Thread: Short term courses for ECE for core industry Reply to Thread

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7th November 2016 09:04 PM
Re: Short term courses for ECE for core industry

Dear sir,
I have recently completed Bachelor of Electronics and Communication.
Now I need to do some courses in ECE core.
suggest me please.
1st November 2013 12:44 PM
Re: Short term courses for ECE for core industry

I'm an ECE fresher i like to do course in CCNA with MCSE or RHCE which will be good & is there any chance get in ECE core company
31st December 2012 11:50 PM
Re: Short term courses for ECE for core industry


These are some Short term courses for ECE for core industry ----------------

3.MCSE(Microsoft certified system engineering)
4. .NET technologies(Network Enable Technologies)
5. Diploma in networking
6. Diploma in computer hardware
7 Core Java
8. c & c++

This should help
thank you
31st December 2012 01:37 PM
Re: Short term courses for ECE for core industry

i have lost lg now i should go for final year ...i'm very depressed not knowing how to improve knowledge in these holidays i wanna know few best courses which will help me further?plssssssssssss reply soon
22nd September 2012 01:42 PM
Re: Short term courses for ECE for core industry

Did we have any courses on image processing? whether the core companies are taking students who are interested in image proceesing field?
27th May 2012 05:23 PM
Re: Short term courses for ECE for core industry

wat about the long term course for vlsi vil b good .....
27th April 2012 12:49 PM
Re: Short term courses for ECE for core industry

vat r the couses in core for ece that are getting quick jobs sir.?
10th March 2012 04:59 PM
Re: Short term courses for ECE for core industry

dear friend,
if i do pal course after completing ece,whether it is beneficial to me to acquire a good job
30th January 2012 02:36 AM
Re: Short term courses for ECE for core industry

dear friend:

short term Computer courses:

3.MCSE(Microsoft certified system engineering)
4. .NET technologies(Network Enable Technologies)
5. Diploma in networking
6. Diploma in computer hardware
7 Core Java
8. c & c++
10 Computer software application

all the best.
22nd January 2012 11:28 PM
Re: Short term courses for ECE for core industry

Originally Posted by View Post
Presently I am in the third year of engineering. {ECE}. I want to enter into core industry.What are the short term courses you would recommend and in which institute?
Thank you

You can step to the following core companies:








Better to take coachings such as VLSI,embedded systems,signal processings,digital systems,robotics......etc

All the best.........
13th July 2011 10:56 AM
Re: Short term courses for ECE for core industry

There are lots and lots of short term courses that you can do while you are pursing the engineering degree. It is always a good thing to do some additional courses. This will help you to develop a good skill set for your career. You will also learn the various activities that are carried out. You can join in for courses like Robotics, embedded systems, Control systems, etc.
12th July 2011 02:01 AM
Re: Short term courses for ECE for core industry

Hi dear,

ece student may go for 1 month training in these core company with the permission of there college.....................

bhusan steel

11th July 2011 06:37 PM
Re: Short term courses for ECE for core industry

is it enough to have the basic knowledge or should we have certification in the following courses listed?
10th July 2011 12:04 PM
Re: Short term courses for ECE for core industry

where is its coaching
31st May 2011 11:40 PM
Re: Short term courses for ECE for core industry

Hi dear,
here is the some list of the course for the short term for electronics and communication engineer.

course in embedded system

course in VLSI

course in networking

25th May 2011 02:16 PM
Re: Short term courses for ECE for core industry

sir, i have done BE(ENTC) i want to go in der any short term courses in pune pls guide mi...
17th May 2011 11:25 PM
Re: Short term courses for ECE for core industry

i m studying msc electronics.i want to join in some short term courses(2 months) which r releated to electronics.sir can i know which institutes will offer such type of short term courses in banglore and in hyderabad
4th May 2011 08:55 PM
Re: Short term courses for ECE for core industry

