Thread: Can I get admission for B.Tech in PEC by having Defence Quota? Reply to Thread

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25th May 2017 02:43 PM
Re: Can I get admission for B.Tech in PEC by having Defence Quota?

Hello sir. I scored 117 marks in jee mains with a rank of 50000. Can I get admission in PEC through te defend quota ? My dad ja a military engineer currently posted in Jaipur.
25th May 2017 02:37 PM
Re: Can I get admission for B.Tech in PEC by having Defence Quota?

Can I get admission through defence quota in pec Chandigarh jee rank is 50000..
22nd March 2015 09:15 AM
Re: Can I get admission for B.Tech in PEC by having Defence Quota?


Sorry to say but your rank is low. As you are saying that you want admission in PEC.
But never to loose the hope.
You can try in some other engineering colleges.
You will definitely get a collage in India for

hope for the best.
gud luck.

thank you.
22nd March 2015 12:37 AM
Re: Can I get admission for B.Tech in PEC by having Defence Quota?

sir i have 91.4% in 12 and expecting 150 marks in jee i have defence quota and backward area quota too can i get adm. in pec???
25th June 2014 08:50 PM
Re: Can I get admission for B.Tech in PEC by having Defence Quota?

sir i scored 96 in jee and have 89% in cbse can i get pec colledge with any stream?
1st May 2013 12:42 AM
Re: Can I get admission for B.Tech in PEC by having Defence Quota?

is there any defence quota in thapar unversity?
26th June 2012 05:19 PM
Re: Can I get admission for B.Tech in PEC by having Defence Quota?

My AIR in AIEEE is 40000. i am son of serving Army officer. where can i expect seat in govt college.
10th June 2012 12:00 PM
Re: Can I get admission for B.Tech in PEC by having Defence Quota?

my aieee all india rank is 24000 and my inter percentage is 92%, my father is a retired ex-service man,so is there any chance for me to get admission into Delhi Technological University and Punjab Engineering College? if so,what is the stream i can apply for?
4th July 2011 07:06 PM
Re: Can I get admission for B.Tech in PEC by having Defence Quota?

my AIEEE AIR rank is 84280 and i am having defence %age in 2 is 91.4% and 96.67% in PCM.can i get in PEC(mech,civil or ece)
2nd July 2011 03:47 PM
Re: Can I get admission for B.Tech in PEC by having Defence Quota?

yes you are eligible for b-tech after your position.this require only 12th with PCM.
you can go for this after your entrance you can get the admission in b-tech at this
25th June 2011 02:41 PM
Re: Can I get admission for B.Tech in PEC by having Defence Quota?

sir my air ranking is 66213 and i have applied for defence category in pec. My percentage in class 12 is 87.2 . Can i get admission for b tech in pec?
13th June 2011 07:46 PM
Re: Can I get admission for B.Tech in PEC by having Defence Quota?

My air is 23870 in defence quota. Can i get admission for in PEC?
6th June 2011 11:29 AM
Re: Can I get admission for B.Tech in PEC by having Defence Quota?

can i get admission in pec with 200716 AIR rank nd 6963 state rank with defence quota???
5th June 2011 09:16 PM
Re: Can I get admission for B.Tech in PEC by having Defence Quota?

can i get admission in pec with 1296 rank n chandigarh quota and with defence quota too???
28th May 2011 02:40 PM
Krishankant mishra
Re: Can I get admission for B.Tech in PEC by having Defence Quota?

I gt 83.4% in cbse 12. Cn i gt any engineering college havimg good placement through defence quota
22nd May 2011 05:28 PM
Sumit Ahujaa
Re: Can I get admission for B.Tech in PEC by having Defence Quota?

Sorry You can take admission in in PEC.
but don't be extinguish your spirit, Try on some other colleges,

All the best!
9th May 2011 03:01 PM
Gita Irudhayaraj
Re: Can I get admission for B.Tech in PEC by having Defence Quota?

hi friend,
Your rank to down. You cannot be placed in pec. but you can go in any of the other colleges with defence quota and this rank.

All the best.
2nd May 2011 10:41 AM
Re: Can I get admission for B.Tech in PEC by having Defence Quota?

can i get admission in pec with 177 marks, if yes then which stream?
please reply.
8th March 2011 08:08 PM
Re: Can I get admission for B.Tech in PEC by having Defence Quota?

defence quota in BE tech in thapar university
4th March 2011 07:25 AM
Re: Can I get admission for B.Tech in PEC by having Defence Quota?


in this rank you might face such difficult to find good college.

But you admissioned in any college in india
3rd June 2010 05:44 PM
Tarunpreet singh
Can I get admission for B.Tech in PEC by having Defence Quota?

sir i am delhi pass out student i have got 92000 rank in aieee i have defence quota as my father is an ex-serviceman so may you plz let me know wheather i can get seat in any of the streams of b-tech in pec & plz send me the data of last year cut off of defence quota if u have.

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