Thread: How to become an IAS Officer? Required Qualification to become an IAS Officer? Reply to Thread

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21st March 2016 11:25 AM
Re: How to become an IAS Officer? Required Qualification to become an IAS Officer?

Computer Science Engineering B.Tech. Graduate is eligible to write Civils Exam with optional subject Computer Science
18th June 2014 11:27 AM
Re: How to become an IAS Officer? Required Qualification to become an IAS Officer?

Sir iam 12th pass for science stream I want to prepare for IAS exam.which stream I take for graduation
2nd November 2013 03:37 PM
Re: How to become an IAS Officer? Required Qualification to become an IAS Officer?

What is minimum qualufication for i.s exams? What is minimum percentage for this. Is non medical students or students apply for that.... Please solve my problem.....
26th September 2013 12:55 AM
Re: How to become an IAS Officer? Required Qualification to become an IAS Officer?

I am 23 trying for CSE. I dont know which subjects i need to choose am from science background. My friends said if i choose any science subject it will be much tougher than any subject. Please give me advice.
3rd May 2013 04:47 PM
Re: How to become an IAS Officer? Required Qualification to become an IAS Officer?

now I am working and just starting b.a in corensponding. I am 24years old.ofter complite B A can I eligabli for I A S.
28th February 2013 12:15 PM
narendra B.
Re: How to become an IAS Officer? Required Qualification to become an IAS Officer?

Originally Posted by Aseem Sandhu View Post
how i become an ias officer and what are the qualificatins and other things
To become an IAS, you have to sit in the UPSC Civil services exams.
This exam is conducted to fill seats in 24 Government departments including IAS.

This exam is held in Three stages:

You need to have the below eligibilty to apply for the UPSC Civil services exams:

Educational Qualifications- Graduation pass in any Stream

AGE- Minimum 21 years
Maximum 30 years
Candidates belonging to OBC gets 3 years and SC/ST gets 5 years age relaxations

ATTEMPTS- General candidates- 4 times
OBC- 7 times
SC/ST- No such restriction

Next UPSC Prelims Exams will be held on 19th MAY 2013
22nd February 2013 10:03 PM
Re: How to become an IAS Officer? Required Qualification to become an IAS Officer?

Originally Posted by Aseem Sandhu View Post
how i become an ias officer and what are the qualificatins and other things
After graduation you can apply for I.A.S exam.

I.A.S exam is conducted by U.P.S.C once in a year.

Age should be in between 21-30 year. For ST/SC candidate age should be in between 21-33 year.

You can apply online or offline.

The Form cost is just 20 Rs.

There are three stage of selection:-
> Prelims Exam
> Mains Exam
> Interview

For more detail log on to

22nd February 2013 01:19 AM
yashwar sharma S.G.
Re: How to become an IAS Officer? Required Qualification to become an IAS Officer?


IAS exam is the most competitive examination in India,it stands for Indian Administrative services.


1. Age:

21-30 years as on 1.7.2013.
(Upper age limit relaxable for SCs/STs, OBCs and certain other categories)

2. Educational Qualifications :

> It must be an Bachelor's degree from any recognised university, and should pass it.
> Final year students who will be getting degree by August 1, 2013 are also eligible for CSAT 2013

3. No. of permissible attempts :

For general-4 attempts and 7 attemps of OBCs and no limit for SCs/STs.

>> You can apply for online by paying Rs 100/- to the Upsc of India.

>> For IAS,IPS a candidate must be a citizen of India while for other posts
can be :

a citizen of India, or
a subject of Nepal, or
a subject of Bhutan, or
a tibetan refugee.

All the best for your CSAT 2013, and you can register at
21st February 2013 09:59 PM
Re: How to become an IAS Officer? Required Qualification to become an IAS Officer?

To become an IAS, you have to sit in the UPSC Civil services exams.
This exam is conducted to fill seats in 24 Government departments including IAS.