I want to know the institutes which are all offering networking(CCNA) course in the Tambaram and near areas?
Thank you.
22nd March 2011 11:04 AM
Mayank Shekhar
Re: Short term courses for ECE for core industry

According to me -
Here is the some list of the course for the short term for electronics and communication engineer.

course in embedded system

course in VLSI

course in networking.
10th March 2011 04:32 PM
Re: Short term courses for ECE for core industry

Originally Posted by View Post
Presently I am in the third year of engineering. {ECE}. I want to enter into core industry.What are the short term courses you would recommend and in which institute?
Thank you

For ECE students it will be better to go for the short-term course PLC(programmable logic controller).
I have already done this course.
It normally deals with the automation using microcontroller.
It's very interesting.
So in my opinion you should go for this.
You can find the entire details in the following website.( this is a govt. organization)
10th March 2011 12:08 AM
Re: Short term courses for ECE for core industry

Hi frns am 2010 pasdout ece graduate pls list me the electronics r comn. core industries in India n i dont want to enter in software firms
19th September 2010 03:42 PM
Re: Short term courses for ECE for core industry

which company is good for doing training for ece student?
4th September 2010 01:24 PM
Re: Short term courses for ECE for core industry

Dear friend,
list of some short term course for the electronics students.




have a good day.
2nd September 2010 11:30 PM
tina toms
Re: Short term courses for ECE for core industry

there are many courses you can decide onanyway its a good attempt of can try out for
PCB designing.
training in some telecom company
VLSI desingnig
embedded systems
fiber optic technology
networking CCNA
31st August 2010 09:38 PM
Bishwajit Giri
Re: Short term courses for ECE for core industry

Dear friend,
there are so many short term courses for ECE,
some of the courses are as follows:

2.Circuit Designing
3.Embeded System etc..
you can for any one of these.

Good luck.
31st August 2010 08:23 PM
Re: Short term courses for ECE for core industry

dear friend
ece student may go for 1 month training in these core company with the permission of there college.....................

bhusan steel

best of luck..............................
31st August 2010 04:12 PM
Re: Short term courses for ECE for core industry

dear friends,

here is the list of the some course. which is for the core electronics.

these are as followings..

31st August 2010 07:39 AM
Bishwajit Giri
Re: Short term courses for ECE for core industry

dear friend,
here is the list of the some short term course for the electronics students.




best of luck
29th August 2010 02:40 AM
Re: Short term courses for ECE for core industry

here are some of the short term courses for the ECE students those are...


2.circuit designing

3.Embeded System etc..

these courses will be benificial at the time of campusing,so do it as much as you can..

all the best..
28th August 2010 02:10 PM
Re: Short term courses for ECE for core industry

here is the list of the some short term course for the electronics students.




27th August 2010 10:41 PM
Re: Short term courses for ECE for core industry

what are the longterm core courses in Electronics and Communication Engg.
21st August 2010 05:04 PM
Re: Short term courses for ECE for core industry

here is the some list of the course for the short term for electronics and communication engineer.

course in embedded system

course in VLSI

course in networking
19th August 2010 04:23 AM
Re: Short term courses for ECE for core industry

dear friend,

As u r an ECE student then u can do these following courses,

1. networking

2. hardware

3. Plc

4. circuit designing..

etc ..

all the best..
19th August 2010 02:36 AM
Re: Short term courses for ECE for core industry

i think you should go for an chip design course beacuse, its the maximum in demand these days and also the package is very good,
all the best
17th August 2010 09:26 PM
Re: Short term courses for ECE for core industry

