Thread: Colleges offering the course in BSc Honors in Genetics? Reply to Thread

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3rd June 2015 02:50 AM
Re: Colleges offering the course in BSc Honors in Genetics?


Collages in which you can study Bs.c genetics are listed below:-

Dyal singh collage ,kernal.
Institute of genetic engineering.
K.T Patil collage of Nursing.
Sagar Collage of Bs.c Nursing.
Andhra University.
Maharani Lakshmi Ammanni Collage.

all the best.
15th August 2013 05:27 PM
Re: Colleges offering the course in BSc Honors in Genetics?


Colleges where you can study BSc. Genetics:

Dyal Singh College, Karnal.Kurukshetra University,Haryana

Ayya Nadar Janaki Ammal College(Autonomous), Madurai Kamaraj University Tamil Nadu

Government Science College.Bangalore University.Karnataka

Goutham College of Physiotherapy,Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences Karnataka

Institute of Genetic Engineering,West Bengal University of Technology (WBUT),West Bengal

Maharani Lakshmi Ammanni College for Women.Bangalore University Karnataka
15th August 2013 02:27 PM
Re: Colleges offering the course in BSc Honors in Genetics?

Originally Posted by juli singh View Post
i want to know about bsc honors in genetics. which colleges offering this course. give information about goverment colleges offering this course and there fee details also. what are the scope in this field.

You can do B.Sc. Honours in Genetic by qualifying an entrance exam.

Eligibility for B.Sc. Genetics exam –

You should have passed 12th with Physics, Chemistry, Maths / Biology with 60% marks.

List of colleges offering B.Sc. Genetics in India~~

Sami Arul Arts and science college, Bharathidasan University, tamil Nadu

National arts and science college, Bharathidasan University, Tamil Nadu

Institute of genetic engineering, West Bengal university of technology, West Bengal

Pavender Bharathidasan College of arts and science

Sambharam academy of management studies, Karnataka

Government science college, Bangalore university

M S Ramaiah College of arts and scine and commerce, Karnataka

AVC college, Tamil Nadu

Presidency college, Bangalore University

R K College, Uttar Pradesh

Scope of B.Sc. genetics ~~

You can find these kinds of jobs after this course -

Research scientist

Field service engineer

Production control analyst


Medical writer

Biotech companies jobs
15th August 2013 02:24 PM
Re: Colleges offering the course in BSc Honors in Genetics?

Originally Posted by juli singh View Post
i want to know about bsc honors in genetics. which colleges offering this course. give information about goverment colleges offering this course and there fee details also. what are the scope in this field.

List of Top Colleges Offering BSc In Genetics

Dyal Singh College, Karnal
Address: GT Rd, Dyal Singh Colony, Karnal, HR 132001
Phone:0184 225 2030 ext. 2251087

Presidency College Bangalore University,Karnataka
Address: Kempapura Main Rd, Hebbal Kempapura, Bangalore, KA 560024
Phone:080 4247 8700

Maharani Lakshmi Ammanni College for Women
Address: 18th Cross,Margosa Road, Malleshwaram, Bangalore, Karnataka 560012, Margosa Rd, Malleshwaram, Bangalore, Karnataka 560055
Phone:080 2356 5727

Ayya Nadar Janaki Ammal College
Address: State Highway 42, Sivakasi, TN 626124
Phone: 04562 254 100

Government Science College

Institute of Genetic Engineering

Padmashree Institute of Management

University Arts & Science College, Kakatiya University

Goutham College of Physiotherapy

15th August 2013 02:07 PM
vikash kumar prajapati
Re: Colleges offering the course in BSc Honors in Genetics?

