Thread: Number of B.Ed colleges and their names in and around Hyderabad? Reply to Thread

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15th May 2013 09:21 AM
Re: Number of B.Ed colleges and their names in and around Hyderabad?

dear friend,,,,

Number of B.Ed colleges and their names in and around Hyderabad

1.AES college of education
2.Einsten college of education
3.MNR teacher education college
4.Gulam ahmed college of education
5.Global college of education
6.Adam college of education
7.Global college of education
8.MNR teacher education college
9.Ramadevi College of Education
10.AMS College of Education for Women
11.institution of Advanced Study in Education
12.St. Mary's College of Education
13.Nava Bharathi College of Education
14.Vignan College of Education
15.Presidency College of Education for Girls
16.Malla Reddy College of Education
17.Global College of Education
18.St. Anns College of Education
19.Navabharati College of Education
20.Anwaral Uloom College of Education
21.Shadan College of Education
22.Neelam Sanjeeva Reddy College of Education
23.Osmania University
24.Anwaral Uloom College of Education
25.Panineeya College of Education
10th August 2012 01:17 PM
Re: Number of B.Ed colleges and their names in and around Hyderabad?

where is panineeyacollege of education.please mention the particular area.
6th July 2012 12:03 AM
Re: Number of B.Ed colleges and their names in and around Hyderabad?

All state many collage in my india. This is a good system.
5th July 2012 11:55 PM
Re: Number of B.Ed colleges and their names in and around Hyderabad?

Originally Posted by baburao kirthi View Post
I would kindly request you to let me know the number of B.Ed colleges and their names in and around Hyderabad.
List B.Ed Colleges in Hyderabad:

Andhra Mahila Sabha College of Education.
Durgabai Deshmukh Vidyapeetham

Anwaral Uloom College of Education
New Mallepally, Hyderabad- 500001

College of Education
Durgabai Desmukh Vidyapeetham
Hyderabad- 500007

D.M.V College
Near Cherlpally, Hyderabad- 500001

Institute of Advanced Studies in Education
Welfare Centre, Masabtank
Hyderabad- 500057

Navabharati College of Education
No- 37, Burton Road, bolaram
Hyderabad- 500010

Neelam Sanjeeva Reddy College of Education
15/A, Puttibowli, Jambagh
Hyderabad- 500195

Panineeya College of Education
Vivekananda Nagar
Hyderabad- 550660

Shadan College of Education
Khairatabad, Hyderabad- 500004

Osmania University
Department of Education
Hyderabad- 500007

5th July 2012 08:57 PM
Re: Number of B.Ed colleges and their names in and around Hyderabad?

list of some B.ed collage in hyderabad are following:-

(1) Malla Reddy college of education, Suraram X Roads, Quthbullapur (M), Ranga Reddy
(2) NSR college of education, V.V. campus, Jambagh, Koti, Hyderabad
(3) Islamia college of education, Muslabad road (PO) Siddipet, Dist Medak
(4) Gokul college of education, Gokul Nagar, Nalgonda
(5) Govt college of teacher education, Mahabubnagar

5th July 2012 08:36 PM
Re: Number of B.Ed colleges and their names in and around Hyderabad?

Hello Friend........

download below attachment for B.ed colleges information around Hyderabad....

may be it it useful to you friend.

thanking you,

5th July 2012 08:01 PM
Re: Number of B.Ed colleges and their names in and around Hyderabad?

Top B.Ed Colleges in Hyderabad:-

=>Adam College of Education

=>Global College of Education

=>Institution of Advanced Study in Education

=>AMS College of Education for Women

=>Islamia College of Education

=>Malla Reddy College of Education

=>Nava Bharathi College of Education

=>Presidency College of Education for Girls

=>Ramadevi College of Education

=>St. Anns College of Education

=>Shadan College of Education

=>St. Mary's College of Education

=>Vignan College of Education
5th July 2012 06:43 PM
Re: Number of B.Ed colleges and their names in and around Hyderabad?

28th June 2012 06:30 PM
Re: Number of B.Ed colleges and their names in and around Hyderabad?

my rank in Bed is 60000 in which college I can get admission
12th December 2011 01:31 PM
Re: Number of B.Ed colleges and their names in and around Hyderabad?

Hi friend,there are many colleges in hyderabad . List of some colleges of b.ed courses in hyderabad:--

Adam college of education

Einsten college of education

Global college of education

AES college of education

Gulam ahmed college of education

Moghal college of education

MNR teacher education college

All the best
25th August 2011 04:59 PM
baburao kirthi
Number of B.Ed colleges and their names in and around Hyderabad?

I would kindly request you to let me know the number of B.Ed colleges and their names in and around Hyderabad.

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