Thread: Group discussion and personal interview at iihmr, jaipur? how to prepare? Reply to Thread

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28th May 2012 02:42 PM
Re: Group discussion and personal interview at iihmr, jaipur? how to prepare?

hii....this is ritu ... my mat score of may 2012 is 630 .... am i been selected for dis i have nt recieved any call letter from ur side and the last date of application form is so nearby ... so kindly reply me as soon as possible or mail me ..... thanks
27th May 2012 10:15 PM
Re: Group discussion and personal interview at iihmr, jaipur? how to prepare?

hi my mat may 2012 composite is 691.5 ?plz can u teel me how it is n wnt r my scope of my gettng good colleges ? n which colleges can i apply for in ths score
21st April 2012 12:39 AM
Re: Group discussion and personal interview at iihmr, jaipur? how to prepare?

hey can ny1 can tell me wat all topics r dere for gd...plz dont say its all general ...nd communication nd all....ny specific topic wch has cme to get an idea..?
6th April 2012 09:38 AM
Re: Group discussion and personal interview at iihmr, jaipur? how to prepare?

hi iam rohit i have gd/pi on 21 of this month in banglore campus. which would be a better campus jai[ur or banglore. what kind of topics would they ask for gd/pi.
15th December 2011 08:02 PM
Re: Group discussion and personal interview at iihmr, jaipur? how to prepare?

plz add Tabu GD topic here.
6th June 2011 05:05 PM
Re: Group discussion and personal interview at iihmr, jaipur? how to prepare?

i've got 689.5 score in mat may 2011.i've recieved a call letter from ihmr jaipur.please help how do i prepare for its gd/pi.
3rd June 2011 08:00 PM
Re: Group discussion and personal interview at iihmr, jaipur? how to prepare?

i am selected fr gd pi at ihmr jai pur .kindly suggest me how 2 prEPAIR.GIVE SOME SELECTED TOPICS
27th May 2011 02:02 AM
Re: Group discussion and personal interview at iihmr, jaipur? how to prepare?

Hi dear,
you develop your speaking power current affairs and
editorials of good news paper like the hindu, the times of india...
it is very effective for your GD,,
for PI you believe your self and go....

26th May 2011 01:01 AM
Re: Group discussion and personal interview at iihmr, jaipur? how to prepare?

Hi friends, for IIHMR you just need to be calm and composed.... just beleive in urself and study well and u wl achieve the best.... authorities there are very supportive and wl guide you everywhr..
25th May 2011 06:48 PM
Re: Group discussion and personal interview at iihmr, jaipur? how to prepare?

i got 517 marks in mat score card n i got cl from jaipur iihmr . so plz tell how to prepare for gd pi , i just fine in communication skills bt nt gd. so plz help me out .
23rd May 2011 05:39 PM
Re: Group discussion and personal interview at iihmr, jaipur? how to prepare?

hi,nisha here my mat score is 691.5 shall i expect call from jaipur;if yes thn sumbdy plz guide me for the gd topics for hospital management plzzzzz...
3rd May 2011 03:43 PM
Re: Group discussion and personal interview at iihmr, jaipur? how to prepare?

hii akansha this is palavi ?? did u get trhough plzz guide mee about the gd topics ..
20th April 2011 11:32 PM
Re: Group discussion and personal interview at iihmr, jaipur? how to prepare?

hello,my score in feb mat was 691,and today i have sent my application form to ihmr,,but while appearing for feb mat i havent mentioned ihmr as my desirable institute to aima in my mat ll i b calld nw...n people who hv already given ur gdpi on 13,14 and 15 f april in ihmr,pls share ur experience
14th April 2011 12:44 AM
Re: Group discussion and personal interview at iihmr, jaipur? how to prepare?

hi ..... m garima and i want to get admission in IIHMR n my GDPI is held on 15th april. I just want to know that what kind of topics are ask in GD from the candidates. M so nervous n tentioned for my GDPI.Plzzzz inform me anything about the GDPI session.
25th March 2011 06:24 PM
Re: Group discussion and personal interview at iihmr, jaipur? how to prepare?

