Thread: How to apply for job in southern railways by sports quota? Is it possible to get a job in southern railways? Reply to Thread

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26th July 2015 07:24 PM
Re: How to apply for job in southern railways by sports quota? Is it possible to get a job in southern railways?

i am chethanakumara g from davangere university am player of cross coutry and am also participated 4 times of all india interuniversity i am represented davangere university 4 tims so i want job fo railway department please reply me sir am waitng for your reply my email id is
20th May 2015 07:13 PM
Re: How to apply for job in southern railways by sports quota? Is it possible to get a job in southern railways?

I am doing 2 course now , i got 2 certificates in state level for 2013-2014 in athletics , am i eligible for studies or job in sports quota in railway
18th September 2014 03:28 PM
Re: How to apply for job in southern railways by sports quota? Is it possible to get a job in southern railways?

hi sir i am manoj prabakar i got form 3 certificate for(2012-2013)(2013-2014) two years kamaraj univercity madurai player,game:table tennis,can i apply for this job sir! Pls reply me sir
15th May 2014 01:01 PM
Re: How to apply for job in southern railways by sports quota? Is it possible to get a job in southern railways?

gd mrng sir,
am venkatesh doing my engg 2nd year in mechanical dept. i represented ALL INDIA INTER UNIVERSITY GAMES from JNTUH in FENCING ...
participated in hand ball state level tournaments..
am in elgible for holding a job in government sector under sports quota..???
plss ans to (
than q.....
25th May 2013 10:48 PM
Re: How to apply for job in southern railways by sports quota? Is it possible to get a job in southern railways?

kabaddi players are there in salem, they r having school state level , university and all india university level certificates, is there any chances in railway job?
11th May 2013 10:40 AM
Re: How to apply for job in southern railways by sports quota? Is it possible to get a job in southern railways?

[QUOTE=Unregistered;736790]sir im ANANDH.RM from karur district. im doing B.E pre final year now. my major is electronics and communication engineering. Im a sports candidate also. Im having FORM 4 certificate in gymnastics and state certificate in volley ball. My question is, How can i apply for a job in southern railways by sports quota and my graduation?
It is possible to get job in southern railways? help me sir.......!
28th January 2013 05:43 PM
Re: How to apply for job in southern railways by sports quota? Is it possible to get a job in southern railways?

i am fencing player i have 3national and one state certificate and i am now the HINDI and i now i am studing 3rd year mechanical and i also finish the ITI{ LATHE NATIONAL AND MILLING STATE ] MORDEN EMOPLOYMENT SKILL IN ITI AND I KOWN THE CAD AND IAM THE TYPEWRITER IN LOWER CERTIFICATE AND I POSSIBLE TO GET JOB IN NORTHAN RAILWAY ? HELP ME SIR ....... AND THIS IS MY( EMAIL ID) ( and <>and i am waiting for ur reply.......
28th January 2013 05:28 PM
Re: How to apply for job in southern railways by sports quota? Is it possible to get a job in southern railways?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
My name is gayathri doing my final year (ECE) in government college of engg,salem. Am an fencing player having form-1, represented junior common wealth fencing championship.
sir,how can i apply for the government jobs through sports quota.
i am also the fencing player you can see the job on railway recruitment
19th July 2012 05:11 PM
Re: How to apply for job in southern railways by sports quota? Is it possible to get a job in southern railways?

This is Ruby BE 2012 passout. my major is electronics and communication engineering. Im a sports candidate also. Im having FORM 3 certificate in Ball Badmiton. My question is, How can i apply for a job in southern railways by sports quota and my graduation?
It is possible to get job in southern railways? help me sir.......! This my e-mail id<>. im waiting for ur reply....
12th December 2011 10:51 AM
Re: How to apply for job in southern railways by sports quota? Is it possible to get a job in southern railways?

hello sir i play football as a goal keeper i dose not play to much but i hold one school state level and one university national which is affilated by rdvv university i do also so i request you sir please recomend a suitable job for me as iam eligible for that job becoz i aplying in railway through sport qota as i knowing that iam not very much eligible to apply through this but iam in 1st yr i had 2 yrs opportunity for playing 2 national that all about me i also doing a short hand course thankyou sir please inform for me a suitable job me my email addr. is
18th November 2011 06:52 PM
Re: How to apply for job in southern railways by sports quota? Is it possible to get a job in southern railways?

sir iam ramgopal singh and a fencing player won 2 nationals my age is 16 years and iam planning for Indian railway job . is fencing game can be considered for sports quota in railways. kindly reply i will be thank full to you sir. my e-mail is expecting reply ASAP.
15th November 2011 02:41 PM
Re: How to apply for job in southern railways by sports quota? Is it possible to get a job in southern railways?

