Thread: I want bhel exam syllabus for engineer trainee Reply to Thread

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13th October 2012 11:34 AM
aahna maahi
Re: I want bhel exam syllabus for engineer trainee

Hi, I have completed diploma in Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering,
Will you please send model question papers and syllubus to my mail id.
my mail id is [email protected]
Thanks in advance.
4th November 2011 06:24 PM
Re: I want bhel exam syllabus for engineer trainee

bhel exam syllabus for engineer trainee is exactly same as that for GATE exam
for further detail please visit the link given below"

you can get the syllabus for it on :-
3rd November 2011 09:01 PM
Re: I want bhel exam syllabus for engineer trainee


The BHEL has not announced any specific syllabus of its own. Following its pattern and last years question papers it has been noticed that GATE course is enough for the BHEL exam.

Now I have a full length question paper which I am attaching. Maybe this would help you get an idea about the patters and the weightage of the topics they tend to ask more.

All the Best.
3rd November 2011 05:08 PM
Re: I want bhel exam syllabus for engineer trainee

Hi i m ponnmabalam i want diploma mechanical question papers for employ exams
22nd September 2011 09:27 PM
Re: I want bhel exam syllabus for engineer trainee

hi want the syllabus of BHEL exams for Instrumentation and Control Engineering is it similar to GATE syllabus
22nd September 2011 08:13 AM
Re: I want bhel exam syllabus for engineer trainee

18th September 2011 08:41 AM
Re: I want bhel exam syllabus for engineer trainee

BHEL has not Described any Syllabus for Engineer Trainee. You can Follow The Syllabus of Gate. The Examination will be for 2 Hour 30 Minutes and 240 questions. If Ypu Want to Download The Exam pattern and Question Paper for BHEL Engineer Trainee.. Check The Link Given below:
17th September 2011 03:32 PM
Re: I want bhel exam syllabus for engineer trainee

Originally Posted by keerthi View Post
sorry for late reply. If you want it for next year then ask me i will give you.
ok u can come to my home in the night i will give you
16th September 2011 03:20 PM
Re: I want bhel exam syllabus for engineer trainee

send bhel engg. supervisery papers [email protected]
15th September 2011 04:05 PM
Re: I want bhel exam syllabus for engineer trainee

i want bhel syllbus for engineer trianee plz sent to my mail id
[email protected]
thanks in advance
15th September 2011 04:00 PM
Re: I want bhel exam syllabus for engineer trainee

i want bhel xam syllbus for engineer trainee
13th September 2011 11:09 AM
Re: I want bhel exam syllabus for engineer trainee

hai friends,
I am kavitha from bangalore.I want BHEL(EEE) exam syllabus and also previous papers.please send it to mail id:[email protected]
11th September 2011 09:36 PM
Re: I want bhel exam syllabus for engineer trainee

Hey...everyone..if anyone has sample question paper and syllabus for Bhel engineer trainee recruitment 2011, then please send it to me at [email protected]...
9th September 2011 02:13 PM
Re: I want bhel exam syllabus for engineer trainee

please tell me whether bhel paper is specific for instrumentation or general electronics only...
5th September 2011 08:34 PM
Re: I want bhel exam syllabus for engineer trainee

plz tell exam date,time& centre for engineer trainee exam for electrical engineering...
3rd September 2011 08:48 PM
Re: I want bhel exam syllabus for engineer trainee

I want bhel exam syllabus for Draftsman mechanical

please send my email id : [email protected]
3rd September 2011 02:41 AM
Re: I want bhel exam syllabus for engineer trainee 2011


i'm prateek ([email protected]), i just saw ur comment at 31/2009 that u have question paper , will u plz send me syllabus & last year question paper b'coz i am appearing in bhel super viser training year 2011.
2nd September 2011 12:07 PM
Re: I want bhel exam syllabus for engineer trainee

hiiiiii frnds....

i'm vivek..i want bhel engineer trainee - electronics(ECE) syllabus, please send it to the mail id.... [email protected] ........

Thanksss in advancee.....
31st August 2011 11:09 AM
Re: I want bhel exam syllabus for engineer trainee

[QUOTE=Unregistered;190275]hi keerthi
u asked sample paper of bhel but u didnt mention ur branch.plz mention ur branch

pls send me bhel question paper to [email protected]. i want ECE question papers
30th August 2011 10:40 AM
Re: I want bhel exam syllabus for engineer trainee

This is the link from which you easily download the your previous papers and the other requirments
29th August 2011 05:14 PM
Re: I want bhel exam syllabus for engineer trainee

hi sir
this is ravinder from Hyderabad my branch is mechanical 2010 batch.sir please send the previous papers for understanding da exam patterns so please send to my mail is [email protected]
29th August 2011 05:10 PM
Re: I want bhel exam syllabus for engineer trainee

hi dis is ravi

which book is better for preparing now means these shot time
29th August 2011 04:54 PM
Re: I want bhel exam syllabus for engineer trainee

Plz snd me the syllabus of bhel of id is [email protected]
25th August 2011 11:00 AM
Re: I want bhel exam syllabus for engineer trainee

