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26th June 2012 01:03 AM
Re: Names of the books that I should refer for IES exam? My branch is electrical

since your branch is EEE;i am suggesting some books to you that may help you to achieve you dream.
Network Analysis: Van Valkenburg
- Electromagnetic: Willain H. Hayt
- Electrical Machinery: PS Bhimra
- Electrical Machines: Nagrath & Kothari
- Power System Engineering: Nagrath & Kothari
- Electric Power Systems: CL Wadhwa
- Automatic Control System: Benjamin C. Kuo
- Control System Engineering: Nagrath & Gopal
- Electrical & Electronic Measurement and Instrumentation: AK Sawhney
- Integrated Electronics: Milman & Halkias, Millma & Grobel
- Digital Logic & Computer Design: Morris Mano
- Power Electronics: PS Bhimra

all the best.
25th June 2012 01:02 AM
Re: Names of the books that I should refer for IES exam? My branch is electrical


-->please refer the following books:-

* Digital Design by M.Morris Mano

* Elements of Electromagnetics by Sadiku

*Monochrome & Colour by R.R.Gulati

* Communication System: Analog & Digital by Singh and Sapre

* Microelectronic Circuits by Sedra & Smith

* Semiconductor Devices by S.M.Sze

*Power Electronics by PS Bhimra

*Electric Power System by CL Wadhwa

*Electrical & Electronic Measurement and Instrumentation by A.K.Sahney

*Networks & Systems by D.Roy Chaudhary

*Microwave Enggineering by Sanjeev Gupta

work wishes...gurinder!!!
24th June 2012 08:28 PM
anu kumari 2
Re: Names of the books that I should refer for IES exam? My branch is electrical

To be eligible for IES a candidate must be either a citizen of India

Books for IES Electronic and Telecommunications Engineering
- Network Analysis: Van Valkenburg
- Network and Systems: D. Roy Choudhary
- Integrated Electronics: Jacob Milman & C. Halkias, Millman & Grabel
- Integrated Circuits: K.R. Botkar
- Op. Amps & Linear Integrated Circuit: Gayakwad
- Digital Logic & Computer Design: Moris Mano
- Signals and System: Oppehum, Willsky & Nacob
- Automatic Control System: Benjamin C. Kuo
- Control System Engineering: Nagrath & Gopal
- Principle of Communication System: Taub & Schilling
- Communication System: A. Bruu Carlson
- Electromagnetic Waves & Radiating Systems: Jardon & Balmain, JD Kraus
24th June 2012 08:27 PM
anu kumari 2
Re: Names of the books that I should refer for IES exam? My branch is electrical

To be eligible for IES a candidate must be either a citizen of India

Books for IES Electronic and Telecommunications Engineering
- Network Analysis: Van Valkenburg
- Network and Systems: D. Roy Choudhary
- Integrated Electronics: Jacob Milman & C. Halkias, Millman & Grabel
- Integrated Circuits: K.R. Botkar
- Op. Amps & Linear Integrated Circuit: Gayakwad
- Digital Logic & Computer Design: Moris Mano
- Signals and System: Oppehum, Willsky & Nacob
- Automatic Control System: Benjamin C. Kuo
- Control System Engineering: Nagrath & Gopal
- Principle of Communication System: Taub & Schilling
- Communication System: A. Bruu Carlson
- Electromagnetic Waves & Radiating Systems: Jardon & Balmain, JD Kraus
24th June 2012 07:20 PM
Re: Names of the books that I should refer for IES exam? My branch is electrical

Following are some of the books you can use as reference:-

>Power Electronics by PS Bhimra

>Electric Power System by CL Wadhwa

>Electrical & Electronic Measurement and Instrumentation by A.K.Sahney

>Networks & Systems by D.Roy Chaudhary

>Microwave Enggineering by Sanjeev Gupta

>Digital Design by M.Morris Mano

>Elements of Electromagnetics by Sadiku

>Monochrome & Colour by R.R.Gulati

>Communication System: Analog & Digital by Singh and Sapre

>Microelectronic Circuits by Sedra & Smith

>Semiconductor Devices by S.M.Sze
24th June 2012 07:08 PM
Re: Names of the books that I should refer for IES exam? My branch is electrical

you can take full material for ies exam from Dronacharya institute of engineers.
for electrical and electronics, the all material written by Sir Ramniwas ( An IES ).

