16th February 2013 07:34 PM | ||
navjotsidhupamal |
Re: Eligibility Criteria of IIT JEE and AIEEE? My dear friend, IIT JEE and AIEEE are entrance exam to enter into the field of engineering after 12th.By giving the these entrance exams ,you can do the engineering course. AIEEE stands for All India Engineering Entrance Exam and it is the entrance exam after 12th but you have completed your 12th with more than 50% marks. ![]() There are lots of streams in engineering for which you can go.The streams in engineering are: 1.COmputer science engineering 2.Information technology 3.Civil Engineering 4.Mechanical Engineering 5.Aeronautical Engineering 6.Food technology 7.Biotechnology 8.Electrical Engineering 9.Electronics and communication Engineering 10.Nanotechnology and many more. So you can choose any one of them.It is your own choice and you can choose any one according to your choice and interest. Thank u!! |
25th July 2012 05:20 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: Eligibility Criteria of IIT JEE and AIEEE? is a polytechnic student eligible for IIT and AIEEE? |
17th June 2012 01:25 PM | ||
aatif1 |
Re: Eligibility Criteria of IIT JEE and AIEEE? Eligibility criteria of iitjee is given below:- Candidates must make sure that they satisfy ALL the eligibility conditions given below for appearing in IIT-JEE 2012: Date of Birth General (GE) and Other Backward Classes (OBC) category candidates must have been born on or after October 1, 1987. Those born earlier are not eligible to appear in IIT-JEE 2012. Candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes (SC), Scheduled Tribes (ST), and those with Physical Disability (PD) must have been born on or after October 1, 1982. SC/ST/PD candidates born before October 1, 1982 are not eligible to appear in IIT-JEE 2012. The date of birth as recorded in the high school/first Board/Pre-University certificate will be accepted. If the certificate does not mention the date of birth, a candidate must submit along with the application, an authenticated document indicating the date of birth. Year of Passing Qualifying Examination (QE) To appear in IIT-JEE 2012, a candidate must have either passed the QE for the first time, on or after October 1, 2010 or appearing for the first time in 2012. Those who are going to appear in the QE later than September 30, 2012 are not eligible to appear in IIT-JEE 2012. The year of passing the QE will be determined based on the examination he/she passed the earliest out of the qualifying examinations listed below. In case the applicant passed more than one QE or attempted successfully same QE more than once, the year of the first successful QE/attempt will be used to determine the eligibility for IIT-JEE 2012. The qualifying examinations are listed below: The final examination of the 10+2 system, conducted by any recognized central/ state Board, such as Central Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi; Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations, New Delhi; etc. Intermediate or two-year Pre-University examination conducted by a recognized Board/ University. Final examination of the two-year course of the Joint Services Wing of the National Defence Academy. General Certificate Education (GCE) examination (London / Cambridge / Sri Lanka) at the Advanced (A) level. High School Certificate Examination of the Cambridge University or International Baccalaureate Diploma of the International Baccalaureate Office, Geneva. H.S.C. vocational examination. Senior Secondary School Examination conducted by the National Institute of Open Schooling with a minimum of five subjects. A Diploma recognized by AICTE or a state board of technical education of at least 3 year duration. Any Public School/Board/University examination in India or in any foreign country recognized as equivalent to the 10+2 system by the Association of Indian Universities (AIU). In case the relevant QE is not a public examination, the candidate must have passed at least one public (Board or Pre-University) examination at an earlier level. Minimum Percentage of Marks in QE Candidates belonging to GE and OBC categories must secure at least 60% marks in aggregate in QE. SC, ST and PD candidates must secure at least 55% marks in aggregate in QE. The percentage of marks awarded by the Board will be treated as final. If the Board does not award the percentage of marks, it will be calculated based on the marks obtained in all subjects listed in the mark sheet. If any Board awards only letter grades without providing an equivalent percentage of marks on the grade sheet, the candidate should obtain a certificate from the Board