This exam is held in Three stages:

You need to have the below eligibilty to apply for the UPSC Civil services exams:

Educational Qualifications- Graduation pass in any Stream

AGE- Minimum 21 years
Maximum 30 years
Candidates belonging to OBC gets 3 years and SC/ST gets 5 years age relaxations

ATTEMPTS- General candidates- 4 times
OBC- 7 times
SC/ST- No such restriction

Next UPSC Prelims Exams will be held on 19th MAY 2013
21st February 2013 04:11 PM
Re: How to become an IAS Officer? Required Qualification to become an IAS Officer?


IAS stands for Indian administrative services and it is the best a candidate can get in his whole life. IAS Is a dream of many Indian people and they prepare day and night to become an IAS officer so if you want to be an IAS officer then my first advice to you is be prepared with the subjects that you are choosing otherwise its gonna be a trouble for you to clear the exam as the posts available are very few and candidate sitting for the exam are plenty in number.

The eligibility criteria is as follows :-

1. All graduate are eligible
2. Graduation must be done from a recognized university
3. Only Indian citizen are eligible
4. Age limit is 20-30 years
5. Graduation subject does not matter at all
6. relaxation to those who belong to SC, ST and OBC
7. Attempts are also limited that is why a thorough preparation in mandatory.
8. No minimum percentage criteria for IAS.

Exam is conducted in 3 stages.

IAS Preliminary
IAS Mains
IAS Interview

Subjects are many but it is good if you stick to the subject which is easy to you and also its good to go for the exam if you are 110% dedicated and determined otherwise it can waste your precious time of your career.

Hope it will help

21st February 2013 03:29 PM
Re: How to become an IAS Officer? Required Qualification to become an IAS Officer?


IAS can be done by qualifying IAS exam conducted by UPSC.

Qualification required for IAS exam is GRADUATION.

The age criteria for IAS exam is-

For General category – 21 years- 30 years

For OBC category – 21 years to 33 years

For SC / ST category – 21 years to 35 years.

Stages of The exam –

IAS exam is cleared in three stages –

1. Preliminary exam , which is objective type.

2. Main Exam which is subjective.

3. Personal Interview

Number of attempts –

For general category – 4

For OBC category – 7

For Sc / ST category – Unlimited.

For dates visit
21st February 2013 09:15 AM
Re: How to become an IAS Officer? Required Qualification to become an IAS Officer?

IAS - Indian Administrative Service, to become an IAS officer one has to crack Civil Service Exam conducted by UPSC.

Civil Service exam is very competitive so rigorous preparation is must to crack it. At least one year preparation is needed before sitting for the Civil Service Exam. One may take assistance of any good Coaching Institutes foe civil Sevice Exam.

Required qualification for Civil Service Exam-

-The candidate must be an Indian national
-Should have either apeared for the Final Graduation Degree exam or pass in any stream from a recognised University
-Should be within the age of 21 to 30 years with upper age relaxation for reserved candidate.

For more information you may log on to
20th February 2013 11:17 PM
Re: How to become an IAS Officer? Required Qualification to become an IAS Officer?

If you want to become an IAS officer for that you have to apply and pass civil services exam conducted by UPSC.
Civil Services Exam Will be held in Three Round .
1. Preliminary Exam
2. Main Examination
3. Interview Test
1. Preliminary Exam - This is an objective type questions based test which if the candidate passes, qualifies tothe second phase.
2. Main Exam - This is a subjective type questions based test which if the candidate passes, passes to the third phase after clear this you can go for interview round
Candidate must have graduation Degree in any stream,No specific marks are required,Final year students are also eligible
#.Age Limits
For gen-21-30 years
For obc- 21-33 years
For sc/st- 21-35 years
General- 4
Obc- 7
Sc/st- no limit

Best book for Civil services Exam:-
#.CSAT: Interpersonal, Communication, Problem Solving and Decision Making Skills (Paper 2)
Shalini Verma
Publisher: Pearson

#.UPSC Portal CSAT Comprehensive Manual: IAS Preliminary Examination 2013 (Paper - 2)
Sachchida Nand Jha
Publisher: UPSC Portal

#.UPSC Portal CSAT General Studies Manual: IAS Preliminary Examination 2013 (Paper - 1)
Jha, Jha
Publisher: UPSC Portal

Prelims exams will be held on 19th May 2013
Mains will held on

for Previous Years Question Papers you can refer
You can fill the online application form fromthe official website
20th February 2013 10:45 PM
Re: How to become an IAS Officer? Required Qualification to become an IAS Officer?