Originally Posted by juli singh View Post
i want to know about bsc honors in genetics. which colleges offering this course. give information about goverment colleges offering this course and there fee details also. what are the scope in this field. Honors in Genetics in a 3 years bachelor degree course.Only candidates who have good skills in Biology will be eligible to take admission in this course.Eligibility required to take admission in Genetics(Honors) course is as follows :
  • Your should be passed out in Inter with Physics,Chemistry and Biology from a recognized board/university.
  • Your aggregate marks in Physics and Chemistry should be 60%.
  • Your aggregate marks in Biology paper should be 75%.
  • You should have a English paper in class 10th and 12th.
There are various government colleges which provides this course.These colleges are :
  • Bhavans Vivekanada College of Science,Humanities and Commerce,Uttar pradesh.
  • College of Science and Management Studies,West Bengal.
  • AWH College,Kallai.
  • Grand Roadwilson College.
  • Mumbai Central Medical College.
  • Matunga Ramnarayan Ruai College.
  • Nav Chaitanya degree college.
  • National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro Sciences.
  • Andhra University.
  • K.T Patil College of Nursing.
  • Sagar College of Nursing.
Fee structure details for Genetics(Honors) :
  1. Admission Fee - Rs 15,000(One time payable and not refundable).
  2. Security Money - Rs 10,000(One time payable and refundable).
  3. Per semester fee - Rs 25,700.
  4. Examination Fee per semester - Rs 12,00.
  5. Library Charges per semester - Rs 1,800.
Scopes after completing in Genetics :

~Clinical Geneticist.
~Genetic Counselor.
~Regulatory Process Manager.
~Cytogenetic Technologist.
~Forensic Scientist.
~Molecular Genetic Clinical Lab Scientist.
~Animal Breeder.
15th August 2013 11:49 AM
bat cool
Re: Colleges offering the course in BSc Honors in Genetics?


The best colleges to join for B.Sc Genetics honors are
  • AWH Special College
  • Dayananda Sagar Institutions (DSI), Bangalor
  • Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar
  • Kakatiya University (KU), Warangal
  • Padmashree Group
  • St. George College of Management, Science & Nursing

all the best
15th August 2013 10:38 AM
Re: Colleges offering the course in BSc Honors in Genetics?

Originally Posted by juli singh View Post
i want to know about bsc honors in genetics. which colleges offering this course. give information about goverment colleges offering this course and there fee details also. what are the scope in this field.
Colleges offering the course in BSc Honors in Genetics

1.Goutham College of Physiotherapy
2.Institute of Genetic Engineering
3.Maharani Lakshmi Ammanni College
4.Dyal Singh College
5.Annai College of Arts and Science Barathidasan
6.National Arts And Science College Barathidasan
14th August 2013 11:35 PM
Re: Colleges offering the course in BSc Honors in Genetics?

Re: Colleges offering the course in BSc Honors in Genetics?

Hi friend,

The best suitable colleges offering the course in BSc Honors in Genetics are-

1. Institute of Genetic Engineering,West Bengal

2. National Arts And Science College, Tamil Nadu

3. Government Science College.Bangalore University.Karnataka

4. MVLU College of Arts and Science,Maharashtra

5. A.V.C College,Tamil Nadu.

all the best............
14th August 2013 05:30 PM
Re: Colleges offering the course in BSc Honors in Genetics?

Dear friend these are best Colleges offering the course in BSc Honors in Genetics:-

- R.K. College Bihar Allahabad Agricultural Institute Allahabad University, Uttar pradesh

- Goutham college of physio therapy, Rajiv Gandhi University of Health sciences, Karnataka

- University Arts and science college, Kakatiya University, Andhrapradesh

- Meenakshi Ramaswamy Arts and science college, Tamilnadu

- M.S. Ramaiah college of Arts science and commerce, Karnataka

- Sambharam Academy of management studies, Karnataka

- Presidency College Bangalore University, karnataka

- Institute of Genetic Engineering, West Bengal

- National Arts and Science college, Tamilnadu

- Government science college, Bangalore University

- MVLU college of arts and science, Maharashtra

- Ayya Nadar Janaki Ammal college, Tamilnadu

- A.V.C college, Tamilnadu

Good luck.........
29th March 2013 12:45 AM
Re: Colleges offering the course in BSc Honors in Genetics?

