Thread: How to calculate CGPA and GPA? Reply to Thread

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3rd April 2018 07:02 PM
Re: How to calculate CGPA and GPA?

My percentage for 6 semester are : 82.5%, 85.9%, 88.14% ,82%, 89%, 94.29% and the total aggregate of all 6 semester or 3 years is 88%. What is my CPGA? How to calculate it?
20th January 2017 01:17 AM
Re: How to calculate CGPA and GPA?

I'm final student my cgpa is 2.17 and my last semester cpa is 2.60 how can I add it to my cgpa. my mail is [email protected]
28th August 2014 01:44 PM
Re: How to calculate CGPA and GPA?

i got 6.74,7.52,6.66,6.42,6.96,6.63 in my 6 sems what is my percentile.
plz rply to [email protected]
4th July 2014 12:08 PM
Re: How to calculate CGPA and GPA?

sir i had gotten 73.80% in B.Tech from i want to knw my CGPA plz sent=d me on my gmail id.
[email protected]
14th March 2014 11:33 PM
Re: just divide your percentage by 10

to find outyour CGPA no problem you just divide your percentage by 10
for eg: if your percentage is 98 then by dividing we get 9.8 then this is your CGPA....
30th November 2013 09:52 PM
Re: How to calculate CGPA and GPA?

I have fill up form in which they ask total marks/ CGPA get in all six sem. During this I have consered what I am write in it plese give me answer on my mail id [email protected]
17th November 2013 03:43 PM
Re: How to calculate CGPA and GPA?

Sir , i am sangeeta, 59 % in total marks . so i want to know my cgpa and please tell me about how to calculate cgpa . tell me detail . please send me my email id is [email protected]
6th October 2013 05:05 PM
Re: How to calculate CGPA and GPA?

my total no. in diploma in 3084/4200 plz tell me cgpa/ogpa
4th July 2013 02:13 PM
Re: How to calculate CGPA and GPA?

i scored 916 i my BA what is the CGPA score?
30th June 2013 08:17 PM
uffaq ali
Re: How to calculate CGPA and GPA?

my four semaster gpa is
first semester 2.2
second semester 2.3
fourth semester 2.3
fifth semester 2.2
tell me my cgpa
15th June 2013 11:52 AM
Re: How to calculate CGPA and GPA?

GPA calculated by dividing the total number of grade points received by the total number attempted.
CGPA is calculated by the following process
if x1,x2,x3,x4 are the subjects with credits 4,3,2,4
then the grades you obtained are taken into account
that is for EX-10
so now you divide your grade with the credit of the respective subject
For Example in Subject
x1 you got A
x2 you got Ex
x3 you got B
x4 you got D
CGPA calculation is
(9*4)+(10*3)+(8*2)+(6*4)/(Total credits=(4+3+2+4))

in this way we calculate CGPA...
15th December 2012 11:13 PM
Re: How to calculate CGPA and GPA?

Hi dear........

CGPA is the education evaluation system used by some Indian education institutions. Students in CGPA system may need to enter their GPA in the US University Application. You can use this CGPA to GPA converter to calculate your GPA based on your Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA).

How to calculate CGPA?

Cumulative Grade Point Average(CGPA) is an accumulation of all grade points divided to every single credit you take.

For example, 1st semester:

total of credit hour x point = 32.0
total of credit hour = 9

2nd semester:

total of credit hour x point = 40.5
total of credit hour = 12

CGPA = (total of credit hour x point of each sem sem) / (total of credit hours of all sem)
= (32.0 + 40.5) / (9 + 12)
= 3.45

Good luck.........
15th December 2012 01:20 AM
Re: How to calculate CGPA and GPA?

Hi dear,

Here are some informations which can help you..

Cumulative Grade Point Average(CGPA) : the mean GPA from all semester.

Grade Point Average(GPA): The numerical value assigned to a student’s scholastic
average in one semester.

The calcuation is shown below:

The Overall GPA Calculation Formula :

1.Grade Points Obtain x Credit Hours = Result.

2.Calculate Each course result.

3.Take a Sum of Result of Each Subject.

4.Divide the Sum of Result with Total Credit Hours of Semester.

And as the overall CGPA calculation can only be represented by a complex formula I

request you to check the given link kindly to have a clear idea on CGPA and GPA,too.
1st October 2012 10:11 PM
Re: How to calculate CGPA and GPA?

How to Calculate CGPA and GPA

My Total Percentage is 63.4

My 7 Sem Percentages are: 62.9, 65.7, 64, 57, 55, 62, 72
18th September 2012 11:04 AM
Re: How to calculate CGPA and GPA?

Grade Point Average(GPA): The numerical value assigned to a student’s scholastic
average in one semester.

The calcuation is shown below:

The Overall GPA Calculation Formula :

1.Grade Points Obtain x Credit Hours = Result.

2.Calculate Each course result.

3.Take a Sum of Result of Each Subject.

4.Divide the Sum of Result with Total Credit Hours of Semester.