specifying the equivalent marks, and submit it at the time of counselling / admission. In case such a certificate is not provided the decision taken by the Joint Implementation Committee (JIC) of IIT-JEE 2012 will be final. Number of JEE Attempts A candidate can attempt JEE maximum two times in consecutive years irrespective of whether or not he/she passed QE. Those who have attempted JEE in 2010 or earlier are NOT ELIGIBLE to appear in IIT-JEE 2012. Earlier Admission Taken Through JEE Candidates who have taken admission (irrespective of whether or not they continued in any of the programmes) or accepted the admission by paying the registration fee at any of the IITs, IT-BHU Varanasi or ISM Dhanbad, are NOT ELIGIBLE to appear in IIT-JEE 2012. Important Points The offer of admission is subject to verification of original certificates/ documents at the time of admission. If any candidate is found ineligible at a later date even after admission to an Institute, his/her admission will be cancelled. If a candidate is expecting the results of the QE in 2012, his/her admission will only be provisional until he/she submits the relevant documents. The admission stands cancelled if the documents are not submitted in original to the concerned institute on or before September 30, 2012. If a Board invariably declares the results of the QE after September 30, every year, the candidate is advised not to attempt IIT-JEE 2012. The decision of the Joint Admission Board of IIT-JEE 2012 regarding the eligibility of any applicant shall be final. Eligibility of aieee:- The minimum academic qualification for appearing in AIEEE 2011 is that the candidate must have passed in final examination of 10+2 (Class XII) or its equivalent referred to as the qualifying examination (see Appendix IX) with 50% marks for general category candidates and 40% marks for SC/ST/OBC/PH category candidates. Those appearing in 10+2 (Class XII) final or equivalent examination may also appear in AIEEEprovisionally. Candidates appearing in 10+2 (Class XII) in 2012 or passed in 2008 or before are not eligible to appear in AIEEE. Subject combinations required in the qualifying examination for admission to B.E./B.Tech. and B. Arch./B. Planning Courses shall be as under: Course Compulsory Anyone of the Optional Subjects B.E/B.TECH* Physics & Mathematics Chemistry Bio-technology Computer Science Biology B.ARCH/B. PLANNING** Mathematics with 50% marks in aggregate at 10+2 level *This is as per decision of the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE).**Provisionally as per the orders of the Hon’ble High Court of Delhi and directive recieved from the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Govt. of India. The number of attempts which a candidate can avail at All India Engineering/Architecture Entrance Examination shall be limited to 03 (three) uniformly for all the candidates in consecutive years. The candidates passed +2 exam in 2009, 2010 or appearing in +2 in 2011 are only eligible to appear in AIEEE. Candidates passed +2 in 2008 or before or appearing in 2012 are not eligible to appear in AIEEE. Only those candidates whose date of birth falls on or after October 01, 1986 are eligible. However, in the case of Scheduled Caste (SC), Scheduled Tribe (ST) and Physically Handicapped (PH) candidates, upper age limit is relaxed by 5 years, i.e. SC, ST and PH candidates who were born on or after October 01, 1981 are eligible. Date of birth as recorded in the Secondary Education Board/University certificate only will be taken as authentic. QUALIFYING EXAMINATIONS: i) The +2 level examination in the 10+2 pattern of examination of any recognized Central/State Board ofSecondary Examination, such as Central Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi, and Council for Indian School Certificate Examination, New Delhi ii) Intermediate or two-year Pre-University Examination conducted by a recognized Board/University. iii) Final Examination of the two-year course of the Joint Services Wing of the National Defence Academy. iv) Any Public School/Board/University Examination in India or in foreign countries recognized by the Association of Indian Universities as equivalent to 10+2 system. v) H.S.C. Vocational Examination. vi) A pass grade in the Senior Secondary School Examination conducted by the National Open School with a minimum of five subjects. vii) 3 or 4-year diploma recognized by AICTE or a State Board of Technical Education |
11th June 2012 08:17 PM | ||
tl.com |