Can u pls guide me which is better, BSc biotechnology (hons.) or BSc genetics (hons.)?? Can u pls recommend me some good government colleges in india to pursue bsc. biotech (hons.) and what are its benefits.pls reply me on my [email protected]
30th January 2013 10:20 AM
Re: Colleges offering the course in BSc Honors in Genetics?

Dear Friend,

The Colleges Offering BSc Honors In Genetics are :

* Presidency College - Bangalore

* Annai College of Arts & Science

* Government Science College

* A.V.C College - Tamilnadu

* Allahabad University - Allahabad

* Dyal Singh College - Karnal

* Kakatiya University - Andhra Pradesh

* R.K.College - Bihar

This is the information i have to the best of my knowledge regarding your query. Hope the information will help you to the extent you want.
11th January 2013 07:38 PM
Re: Colleges offering the course in BSc Honors in Genetics?

Colleges offering the course in BSc Honors in Genetics

National Arts and Science college, Tamilnadu
Institute of Genetic Engineering College

Annai College of Arts and Science

Padmasree Institute of Management

Goutham College

Government science college, Bangalore University

MVLU college of arts and science, Maharashtra

A.V.C college, Tamilnadu

Ayya Nadar Janaki Ammal college, Tamilnadu

University Arts and science college, Kakatiya University, Andhrapradesh

Presidency College Bangalore University, karnataka

Sambharam Academy of management studies, Karnataka

Meenakshi Ramaswamy Arts and science college, Tamilnadu

Goutham college of physio therapy, Rajiv Gandhi University of Health sciences, Karnataka

R.K. College Bihar Allahabad Agricultural Institute Allahabad University, Uttar pradesh
15th December 2012 02:21 PM
Re: Colleges offering the course in BSc Honors in Genetics?


Colleges offering the course in BSc Honors in Genetics

1.goutham coll.
2.govt. science coll.
3.inst. of genetic engineering
4.annai coll. of arts & science
5.avc coll.
6.padmashree inst. of mgmt.
7.univ. of arts & science coll.
8.dyal singh coll.
9.presidency coll.
10.awh special coll.

all the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
16th July 2012 01:23 AM
Re: Colleges offering the course in BSc Honors in Genetics?

Colleges List : -

Government Science College

Institute of Genetic Engineering College

Annai College of Arts and Science

Padmasree Institute of Management

Goutham College

AVC College

All the best
9th July 2012 12:49 PM
Re: Colleges offering the course in BSc Honors in Genetics?

Top Colleges offering B.Sc in genetics:

A. W. H. Special College

Ayya Nadar Janaki Ammal College

Dyal Singh College, Karnal

Goutham College of Physiotherapy

Government Science College

Institute of Genetic Engineering

Maharani Lakshmi Ammanni College for Women

Padmashree Institute of Management

University Arts & Science College, Kakatiya University

Presidency College Bangalore University,Karnataka

Annai College of Arts and Science
8th July 2012 11:00 PM
Re: Colleges offering the course in BSc Honors in Genetics?

Institute of Genetic Engineering,West Bengal University of Technology (WBUT),West Bengal

Government Science College.Bangalore University.Karnataka

Maharani Lakshmi Ammanni College for Women.Bangalore University Karnataka

Dyal Singh College, Karnal.Kurukshetra University,Haryana

M .Sc. (Agri .) Biotechnology /M . V Sc. Animal Biotechnology-Candidateswith Bachelor's degree in Agriculture, Horticulture, Forestry, Fisheries, Veterinary Sciences or Agricultural Engineering and (only B.V.Sc, degree for Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Chennai) with 70% marks or CGPA of at least 3 out of 4; or 7 out of 10 in the grading system in case of Tamil Nadu Agricultural, University of Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences
8th July 2012 09:32 PM
Re: Colleges offering the course in BSc Honors in Genetics?