And as the overall CGPA calculation can only be represented by a complex formula I

request you to check the given link kindly to have a clear idea on CGPA and GPA,too.
17th September 2012 12:39 PM
Re: How to calculate CGPA and GPA?

my Marks in Graduation is 669/1200 .How WE calculate CGPA?Plz Tell on My ID [email protected]
16th July 2012 09:04 PM
Re: How to calculate CGPA and GPA?

i am a 2nd yr civil engg. student. i have two backlogs in 1st semester . can i get a good job after clearing backlogs in 3rd or 5th semester. pls suggest name of some companies ?????
24th May 2012 09:35 PM
Re: How to calculate CGPA and GPA?

22nd May 2012 12:18 PM
Re: How to calculate CGPA and GPA?

M from cbse . I got my 10th result yesterday , my % as per cgpa is 91.20% and as per marks given by school is 88.20% so which one should be considered??
3rd May 2012 09:24 PM
Re: How to calculate CGPA and GPA?

Dear Sir/Madam,

Myself sandeep and i want 2 knw GPA and CGPA in respective percentage in are 57%,65%,68%, kindly tell me my CGPA as well as email id is [email protected].

1st May 2012 01:32 PM
Re: How to calculate CGPA and GPA?

If one got CGPA 3.90 out of 4, what pronounciation is added to her/his certificate? i can't remember. and what also about 3.80 out of 4?
12th April 2012 03:22 AM
Re: How to calculate CGPA and GPA?

Hello sir i got 3503 rank in GATE2012 in ME branch and i m an OBC student so can i have any chance to get design branch in any IIT.and if not then what are the other option for me
2nd March 2012 09:35 PM
Re: How to calculate CGPA and GPA?

my details are like this
credits completed 100
credits used in CGPA 100
CGPA 7.40
course mba 2 years program 4 semesters
my question is i want to know the marks obtained and total marks
how to know that in certain application form they have asked this i am not able to understand what should i write in obtained marks and total mark boxes.
27th February 2012 03:17 PM
Re: How to calculate CGPA and GPA?

How to calculate CGPA i got 55.2% in 10th class from CBSE board?
3rd February 2012 12:17 AM
Re: How to calculate CGPA and GPA?

I had passed.. Btech.. from UPTU. LUCKNOW..
my percentagefor 8 semester are : 63.5%, 59.3%, 64.7% ,57.1%, 56.9%, 57.3% , 6.8%, 65.2% and the total aggregate of all 8 semester or 4 years is 6.66%.

What is my CUMULATIVE percentage?
What is my CPGA?
What is my SGPA?
What is my CPGA/DGPA?
How to calculate it?

and plz send me to.. [email protected]
31st January 2012 01:06 AM
Re: How to calculate CGPA and GPA?

Dear friend,
GPA is grade point average it is basically average marks which you have scored in each semester so if there is 8 semester than you have 8 gpa's. and CGPA is cumulative grade point average it is average of your gpa means sum of your gpa's and divided by 8.

for calculating this please visit
10th January 2012 09:02 PM
Re: How to calculate CGPA and GPA?

i want my gpe credits for the 3rd sem
10th December 2011 11:25 AM
Re: How to calculate CGPA and GPA?

how to calculate percentage from cgpa?
29th November 2011 12:11 PM
Re: How to calculate CGPA and GPA?

to calculate CGPA multiply first two years marks with 1 and last two year marks with 1.5 after that add the all this then divide the total with 5. this will give you the CGPA.
CGPA=(1st year marks*1+2nd year marks*1+3rd year mark*1.5+4th year mark*1.5)/5
if all the marks are in percentage then divide it by 10 to go fo out of ten marks.
19th October 2011 07:16 PM
Re: How to calculate CGPA and GPA? overall BEaggregate is 70% wat is my reply [email protected]
7th October 2011 11:24 PM
Re: How to calculate CGPA and GPA?

Dear pal,
to calculate GPA you must multiply the mark corresponding to the grade of the subject with the credit of the subject.Make the sum of all the subjects and divide it by the total credit in the semester.
to calculate CGPA multiply the GPA with the credits in that semester and make sum of all and divide it by the total credits earned
7th October 2011 04:38 PM
[email protected]
Re: How to calculate CGPA and GPA?

I eligible in Librarian for AICET college librarian my fist year and second years MLISC. Percentage in 58.22 and Library field Experience
7th October 2011 05:44 AM
Re: How to calculate CGPA and GPA?

i got 62% of total 4 years btech , wats my Cpga
20th September 2011 04:47 PM
Re: How to calculate CGPA and GPA?

My Gpa is 3.4... How do i calculate my CGPA..
10th September 2011 11:49 AM
Re: How to calculate CGPA and GPA?

[5 my percentage of sems are 76%, 74%, 72%, 72% and 71% respectively
31st August 2011 12:46 PM
Re: How to calculate CGPA and GPA?

GPA is percentage marks scored by you and CGPA the percentage weight added to the percentage scored by you the percentage weight is.
15 % for first year. 20% for second year. 25% for 3rd year.
31st August 2011 01:15 AM
Re: How to calculate CGPA and GPA?

Hi dear,

Here are some informations which can help you..

Cumulative Grade Point Average(CGPA) : the mean GPA from all semester.

Grade Point Average(GPA): The numerical value assigned to a student’s scholastic
average in one semester.