for More Details:
F-108,near mother dairy booth , katwaria sarai,
opp. Qutub Hotel, new delhi-16 011-64551144,9810758209,8744886884.
24th June 2012 07:00 PM
Re: Names of the books that I should refer for IES exam? My branch is electrical

You can refer the following books for IES Exam in Electrical field as under-'

1. Guide For IES Engineering Services Examination: Electrical Engineering
Deepak Gupta
Publisher: G. K. Publishers Pvt. Ltd. (2010)

2. UPSC IES Engineering Services Examination Electrical Engineering (Solved Papers)
Publisher: G. K. Publications Pvt. Ltd (2010)

3. I.E.S. Electrical Engg. (Topic Wise Solved Papers)
Publisher: G. K. Publications Pvt. Ltd (2012)

4. UPSC Electrical Engineering: Previous Years' Papers (Solved)
R Gupta
Publisher: Ramesh Publishing House-delhi (2005)

5. Microwave Engineering - pozar
Mircowave engineering
Author- David M. Pozar
Electrical Engineering

6. Communication System - Simon Haykins
Communication system
Author - Simon Haykins
Electrical engineering

7. Signal and System - Oppenheim and Willsky
Signal and System
Author - Oppenheim and Willsky
Electrical engineering

8. Satellite Communications - Pratt and Bostian
Satellite Communications
Author - Pratt and Bostian
Electrical engineering

9. Monochrome and colour - R.R. Gulati
Monochrome and colour
Author - R.R. Gulati
Electrical engineering
24th June 2012 04:17 PM
Re: Names of the books that I should refer for IES exam? My branch is electrical

Books for IES Electrical Engineering
- Network Analysis: Van Valkenburg
- Electromagnetic: Willain H. Hayt
- Electrical Machinery: PS Bhimra
- Electrical Machines: Nagrath & Kothari
- Power System Engineering: Nagrath & Kothari
- Electric Power Systems: CL Wadhwa
- Automatic Control System: Benjamin C. Kuo
- Control System Engineering: Nagrath & Gopal
- Electrical & Electronic Measurement and Instrumentation: AK Sawhney
- Integrated Electronics: Milman & Halkias, Millma & Grobel
- Digital Logic & Computer Design: Morris Mano
- Power Electronics: PS Bhimra
24th June 2012 03:37 PM
Re: Names of the books that I should refer for IES exam? My branch is electrical

Names of books
Microwave Engineering for electrical Engineering
by David M. Pozar

communication system
by simon haykins

IES topic wise solved papers
by G K P

UPSC previous years solved papers
by R Gupta

good luck
24th June 2012 02:57 PM
Re: Names of the books that I should refer for IES exam? My branch is electrical

HIIIIIII friendsssss.........

i am also prepare for psu i reorganize that best book is from gk publication its help for ur future i think and u succeed in ur exam

best of luck from my side .........i think this help for u
24th June 2012 02:26 PM
Re: Names of the books that I should refer for IES exam? My branch is electrical

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
I am doing preperation for ies(indian engineering service).please tell me the name of book that i can prefer .my branch is electrical.

----------------Books for IES-Electrical branch--------------

IES Electrical engineering papers
by--trump gates

Electrical engineering solved papers-1 and 2
by--made easy team

chapterwise solved papers(2000-2011)
by--deepak purohit

IES Papers upsc electrical engineering
Publisher---gk publishers

IES electrical engineering papers(objective-1 &2)

IES Electrical engineering paper-2
by--vaibhav jain

hope this helped.........

with regards
24th June 2012 02:24 PM
Re: Names of the books that I should refer for IES exam? My branch is electrical

Hello Friend,

You can prepare for the IES exam from these books::

24th June 2012 12:44 PM
Re: Names of the books that I should refer for IES exam? My branch is electrical

hello friend...!!