hi... i'm Snehal...I got 670 marks in Dec. MAT. I want to knw what was the last years cutt off for GDPI cal at iihmr, jaipur
plzzzz reply........
23rd March 2011 05:53 PM
Re: Group discussion and personal interview at iihmr, jaipur? how to prepare?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
whats the placement status of iihmr delhi and jaipur
what type of topics are to be faced in group discussion and also what type of questions are asking in personnel interview in iihmr jairpur Plzzzzz reply
8th March 2011 04:48 PM
Re: Group discussion and personal interview at iihmr, jaipur? how to prepare?

hello sir...i hv scored 572 in feb mat. I m pursuing b pharma.
Am I eligible 4 health sector in iihmr
7th March 2011 04:43 PM
Re: Group discussion and personal interview at iihmr, jaipur? how to prepare?

hi sir my mat score is 520, and i have 2 1/2 work experience, my ug degree is BPT(bachelor of physiotherapy),iihmr is worthful campus for doing health care manageent? i am average in communication skills.. how to prepare for GD&PI ?am from tamilnadu, for gd &pi conducted only in jaipur campus sir?
6th March 2011 02:59 PM
Re: Group discussion and personal interview at iihmr, jaipur? how to prepare?

Can you please enlist the topics dat r frequently asked in Interview and Gd??
16th February 2011 11:34 PM
Re: Group discussion and personal interview at iihmr, jaipur? how to prepare?

hello sir i manali ghosal ,i am final year student of bachelors in hospital management.sir igot 500 composite score in september mat,so am i elligible for gd and pi in iihmr jaipur
7th February 2011 03:31 PM
Re: Group discussion and personal interview at iihmr, jaipur? how to prepare?

5th February 2011 11:12 PM
Re: Group discussion and personal interview at iihmr, jaipur? how to prepare?

Hello , sir i am doing my graduation , so please guide me whether nursing tutor experiences counted in post hospital managment or
not ......? & what steps i should take to clear MAT...? please reply as soon
2nd February 2011 09:21 PM
Re: Group discussion and personal interview at iihmr, jaipur? how to prepare?

2nd February 2011 09:16 PM
Re: Group discussion and personal interview at iihmr, jaipur? how to prepare?

28th January 2011 09:53 PM
Re: Group discussion and personal interview at iihmr, jaipur? how to prepare?

whats the placement status of iihmr delhi and jaipur
22nd January 2011 08:04 AM
Re: Group discussion and personal interview at iihmr, jaipur? how to prepare?

Hello Friend

If you want to prepare for gd and pi than you have to keep develop in English.Also prepare some major issues and look for year end issues for GD & be confident in PI which builds up confidence within you.Also make a habit of reading some good competitive magazine like pratiyogita darpan, business & management etc.

Best of luck...
21st January 2011 11:51 AM
Re: Group discussion and personal interview at iihmr, jaipur? how to prepare?

sir i got 638 in dec mat nd i hvnot got a call letter. what to do next.i want to join iihmr jaipur. plz reply
3rd January 2011 05:39 PM
Re: Group discussion and personal interview at iihmr, jaipur? how to prepare?

hello sir,
This is Akansha and i'hv got 589.5 score in Dec MAT2010 nd i'hv got letter from iihmr jaipur. Please suggest me what to do next
to get into iihmr jaipur. Nd please guide me I really want to get admission into this institute.....
17th November 2010 04:48 PM
Re: Group discussion and personal interview at iihmr, jaipur? how to prepare?

HI i m jagdish .my feb mat score is 577 , but my communication is not so good should i apply for gd pi in iihmr?.but i m trying to learn communication skill.i have keen interest towards health sector.
13th October 2010 06:45 PM
Re: Group discussion and personal interview at iihmr, jaipur? how to prepare?

Hi hitesh..u need to score 550 composite score in your MAT in order to qualify for IIHMR...u can appear for MAT 1ce again which occurs in month of Feb and May..all the best...
9th October 2010 01:16 PM
Re: Group discussion and personal interview at iihmr, jaipur? how to prepare?

Hey.... I'm Hitesh & got 517.5 in MAT so Am I eligible for GD & PI
7th September 2010 09:23 PM
Re: Group discussion and personal interview at iihmr, jaipur? how to prepare?

