellknown Aviation (Airline) industry. So,

1. Please tell me some of good institutes of Aviation, recognized by IATA and UFTAA ?
2. What kind of job I can get after finishing MBA (Aviation) or, Cabin crew course ?
3. What'll be tha salary after finishing Cabin crew or, MBA in Aviation ?

Please reply as soon as possible.
13th July 2011 02:37 PM
Re: Are there good salaries and jobs in Aviation Industry?

what would be the pay package?
13th July 2011 01:50 AM
Re: Are there good salaries and jobs in Aviation Industry?

i have done bachelor in computer application and i have completed mba in aviation. will i get jobs in aviation,and for ground staff my personality is not good.????
2nd June 2011 05:19 PM
Re: Are there good salaries and jobs in Aviation Industry?

dont waste your time in aviation there are very less opertunities
28th May 2011 12:48 PM
Re: Are there good salaries and jobs in Aviation Industry?

i have just passed my 12th with 60% ..n i want to opt for aviation course...i want to ask that m i capable of goin in to the line of aviation......
23rd May 2011 09:48 PM
Re: Are there good salaries and jobs in Aviation Industry?

can u specify about the jobs for a fresh ece students...?
15th May 2011 10:27 AM
Re: Are there good salaries and jobs in Aviation Industry?

4month after i will get degree of final and i want to get job in aviation
13th May 2011 06:35 AM
Re: Are there good salaries and jobs in Aviation Industry?

aviation industry have a good salary package and also good opportunity.

if you have enough interest on aviation industry then you should choose it. may be the available job is less but competition also less. after completion of your study on aviation technology you have to do some training. after that you will be able to join in company or as government employee as a pilot or other aeroplane related post. india airlines, jet airlines etc are the company those recruit aviation technology students. also they give good salary. so do not think about salary. if you have interest then go for it.

13th May 2011 01:30 AM
Re: Are there good salaries and jobs in Aviation Industry?

Hi dear,
Always do the things according to your choice or interest as you said that you have interest in Aviation Industries then go for it...

The current growth rate in domestic and international travel exceeds 25%, the highest in the world.

Also the aviation industry is expected to grow at a compounded annual growth rate of 25% tat the end of 2010.

So it has a very good future scope in the near future..Go for it without any confusion..

Best Wishes...
13th May 2011 12:55 AM
Re: Are there good salaries and jobs in Aviation Industry?

ya this is the best of best opt for job
12th May 2011 10:36 PM
Re: Are there good salaries and jobs in Aviation Industry?

Aviation is a good career. You can reach upto new heights of success with it.

If you had science with PCM at 10+2 level you can lead the aviation industry by becoming a commercial pilot.

The salary of a commercial pilot new recruit is almost 1.0 to 2.0 lacs per month, and it increases with experience.

Avaition management is also a good job. For students from BBA or B.Com you can enter as flight stewards, ground duties, ticketing and etc. Salary is around 30,000 to 40,000/- per month and increases with experience.
25th April 2011 11:37 AM
Re: Are there good salaries and jobs in Aviation Industry?

Originally Posted by krushangi View Post
i just finished my 12th..
i am confused in what career to choose ?
i have heard alot about aviation industry and i do have intrest in it..!
but is it a good career in future..? as in getting jobs and a good pay.
because i am a commerce student and i would prefer aviation managment.
or should i go for something like BBA or BCOM??
as your quetion now aviation industry dont have scope now as present situation upto 5 year and rather than you have to move for bba which is help you for mba and after bba you can move for aviation industry if you smart and have exellent communication skilll then on this bases you will get select.good luck bye
11th April 2011 06:38 PM
Mayank Shekhar
Re: Are there good salaries and jobs in Aviation Industry?

If you are really interested in Aviation Industry, then you can certainly go for an Aviation job. The pay is indeed good and the job quite interesting.If you are aiming for Aviation Management, then you can land jobs like Account-Operations Manager, Regional Manager - Maintenance Services, etc. You can also opt for office and administrative jobs. If you are thinking only about money, then Aviation Manegement will be a far better option to courses like BBA or
11th April 2011 06:02 PM
Re: Are there good salaries and jobs in Aviation Industry?

hi dear
Aviation industry is known for good salary packages. your salary generally starts from around 35000 and 40000 and can reach upto 120000 to 190000 after gaining some it has good career opportunities and is evergreen field. since your stream is commerce you can also go for after that try for CA/CS/Icw e.t.c

11th April 2011 06:01 PM
Re: Are there good salaries and jobs in Aviation Industry?

hi dear
aviation industry have a good salary package and also good opportunity.

if you have enough interest on aviation industry then you should choose it. may be the available job is less but competition also less. after completion of your study on aviation technology you have to do some training. after that you will be able to join in company or as government employee as a pilot or other aeroplane related post. india airlines, jet airlines etc are the company those recruit aviation technology students. also they give good salary. so do not think about salary. if you have interest then go for it.

7th April 2011 12:50 PM
Re: Are there good salaries and jobs in Aviation Industry?

Hi friends i am priya just now i finished my i am interested in MBA for that i am preparing,but i dont have interest in finance,IT,HR,marketing,i want to do MBA in different stream .In which compition and crowd should be less and salary and post should be good.I came to know some stream such as aviation management,safety and disaster management which one will be good among these i am really confused please help me guys although aviation management is attracting me but i am affraid it will be right option aor not after some time can it will be down..??yeah i know i asked many question ,please help e friends i need your kind advice:) reply as soon as possible.
17th February 2011 07:43 PM
Re: Are there good salaries and jobs in Aviation Industry?

Please,what training can bring a good pay is it flight training officer or travel and tourism?
17th February 2011 07:37 PM
Re: Are there good salaries and jobs in Aviation Industry?

