Thread: Scope of Mechanical Engineering in Future? Reply to Thread

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31st July 2015 07:18 PM
Re: Scope of Mechanical Engineering in Future?

Hi ,

I am studying mechanical engineering whether there is scope for searching job s in IT field.
And also i need d ways to achieve
3rd April 2014 12:49 PM
Re: Scope of Mechanical Engineering in Future?

wt abt the scope in aronautical engineering.please mention the steps for good job and related institutes.
22nd November 2013 04:40 PM
Re: Scope of Mechanical Engineering in Future?

which one is best in mechanical
31st July 2013 03:16 PM
Re: Scope of Mechanical Engineering in Future?

As per my point of view & my experience second option iz better to u bcoz i too an b tech mechanical cmpltd & rather than doinn ms/mtech go for job opportunity in ur domian of manufacturing as i too did same specialization so go 4r tat then after do atleast 3 years experience in a good & growth organisation & i'm sayinn again go 4r ur mnfctrng domain with much preference do have experience & go for mba in this three years

i'm preety sure that after ur 3 years or 4-5 years u will grow far away than others!!
3rd July 2013 11:24 AM
Re: Scope of Mechanical Engineering in Future?

Hai, friend mechanical engineering branch is ever green branch. That means it has always very good future.
The reason behind this is today's most of them have at least bike,some of them have car. people don't satisfied with this things and they will encourage better things . That means they want evolution from these vehicles.
Without Mechanical engineering we can't exist.This is the present,past and future situation of world.
From my side a small suggestion is ,if your sister is hard worker then don't hesitate to join in Mechanical engineering.
There is advantage for this branch is if some one have certificate of this branch may get job and percentage influences is very less where as, for other branches it is completely different.
17th June 2013 05:36 PM
Re: Scope of Mechanical Engineering in Future?

which has the scope in abroad!!!! mechanic engg or mechatronics
5th November 2012 02:56 PM
Re: Scope of Mechanical Engineering in Future?

Career Scope and Placement Prospects:

It has a tremendous scope in automobile engineering, cement industry, steel, power sector, Hydraulics, Manufacturing plants, Drilling and mining Industry, Petroleum, Aeronautical, Biotechnology and many more.

With its wide scope of application, mechanical engineers remain always in demand, no matter which part of the world. You can also find job very easily in the following public sector industries such as Indian Railways, Indian Air force (Technical), Indian Army, Thermal power corporations etc…

It has scope in these companies :

>> Honda

>> Nissan

>> Suzuki

>> Bajaj

>> Ford

>> Eicher

>> Mahindra


>> Governmental companies has too huge demand of same.

14th September 2012 07:14 PM
AshwinKumar S.Hallikar
Re: Scope of Mechanical Engineering in Future?

At present Mechanical has good scope. All companies, Manufacturing units, production companies, industries, shipping industry, military services, construction industry requires mechanical engineers. Go ahead.
28th July 2012 08:15 PM
Re: Scope of Mechanical Engineering in Future?

mechanical engineers have more scope in future.without any tension your can cousin sister has completed her mechanical course this year and she got the best job in company,her salary is 20000.her salary will increase according to her service.but you have to work hard and score good marks...i think you have to take the lead.....all the best for future.....thankyou
28th July 2012 05:01 PM
Re: Scope of Mechanical Engineering in Future?

if too many mechanical eng. are in que then are the job less or find a work of salary abt..60000-70000 ?
14th May 2012 08:02 AM
Re: Scope of Mechanical Engineering in Future?

after five years mechanical engineers get which type of pay scale in high and medium companies
10th May 2012 04:51 PM
Re: Scope of Mechanical Engineering in Future?

ece or mech which is scop in future . reply me soon
5th February 2012 08:31 PM
Ashwinkumar Hallikar
Re: Scope of Mechanical Engineering in Future?

Career Scope and Placement Prospects:

It has a tremendous scope in automobile engineering, cement industry, steel, power sector, Hydraulics, Manufacturing plants, Drilling and mining Industry, Petroleum, Aeronautical, Biotechnology and many more. With its wide scope of application, mechanical engineers remain always in demand, no matter which part of the world. You can also find job very easily in the following public sector industries such as Indian Railways, Indian Air force (Technical), Indian Army, Thermal power corporations etc…

Pay Scale:

Although Pay Scales are dependent on the type of organization you are selected in. A small and medium industries or companies hire Mechanical Engineers starting Rs 15,000/- to 20,000/- per month. Large companies such as L&T and several other MNCs give a package of Rs 15000/- to Rs 35000/- per month to fresh Mechanical graduates.
9th January 2012 01:21 AM
Re: Scope of Mechanical Engineering in Future?

can mechanical enggs apply for exam of rto.....?
4th January 2012 05:20 PM
Re: Scope of Mechanical Engineering in Future?

please bring me the all informations about mechenical engeering .pleseeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
2nd January 2012 01:56 PM
ali naved
Re: Scope of Mechanical Engineering in Future?