If you want to become an IAS officer for that you have to apply and pass civil services exam conducted by UPSC.
Civil Services Exam Will be held in Three Round .
1. Preliminary Exam
2. Main Examination
3. Interview Test
1. Preliminary Exam - This is an objective type questions based test which if the candidate passes, qualifies tothe second phase.
2. Main Exam - This is a subjective type questions based test which if the candidate passes, passes to the third phase after clear this you can go for interview round
Candidate must have graduation Degree in any stream,No specific marks are required,Final year students are also eligible
#.Age Limits
For gen-21-30 years
For obc- 21-33 years
For sc/st- 21-35 years
General- 4
Obc- 7
Sc/st- no limit

Best book for Civil services Exam:-
#.CSAT: Interpersonal, Communication, Problem Solving and Decision Making Skills (Paper 2)
Shalini Verma
Publisher: Pearson

#.UPSC Portal CSAT Comprehensive Manual: IAS Preliminary Examination 2013 (Paper - 2)
Sachchida Nand Jha
Publisher: UPSC Portal

#.UPSC Portal CSAT General Studies Manual: IAS Preliminary Examination 2013 (Paper - 1)
Jha, Jha
Publisher: UPSC Portal

Prelims exams will be held on 19th May 2013
Mains will held on

for Previous Years Question Papers you can refer
You can fill the online application form fromthe official website
20th February 2013 06:21 PM
Re: How to become an IAS Officer? Required Qualification to become an IAS Officer?

Originally Posted by Aseem Sandhu View Post
how i become an ias officer and what are the qualificatins and other things
The eligiblity criteria for it is as follows:
1.You must hold graduation degree in any stream from recognized university.
2.The age limits are as follows:
1.for general 21-30 yrs
2.for sc/st 21-35 yrs
3.for obc 21-33 yrs

The upsc is the conducting body and the exam is conducted in two phase :

# There are two optionls in the Mains.

The last date to apply for it is 4th march 13 and you can apply it on
10th December 2012 06:10 PM
Re: How to become an IAS Officer? Required Qualification to become an IAS Officer?

i have completed my graduation in 2012. now planing to do IAS .. so kindly tell me when i have to take up my exam??
6th October 2012 10:12 PM
Re: How to become an IAS Officer? Required Qualification to become an IAS Officer?

Tell me the whole procedure about mains
21st September 2012 10:01 AM
Re: How to become an IAS Officer? Required Qualification to become an IAS Officer?

i did not do my PUC but i have completed my diploma and have joined II year directly in evening college. Do i have the qualification to attend the IAS exam.
6th September 2012 03:28 AM
Re: How to become an IAS Officer? Required Qualification to become an IAS Officer?

Dear friend,

Upsc conducts civil services exam once a become an IAS officer you have to appear in the civil services exam.

The required qualification is as follows:
the candidate must hold a degree of any of universities incorporated by an act of the central or state legislatures of india or declared to be deemed as university under section 3 of the UGC act 1956.

so you should have a degree from a recognized university to be eligible to write the civil services exam.

the preliminary exam is generally held in the month of may.

the mains exam will be held in the mointh of oct/nov followed by the interview in the month of apr/march.

you have to fill the application online from th ewebsite


all the best
24th August 2012 08:08 PM
Re: How to become an IAS Officer? Required Qualification to become an IAS Officer?

19th August 2012 09:41 PM
Re: How to become an IAS Officer? Required Qualification to become an IAS Officer?

wat is the use of this exams,tests blabla
1st August 2012 08:35 PM
Re: How to become an IAS Officer? Required Qualification to become an IAS Officer?

Indian administrative services

This civil service examination is conducted by the UNION PUBLIC SERVIVE COMMISSION (UPSC) every year.
Through this examination, one can apply for the Indian administrative & police services..
This examination has three stages to be clear-


CSAT examination pattern-

There are 25 optional subjects in CSAT-

The educational qualification for appear in this civil service examination is a graduation degree in any stream from any recognized college.
There is not any minimum required marks eligibility for Civil service examination..
You just have to pass in the GRADUATION.