List of B.Sc(Honers) in Genetics Colleges:

*M.S.Ramaiah College of Arts Science and Commerce,Karnataka

*Meenakshi Ramaswamy Arts and Science College,Tamilnadu

*Goutham College of Physiotherapy,Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences

*R.K.College Bihar Allahabad Agricultural Institute Allahabad University,UttrPradesh

*Insittute of Genetic Engineering,West Bengal

*National Arts and Science College,Tamilnadu

*Government Science College,Bangalore University

*MVLU College of Arts and Science,Maharashtra

*A.V.C College,Tamilnadu

*Ayya Nadar Janaki Ammal College,Tamilnadu

*University Arts and Science College,Kakatiya University,Andhrapradesh

*Presidency College Bangalore University,Karnataka

*Sambharam Academy of Management Studies,Karnataka

all the best...
1st June 2012 01:09 AM
Re: Colleges offering the course in BSc Honors in Genetics?

List of (Hons) in Genetics colleges:

Institute of Genetic Engineering, West Bengal

National Arts and Science college, Tamilnadu

Government science college, Bangalore University

MVLU college of arts and science, Maharashtra

A.V.C college, Tamilnadu

Ayya Nadar Janaki Ammal college, Tamilnadu

University Arts and science college, Kakatiya University, Andhrapradesh

Presidency College Bangalore University, karnataka

Sambharam Academy of management studies, Karnataka

Meenakshi Ramaswamy Arts and science college, Tamilnadu

Goutham college of physio therapy, Rajiv Gandhi University of Health sciences, Karnataka

R.K. College Bihar Allahabad Agricultural Institute Allahabad University, Uttar pradesh

M.S. Ramaiah college of Arts science and commerce, Karnataka

all the best.
1st June 2012 12:52 AM
Re: Colleges offering the course in BSc Honors in Genetics?


B Sc (Hons) in Biomedical Sciences deals with the study of interdisciplinary units, including biomedical sciences, human biology and public health, the course focuses on human physiology, pathology, human genetics, biochemistry, medical biotechnology, biophysics, microbiology, social and preventive medicine, pharmaceuticals, medicinal chemistry and toxicology.Some of the famous institutes offering honors in GEnetics are as follows:

St. Stephen’s College
Goutham College of Physiotherapy
Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Karnataka
university of arts and science
institute of genetic engineering
Bhaskaracharya College of Applied Sciences
Acharya Narendra Dev College

with regards,
1st June 2012 12:02 AM
lakshmi dhana
Re: Colleges offering the course in BSc Honors in Genetics?


Colleges offering the course in BSc Honors in Genetics

National Arts And Science College Barathidasan University Tamil Nadu

Ponnaiyah Ramayam Institute of Management Barathidasan University Tamil Nadu

Meenakshi Ramasamy Arts and Science College Barathidasan University Tamil Nadu

Pavendar Bharadhidasan Arts and Science College Barathidasan University Tamil Nadu

Sami Arul Arts and Science College Barathidasan University Tamil Nadu

Goutham College of Physiotherapy,Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences Karnataka

Institute of Genetic Engineering,West Bengal University of Technology (WBUT),West Bengal

Government Science College.Bangalore University.Karnataka

Maharani Lakshmi Ammanni College for Women.Bangalore University Karnataka

Pavendar Bharathidasan College of Arts and Science Barathidasan University Tamil Nadu

31st May 2012 10:03 PM
Re: Colleges offering the course in BSc Honors in Genetics?