Re: Eligibility Criteria of IIT JEE and AIEEE? hi dear friends, given below eligibility is the different eligibility criteria of the iit and AIEEE. Eligibility criteria for IIT: the students Securing 60 per cent marks in Class XII is eligible for the IIT aspirants from 2011. age limit is same as for the aieee which is mention below. reference book:- physics:-concept of physics by H.C Verma physics by erodov mathematics:- BY K.C SINHA by books by R.D SHARMA chemistry: organic chemistry by o.p agrawal modern chemistry by O.P AGRAWALL for AIEEE:- Students who have passed 10+2 level examination with 50% marks in case of genral category and 45% marks for sc/st or any examination considered equivalent by the Association of Indian Universities are eligible to take AIEEE. Candidates appearing for Class XII examinations may also appear for AIEEE and will be given provisional admission, if selected. AGE:-Candidates appearing for AIEEE should be less than 25 years of age on October 01 of the present year. Scheduled Caste (SC), Scheduled Tribe (ST), and Physically Handicapped (PH) students are allowed a relaxation of 5 years and are eligible for the AIEEE exams up to 30 years of age. thanks |
10th June 2012 08:10 PM | ||
aTRazan |
Re: Eligibility Criteria of IIT JEE and AIEEE? Eligibility criteria for IITJEE: 1)You should secure atleast 60% in physics, chemistry and mathematics in your 10+2 exam 2)you should be below 25 years of age. 3)you have either not given the exam before or have given for once only. Eligibility criteria for AIEEE:- 1)You should secure atleast 50% in physics, chemistry and mathematics in your 10+2 exam. 2)you have either not given the exam before or have given it for once or twice, not more than that. |
5th June 2012 06:19 PM | ||
ajjuravi |
Re: Eligibility Criteria of IIT JEE and AIEEE? Eligibility Criteria for IIT-JEE is at least 60% or above in 10+2. And, for AIEEE it is also 60% But from now ISEET may be implemented from next year. Then, at least 50% would be required to appear in ISEET (IIT+AIEEE) Actually, AIEEE and IIT-JEE are going to merge to form a single entrance that is called ISEET. |
30th May 2012 08:59 PM | ||
bantidas |
Re: Eligibility Criteria of IIT JEE and AIEEE? Dear Aspirant, To appear in IITJEE or AIEEE you should have passed class 12th with science stream having physics, chemistry , maths as they are the cumpulsory subjects. However those students who have already given their Board exams can also sit in the exam. For IIT-JEE you need a minimum of 60% in 12th Boards and for AIEEE that is 55%. The board must be a recognized one. Good Luck..!! |
30th May 2012 04:36 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: Eligibility Criteria of IIT JEE and AIEEE? at least how much time should be spended on each subject to reach the iit level?is it necessary to study all subjects every day |
22nd January 2012 10:57 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: Eligibility Criteria of IIT JEE and AIEEE? are diploma and vocational(10 2) student (with 80.33% marks) applicable for AIEEE? |
30th November 2011 07:16 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: Eligibility Criteria of IIT JEE and AIEEE? What should i fill in my iit jee form about my status in QE if i have passed my 12th cbse boards exam this year with 50% marks in aggregate and have applied for improvement exams of cbse in all subjects in 2012 |
19th November 2011 10:54 PM | ||
Unregistered |
21st October 2011 08:31 PM | ||
jeo-rocks |
Re: Eligibility Criteria of IIT JEE and AIEEE? hi dear. IIT is the one of the best and craziest exam for B.TECH , its demand is abroad every where and most of the company wants to take candidates from IIT . A candidate who has passed class 12th examination or has appeared for the class 12th examination can sit for the IITJEE.The minimum percentage required to clear the IITJEE examination is 60% at 12th level. You must have physics,chemistry and maths as subject in 12th you can appear for IIT JEE. The age limit for appearing IIT JEE is 25 years. For SC,ST is 30 years A candidate can appear maximum of 2 times that too in 2 consecutive years. eligibility for AIEEE A candidate who has passed class 12th examination or has appeared for the class 12th examination can sit for the AIEEE.The minimum percentage required to clear the AIEEE examination is 60% at 12th level. YOUR AGE WILL BE MAXIMUM 25 YEARS YHANKS |
2nd October 2011 10:55 AM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: Eligibility Criteria of IIT JEE and AIEEE? Are US citIzens eligible to appear for IIT JEE and AIEEE??? |
20th September 2011 01:19 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: Eligibility Criteria of IIT JEE and AIEEE? what will a student who is preaparing for jee 2013 do???? |
16th September 2011 10:04 PM | ||
