Thread: Please attach previous 5 year question papers of central intelligence bureau exam. Reply to Thread

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25th June 2014 11:47 AM
Re: Please attach previous 5 year question papers of central intelligence bureau exam.

Hello..i am preparing for IB exam post of p.a so i need some previous year papers..please send it to my - [email protected]
25th June 2014 11:46 AM
Re: Please attach previous 5 year question papers of central intelligence bureau exam.

Hello..i am preparing for IB exam post of p.a so i need some previous year papers..please send it to my - [email protected]
20th June 2014 04:44 PM
Re: Please attach previous 5 year question papers of central intelligence bureau exam.

Hello..i am preparing for IB exam post of p.a so i need some previous year papers..please send it to my - [email protected]

Thank you
28th January 2013 02:46 PM
Re: Please attach previous 5 year question papers of central intelligence bureau exam.

sir,plz send me last five years question paper for intelligence bureau assistant central intelligence officer exam. my mail_id:[email protected]
23rd September 2012 11:40 PM
Re: Please attach previous 5 year question papers of central intelligence bureau exam.

sir,plz send me last five years question paper for intelligence bureau assistant central intelligence officer exam. my email id-

[email protected]
20th September 2012 11:15 AM
Re: Please attach previous 5 year question papers of central intelligence bureau exam.

Please send me the previous 5 years qusetion papers with answers of IB exam at [email protected]
12th September 2012 07:48 PM
Re: Please attach previous 5 year question papers of central intelligence bureau exam.

pls previous questionpaper ib acio
8th September 2012 03:49 PM
Re: Please attach previous 5 year question papers of central intelligence bureau exam.

Please attach previous 5 year question papers of central intelligence bureau exam.
1st September 2012 10:53 PM
Re: Please attach previous 5 year question papers of central intelligence bureau exam.

sir,plz send me last five years question paper for intelligence bureau assistant central intelligence officer exam. & FCI my email id- [email protected]

31st August 2012 12:00 AM
Re: Please attach previous 5 year question papers of central intelligence bureau exam.

sir,plz send me last five years question paper for intelligence bureau assistant central intelligence officer exam. my email id- [email protected]
30th August 2012 11:58 PM
Re: Please attach previous 5 year question papers of central intelligence bureau exam.

Plz attach last 5 years question papers for intelligence bureau assistant central intelligence officer exam as soon as possible. my email id- [email protected]
29th August 2012 07:22 PM
Re: Please attach previous 5 year question papers of central intelligence bureau exam.

sir,plz send me last five years question paper for intelligence bureau assistant central intelligence officer [email protected]
7th August 2012 04:23 PM
Re: Please attach previous 5 year question papers of central intelligence bureau exam.

hello..i am preparing for IB exam so i need some previous year papers..please send it to my e-mail. [email protected]
3rd August 2012 10:42 AM
Re: Please attach previous 5 year question papers of central intelligence bureau exam.

Sir, please can u kindly sent me the previous 5yrs question paper of (IB) throgh my email address: [email protected]
1st August 2012 12:33 AM
Re: Please attach previous 5 year question papers of central intelligence bureau exam.

Dear Sir,
I m preperring for IB 2011-12 (pa) kindly attach the previous question paper last 5 year..send me my email address [email protected]
25th March 2012 03:21 PM
Re: Please attach previous 5 year question papers of central intelligence bureau exam.

kindly send 5 years question papers of preliminary I.B. exam to my mail [email protected]
22nd March 2012 05:36 PM
Re: Please attach previous 5 year question papers of central intelligence bureau exam.

can u kindly send 5 years question papers of ib exam to my mail id- [email protected]
5th February 2012 07:00 PM
Re: Please attach previous 5 year question papers of central intelligence bureau exam.

can u kindly send 5 years question papers of cbi exam to my mail [email protected]
13th January 2012 05:15 PM
Re: Please attach previous 5 year question papers of central intelligence bureau exam.

i want to apply in cbi bt i dnt knw d study material for d preparation of exam for cbi ... cn u tell me abt d subject n study material plsss.....
25th November 2011 07:33 PM
swati gola
Re: Please attach previous 5 year question papers of central intelligence bureau exam.

ease send me last five years inteligence bureau exam paper for my better preparation for the upcoming exam

my id is ([email protected]) plzz till tomorrow
24th November 2011 07:03 PM
[email protected]
Re: Please attach previous 5 year question papers of central intelligence bureau exam.


I am preparing for Intelligence bureau Personal Assistants Exam..Anyone can attach the previous years question papers plz....
22nd November 2011 06:05 PM
Re: Please attach previous 5 year question papers of central intelligence bureau exam.