B Sc (Hons) in Biomedical Sciences deals with the study of interdisciplinary units, including biomedical sciences, human biology and public health, the course focuses on human physiology, pathology, human genetics, biochemistry, medical biotechnology, biophysics, microbiology, social and preventive medicine, pharmaceuticals, medicinal chemistry and toxicology.Colleges offering the course in BSc Honors in Genetics are as follows:

St. Stephen’s College

Kakatiya University,warangal

Acharya Narendra Dev College

Bhaskaracharya College of Applied Sciences

Institute of Genetic Engineering

West Bengal University of Technology,West Bengal

Dyal Singh College

Goutham College of Physiotherapy

Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Karnataka

with regards,
31st May 2012 09:42 PM
Re: Colleges offering the course in BSc Honors in Genetics?

hi friends,

National Arts And Science College Barathidasan University Tamil Nadu

Ponnaiyah Ramayam Institute of Management Barathidasan University Tamil Nadu

Meenakshi Ramasamy Arts and Science College Barathidasan University Tamil Nadu

Pavendar Bharadhidasan Arts and Science College Barathidasan University Tamil Nadu

Sami Arul Arts and Science College Barathidasan University Tamil Nadu

Goutham College of Physiotherapy,Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences Karnataka

Institute of Genetic Engineering,West Bengal University of Technology (WBUT),West Bengal

Government Science College.Bangalore University.Karnataka

Maharani Lakshmi Ammanni College for Women.Bangalore University Karnataka

Pavendar Bharathidasan College of Arts and Science Barathidasan University Tamil Nadu

25th May 2012 06:47 PM
Re: Colleges offering the course in BSc Honors in Genetics?

Hi friends, im POOJA hear. i wanna know about genetic engineering college in maharashtra and is it compulsory to do 12th for it. do we have a diploma course for it? im really interested in this field. and wanna know about this. friends kindly give me suggestions. and how the scope for this in INDIA(Maharashtra)? waiting for reply's. thank u.
30th January 2012 11:20 PM
Re: Colleges offering the course in BSc Honors in Genetics?

these are some colleges for BSc Honors in genetics:-

gautam college of physiotherapy
university of arts and science
institute of genetic engineering
goverment science college
maharani lakshmi ammanni college for women
dyal singh college
19th January 2012 08:40 PM
Re: Colleges offering the course in BSc Honors in Genetics?

I want to do B.Sc. in Human Genetics after my 12th. Kindly give information about colleges in and around Hyderabad offering this course.
16th October 2011 01:51 AM
Re: Colleges offering the course in BSc Honors in Genetics?


These are the following colleges where you can study BSc. Genetics:

University Arts & Science College,Kakatiya University, Andhra Pradesh

Ayya Nadar Janaki Ammal College(Autonomous), Madurai Kamaraj University Tamil Nadu

Goutham College of Physiotherapy,Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences Karnataka

Institute of Genetic Engineering,West Bengal University of Technology (WBUT),West Bengal

Government Science College.Bangalore University.Karnataka

Maharani Lakshmi Ammanni College for Women.Bangalore University Karnataka

Dyal Singh College, Karnal.Kurukshetra University,Haryana

This filed has a very large scope in the DNA and genetic R&D industries.

19th June 2011 08:58 PM
Re: Colleges offering the course in BSc Honors in Genetics?

hello, i wanna know about pure genetics courses in maharashtra. could you suggest me anything?
6th June 2011 03:51 PM
Re: Colleges offering the course in BSc Honors in Genetics?

i had pass 12th by cbse bord with 65% marks and i want now to do B.Sc
please tell me some colleges for addmision ?????????
2nd June 2011 05:35 PM
Re: Colleges offering the course in BSc Honors in Genetics?

pl. state name of colleges for genetics hons. in bsc
31st May 2011 06:41 PM
swetha viswanathan
Re: Colleges offering the course in BSc Honors in Genetics?

kindly upload the list of MUMBAI colleges offering bsc in genetics
11th May 2011 01:17 PM
Re: Colleges offering the course in BSc Honors in Genetics?

i want to do B.Sc in genetics in an govt college so can u pls suggest some very gud colg.
1st April 2011 07:26 PM
jai babe ki
Re: Colleges offering the course in BSc Honors in Genetics?