You should get prepare for shadow practice solely it built your confidant level and helps GD and for personal interview you should knoledge of GK,and your branch of study..
good luck
7th September 2010 05:25 PM
mini rani
Re: Group discussion and personal interview at iihmr, jaipur? how to prepare?


In GD they will assess your knowledge, gesture, leadership quality, team work & communication skill.

Generally in GD they will give current topics or some common topic to discuss . But sometimes they may give you some abstract topic.

So to prepare for GD read newspaper regularly to keep yourself updated about the latest events. Also make a habit of reading some good competitive magazine like pratiyogita darpan, business & management etc. You can also refer some books on GD.

Personal interview is meant to assess your overall personality & suitability for the post/course for which you are applying. They basically see your confidence.
6th September 2010 11:22 PM
Re: Group discussion and personal interview at iihmr, jaipur? how to prepare?

Hey I am from hard core humanities background,I also have diploma in nutrition and healthcare management, I have keen interest in health care. Am i eligible to join IIHMR?
14th June 2010 01:49 PM
Re: Group discussion and personal interview at iihmr, jaipur? how to prepare?

do they ask in depth of subject in pi or its a jeneral question?
13th June 2010 09:45 AM
Re: Group discussion and personal interview at iihmr, jaipur? how to prepare?

iihmr jaipur cant be compard to jaipur good faculties are available all time..n nice campus
10th June 2010 02:52 PM
Re: Group discussion and personal interview at iihmr, jaipur? how to prepare?

hello m going to appear for gd n pi and i want to know iihmr jaipur n delhi r equally good ????????
18th April 2010 09:57 PM
Re: Group discussion and personal interview at iihmr, jaipur? how to prepare?

hi i am yogesh i want to know wheather we can reshedule the date of gd/pi
18th March 2010 01:30 AM
Re: Group discussion and personal interview at iihmr, jaipur? how to prepare?

you develop your speaking power current affairs and
editorials of good news paper like the hindu, the times of india...
it is very effective for your GD,,
for PI you believe your self and go.......
good luck
18th March 2010 01:26 AM
Re: Group discussion and personal interview at iihmr, jaipur? how to prepare?

you develop your speaking power current affairs and
editorials of good news paper like the hindu, the times of india...
it is very effective for your GD,,
for PI you believe your self and go.......
good luck
17th March 2010 11:30 PM
Re: Group discussion and personal interview at iihmr, jaipur? how to prepare?

interview is merely the last and very important step in selection so friend prepare your self strongly on different topics from current affairs and you will be surely successful in gd
13th March 2010 12:53 AM
Re: Group discussion and personal interview at iihmr, jaipur? how to prepare?

Hey friend
For the GD practice on the different topics,makes your thought very strong then the other on that topics,
And for the interview give the question on the basis of your own experience.

All the best
12th March 2010 07:12 AM
Re: Group discussion and personal interview at iihmr, jaipur? how to prepare?

join some English speaking course and take part in gd regularly
also keep yourself aware of the all current topics and read news papers regularly
all the best
11th March 2010 09:44 PM
mike shinoda back
Re: Group discussion and personal interview at iihmr, jaipur? how to prepare?

if you want to prepare for gd and pi than you have to keep develop in english ....i suggest that you keep reading daily newspapers, and also keep take knowledge from your subject books.....because they ask questions in last you have to improve personality.......

all the best for gd and pi.
11th March 2010 09:43 PM
mike shinoda back
Re: Group discussion and personal interview at iihmr, jaipur? how to prepare?

if you want to prepare for gr and pi than you have to keep develop in english ....i suggest that you keep reading daily newspapers, and also keep take knowledge from your subject books.....because they ask questions in last you have to improve personality.......

all the best for gr and pi.
11th March 2010 01:47 PM
Re: Group discussion and personal interview at iihmr, jaipur? how to prepare?

if you were given topics earlier than prepare them and if not then prepare some major issues and look for year end issues for GD & be confident in PI this is the only way yu can make through look for current issues like budget, political news, national & international events etc..
wish you good luck...
bye take care..
10th March 2010 10:13 PM
doctor pooja
Group discussion and personal interview at iihmr, jaipur? how to prepare?

in what way exactly do i prepare for my group discussion and personal interview at iihmr,jaipur?? what exactly is asked??

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