black-demon |
Re: Eligibility Criteria of IIT JEE and AIEEE? Dear Friend Both the exam is for science stream (with math, phy and che) students. One can appear IIT-JEE 2011 only if he/she has passed the 12th examination in 2010 or will pass in 2011 as there is provision of only two consecutive attempts which starts from the year of qualifying examination. One should score at least 60% marks in 12th (or Qualifying exam in case of other board) to be eligible to appear IIT-JEE. The notification for IIT-JEE is available which you can download from ant iit website. for AIEEE the minimum % needed for a general candidate is 50% in PCM group. |
16th September 2011 08:57 AM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: Eligibility Criteria of IIT JEE and AIEEE? please suggest me the bst refrences for iit and aieee |
5th September 2011 08:50 PM | ||
nitz90 |
Re: Eligibility Criteria of IIT JEE and AIEEE? Quote:
you have 2 attempts for clearing IIT-JEE and 3 attempts for AIEEE first,be completely thorough with your NCERT books,then for higher preparations:- 1)M.L.Khanna for Maths 2)P.Bahadur for Chemistry 3)Concepts of Physics solve past papers also |
5th September 2011 01:39 PM | ||
[email protected] |
Re: Eligibility Criteria of IIT JEE and AIEEE? You should have a 60 percentage of marks in +2 |
5th September 2011 12:07 AM | ||
Snehamay ganguly |
Re: Eligibility Criteria of IIT JEE and AIEEE? dear friend, IIT-JEE and AIEEE both the exams are entrance exams for engineering course.. After qualifying in any of these exam you will get a chance to take admission in B.tech/B.E course. Eligibility for IIT-JEE exam:- *The candidate must have complete the 12th in science(PCM) or its equivalent from a recognized central/state board. *The candidate should have 60% marks in 12th.. *The candidate can appear in IIT-JEE exam twice.. *The candidate can appear in IIT-JEE exam in the year of appearing in 12th exam, and next year of passing 12th exam in consecutive manner. AIEEE:- Eligibility criteria:- *The candidate must have complete 12th in science (PCM) or equivalent course from a recognized central/state board.. *The candidate must have 50% aggregate in 12th. *The candidate can appear in AIEEE exam in the year of appearing in 12th exam.. These are the criteria you have to fulfill first to appear in any of these exam.. All the best. |
4th September 2011 09:43 PM | ||
venkataprakash.v |
Re: Eligibility Criteria of IIT JEE and AIEEE? Eligibility Criteria for IIT JEE :- The candidate must have a completed 12th from a recognized board or equivalent qualification. The candidate must have a physics,chemistry and mathematics. The candidate must secure at least 60% marks in their examination. 5% marks relaxation for SC/ST/PD category. The candidate can attempt two times in a consecutive years. The candidate who are appearing in the 12th examination or equivalent examination can also apply for this examination. Eligibility Criteria for AIEEE :- The candidate should have a complete the12th from a recognized board or equivalent qualification. The candidate must have a physics,chemistry and mathematics. The candidate must secure at least 50% marks in their examination. 10% marks relaxation for SC/ST/PD category. The candidate can attempt Three times in a consecutive years. Those who are appearing in the 12th examination or equivalent examination can also apply for this examination. |
4th September 2011 06:42 PM | ||
Re: Eligibility Criteria of IIT JEE and AIEEE? Quote:
Eligibility for IIT-JEE:- 1.The candidate must have passed their 10+2 examinations from a recognized board with PHY ,CHEM ,MATH. 2. You must score 60% in class 10+2 exam. You can apply for this post in regularly two times. All the best. |
4th September 2011 12:32 AM | ||
vishal jaybhaye |
Re: Eligibility Criteria of IIT JEE and AIEEE? dear friend , the minimum requirement for the iitjee is to score more than 60% of marks in pcm in 10+2 board or an equivalent exam ( 55% in case of reserved category candidates .) and for aieee it is 50% in pcm in 10+2 board or an equivalent exam . 45% in case of reserved category candidates. the best books for the iit preparation are of arihant publications for maths book of o.p. tondon for chemistry and book written by h.c. verma for the physics. for more detailed information regarding aieee kindly visit the website www.upsc.gov.in thanks |
31st August 2011 12:53 AM | ||
kameshsriram |
Re: Eligibility Criteria of IIT JEE and AIEEE? hi friend , eligibility for iit-jee is scoring of minimum 60% of the marks in pcm subjects and for AIEEE it is minimum 50% marks in pcm subjects all the best for your IIT-JEE AND AIEEE |