Course Units
Undergraduate Courses
18050 Study Abroad Variable
18100 Introduction to Electrical and Computer Engineering 12
18200 Emerging Trends in Electrical and Computer Engineering 1
18202 Mathematical Foundations of Electrical Engineering 12
18220 Electronic Devices and Analog Circuits 12
18231 Sophomore Projects Variable
18232 Sophomore Projects Variable
18240 Structure and Design of Digital Systems 12
18243 Introduction to Computer Systems 12
18290 Signals and Systems 12
18300 Fundamentals of Electromagnetics 12
18310 Fundamentals of Semiconductor Devices 12
18320 Microelectronic Circuits 12
18321 Analysis and Design of Analog Circuits 12
18322 Analysis and Design of Digital Circuits 12
18331 Junior Projects Variable
18332 Junior Projects Variable
18340 Digital Computation 12
18341 Logic Design Using Simulation, Synthesis, and Verification Techniques 12
18342 Fundamentals of Embedded Systems 12
18342G Fundamentals of Embedded Systems 12
18342PP Fundamentals of Embedded Systems 12
18345 Introduction to Telecommunication Networks 12
18348 Embedded System Engineering 12
18349 Embedded Real-Time Systems 12
18370 Fundamentals of Control 12
18390 ECE Co-op Variable
18391 Noisy Signal Representation and Processing 12
18396 Fundamentals of ECE: Signals & Systems 12
18401 Electromechanics 12
18402 Applied Electrodynamics 12
18410 Physical Sensors, Transducers and Instrumentation 12
18411 Computational Techniques in Engineering 12
18412 Field Effect Devices and Technology 12
18415 From Design to the Market for Deep Submicron ICs 12
18416 Data Storage Systems 12
18417 Introduction to Optical Communications Systems 12
18418 Electric Energy Processing: Fundamentals and Applications 12
18419 Semiconductor Device Applications - Optoelectronics and Nanoelectronics 12
18421 Analysis and Design of Analog Circuits 12
18422 Analysis and Design of Digital Circuits 12
18431 Senior Projects Variable
18432 Senior Projects Variable
18447 Introduction to Computer Architecture 12
18450 Digital Communications 12
18470 Fundamentals of Control 12
18474 Embedded Control Systems 12
18482 Telecommunications, Technology Policy & Management 12
18487 Introduction to Computer and Network Security and Applied Cryptography 12
18491 Digital Signal Processing 12
18492 Special Topics in Speech Processing 12
18493 Electroacoustics 12
18496 Introduction to Biomedical Imaging and Image Analysis 12
18499 Internship Variable
18510 Sensor Systems Design 12
18513 RF Circuits and Antennas for Wireless Systems 12
18525 Integrated Circuit Design Project 12
18540 Rapid Prototyping of Computer Systems 12
18545 Advanced Digital Design Project 12
18549 Embedded Systems Design 12
18551 Digital Communication and Signal Processing Systems Design 12
18578 Mechatronic Design 12
Graduate Courses
18601 Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Technology 12
18605 Innovation in Science and Engineering - Theory and Fundamentals 12
18606 Innovation in Science in Engineering - Application 6
18610 Fundamentals of Modern CMOS Devices 12
18614 Microelectromechanical Systems 12
18615 Micro and Nano Systems Fabrication 12
18616 Information Storage Devices and Systems 12
18617 Memory Devices and Systems 12
18618 Smart Grids and Future Electric Energy Systems 12
18622 Advanced Digital Integrated Circuit Design 12
18623 Analog Integrated Circuit Design 12
18629 Special Topics in Circuits: Integrated Microsystems 12
18630 Introduction to Security and Policy 12
18630G Introduction to Computer Security 12
18631 Introduction to Information Security 12
18639A Special Topics in Security: Intrusion Tolerance 12
18639PP Special Topics in Security: Intrusion Tolerance 12
18645 How to Write Fast Code 12
18648 Real-Time Embedded Systems 12
18649 Distributed Embedded Systems 12
18650 Policies of Wireless Systems and the Internet 12
18660 Numerical Methods for Engineering Design and Optimization 12
18667 Design of Integrated Embedded Systems 12
