Thread: Will I get a job after completing my B.Tech EEE with 72%? Reply to Thread

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25th February 2019 11:49 PM
Re: Will I get a job after completing my B.Tech EEE with 72%?

You are eligible for any kind of government jobs..
Incase of private company most companies demand 60% marks..but still there is some company who demand higher marks.. so it will be depended on company's requirements
6th May 2017 02:20 PM
Re: Will I get a job after completing my B.Tech EEE with 72%?

Sir / mam if I get 72% percentage for completing my eee in , but I don't no which job I have to do ? And how much salary I have to expected
11th May 2015 06:50 PM
Re: Will I get a job after completing my B.Tech EEE with 72%?

Hi friend ,
72% is quiet good prcentage in EEE . Dont worry you can easily get a job in public as well as a private sector job as mainly companies only require only 60%-70% .
You should definitely apply for incampus placement in your college as it offers better jobs .
You can also give different exams for a public sector job .
best of luck for future .
23rd September 2014 01:17 AM
Re: Will I get a job after completing my B.Tech EEE with 72%?

i have a problm i got good percentage and i have good communication skills but the prblm is do i have to move into gvt or private sector job after my final yr
10th December 2013 01:05 PM
Re: Will I get a job after completing my B.Tech EEE with 72%?

respected sir ,
good afternoon... sir when are new notifications for je and se as we r eagarly waitg for notifications so far :(
29th August 2013 07:30 PM
Re: Will I get a job after completing my B.Tech EEE with 72%?

i am an EEE student,i completed my btech with 77%,now iam saerching for an IT job,this is the better thing or i need t go for GATE coaching???tell me sir please till i am in confusion which industry is better for to settle in a short time???
4th August 2013 07:53 PM
Re: Will I get a job after completing my B.Tech EEE with 72%?

Hai friend
At present many of the companies are recruiting the candidates who has more than 60% or above in their graduation.To get a good job not only percentage but also communication skills,subhject knowledge is required.Ands the EEE students have good job opportunities in both the private and government sectors.So,i suggest you to improve your communication skills and try to maintain the same percentage then you can definitely get a good job in any one of the top companies.
Thank You
3rd August 2013 01:42 PM
Re: Will I get a job after completing my B.Tech EEE with 72%?

iam studying eee finalyear with the aggregate of 72.09 upto 3rd year .i want to be an assistant engineer so how to i will reach my goal?is there any good coaching centers are present?
27th March 2013 06:30 PM
Re: Will I get a job after completing my B.Tech EEE with 72%?

i have good communication skills. but subject knowledgw is some what less. so what i have to do now?
21st January 2013 07:46 PM
Subbu kancharla
Re: Will I get a job after completing my B.Tech EEE with 72%?

subject knowledge and communication skills both are need to get the job
27th October 2012 10:49 PM
Re: Will I get a job after completing my B.Tech EEE with 72%?

nowadays soft skill play important role or subject knowledge???
16th August 2012 02:26 AM
Subbu kancharla
Re: Will I get a job after completing my B.Tech EEE with 72%?

Originally Posted by kusuma kancharla View Post
hello,i am entering into 4 th btech eee.upto now i have 72%.but i am some what less in communication skills.will i get the job after completing the studies.

Getting a percentage above 70 is not a matter know a days ,bcoz most of the students coming out with more than 70.....,even they has big percentage with out a minimum communication skills no way to get the job in present market, 65-70 is the minimum percentage they asking in private sector and some govt psu like beml 80% minimum.............most of the students think that i have good percentage,but they are not responding to give answers in subject point in interview....... so how much subject that u have in u r pocket is the big deal here.......and improve u r soft skills...... Participate in more gd and debates... u definately get a good job......... All the best....
16th August 2012 02:19 AM
Subbu kancharla
Re: Will I get a job after completing my B.Tech EEE with 72%?

Getting a percentage above 70 is not a matter know a days ,bcoz most of the students coming out with more than 70.....,even they has big percentage with out a minimum communication skills no way to get the job in present market, 65-70 is the minimum percentage they asking in private sector and some govt psu like beml 80% minimum.............most of the students think that i have good percentage,but they are not responding to give answers in subject point in interview....... so how much subject that u have in u r pocket is the big deal here.......and improve u r soft skills...... Participate in more gd and debates... u definately get a good job......... All the best....
16th August 2012 02:13 AM
Subbu kancharla
Re: Will I get a job after completing my B.Tech EEE with 72%?

Getting a percentage above 70 is not a matter know a days ,bcoz most of the students coming out with more than 70.....,even they has big percentage with out a minimum communication skills no way to get the job in present market, 65-70 is the minimum percentage they asking in private sector and some govt psu like beml 80% minimum.............most of the students think that i have good percentage,but they are not responding to give answers in subject point in interview....... so how much subject that u have in u r pocket is the big deal here.......and improve u r soft skills...... Participate in more gd and debates... u definately get a good job......... All the best....
22nd July 2012 04:56 PM
Re: Will I get a job after completing my B.Tech EEE with 72%?

How much salary get the complete after the b tech in eee
13th June 2012 01:44 PM
Re: Will I get a job after completing my B.Tech EEE with 72%?

is it possible to get a job in other countries for EEE students
13th May 2012 10:40 PM
Re: Will I get a job after completing my B.Tech EEE with 72%?

oh good........... good percentage......... as a eee student good work...... you have 1 year with in your hand so try to improve your skills..........u will got good public sector gob.u have good the best u vl
21st April 2012 09:55 PM
kusuma kancharla
Will I get a job after completing my B.Tech EEE with 72%?

hello,i am entering into 4 th btech eee.upto now i have 72%.but i am some what less in communication skills.will i get the job after completing the studies.

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