The calcuation is shown below:

The Overall GPA Calculation Formula :

1.Grade Points Obtain x Credit Hours = Result.

2.Calculate Each course result.

3.Take a Sum of Result of Each Subject.

4.Divide the Sum of Result with Total Credit Hours of Semester.

And as the overall CGPA calculation can only be represented by a complex formula I

request you to check the given link kindly to have a clear idea on CGPA and GPA,too.

30th August 2011 09:28 PM
Re: How to calculate CGPA and GPA?

-term gpa: The grade point average for only those classes which are attempted in a single term.

-cumulative grade point average (cgpa): The grade point average of all classes attempted while registered in a level of study.

-india has 10 point gpa where as america has 4 point gpa system. But now-a-days many indian colleges also started to give gpa in 4 point system.

Grade point system

-in 10 point system: –

8-10 excellent
6-7 good
3-5 pass
1-2 fail

- in 10 point system, grades (may be excellent, very good, good, fair, average, poor, fail etc.) and points varies from college to college since this gpa system is allowed in autonomous universities and colleges.

-in 4 point system: –

4 excellent
3 good
2 pass
1 fail

now we will calculate sgpa and cgpa:-

sgpa=sum of (total credit of course x grade / points/credits earned in course ) / sum of (total credit of course)

example: Credit of course = 4 (like that you have 6 courses)
if you have pass grade that means either 2 (in 4 point system) or 3-5 (in 10 point system). Let's consider 5.
Sgpa = (24x5)/24 = 5 (pass)

in second semester you have good grade that means either 3 (in 4 point system) or 6-7 (in 10 point system). Let's consider 6.
Sgpa = (24x6)/24 = 6 (good)

then cgpa of two semesters will be
cgpa= sum of all semesters (total credit of course x grade / points/credits earned in course) / sum of all semesters (total credit of course)

cgpa= (120+144)/ (24+24)=264/48=5.5

similarly you can calculate for remaining semesters cgpa.

Since in india percentage system is adapted and popular. You can easily convert your cgpa to percentage using below formula.
Overall percentage of semesters = cgpa x 10
example: If you have 5.5 as cgpa then
overall percentage of semesters = 5.5 x 10 = 55%

hope this helps you..
28th August 2011 02:59 PM
Re: How to calculate CGPA and GPA?

suppose a student fails some courses in say first semester level I and he repeated these courses in first semester level II what is the best way to calculate the student's gpa and cgpa?

25th August 2011 06:54 PM
Re: How to calculate CGPA and GPA?

Here some information to calculate CGPA and GPA

The GPA Calculation Formula :-

1.Grade Points Obtain x Credit Hours = Result.

2.Calculate Each course result.

3.Take a Sum of Result of Each Subject.

4.Divide the Sum of Result with Total Credit Hours of Semester.

CGPA(Cumulative Grade Point Average) which is normally calculated in this way:-

1.the credit hours for each subject multiplied by the grade or grade points achieved for each subject is totaled.

2.and then divided by the total number of credit hours registered in all semesters.
25th August 2011 01:13 PM
Re: How to calculate CGPA and GPA?

12th August 2011 03:38 AM
Re: How to calculate CGPA and GPA?

Will some expert be kind enough to explain as to how to take the credit of the subjects in which a candidate has reattempted /make up (X grade) or failed (F grade) and then he clears the same subject after two or three attempts .. how the candidate needs to Calculate the CGPA .

Isit that while calculating the SGPA and CGPA of successive semesters one has to simply add the Credits and Grade Points of only those subjects in which he has passed completely . take out the ratio of Cumulative totals of these subjects. Then when he has passed the same subject in the later attempt he can be awarded the credit rating for that subject as well ...
21st July 2011 03:59 AM
Re: How to calculate CGPA and GPA?

my percentagefor 6 semester are : 59.25%, 54.6%, 62.7% ,62%, 70.6%, 65.8% and the total aggregate of all 6 semester or 3 years is 62.68%. What is my CPGA? How to calculate it?
10th July 2011 05:46 PM
Re: How to calculate CGPA and GPA?

how to calculate CGPA of Btech
21st June 2011 03:38 PM
Re: How to calculate CGPA and GPA?

i am B sc agri my percentage is 75.70 ,how to calculate my grand total & out off marks ? ple tell me Thanks
19th June 2011 09:59 PM
Re: How to calculate CGPA and GPA?

15th June 2011 12:47 PM
Re: How to calculate CGPA and GPA?

i'm an mba student. if i got 70% aggregate inn 1st sem. what will b my cgpa as per the bput rule??
12th June 2011 11:58 AM
Re: How to calculate CGPA and GPA?

my grade is c2, what is my percentage ?
14th May 2011 01:01 PM
Re: How to calculate CGPA and GPA?

Sir , i am Diwakar , 62 % in total marks . so i want to know my cgpa and please tell me about how to calculate cgpa . tell me detail . please send me
1st May 2011 08:36 PM
Re: How to calculate CGPA and GPA?

i am prasad studying btech 3rd year i got 1st year 6.8 2nd year 6.0 cgpa how much percentage
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