18669 A “Special Topics In Cad I: Computing and Biology: Theory and Practice” 12
18699 Special Topics in Signal Processing: Neural Signal Processing 12
18700 Technology Entrepreneurship 12
18703 Special Topics in ECE: Obtaining Value from R&D in an Industrial Setting 12
18712 Elements of Photonics for Communication Systems 12
18713 Optical Networks 12
18713PP Optical Networks 12
18715 Magnetic Materials and Devices 12
18716 Advanced Applied Magnetism 12
18721 Advanced Analog Integrated Circuits Design 12
18722 Advanced Digital Integrated Circuits Design 12
18723 RF IC Design and Implementation 12
18724 Microelectromechanical System Design 12
18729C Special Topics in Circuits: Power Electronics 12
18730 Introduction to Computer Security 12
18730G Introduction to Computer Security 12
18730PP Introduction to Computer Security 12
18731 Network Security 12
18731PP Network Security 12
18732 Secure Software Systems 12
18732J Secure Software Systems 12
18732PP Secure Software Systems 12
18733 Applied Cryptography 12
18733J Applied Cryptography 12
18739A Special Topics in Security: Foundations of Security and Privacy 12
18739C Special Topics in Security: Vulnerability, Defenses, and Malware Analysis 12
18740 Computer Architecture 12
18741 Advanced Computer Architecture 12
18742 Parallel Computer Architecture 12
18743 Energy Aware Computing 12
18744 Hardware Systems Engineering 12
18745 Rapid Prototyping of Computer Systems 12
18746 Advanced Storage Systems 12
18747 Advanced Techniques in Microprocessors 12
18748 Wireless Sensor Networks 12
18749 Fault-Tolerant Distributed Systems 12
18749PP Fault-Tolerant Distributed Systems 12
18750 Fundamentals of Telecommunications Networks 12
18751 Applied Stochastic Processes 12
18752 Estimation, Detection and Identification 12
18752PP Estimation, Detection and Identification 12
18753 Information Theory and Coding 12
18756 Packet Switching and Computer Networks 12
18756G Packet Switching and Computer Networks 12
18756PP Packet Switching and Computer Networks 12
18757 Network Management and Control 12
18758 Wireless Communications 12
18759 Wireless Networks 12
18759G Wireless Networks 12
18759PP Wireless Networks 12
18760 VLSI CAD: Logic to Layout 12
18762 Circuit Simulation: Theory and Practice 12
18764 In Between Design and Manufacturing of Deep-Submicron Integrated Circuits 12
18765 Digital Systems Testing and Testable Design 12
18769 Design for Manufacturability in Nanometer Era 12
18771 Linear Systems 12
18771PP Linear Systems 12
18777 Complex Large-Scale Dynamic Systems 12
18781 Speech Recognition and Understanding 12
18791 Medical Imaging Analysis 12
18792 Advanced Digital Signal Processing 12
18793 Optical Image and Radar Processing 12
18794 Pattern Recognition Theory 12
18795 Bioimage Informatics 12
18796PP Multimedia Communications: Coding, Systems, and Networking 12
18797 Machine Learning for Signal Processing 12
18798 Image, Video, and Multimedia 12
18798PP Image, Video, and Multimedia 12
18799A Special Topics in Signal Processing: Registration in Bioimaging 12
18799B Special Topics in Signal Processing: Nonlinear Optimization 12
18799C Special Topics in Signal Processing: Constraint Satisfaction and Optimization 12
18799D Special Topics in Signal Processing: Design Impletmentation of Speech Recognition Systems 12
18799E Special Topics in Signal Processing: Biometric Recognition 12
18799F Special Topics in Signal Processing: Algebraic Signal Processing Theory 12
18799G Special Topics in Signal Processing: Wavelets Multiresolution Techniques 12
18799K Special Topics in Signal Processing: Cognitive Video 12
18799PP Special Topics in Signal Processing: Nonlinear Optimization 12
18799S Special Topics in Signal Processing: Statistical Discovery and Learning 12
18817 Applied Physics: Fundamentals of Semiconductors and Nanostructures 12
18819A Special Topics in Applied Physics: Applications of Lithographically 12