The age limit for this examination is 21-30 years for the GENERAL candidates.
There are 3 & 5 years of the age relaxations criteria is applicable for the OBC & SC\ST candidates respectively.

No. of attempts-

4 attemps for General Candidates,

7 attempts for OBC Candidates

and no maximum limit for SC/ST candidates.

Thank you!!!!
1st August 2012 07:31 PM
Re: How to become an IAS Officer? Required Qualification to become an IAS Officer?

IAS Stands Indian Administration Services

IAS is a one of the Civil Services exam , civil services exam conducted by UPSC once a year

Eligibility Details :

Candidates must be a Indian
Candidates must be complete Graduation in any stream from a recognized university

Age limit :

Candidates min of age limit 21 years & max of age limit 30 years
age relaxation as per govt rules 3 years for OBC & 5 years for SC/ST Candidates

Number of Attempts :

General Candidates four times
OBC Candidates seven times
SC/ST Candidates no limit

Selection Process :

Preliminary Examination
Main Examination
1st August 2012 07:12 PM
Re: How to become an IAS Officer? Required Qualification to become an IAS Officer?

To get into the IAS, you will have to give the “UPSC held Civil Services Examination”. It is a common exam for getting into the IAS, IPS etc. To succeed in the “Civil Services Examination” you first need to understand how the examination is conducted or the “examination format”!

Eligibility Criteria For IAS
(i) Age limits :

21-30 years as on 1.7.2012. (Upper age limit relaxable for SCs/STs, OBCs and certain other categories as specified in Para 3(ii) of Notice).

(ii) Educational Qualifications :

Bachelor’s degree of a recognised university with at least one of the subjects namely Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Science, Botany, Chemistry, Geology, Mathematics, Physcs, Statistics and Zoology or a Bachelor's degree in Agriculture, Forestry or in Enginerring or an equivalent qualification.
1st August 2012 07:01 PM
Re: How to become an IAS Officer? Required Qualification to become an IAS Officer?

In order to become an IAS (Indian Administrative Officer) officer, one has to apply, appear and crack Civil Service Examination conducted by UPSC once every year.

To crack Civil Service Exam is very competitive and tough so it needs rigorous preparation at least a year before sitting for the exam with taking assistance of good coaching Institution if needed otherwise one can prepare for this himself with the available study materials in the market.


-The candidate must be an Indian National
-Should have either appear for the final Graduation Degree exam or pass in any stream of education from a recognised University.
-Should be within the age of 21 to 30 years with upper age relaxation for SC/ST candidate up to 5 years and for OBC up to 3 years.

The selection is through three phases:-

The eligible candidate has to go through the CSAT exam and successful candidate is called for the second phase of selection:-

The selected candidate from the main exam is called for the final phase of selection:-


For more information you may log on to
1st August 2012 06:54 PM
Re: How to become an IAS Officer? Required Qualification to become an IAS Officer?

IAS stands for Indian Administrative Service.

to become an IAS officer u will have to clear civil services examination conducted by UPSC every year.

exam is conducted in three stages:

CS (Preliminary)

For CS (Preliminary)

(A) Tentative Schedule

(i) Notification of Examination -November/December of previous year

(ii) Conduct of Examination-May

(B) Age - limits:-:21-30 years as on 1st August of the year of Examination.

Certain categories of persons as specified in the Commission's Notice as published in Employment News/Rozgar Samachar are eligible for age relaxation.

(C) Educational Qualification
Degree of a Recognised University or equivalent.

Candidates appearing in the requisite Degree qualification are also eligible for appearing in the examination, however, they are supposed to submit proof of passing the requisite qualification along with with Detailed Application Form for Civil Services (Main) Examination.

Scheme of CS (Preliminary) Examination

The Preliminary Examination consists of two papers of objective type (multiple-choice questions) carrying a maximum of 400 marks.
The Question Papers (Test Booklets) are set in English & Hindi
General Studies Paper - I 200 Marks

General Studies Paper - II-: 200 Marks

for more details log on
1st August 2012 06:08 PM
Re: How to become an IAS Officer? Required Qualification to become an IAS Officer?

