Thread: Colleges in Kerala for Speech & Hearing degree course? Entrance exams and fees for the same? Reply to Thread

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2nd June 2015 04:24 PM
Re: Colleges in Kerala for Speech & Hearing degree course? Entrance exams and fees for the same?

Is there managment seat vacancies for speech and hearing bsc in any of the colleges in india
16th July 2014 01:02 AM
Re: Colleges in Kerala for Speech & Hearing degree course? Entrance exams and fees for the same?

My name is aswin ks i want to know hot to get a admission for bsc s&h
23rd September 2013 10:11 AM
Re: Colleges in Kerala for Speech & Hearing degree course? Entrance exams and fees for the same?

I am Sarath
Please give me the list of schools and colleges for children with Hearing Impairment in Kerala.
My email id is [email protected]
2nd April 2013 10:45 PM
Re: Colleges in Kerala for Speech & Hearing degree course? Entrance exams and fees for the same?

i would like to know speech and audio therapy collages in kerala. Will you please give me the entire list of collages? How to apply baslp. Any entrance exams to get admission for baslp course.
2nd April 2013 01:33 PM
Re: Colleges in Kerala for Speech & Hearing degree course? Entrance exams and fees for the same?

i want to know the best colleges in kerala for hear and speech course and thier fees structure.
Aishwarya Ramesan
28th September 2012 01:50 AM
Re: Colleges in Kerala for Speech & Hearing degree course? Entrance exams and fees for the same?

i would like to knw more about this caurse,(audiology and speech therapy) is that entrance compulsory?pleaze give me the list of colleges and fees.
8th July 2012 12:05 AM
Re: Colleges in Kerala for Speech & Hearing degree course? Entrance exams and fees for the same?

I would like to know speech & audio therapy collages in kerala. Will you please give me the entire list of collages?
with regards
[email protected]
18th May 2012 02:35 PM
Re: Colleges in Kerala for Speech & Hearing degree course? Entrance exams and fees for the same?

Please give a list of colleges, application, entrence test,fees etc for speech & hearing degree course in kerala
17th May 2012 02:30 PM
Re: Colleges in Kerala for Speech & Hearing degree course? Entrance exams and fees for the same?


17th May 2012 02:29 PM
Re: Colleges in Kerala for Speech & Hearing degree course? Entrance exams and fees for the same?


May I know the details about the entrance examination of your institution?(NISH)
16th May 2012 12:11 AM
Re: Colleges in Kerala for Speech & Hearing degree course? Entrance exams and fees for the same?

can you pls say the date of entrance ? how to apply for baslp
6th May 2012 10:00 PM
Re: Colleges in Kerala for Speech & Hearing degree course? Entrance exams and fees for the same?

Respected Sir/madam,
May I know the criterion for admission for MSc Speech and Hearing in NISH? thank you!
1st April 2012 03:58 PM
Re: Colleges in Kerala for Speech & Hearing degree course? Entrance exams and fees for the same?

any entrance exams to get admission for baslp course?
15th June 2011 11:31 PM
Re: Colleges in Kerala for Speech & Hearing degree course? Entrance exams and fees for the same?

is there only 3 collages in kerala?
8th June 2011 04:53 PM
Re: Colleges in Kerala for Speech & Hearing degree course? Entrance exams and fees for the same?

address of speech therapy colleges and the qualification for doing that course
5th June 2011 03:15 PM
Re: Colleges in Kerala for Speech & Hearing degree course? Entrance exams and fees for the same?

online admission possible for BASLP in kerala?
23rd May 2011 11:52 PM
Re: Colleges in Kerala for Speech & Hearing degree course? Entrance exams and fees for the same?

hello sir/madam
i am libin,from kollam. i would like to know more about this speech and audiotherapy courses. kindly contact me to kw more. mob;9946212319
21st May 2011 11:52 AM
Re: Colleges in Kerala for Speech & Hearing degree course? Entrance exams and fees for the same?

please give a list of collage
5th May 2011 05:20 PM
Re: Colleges in Kerala for Speech & Hearing degree course? Entrance exams and fees for the same?

when will be the entrance exam for audiology speech therapy conduct?
24th April 2011 08:59 PM
Re: Colleges in Kerala for Speech & Hearing degree course? Entrance exams and fees for the same?

when will the course starting?how to apply for it?
11th April 2011 10:38 PM
Re: Colleges in Kerala for Speech & Hearing degree course? Entrance exams and fees for the same?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Please give a list of colleges, application, entrence test,fees etc for speech & hearing degree course in kerala
In kerala even you have other 2 colleges for hearing & speech
1)Marthoma College of Special Education - Kasargod
perdala P.O Badiadka
Kasaragod District, Kerala
Kasargod, Kerala

course offered:
Bachelor degree in Audiology and Speech Language In Pathology
for more details visit:

2)AWH Special College - Calicut
21/10, Kallai
Calicut- 673 003
Calicut, Kerala

Courses Offered

1) Bachelor of Physiotherapy (BPT)
2)Bachelor of Science - Computer Science
3)Bachelor of Science - Electronics

& even master degree.
more details visit:
11th April 2011 02:06 PM
Re: Colleges in Kerala for Speech & Hearing degree course? Entrance exams and fees for the same?

what is scientific study of the course speech and hearing?
23rd March 2011 07:02 PM
Re: Colleges in Kerala for Speech & Hearing degree course? Entrance exams and fees for the same?

National Institute of Speech & Hearing, Thiruvanantapuram, Kerala



B.Sc. ( Bachelor of Science )
(Computer Science)(HI) - 3 year course consisting of 6 semesters
Bachelor of Fine Arts (HI) - 4 year course consisting of 8 semesters
Bachelor in Audiology and Speech Language Pathology (BASLP)

For more details please visit here
23rd March 2011 06:16 PM
Colleges in Kerala for Speech & Hearing degree course? Entrance exams and fees for the same?

Please give a list of colleges, application, entrence test,fees etc for speech & hearing degree course in kerala

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