Thread: List of engineering colleges after scoring 29 marks in AIEEE? Do I have any chance to get admission without donation? Reply to Thread

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7th July 2013 03:09 PM
Re: List of engineering colleges after scoring 29 marks in AIEEE? Do I have any chance to get admission without donation?

i got 38 mrks in jee i belongs to obc catagry
i hv got 83% in my board exam
sir sugesst me best engg.collge
my email add is
[email protected]
10th May 2013 04:19 PM
Re: List of engineering colleges after scoring 29 marks in AIEEE? Do I have any chance to get admission without donation?

sir i have got 30 marks in kerala entrance exam......would i get any good colleges in kerala.....please help me

jas sfna
22nd July 2012 11:13 AM
Re: List of engineering colleges after scoring 29 marks in AIEEE? Do I have any chance to get admission without donation?

sir i have got 35 marks in aieee with rank 491356 and in sc -34000 would i get admission in government college or any non donational college please help me
18th June 2012 02:55 PM
Re: List of engineering colleges after scoring 29 marks in AIEEE? Do I have any chance to get admission without donation?

sir, ihave got only 39 marks in aieee in general quauta would i get any good colleges or not
14th June 2012 11:10 AM
Re: List of engineering colleges after scoring 29 marks in AIEEE? Do I have any chance to get admission without donation?

Sir, i am belong to obc my AIR is 350000,my marks is 46 provide me list of colleges my email is [email protected]
11th June 2012 01:00 PM
Re: List of engineering colleges after scoring 29 marks in AIEEE? Do I have any chance to get admission without donation?

i got 66 marks in aieee air general catagory . suggest list of best colleges
6th May 2012 12:11 PM
Re: List of engineering colleges after scoring 29 marks in AIEEE? Do I have any chance to get admission without donation?

I have got 46 marks can i get any good government college.
1st May 2012 10:30 PM
Re: List of engineering colleges after scoring 29 marks in AIEEE? Do I have any chance to get admission without donation?

i got 31 in aieee can i get any college
20th April 2012 12:55 AM
Re: List of engineering colleges after scoring 29 marks in AIEEE? Do I have any chance to get admission without donation?

sir now i am in 12th. when i apply form for admission?
9th September 2011 06:11 PM
Re: List of engineering colleges after scoring 29 marks in AIEEE? Do I have any chance to get admission without donation?

i want to take admission in best clg so what i have to score in aieee?
8th August 2011 06:48 PM
Re: List of engineering colleges after scoring 29 marks in AIEEE? Do I have any chance to get admission without donation?

sorry dear , but you cannot take even sigle collage with or without donation , because you have gained as equal as cuttoff marks of AIEEE i.e. 48 for general,45 for obc, &18 ffo sc\st candidate.
28th July 2011 08:22 PM
Re: List of engineering colleges after scoring 29 marks in AIEEE? Do I have any chance to get admission without donation?

Dear friend,
Sorry freind you can not get admission yo any college through these marks beacuse in these marks you can't cross the cut off of exam.

But you can try for some institute where you get admission by donation:
*Lovely professional college
*Vellore institute of technolgy

Here are some management seats are present you can apply for these management seats.
15th June 2011 10:35 PM
List of engineering colleges after scoring 29 marks in AIEEE? Do I have any chance to get admission without donation?

I have scored 29 marks in AIEEE. I want the list of Engg college, where I have chance to get admission without donation. Please provide me the list with contact details. Thanks in advance.

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