20th July 2011 01:28 PM | ||
vasanth dhoni |
Re: Eligibility Criteria of IIT JEE and AIEEE? Hello Indian Institutes of Technology Joint Entrance Examination(IIT JEE) Eligibility Qualification: 1. A candidate can attempt JEE only twice, in consecutive years. 2.Candidates should have either passed the qualifying examination in the year of the test or the year previous to it. 3.Candidates should NOT have accepted admission by paying full fees at any of the IITs, IT-BHU, Varanasi or ISMU, Dhanbad, through earlier JEE. 4.Qualifying Examination: Candidates applying for JEE 2012 should have either passed after October 1, 2009, or should be appearing in IIT JEE 2012 in any one of the following qualifying examinations. 5.Eligibility Criteria in Qualifying Examination: Candidates belonging to General (GE), Other Backward Classes (OBC) and DS categories must secure at least 60% marks in aggregate in their Qualifying Examination. Candidates belonging to Scheduled Caste (SC), Scheduled Tribe (ST) and Physically Disabled (PD) categories must secure at least 55% marks in aggregate in the Qualifying Examination. 6.Special Requirements for Mining Engineering and Mining Machinery Courses: *Candidates opting for these courses should make sure that they do not have any form of colour blindness. *They will be required to submit a certificate from a Registered Medical Practitioner to this effect at the time of counselling. *Female candidates are not admitted to Mining Engineering and Mining Machinery Engineering at ISMU, Dhanbad, whereas the corresponding programmes at IIT Kharagpur and IT-BHU, Varanasi, have no such restriction. All India Engineering Entrance Exam(AIEEE) All India Engineering Entrance Examination (AIEEE) Eligibility Criteria 1.Students of India who have passed 10+2(Class XII) or an equivalent exam or appearing for the qualifying examination are considered for the provisional admission into the degree course. 2.If you are an aspiring engineer, and you want to appear AIEEE you have to pass your 10+2 with an aggregate of 50 % marks with Physics and mathematics as the compulsory subjects. 3. Students who wish to be architects are required to pass their 10+2 with an aggregate of 50 % marks with Mathematics as a compulsory subject. Chemistry, Computer Science, Bio-Technology or Biology can be taken as optional subject. ALL THE BEST |
17th July 2011 02:19 AM | ||
biswasgang |
Re: Eligibility Criteria of IIT JEE and AIEEE? I have scored only 44 marks in maths in board...but i have got 60 in physics and 76 in chemistry. So my average is 60.3 %. So can i appear in aieee and iit exam ? |
17th July 2011 02:13 AM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: Eligibility Criteria of IIT JEE and AIEEE? I have scored only 44 marks in maths in board...but i have got 60 in physics and 76 in chemistry. So my average is 60.3 %. So can i appear in aieee and iit exam ? |
30th June 2011 01:45 AM | ||
raisahab |
Re: Eligibility Criteria of IIT JEE and AIEEE? Hi dear, Both the exam is for science stream (with math, phy and che) students. One can appear IIT-JEE 2011 only if he/she has passed the 12th examination in 2010 or will pass in 2011 as there is provision of only two consecutive attempts which starts from the year of qualifying examination. One should score at least 60% marks in 12th (or Qualifying exam in case of other board) to be eligible to appear IIT-JEE. The notification for IIT-JEE is available which you can download from ant iit website. The notification for AIEEE is not yet published but is will be published before mid of DEC. In aieee a candidate is allowed to appear the exam thrice and the attempt count start from the year of qualifying examination. visit aieee website for any further details. http://aieee.nic.in/aieee2010/aieee/welcome.html Thanks |
27th June 2011 08:04 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: Eligibility Criteria of IIT JEE and AIEEE? I have passed HSC and i have scored 153/300 in PCM in 2011 so am i eligible for AIEEE 2012 OR not ? plzzz help me and does they see combined marks in PCM OR individual marks in PCM ? |
7th June 2011 01:42 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: Eligibility Criteria of IIT JEE and AIEEE? DOES ONE REQUIRES TO SCORE 50% MARK INDIVIDUALLY in physics chemistry and maths or 50% in combining pcm |
26th May 2011 10:38 AM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: Eligibility Criteria of IIT JEE and AIEEE? dear sir, i have scored 59.33% in 12 in pcm.am i eligible for iit and merchant navy. plzzzzzzzzzz help |