[QUOTE=harika;683]Respected sir,
I want bhel exam syllabus which will going to held on 18th september 2011 for engineer tranee. my branch is EE. if you have sample papers or previous bhel papers then kindly send me those too in my email id:[email protected]
24th August 2011 08:50 PM
Re: I want bhel exam syllabus for engineer trainee

hi sir ,
This is Dhivya from Trichy.i am going to prepare bhel written exam.first which part i concentrate more technical side or aptitude side? which will be very tough in written exam? because all portions are very high , we are read complete syllabus means the time period is not enough , so please tell me how to prepare for that?
23rd August 2011 08:56 PM
Re: I want bhel exam syllabus for engineer trainee

bhel exam free books
23rd August 2011 08:49 AM
Re: I want bhel exam syllabus for engineer trainee

sir i want syllabus for BHEL requirement 2011.plz send me mail id;[email protected]
21st August 2011 05:29 PM
Re: I want bhel exam syllabus for engineer trainee

I have applied for BHEL Engineer trainee(2011) in the stream of Electronics and Communication...
I am inneed of Syllabus of BHEL Engineer trainee(Electronics) and previous year model question papers
Send to my mail id: [email protected]
Do the needful as early as possible.
Thank you..
21st August 2011 02:08 PM
Re: I want bhel exam syllabus for engineer trainee

hi sir/madam,
next month i have engineer traine exam in bhell..i need the syllabus for that and i am from eee dept pls can anyone help me to be in part of bhell
21st August 2011 01:28 AM
Re: I want bhel exam syllabus for engineer trainee

I want bhel exam syllabus for engineering trainee for 2011. My branch is electronics and communication. If you have previous question papers please forward me on [email protected]. Please if you have any worthy suggestion for me you can give.
20th August 2011 09:34 PM
Re: I want bhel exam syllabus for engineer trainee

Respected sir,

this is keerthi. i need bhel 2011 recruitment syllabus for engineer trainee and previous question papers also. please kindly sent those to my mail [email protected]

thank you
19th August 2011 03:17 PM
Re: I want bhel exam syllabus for engineer trainee

I am dinesh from ranipet .I am in electrical and electronics engineering dept.will you please send all pervious question paper and syllabus to my email id email id is "[email protected]"and contact number is 9789683158
19th August 2011 02:03 PM
Re: I want bhel exam syllabus for engineer trainee

I need Syllabus for Suervisor trainee in bhel
18th August 2011 09:33 PM
Re: I want bhel exam syllabus for engineer trainee

Please mail me (id:[email protected]) bhel engineer trainee syllabus and previous papers if you have.
18th August 2011 06:02 PM
Re: I want bhel exam syllabus for engineer trainee

if its a Electronics dept Please send it to [email protected]
18th August 2011 05:54 PM
Re: I want bhel exam syllabus for engineer trainee

Hi ,
If anyone have previous year papers for BHEL Engineer Trainee (Electrronics),Please mail to me my id is "[email protected]" and also i want to know which book that i have to follow for this exam.

Thanks in Advance.
18th August 2011 01:25 AM
Re: I want bhel exam syllabus for engineer trainee

dear sir,, please notify me how to prepare EE papers and send the site link for downloading previous year papers.
17th August 2011 11:57 PM
Re: I want bhel exam syllabus for engineer trainee

Respected sir,
I am dinesh from ranipet. I am in electrical and electronics engineering dept.will you please send all previous question paper and syllabus to my email id sir. my email id is "[email protected]"
17th August 2011 11:37 PM
Re: I want bhel exam syllabus for engineer trainee

Respected sir,
I am dinesh from ranipet . I am in electrical and electronics engineering dept.will you please send all previous question paper and syllabus to my mail id sir. my mail id is "[email protected]"
17th August 2011 09:49 PM
Re: I want bhel exam syllabus for engineer trainee

Please send this through [email protected]
16th August 2011 10:19 PM
Re: I want bhel exam syllabus for engineer trainee

Originally Posted by keerthi View Post
i have some sample papers but how can i sent it to you?

pls send it to [email protected]
13th August 2011 10:29 AM
vipin bihari chaturvedi
Re: I want bhel exam syllabus for engineer trainee

Hi dear,

download papers from this link-
13th August 2011 01:40 AM
Re: I want bhel exam syllabus for engineer trainee

i want to get the job in bhel at any cost . what are the things that i need to follow . every possible effort i can put to get through it ,
suggest me some important things , so that i will be thankful to u guys
10th August 2011 08:27 PM
Re: I want bhel exam syllabus for engineer trainee

Originally Posted by keerthi View Post
i have some sample papers but how can i sent it to you?
Hi friend pls send through my mail id [email protected]
10th August 2011 06:17 PM
Re: I want bhel exam syllabus for engineer trainee

i am vidya from chennai. i am be(eee) and i have applied for engineering trainee -electrical and electronics category .please tell me the books to prepare for written test and send some gate electrical questions and sample question
papers to this mail id [email protected]
8th August 2011 04:02 PM
Re: I want bhel exam syllabus for engineer trainee


if anyone of u have question papers for engineer trainee-( electrical ) plz send it to my id and also want to ask is galgotia a right book to syudy for dis exam plz help abt it

thanks in advance
8th August 2011 02:11 PM
Re: I want bhel exam syllabus for engineer trainee

please send me previous years solved question papers of BHEL in ECE stream to my mail ID. [email protected]
please do the needful.
6th August 2011 11:51 AM
Re: I want bhel exam syllabus for engineer trainee

Im gonna attn BHEL ENGINEER TRAINEE 2011 EXAM.....can any one please send me model question papers to my mail [email protected].....
5th August 2011 05:17 PM
Re: I want bhel exam syllabus for engineer trainee

I need the model question paper for bhel
4th August 2011 02:10 AM
Re: I want bhel exam syllabus for engineer trainee

can anyone post BHEL and ECIL question papers with explanations
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