The best colleges are:-

-Maharani Lakshmi Ammanni College for Women Bangalore University Karnataka
-Presidency College Bangalore University Karnataka
-Sambharam Academy of management Studies Bangalore University Karnataka
-Government Science College Bangalore University Karnataka
-M.S. Ramaiah College of Arts Science and Commerce Bangalore University Karnataka
-Jaihind Defence College of Law Barkatullah University Madhya Pradesh
-Annai College of Arts and Science Barathidasan University Tamil Nadu
-Ponnaiyah Ramayam Institute of Management Barathidasan University Tamil Nadu
-Meenakshi Ramasamy Arts and Science College Barathidasan University Tamil Nadu
-Pavendar Bharadhidasan Arts and Science College Barathidasan University Tamil Nadu

good luck
30th March 2011 06:51 PM
Re: Colleges offering the course in BSc Honors in Genetics?


These are the following colleges where you can study BSc. Genetics:

University Arts & Science College,Kakatiya University, Andhra Pradesh

Ayya Nadar Janaki Ammal College(Autonomous), Madurai Kamaraj University Tamil Nadu

Goutham College of Physiotherapy,Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences Karnataka

Institute of Genetic Engineering,West Bengal University of Technology (WBUT),West Bengal

Government Science College.Bangalore University.Karnataka

Maharani Lakshmi Ammanni College for Women.Bangalore University Karnataka

Dyal Singh College, Karnal.Kurukshetra University,Haryana

This filed has a very large scope in the DNA and genetic R&D industries.
30th March 2011 06:31 PM
Re: Colleges offering the course in BSc Honors in Genetics?

These are the following colleges where you can study BSc. Genetics:

University Arts & Science College,Kakatiya University, Andhra Pradesh
Ayya Nadar Janaki Ammal College(Autonomous), Madurai Kamaraj University Tamil Nadu
Goutham College of Physiotherapy,Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences Karnataka
Institute of Genetic Engineering,West Bengal University of Technology (WBUT),West bengal
Government Science College.Bangalore University.Karnataka
Maharani Lakshmi Ammanni College for Women.Bangalore University Karnataka
Dyal Singh College, Karnal.Kurukshetra University,Haryana
This filed has a very large scope in the DNA and genetic R&D industries.
30th March 2011 04:07 PM
Re: Colleges offering the course in BSc Honors in Genetics?

University Arts & Science College,Kakatiya University, Andhra Pradesh

Ayya Nadar Janaki Ammal College(Autonomous), Madurai Kamaraj University Tamil Nadu

Goutham College of Physiotherapy,Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences Karnataka

Institute of Genetic Engineering,West Bengal University of Technology (WBUT),West Bengal

Government Science College.Bangalore University.Karnataka

Maharani Lakshmi Ammanni College for Women.Bangalore University Karnataka

Dyal Singh College, Karnal.Kurukshetra University,Haryana

This filed has a very large scope in the DNA and genetic R&D industries.
30th March 2011 11:43 AM
dreksha chaudhary
Re: Colleges offering the course in BSc Honors in Genetics?

Dear friend ,

The best suitable colleges offering the course in BSc Honors in Genetics are-

1.Institute of Genetic Engineering,West Bengal

2.National Arts And Science College, Tamil Nadu

3.Government Science College.Bangalore University.Karnataka

4.MVLU College of Arts and Science,Maharashtra

5.A.V.C College,Tamil Nadu.

Good day!!!!!!
30th March 2011 01:05 AM
Re: Colleges offering the course in BSc Honors in Genetics?