18819C Special Topics in Applied Physics: Micro and Nano Systems Fabrication 12
18819D Special Topics in Applied Physics: Nanoscale Electronic Devices: Science, Materials, and Potential Applications 12
18819H Special Topics in Applied Physics: Physical Sensors, Transducers and Instrumentation 12
18819L Special Topics in Applied Physics: Antennas for Wireless Communications 12
18819M Special topics in Applied Physics: Ultrasonic Devices and Applications 12
18835PP Special Topics in Applied Security 12
18842 Distributed Systems 12
18842G Distributed Systems 12
18842PP Distributed Sysyems 12
18843 Mobile and Pervasive Computing 12
18843S Mobile and Pervasive Computing 12
18845 Internet Services 12
18847 Z Special Topics in Computer Systems: Data Intensive Computing and Storage 12
18847A Special Topics in Computer Systems: Mobile Hardware for Software Engineers 12
18847PP Special Topics in Computer Systems: Self Organizing Networks 12
18848B Special Topics in Embedded Systems: CE: Real Time Multimedia Systems Modeling 12
18848C Special Topics in Embedded Systems: Networked Cyber-Physical Systems 12
18848D Special Topics in Embedded Systems: Sports Technology 12
18848PP Special Topics in Embedded Systems: Distributed Real-Time and Embedded Systems 12
18849 Dependable Embedded Systems 12
18859 Special Topics in Communications: Communication and Networking 12
18859C Special Topics in Communications: Network Management and Control 12
18859D Special Topics in Communications: Error Control Coding 12
18859G Special Topics in Communication: Communication and Networking 12
18859H Special Topics in Communications: Emerging Topics in Wireless Networks 12
18859PP Special Topics in Communications: Network Services and Systems 12
18869A Special Topics in CAD: Statistical IC Design 12
18869B Special Topics in CAD: Design for Manufacturability 12
18869D Wild and Crazy Ideas in Electrical and Computer Engineering 12
18875 Engineering and Economics of Electric Energy Systems 12
18879A Special Topics in Systems and Controls: Computer Control Engineering 12
18879H Special Topics in Systems and Control: Advanced Linear Systems and Control 12
18879K Special Topics in Systems and Controls: Neural Network Control of Nonlinear Systems 12
18879L Special Topics in Systems and Controls: Hybrid Systems Analysis and Theorem Proving 12
18879M Special Topics in Systems and Control: Optimization in Energy Networks 12
18879N Special Topics in Systems and Control: Multi-Agent Systems 12
18879P Special Topics in Systems and Control: Engineering and Economics of Electric Power Systems 12
18879Q Special Topics in Systems and Control: Nonlinear Dynamics, Chaos, and Control: How Systems Really Work 12
18879R Special Topics in Systems and Control: Electric Power Systems: Modeling, Analysis, and Control 12
18879S Special Topics in Systems and Control: Networked Control Systems 12
18882A Power Electronics for Power Systems and Power Conditioning 12
18901 Graduate Seminar Variable
18902 Graduate Seminar Variable
18906 Graduate Seminar Variable
18980 M.S. Graduate Project Variable
18983 M.S. Teaching Assistantship Variable
18984 M.S. Teaching Assistantship Variable
18990 Ph.D. Graduate Research Variable
18990PP Ph.D. Graduate Research Variable
18991 ECE Graduate Teaching Internship 12
18991PP ECE Graduate Teaching Internship Variable
18992 ECE Graduate Teaching Internship 12
17th August 2010 12:40 PM
Re: Short term courses for ECE for core industry

u can get 3 or 6 month training from any institution on gsm which will help you to get into telecom industry
some institution also provide job assistance
search for ur nearest one
16th August 2010 11:48 PM
Short term courses for ECE for core industry

Presently I am in the third year of engineering. {ECE}. I want to enter into core industry.What are the short term courses you would recommend and in which institute?
Thank you

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