To become a IAS officer you may complete your bachloar degree .Your age between 21year to 30Year.And for different-2 catagries take bonous in take a limited chance for ias if you belong gernal cat you have 4 attempt,For obc get 7 attempt. & for sc/st& other catagories have unlimited chance to attempt ias. For more in information link at
1st August 2012 05:46 PM
Re: How to become an IAS Officer? Required Qualification to become an IAS Officer?

HI Friend............

IAS stands for Indian Administrative Services

If you are interested in IAS you can crack the Civil Examination which is conducted by UPSC ( Union Public Service Commission )

Educational Qualification : -

** You must have a degree from any recognised university

Age Eligibility : -

** You should between 21 to 30 years, age relaxation for SC/ST/OBC Candidates as under

For SC/ST candidates - 5 years

For OBC Candidates - 3 Years

Nationality : -

** You should be a citizen of India

Note : - 4 attemps for General Candidates, 7 attempts for OBC Candidates and no maximum limit for SC/ST candidates

Selection Procedure : -

** Preliminary Exam

** Main Exam

** Interview

See notification for more information about Civil Examination

*******************all the best**********************

1st August 2012 04:55 PM
Re: How to become an IAS Officer? Required Qualification to become an IAS Officer?

To become an IAS officer you will have to appear for the UPSC Civil Service Examination which is conducted every year. This is one of the toughest exams in India to crack simple because more than 5 Lakh students appear for it every year.

Looking at the number you can understand who difficult it would become. Everyone dreams to work in Indian Administrative Service. It is considered to be very reputed field. This has lead to huge competition in the Civil Service Examination which by the way is also conducted for IPS officer.

Now to prepare for IAS exam I would recommend that you join coaching classes that are specifically for the IAS exam. Professionals in the coaching center would prepare you well for the IAS exam. They will create a schedule for you to follow everyday which without putting much strain on you will prepare you for the IAS entrance exam.

Eligibility for IAS Exam.

~~ You should be citizen of India

~~ Minimum qualification requirement is graduation course in any stream from a recognised university.

Age Limit:

~~ The age limit to appear in IAS exam is 21 to 30 years.

~~ Age limit for Other Backward Classes (OBC) is 21 to 33 years.

~~ The same limit for SC/ST candidate is 21 to 35 years.

Numbers of Attempts:

~~ General Candidates get 4 attempts to crack IAS exam.

~~ 7 for OBC

~~ There is no limit for the SC/ST candidates.

Selection Procedure:

~~ Preliminary exam

~~ Main exam

~~ Interview

You will first have to pass the Preliminary exam before you can appear for the Main Exam. The Preliminary exam contains 2 papers of 200 marks each. You will get 2 hours for each paper.

Once you pass the preliminary exam, you will be eligible for the Main Exam that consists 9 papers of total 2000 marks. For the last four papers you will have to choose two subjects.
1st August 2012 03:54 PM
Re: How to become an IAS Officer? Required Qualification to become an IAS Officer?

IAS stand for Indian Administrative Service. It's is a very reputed post of government job.

Any one who completed graduation they can apply for IAS exam. so first of all you should complete your graduation in any of the streams from a recognized university.

Age limits :
You must have attained 21 years and not be over 30 years on August 1 of the year of examination.
The upper age limit is relaxed in specific cases as mentioned below:
upto a maximum of 5 years if the candidate belongs to SC/ST.
upto a maximum of 3 years if the candidate belongs to Other Backward Classes(BC's)

Number of attempts :

The number of attempts can vary based on the Reservation your have i.e
- General candidates: four attempts.
- Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe candidates: No restriction.
- Other Backward Classes: seven attempts.

Fee for general candidate is Rs. 100 only. No fee for sc/st/pd.

1st August 2012 02:46 PM
Aseem Sandhu
How to become an IAS Officer? Required Qualification to become an IAS Officer?

how i become an ias officer and what are the qualificatins and other things

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