Originally Posted by saugata2008 View Post
Mechanical engineers are involved in creating futures . They are the driving force behind many of our technologies and industrial processes including innovative products like mobiles, PCs and DVD etc in the modern world .The works of Mechanical includes production ,transmission , power ,heat .investigate different energy sources .

As the Mechanical engineering study include in areas like thermal engineering ,designing and production engineering .The engineers will handle the managerial and administrative positions in government and privet sectors .

So there is nothing to worry about the scopes of Mechanical Engineering .here are so many scopes at present and as it is a core branch ,so in future the scopes will be better .

Thak you

Mechanical Engineer branch is a core branch.Its one of the best branch among all branches.You can get easily job in public sector.Also you are eligible for IES exam.IES exam is only for core branches.So if you want to choose this branch then you can get job easily.The Mechanical branch is the ever green branch.So you can choose this branch if you have interest.

All the best.
1st January 2012 12:49 PM
Re: Scope of Mechanical Engineering in Future?

I m in 3rd year is any placement will be come.for mech in 2012
29th December 2011 12:22 AM
Re: Scope of Mechanical Engineering in Future?

Originally Posted by belide View Post
Scope of mech engineer is vast..
there will be gradual increase in automobiles which requires mech engineers..
there are also lot of openings in BHEL this year for your branch.
Alll the best.
what cources i done when i continue B.E(mech)??
21st December 2011 05:51 PM
Pratik Agrawal Jalna
Re: Scope of Mechanical Engineering in Future?

The mechanical engineering Have a great scope in Todays market

The most demand is in the Companies Which develope the Cars and Machines

see it is a evergreen branch for job opportunities because if you do not want to have job for a company then you can open your own Garage

The most efficient Mechanical engineers earn near about 70000 - 80000 rs per month

First you should have experience and Practical Knowledge Then U will Be a successful an a perfect Mechanical engineer

Pratik Agrawal
13th December 2011 10:59 PM
Re: Scope of Mechanical Engineering in Future?

Originally Posted by jkumar661 View Post
Scope in mechanical engg in future.
i want to whether there is good scope for this course or not
my sister wants to join this course.
Scope of mechanical engineering

Hi kumar,

I can understand your concern as brother.

your sister should definitely join Mechanical engineering.

This is the engineering's most basic and evergreen branch.

There will be always demand of Mechanical engineers.Recession never comes in this field. As it is a very basic branch and needed in each and every company or field.

She will also get good salary. She can even establish her own firm.

She can also enter in relevant branches like Automobile,Automation,Biomedical , Boiler management etc.

so, Let your sister join this course, she will definitely succeed in this course.

If you have any query , then please post it here.

Best of luck

13th December 2011 09:57 PM
Re: Scope of Mechanical Engineering in Future?

Plzzzz replyyy..., **URGENT**
I'm doing 3rd year Mech Engg and got specialisation in Manufacturing stream but not so good with design. And I'm interested to pursue my career in aeronautics stream. In what way (which further studies like MS/MTech) should I proceed with?
I also have an opinion of doin a job for 2years and then complete MBA. Which would be better for a sound life?
As a bottom line I'd like to add I've good grades so far and I've the confidence of excelling in whatever may be the stream you opt me.
8th November 2011 09:37 PM
Re: Scope of Mechanical Engineering in Future?

i wanna to known the scope of mechanical engineering in kerala
4th November 2011 10:10 PM
Re: Scope of Mechanical Engineering in Future?

starting salary for mech. engineer in india and abroads
29th September 2011 06:17 PM
Re: Scope of Mechanical Engineering in Future?

what is d minimum salery oo mechanical engn????
26th September 2011 09:22 PM
Re: Scope of Mechanical Engineering in Future?

Is there any good scope in information technology???
12th September 2011 10:26 PM
Re: Scope of Mechanical Engineering in Future?

Scope of mech engineer is vast..
there will be gradual increase in automobiles which requires mech engineers..
there are also lot of openings in BHEL this year for your branch.
Alll the best.
12th September 2011 10:24 PM
Re: Scope of Mechanical Engineering in Future?

Scope of mech engineer is vast..
there will be gradual increase in automobiles which requires mech engineers..
there are also lot of openings in BHEL this year for your branch.
Alll the best.
7th September 2011 06:39 PM
Re: Scope of Mechanical Engineering in Future?

Mechanical engineers are involved in creating futures . They are the driving force behind many of our technologies and industrial processes including innovative products like mobiles, PCs and DVD etc in the modern world .The works of Mechanical includes production ,transmission , power ,heat .investigate different energy sources .

As the Mechanical engineering study include in areas like thermal engineering ,designing and production engineering .The engineers will handle the managerial and administrative positions in government and privet sectors .

So there is nothing to worry about the scopes of Mechanical Engineering .here are so many scopes at present and as it is a core branch ,so in future the scopes will be better .

Thak you
6th September 2011 02:34 PM
Scope of Mechanical Engineering in Future?

Scope in mechanical engg in future.
i want to whether there is good scope for this course or not
my sister wants to join this course.

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