Goutham College of Physiotherapy,Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences Karnataka

Institute of Genetic Engineering,West Bengal University of Technology (WBUT),West Bengal

Government Science College.Bangalore University.Karnataka

Maharani Lakshmi Ammanni College for Women.Bangalore University Karnataka

Pavendar Bharathidasan College of Arts and Science Barathidasan University Tamil Nadu

National Arts And Science College Barathidasan University Tamil Nadu

Ponnaiyah Ramayam Institute of Management Barathidasan University Tamil Nadu

Meenakshi Ramasamy Arts and Science College Barathidasan University Tamil Nadu

Pavendar Bharadhidasan Arts and Science College Barathidasan University Tamil Nadu

Sami Arul Arts and Science College Barathidasan University Tamil Nadu

17th February 2011 05:53 PM
Re: Colleges offering the course in BSc Honors in Genetics?

which colleges are the best to study of bsc biomedical courses in chennai?
which is best bsc biomedical course and to the present market?
when will be enterence test in 2011? would like to know the application issue date as well as submission date?
17th February 2011 05:29 PM
Re: Colleges offering the course in BSc Honors in Genetics?

which course is having more offer in the present market?
which colleges are the best to study biomedical in chennai?
when will be enterence test for biomedical courses?
17th February 2011 12:15 PM
Re: Colleges offering the course in BSc Honors in Genetics?

i want to know about bsc honors in genetics. which colleges offering this course. give information about goverment colleges offering this course and there fee details also. what are the scope in this field.
16th December 2010 10:21 PM
Re: Colleges offering the course in BSc Honors in Genetics?

these are some colleges for BSc Honors in genetics:-

gautam college of physiotherapy
university of arts and science
institute of genetic engineering
goverment science college
maharani lakshmi ammanni college for women
dyal singh college
3rd December 2010 02:27 PM
Re: Colleges offering the course in BSc Honors in Genetics?

juli it is sad to say that in our country ,its scope is very low. but its my suggestion you should try to do BSc in field of Biotechnology. its scope is broad.
gov. collage for it is as follows;

R.K. College Bihar
Allahabad Agricultural Institute Allahabad University Uttar Pradesh
K.S. Rangasamy College of Technology Anna University Chennai Tamil Nadu
A.V.C College Anna University Chennai Tamil Nadu
SJES College of Management Studies Bangalore University Karnataka
Maharani Lakshmi Ammanni College for Women Bangalore University Karnataka
Presidency College Bangalore University Karnataka
Sambharam Academy of management Studies Bangalore University Karnataka
Government Science College Bangalore University Karnataka
M.S. Ramaiah College of Arts Science and Commerce Bangalore University Karnataka
Jaihind Defence College of Law Barkatullah University Madhya Pradesh
Annai College of Arts and Science Barathidasan University Tamil Nadu
Bharath College of Science and Management Barathidasan University Tamil Nadu
Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan College of Arts and Science for Women Barathidasan University Tamil Nadu
Edaiyathangudi G.S. Pillai Arts and Science College Barathidasan University Tamil Nadu
Maruthupandiyar College Barathidasan University Tamil Nadu
Meenakshi Chandrasekaran College of Arts and Science Barathidasan University Tamil Nadu
Rajagiri Dawood Batcha College of Arts and Science Barathidasan University Tamil Nadu
The Bonsecours College For Women Barathidasan University Tamil Nadu
Pavendar Bharathidasan College of Arts and Science Barathidasan University Tamil Nadu
National Arts And Science College Barathidasan University Tamil Nadu
Ponnaiyah Ramayam Institute of Management Barathidasan University Tamil Nadu
Meenakshi Ramasamy Arts and Science College Barathidasan University Tamil Nadu
Pavendar Bharadhidasan Arts and Science College Barathidasan University Tamil Nadu
Sami Arul Arts and Science College Barathidasan University Tamil Nadu
Srimad Andavan Arts and Science College Barathidasan University Tamil Nadu
Tamilavel Uma Maheswarnar Karanthai Arts College Barathidasan University Tamil Nadu
Thanthai Hans Roever College Barathidasan University Tamil Nadu
MVLU College of Arts and Science University of Mumbai(Bombay) Maharashtra
Guru Nanak Vidyak Society's Guru Nanak College of Arts, Science & Commerce University of Mumbai(Bombay) Maharashtra
if you are intrested ,you will contact these collage as soon as possible
3rd December 2010 02:26 PM
Re: Colleges offering the course in BSc Honors in Genetics?