23rd May 2011 04:40 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: Eligibility Criteria of IIT JEE and AIEEE? Dear Sir, In 12th, I could not achieve the marks required to take IIT-JEE. Can I take the 12th board exam again privately. Kindly give me your much needed advice. |
21st May 2011 12:07 AM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: Eligibility Criteria of IIT JEE and AIEEE? i hv completed my 12th(phy,chem,mat) with 66.8% from isc board. i want to know that will my 12th marks count in iit-jee 2012. i heard that there is 70% weightage of 12th marks. Please suggest!!! |
28th April 2011 03:14 PM | ||
strange_rahul |
Re: Eligibility Criteria of IIT JEE and AIEEE? You must have PCM 60% for IIT 50% for AIEEE and 5% relaxation for SC/ST candidates........ |
27th April 2011 11:45 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: Eligibility Criteria of IIT JEE and AIEEE? [QUOTE=RIDZ;234854]can a 11 class student take part in iitexam just as an experience? yeah u can |
15th April 2011 10:53 PM | ||
chiranjeev90 |
Re: Eligibility Criteria of IIT JEE and AIEEE? Students of India who have passed 10+2(Class XII) or an equivalent exam or appearing for the qualifying examination are considered for the provisional admission into the degree course. If you are an aspiring engineer, and you want to appear AIEEE/IITyou have to pass your 10+2 with an aggregate of 50 % marks with Physics and mathematics as the compulsory subjects. Students who wish to be architects are required to pass their 10+2 with an aggregate of 50 % marks with Mathematics as a compulsory subject. Chemistry, Computer Science, Bio-Technology or Biology can be taken as optional subject. |
11th April 2011 10:12 PM | ||
vijaypatel54 |
Re: Eligibility Criteria of IIT JEE and AIEEE? For writing jee candidate must have passed their 10+2 examinations with 60% and can appear in the Joint Entrance Exam two times only, that also should be in consecutive years. but there is confusion surrounding the change in eligibility criteria next year,nothing could be said with certainty at the moment..next year the min. % may be 80%,,but there of politics over it and it may not come to effect soon....so well prepare....... |
1st April 2011 04:36 PM | ||
Nazu_khurana |
Re: Eligibility Criteria of IIT JEE and AIEEE? Eligibility: You must make sure that you satisfy all the eligibility conditions given below for appearing in JEE-2011 Date of birth: Candidate belonging to GE, OBC and DS categories must be born on or after October 01, 1986 and those belonging to SC, ST and PD categories must be born on or after October 01, 1981 Year of passing qualifying examination (QE): Must have passed the qualifying examination, namely, XII standard or any equivalent examination, after 1st October 2009 or in the year 2010 or will be appearing in 2011 Minimum percentage of marks in QE: candidates belonging to GE, OBC and DS categories must secure at least 60% marks and candidates belonging to SC, ST and PD categories must secure at least 55% marks in aggregate in the qualifying examination Important notes: (i) You can attempt JEE only twice, in consecutive years. That means you should have attempted JEE for the first time in 2010 or will be appearing in 2011 (ii) If you have accepted admission after qualifying in JEE in earlier years by paying full fees at any of the IITs, IT-BHU, Varanasi or ISM, Dhanbad, you will not be eligible to write JEE at all, irrespective of whether or not you joined in any of the programmes |
1st April 2011 01:34 AM | ||
Re: Eligibility Criteria of IIT JEE and AIEEE? HI DEAR, The Eligibility for AIEEE :- Pass in class 12th with Physics and Mathematics as compulsory subject in class 12th and any one of the following subject chemistry or biology or computer science. This criteria is for B.E/B.Tech For B.Arch and Planning eligibility is Mathematics in class 12th class with minimum 50% marks. The eligibility for IIT JEE :- Minimum 60% marks in class 12th and students who have passed 12th class in 2010 or will be appearing in 2011 for final 12th exam are eligible for IIT JEE 2011. Only two consecutive attempts is allowed for IIT JEE. OK ALL THE BEST |
1st April 2011 01:30 AM | ||
Re: Eligibility Criteria of IIT JEE and AIEEE? HI DEAR, Eligibility for AIEEE Candidate should be 10+2 pass with a minimum of 50% marks. Candidate should have Physics and Mathematics as a compulsory subject. Chemistry,Biology, Computer Science(any one) as an optional subject. Those appeared in the 10+2 examination are also eligible. So this exam is only for the students of Science stream. Eligibility For IIT JEE Candidate should be 10+2 pass and should have Physics and Mathematics as a compulsory subject. Chemistry,Biology, Computer Science(any one) as an optional subject with 60% marks. BEST OF LUCK |