Tankz 4al d informations u av givn bt with what can you easily get a job is it doing flight operation officers or travel and tourism agent
25th January 2011 05:58 PM
Re: Are there good salaries and jobs in Aviation Industry?

Hello sir, i am naveen im doing final through correspondence and due to some financial problem i am working elsewhere and i am very much intrested to go for aviation industry because i have to takecare of my family i am the elder son of my parents i have a sister so i heard that they pay more... . please guide me am i eligible for that industry ? which is the best career job plz help me i am totally confused where to settled and earn fairly........... this is my gmail id plz mail me [email protected]
24th January 2011 09:37 PM
Re: Are there good salaries and jobs in Aviation Industry?

Hi, My wife wants to join for an IATA course. She is going to join for the IATA foundation certificate course. Please anyone give their valuable suggestion about this course? Is this course good to get a job in Aviation industry?

Thank you in advance..
14th January 2011 04:44 PM
Re: Are there good salaries and jobs in Aviation Industry?

aviation industry offers good jobs with handsome salaries for some good and sharp peoples.many airline industry are preferring these quality persons.and if you think that you are 100% eligible for it,then go for it..all the best!
13th January 2011 08:30 PM
Re: Are there good salaries and jobs in Aviation Industry?

Dear Sir/Madam,
I'm a final year student of BBA in (HR). I want to get job in a wellknown Aviation (Airline) industry. So,

1. Please tell me some of good institutes of Aviation, recognized by IATA and UFTAA ?
2. What kind of job I can get after finishing MBA (Aviation) or, Cabin crew course ?
3. What'll be tha salary after finishing Cabin crew or, MBA in Aviation ?

Please reply as soon as possible.
10th January 2011 08:28 AM
Re: Are there good salaries and jobs in Aviation Industry?

i have done my cpl in 2009 and waiting for job is there any job in 2011 and whats your view about aviation growth in 2011-
16th December 2010 11:28 PM
Garima Khandelwal
Re: Are there good salaries and jobs in Aviation Industry?

Absolutely, there is good salaries in aviation field but you should take care that one mistake can damage or even destroy your career in this field. so, if you have complete faith in yourself, no one can stop you. go on..
6th December 2010 08:15 PM
Re: Are there good salaries and jobs in Aviation Industry?

Entering aviation field doing engineering or after MBA gives you jobs with good payscale.

Average payscale of aviation field falls in top five of all professions....
so regarding payscale and salary nothing to worry
6th December 2010 04:54 PM
Re: Are there good salaries and jobs in Aviation Industry?

yes there is grate salaries packages in aviation you can able to earn rs.40000 to rs.50000 and many more after gaining more experience
5th December 2010 11:12 PM
Re: Are there good salaries and jobs in Aviation Industry?

Aviation industry is known for good salary packages. your salary generally starts from around 35000 and 40000 and can reach upto 120000 to 190000 after gaining some it has good career opportunities and is evergreen field. since your stream is commerce you can also go for after that try for CA/CS/Icw e.t.c
5th December 2010 09:45 PM
Re: Are there good salaries and jobs in Aviation Industry?

good salaries and jobs in Aviation Industry

its good to see you that you have planned to do job in aviation industry
yes if you get job in this field youwill be going to have bright future
for aviation management you must do bba or mba

good luck.
5th December 2010 01:35 PM
Re: Are there good salaries and jobs in Aviation Industry?

Fresher salary is around Rs 1.5 Lakh per month for domestic . Salary moves up rapidly with year of experience and on the international route. Experienced on international can get 5-6 lakh Rupees per month as salary.
4th December 2010 10:01 PM
Re: Are there good salaries and jobs in Aviation Industry?

what basic salary can one get after doing avition course after 12th..can one become PRO on this basis . if yes how much time it will take n what will the salary ?
17th November 2010 10:00 PM
Re: Are there good salaries and jobs in Aviation Industry?

you can able to got lucrative job when u finished a course in aviation in india and around the world.
17th November 2010 01:00 PM
Satwinderpal Singh Sandhu
Re: Are there good salaries and jobs in Aviation Industry?

Originally Posted by krushangi View Post
i just finished my 12th..
i am confused in what career to choose ?
i have heard alot about aviation industry and i do have intrest in it..!
but is it a good career in future..? as in getting jobs and a good pay.
because i am a commerce student and i would prefer aviation managment.
or should i go for something like BBA or BCOM??
There are lot of job opportunities in the aviation industry and the salaries are also paid reasonably well. As a career move it will be better to do your graduation since you have finished only your 12th. While doing your graduation you can do a course from IATA to get into the aviation industry
17th November 2010 12:37 PM
Re: Are there good salaries and jobs in Aviation Industry?

Ater finishing my B.E i try to do MBA in AViation but it is difficult to find good colleges and also financilly steady person can do Aviation course.It is available in delhi,Bangalore.chennai and so on
17th November 2010 12:12 PM
gurraj singh
Re: Are there good salaries and jobs in Aviation Industry?

Originally Posted by krushangi View Post
i just finished my 12th..
i am confused in what career to choose ?
i have heard alot about aviation industry and i do have intrest in it..!
but is it a good career in future..? as in getting jobs and a good pay.
because i am a commerce student and i would prefer aviation managment.
or should i go for something like BBA or BCOM??
dear friend,
There are good salaries and jobs in Aviation Industry but in few posts
check the details of different flights service.
you can apply
17th November 2010 11:07 AM
Re: Are there good salaries and jobs in Aviation Industry?

There Is Good Sal In the Aviation job No Doubt But If U R Not Interested THen Y U R Spoiling Ur Life Just Do Wat U Like I Like Aviation and I Will Join it Bec There Is Less Work And High Payment
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