M.Sc. Biotechnology-candidates with bachelor's degree under 10+2+3 pattern of education in Physical, Biological, Agricultural, Veterinary, Fishery Sciences, Pharmacy, Engineering, Technology or Medicine (MBBS) with at least 55% marks are eligible to apply for M.Sc Biotechnology at : (1)Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi; (2)Birsa Agriculture University, Ranchi,; (3)Calicut University, Kerala; (4) Central University, Hyderabad; (5)Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyala, Indore; (6)G.B. PantUniversity of Agriculture& Technology, Pant Nagar; (7) Goa University, Goa; (8)Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar; (9) Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla; (10) Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi; (11) M.S University of Baroda, Baroda; (12) Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai; (13) Punjab University, Chandigarh; (14) Pondicherry University, Pondicherry; (15)Poona University, Pune;(16) Punjabi University, Paitiala, Tezpur University, Assam (17)Jammu University.

M .Sc. (Agri .) Biotechnology /M . V Sc. Animal Biotechnology-Candidateswith Bachelor's degree in Agriculture, Horticulture, Forestry, Fisheries, Veterinary Sciences or Agricultural Engineering and (only B.V.Sc, degree for Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Chennai) with 70% marks or CGPA of at least 3 out of 4; or 7 out of 10 in the grading system in case of Tamil Nadu Agricultural, University of Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences (10+2+4) and 55% marks in case of G.B Pant University of Agriculture & Technology are eligible to apply (10+2+3 pattern).

M. Tech. Biotechnology- Candidates possessing B. Tech degree with minimum 60% marks or equivalent in Chemical Engineering, Biochemical Engineering, Industrial Biotech (BE), Leather Technology, Pharmaceutical Technology, Food Technology, B.Pharma, and Dairy Technology or Master's Degree (Biotech) with minimum 60% marks or equivalent in Life Sciences, Botany, Zoology, Bio-chemistry, Microbiology, Genetics, Physiology, Pharmacology and Biophysics are eligible to applyj for M.Tech, Industrial Biotech (BE), Biotechnology offered at Anna University, Chennai & Jadavpur University, Calcutta.

MSc/ MVSc in Veterinary Biotechnology is a 2 year course at the Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Izatnagar (UP)

* Medical Biotechnology (PG course) is offered at All India Institute of Medical Sciences New Delhi and University of Delhi (PG/MPhil/PhD) (Dr.B R Ambedkar Centre for Biomedical Research)
* Marine Biotechnology (m.Sc.) can be4 studied at Goa University
* MTech in Biomedical Engineering and Biotechnology is available at Jadavpur University, IIT Delhi and Kharagpur, Anna University, Madras.

I hpoe this may help u
3rd December 2010 12:07 PM
Re: Colleges offering the course in BSc Honors in Genetics?


These are the following colleges where you can study BSc. Genetics:

University Arts & Science College,Kakatiya University, Andhra Pradesh

Ayya Nadar Janaki Ammal College(Autonomous), Madurai Kamaraj University Tamil Nadu

Goutham College of Physiotherapy,Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences Karnataka

Institute of Genetic Engineering,West Bengal University of Technology (WBUT),West Bengal

Government Science College.Bangalore University.Karnataka

Maharani Lakshmi Ammanni College for Women.Bangalore University Karnataka

Dyal Singh College, Karnal.Kurukshetra University,Haryana

This filed has a very large scope in the DNA and genetic R&D industries.
2nd December 2010 11:00 PM
juli singh
Colleges offering the course in BSc Honors in Genetics?

i want to know about bsc honors in genetics. which colleges offering this course. give information about goverment colleges offering this course and there fee details also. what are the scope in this field.

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