31st March 2011 05:13 AM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: Eligibility Criteria of IIT JEE and AIEEE? If you have total 50% (general category) ,40% (reserved category) in your 12th exam then you eligible to give AIEEE.They do not see PCM group or Mathematics marks seperately for eligibility.Only total % is considered.Hope this helped.By the way submission for application forms for this year's i.e 2011 AIEEE are already over and if you are asking for next year then ALL THE BEST!!! |
24th March 2011 03:11 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: Eligibility Criteria of IIT JEE and AIEEE? what is pcm percent requirement in12 class for aieee or is their any requirement for maths marks in12 class for aieee |
23rd March 2011 02:23 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: Eligibility Criteria of IIT JEE and AIEEE? I completed my 10 2 in 2008-2010.iam appeared for AIEEE examination in 2010.I am unable to apply for 2011 aieee examination.but now i want to appear for 2012 aieee examinations.My date of birth is 06-03-1992.I got 82% of marks in 10 2.Shall i eligible for 2012 aieee examination?My name is A.Raghuram. |
14th March 2011 09:48 PM | ||
Somesh Goenka |
Re: Eligibility Criteria of IIT JEE and AIEEE? The minimum eligibility criteria for applying in the various engineering entrance exams such a IIT-JEE and AIEEE is as follows: 1.Candidate must have passed 10+2 or equivalent on or after 1st october 2009. 2.Minimum required percentage is 60% aggregate in all subjects. 3.Maximum permissible age limit is 25years(relaxable upto 5 years for SC/ST). 4.Also, maximum allowable attempts is 2 times in two consecutive years. So, if you fulfill the above criteria, you can apply for the exam. |
1st March 2011 10:19 AM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: Eligibility Criteria of IIT JEE and AIEEE? IF i get less than 60% in boards but i appeared for grade improvement exam in september and in that exam if i get 60% am i eligible for iitjee |
24th January 2011 03:09 PM | ||
abhimanyu2688 |
Re: Eligibility Criteria of IIT JEE and AIEEE? Hello Friend, The eligibility for IIT JEE is Minimum 60% marks in class 12th and students who have passed 12th class in 2010 or will be appearing in 2011 for final 12th exam are eligible for IIT JEE 2011. Only two consecutive attempts is allowed for IIT JEE. The Eligibility for AIEEE is Pass in class 12th with Physics and Mathematics as compulsory subject in class 12th and any one of the following subject chemistry or biology or computer science. This criteria is for B.E/B.Tech For B.Arch and Planning eligibility is Mathematics in class 12th class with minimum 50% marks. Three attempts are allowed in AIEEE. Reference books for IIT JEE and AIEEE are NCERT books for Physics Chemistry and Maths H C Verma for Physics K C Sinha for Maths O.P. Tandon for Chemistry All The Best and Good Luck. |
21st January 2011 05:39 PM | ||
edgeineervinay |
Re: Eligibility Criteria of IIT JEE and AIEEE? minimum 60% of aggregate marks in ur 12 to appear in these examinations |
20th January 2011 06:52 PM | ||
quddus |
Re: Eligibility Criteria of IIT JEE and AIEEE? Hi friend, For appearing in IITJEE minimum percentage in 12 should be 60% and for AIEEE 50%. There are many competitive books for iitjee and aieee like arihant's explorer, rudiments of pcm, etc. All the best! |
16th January 2011 12:00 AM | ||
mukul0094 |
Re: Eligibility Criteria of IIT JEE and AIEEE? For IITJEE - 12th passed with minimum 60% marks average in physics, chemistry and mathematics. For AIEEE- 12th passed with minimum 50% marks average in physics, chemistry and mathematics. Refrence book for both iit and aieee: physics- H.C Verma. chemistry- NCERT, o.p tandon. math - k.c sinha, M.L Khana. all the best. |
2nd December 2010 12:29 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: Eligibility Criteria of IIT JEE and AIEEE? im completed intermeadiate(mpc) in appearing year of 2006 - 2008.so after two years im not write the competative exams and also not join in any professional course because some family problems so now lets i'm written exam of iit- jee and aieee so now i'm eligibility to 2011 iit- jee,aieee examinations |
2nd December 2010 12:14 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: Eligibility Criteria of IIT JEE and AIEEE? im completed the intermeadiate course in appearing year 2006 - 2008.after i'm not wrote the test of iit jee and aieee because some family problems so now i'm to 2011 entrance test of those please tell me? |
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