->Dont use any short cuts first of all clear you concepts with Standard books like-

1.Communication system
Author - Simon Haykins
Electrical engineering

2.Mircowave engineering
Author- David M. Pozar
Electrical Engineering

3.Signal and System
Author - Oppenheim and Willsky
Electrical engineering

4.Satellite Communications
Author - Pratt and Bostian
Electrical engineering

Monochrome and colour
Author - R.R. Gulati
Electrical engineering

->After studying with standard books you should practice some old papers.

-> GK publications provide last few years solved papers for IES which are very useful for practicing.

->You will also have one paper of General aptitude.

->It will be your first objective paper of 200 marks. Time allotted will be 2 hours.

thank u...!!!

all the best..!!
24th June 2012 12:17 PM
Re: Names of the books that I should refer for IES exam? My branch is electrical

Name of books for IES
UPSC IES Engineering services examination electrical engineering solved paper
by G K P

Guide for engineering services examination
by Deepak Gupta

UPSC electrical engineering previous years solved papers
by R. Gupta

IES electrical engineering topic wise solved papers
by G K P

good luck
24th June 2012 10:56 AM
Re: Names of the books that I should refer for IES exam? My branch is electrical

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
I am doing preperation for ies(indian engineering service).please tell me the name of book that i can prefer .my branch is electrical.
Dont use any short cuts first of all clear you concepts with Standard books like

Microwave Engineering - pozar

Mircowave engineering
Author- David M. Pozar
Electrical Engineering

Communication System - Simon Haykins

Communication system
Author - Simon Haykins
Electrical engineering

Signal and System - Oppenheim and Willsky

Signal and System
Author - Oppenheim and Willsky
Electrical engineering

Satellite Communications - Pratt and Bostian

Satellite Communications
Author - Pratt and Bostian
Electrical engineering

Monochrome and colour - R.R. Gulati

Monochrome and colour
Author - R.R. Gulati
Electrical engineering

I am also attaching a complete list of reference book for various subjects of electrical engineering. It also has the names of some books of Indian writers if you prefer Indian writers over foreign writers.

After studying with standard books you should practice some old papers. GK publications provide last few years solved papers for IES which are very useful for practicing.

You will also have one paper of General aptitude. It will be your first objective paper of 200 marks. Time allotted will be 2 hours.

you should refer to the following books for general aptitude test.

-Constitution of India by Subhash Kashyap
- You should study NCERT books for Indian geography (class 12th book), Ancient indian history, medieval Indian history, Modern Indian history and also for life science
-For world geography you can refer to Gohcheng- Leong
-You should also study atlas by oxford or TTK publication for Geography subject.
- For current affairs you should keep yourself updates through news paper , however, there are also many books to prepare for the same.
24th June 2012 10:25 AM
Re: Names of the books that I should refer for IES exam? My branch is electrical

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
I am doing preperation for ies(indian engineering service).please tell me the name of book that i can prefer .my branch is electrical.
~~~ List of the Best books for IES Exam ~~~


Guide For IES Engineering Services Examination: Electrical Engineering
Deepak Gupta
Publisher: G. K. Publishers Pvt. Ltd. (2010)

UPSC IES Engineering Services Examination Electrical Engineering (Solved Papers)
Publisher: G. K. Publications Pvt. Ltd (2010)

I.E.S. Electrical Engg. (Topic Wise Solved Papers)
Publisher: G. K. Publications Pvt. Ltd (2012)

UPSC Electrical Engineering: Previous Years' Papers (Solved)
R Gupta
Publisher: Ramesh Publishing House-delhi (2005)


23rd June 2012 08:08 PM
Names of the books that I should refer for IES exam? My branch is electrical

I am doing preperation for ies(indian engineering service).please tell me the name of book that i can prefer .my branch is electrical.

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