[QUOTE=Unregistered;1283847]Dear Sir,
I m preperring for IB 2011-12 (pa) kindly attach the previous question paper last 5 year..send me my email address [email protected]
22nd November 2011 01:38 PM
Re: Please attach previous 5 year question papers of central intelligence bureau exam.

Dear Sir,

Please send me last five years inteligence bureau exam paper for my better preparation for the upcoming exam my email id is [email protected]

17th October 2011 10:28 AM
Re: Please attach previous 5 year question papers of central intelligence bureau exam.

Dear Sir,
I m preperring for IB 2011-12 (pa) kindly attach the previous question paper last 5 year..send me my email address [email protected]
8th July 2011 01:00 AM
Re: Please attach previous 5 year question papers of central intelligence bureau exam.

Previous 5 years papers are not available on net at this time though you can check this three sample papers to have clear idea about the pattern of the exam. Please check the links given below
8th July 2011 12:03 AM
Re: Please attach previous 5 year question papers of central intelligence bureau exam.

hi dear
you can get previous year paper from book shop
& you also search from google

good luck........
7th July 2011 08:56 PM
Re: Please attach previous 5 year question papers of central intelligence bureau exam.

respected sir,
I m preperring for assistant CBI officer grade-2 kindly attach the previous question paper last 5 year..send me my email address

[email protected]
7th July 2011 01:36 PM
Re: Please attach previous 5 year question papers of central intelligence bureau exam.

i m preparing for CBI entrance exam. so, send me previous 5 year question papers of central intelligence bureau at [email protected]
6th July 2011 08:02 PM
Re: Please attach previous 5 year question papers of central intelligence bureau exam.

Please attach previous 5 year question papers of central intelligence bureau exam.

so pls any of u having the papers so pls revert me on my mail:[email protected]
6th July 2011 06:23 PM
Re: Please attach previous 5 year question papers of central intelligence bureau exam.

Sir please send me the last 5 years question paper of ib acio grade -2 examination held on 10 july
6th July 2011 09:52 AM
Re: Please attach previous 5 year question papers of central intelligence bureau exam.

i am applying for the IB entrance exam. please fwd me the last years question papers at this e mail i d : [email protected]
Thank you
6th July 2011 09:13 AM
Re: Please attach previous 5 year question papers of central intelligence bureau exam.

I'm preparing for CBI entrance exam. so, send me previous 5 year question papers of central intelligence bureau
hey can you please forward me the material to mine id .........([email protected])
5th July 2011 12:23 AM
Re: Please attach previous 5 year question papers of central intelligence bureau exam.

please send me the previous 5 year question paper of ib on [email protected]
4th July 2011 10:03 AM
Re: Please attach previous 5 year question papers of central intelligence bureau exam.

I'm preparing for IB entrance exam. so, send me previous 5 year question papers of intelligence bureau exam.
[email protected]
3rd July 2011 07:24 PM
Re: Please attach previous 5 year question papers of central intelligence bureau exam.

i am preparing ib entrance exam, so i want model question paper for last 4 years send my mail [email protected]
3rd July 2011 12:50 AM
Re: Please attach previous 5 year question papers of central intelligence bureau exam.

Dear Sir,
I'm preparing for Assistant Central Intelligence Officer Grade 2 Executive(Intelligence Bureau) entrance exam. so, pls send me previous years question papers of the same at [email protected]

1st July 2011 10:44 PM
Re: Please attach previous 5 year question papers of central intelligence bureau exam.

Dear friend,
I'm preparing for CBI entrance exam. so, send me previous 5 year question papers of central intelligence bureau
hey can you please forward me the material to mine id is:[email protected]
30th June 2011 07:03 PM
Re: Please attach previous 5 year question papers of central intelligence bureau exam.

I m preperring for assistant CBI officer grade-2 kindly attach the previous question paper last 5 year..send me my email address

[email protected]
30th June 2011 01:16 PM
Re: Please attach previous 5 year question papers of central intelligence bureau exam.

Dear friend,
I'm preparing for CBI entrance exam. so, send me previous 5 year question papers of central intelligence bureau
[email protected]
26th June 2011 11:19 PM
Re: Please attach previous 5 year question papers of central intelligence bureau exam.

Dear friend,
I'm preparing for CBI entrance exam. so, send me previous 5 year question papers of central intelligence bureau
[email protected]
21st June 2011 12:18 PM
Re: Please attach previous 5 year question papers of central intelligence bureau exam.

Dear friend.
I m preperring for CBI kindly attach the previous question paper last 5 year..send me my email address [email protected]
16th June 2011 08:00 PM
sagar chourasia
Please attach previous 5 year question papers of central intelligence bureau exam.

Dear friend,
I'm preparing for CBI entrance exam. so, send me previous 5 year question papers of central intelligence bureau at [email protected]

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