sir.....this is to apply for sportd quota jobs.i am a football player..which time will condict selection trial date.and time...sir...ols.
6th November 2011 08:09 AM
Re: How to apply for job in southern railways by sports quota? Is it possible to get a job in southern railways?

sir i m the distict,national and one time international player in cricket and i want to join the sports quota in railway pls inform me that how can i join the railway.. m doing and its my final age is 23....plz reply me soon sir my email ID is...( im waiting sir...
31st October 2011 07:25 PM
Re: How to apply for job in southern railways by sports quota? Is it possible to get a job in southern railways?

sir i m the national player in cricket and i want to join the sports quota in railway pls inform me that how can i join the railway.right now m doing the bts course frm ignou and i m 19yr old.
10th October 2011 06:22 PM
Re: How to apply for job in southern railways by sports quota? Is it possible to get a job in southern railways?

what qulification you want in BE sports quata
6th October 2011 01:57 PM
Re: How to apply for job in southern railways by sports quota? Is it possible to get a job in southern railways?

sir, i m naresh katoch at present i am servicing in army . Sir ,next year i will be retire . That time my age will be 32 year . Sir i have participated seven national and two international comptition in shooting and i have won four gold medal and two bronze medal in senieor category . Now i want to know that can i get railway job by sports quota and ex.serviceman quota my quilification is 12th. give me suggestion sir. my email is under below . plz inform me sir, i am very greatful to you thankyou sir
4th October 2011 06:46 PM
Re: How to apply for job in southern railways by sports quota? Is it possible to get a job in southern railways?


4th October 2011 06:45 PM
Re: How to apply for job in southern railways by sports quota? Is it possible to get a job in southern railways?


1st October 2011 05:13 PM
Re: How to apply for job in southern railways by sports quota? Is it possible to get a job in southern railways?

sir, i am s.preethi doin my B.E pre final year. i am sports candidate also i have form3 in volly ball and i have more state,distric,zonal and inter zonal certificates also. i want get a job in railways an
i want to kmow how i apply??? and get a job????give me some ideas. my e mail id is
7th September 2011 01:31 PM
Re: How to apply for job in southern railways by sports quota? Is it possible to get a job in southern railways?

sir , my name is mounika and i am from vishakapatnam i am 3rd year student. i am a sports person in badminton i represented andhra university. i am looking forward to apply railways on the basis of sports qota.. please help me to apply this is my email id
5th August 2011 08:40 PM
Re: How to apply for job in southern railways by sports quota? Is it possible to get a job in southern railways?

Respected sir, my name is Bharath and I'm from warangal. I play basketball I represented 6 nationals also represented Basketball Federation of India(BFI) and i'm looking forward to apply in railways under sports quota..Would you please help me how to apply...this is my email id
30th July 2011 11:10 AM
Re: How to apply for job in southern railways by sports quota? Is it possible to get a job in southern railways?

i want the application form for recruitment in southern railways under sports kota
10th July 2011 11:37 PM
Re: How to apply for job in southern railways by sports quota? Is it possible to get a job in southern railways?

My name is gayathri doing my final year (ECE) in government college of engg,salem. Am an fencing player having form-1, represented junior common wealth fencing championship.
sir,how can i apply for the government jobs through sports quota.
9th July 2011 07:05 PM
Re: How to apply for job in southern railways by sports quota? Is it possible to get a job in southern railways?

I am S.Surendhar Nath from vellore dist. I have represented Thiruvalluvar University in South Zone Inter University Table Tennis Tournament in the acadamic year 2010-2011 and got FORM 3 certificate. My question is, How can i apply for a job in southern railways by sports quota and my graduation(B.Sc Physiscs final year)?
It is possible to get job in southern railways? help me sir.......! This my e-mail id<>. im waiting for ur reply....
25th June 2011 12:19 PM
Re: How to apply for job in southern railways by sports quota? Is it possible to get a job in southern railways?

Hi,sir im shivam student of diploma enginering(electricel).i study in h.i.t.sonepat(haryana).im 2nd year want know that how apply to railway job for j.e or how prepreation for,j.e examination. My gmail id im wait of your reply. Thank u
6th June 2011 10:35 PM
How to apply for job in southern railways by sports quota? Is it possible to get a job in southern railways?

sir im ANANDH.RM from karur district. im doing B.E pre final year now. my major is electronics and communication engineering. Im a sports candidate also. Im having FORM 4 certificate in gymnastics and state certificate in volley ball. My question is, How can i apply for a job in southern railways by sports quota and my graduation?
It is possible to get job in southern railways? help me sir.......! This my e-mail id<>. im waiting for ur reply....

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