Thread: Job in Clerk after completing B.A? How can I get a job in Banking Sector? Reply to Thread

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21st September 2013 06:25 PM
Re: Job in Clerk after completing B.A? How can I get a job in Banking Sector?

I have complited MY B.A.What percentage needed for clerk post,
17th August 2013 03:18 PM
Re: Job in Clerk after completing B.A? How can I get a job in Banking Sector?

sir i m b.a. appearing student what is the scope for me in banking . can i eglisible for job in banking ? which post perfect for me? please guide me
26th March 2013 07:31 PM
Re: Job in Clerk after completing B.A? How can I get a job in Banking Sector?

i am student of biolgy section and i want to do the job after 12th
25th August 2012 01:52 AM
Re: Job in Clerk after completing B.A? How can I get a job in Banking Sector?

hello dear,
after completing B.A u can get job in banking by filling the form of-

Bank exams clerical & PO
private sector jobs of office assistants & back office jobs.
Insurance agent
loan agents in banks,etc

gfood luck
24th August 2012 03:22 PM
Re: Job in Clerk after completing B.A? How can I get a job in Banking Sector?

i have completed B.A. in the year 2008. Now i am looking for a job in banking sector..How will i be eligible and do preparation for securing the same job.. please guide me.
21st March 2012 07:51 PM
Re: Job in Clerk after completing B.A? How can I get a job in Banking Sector?

how can get bank job after completing bA I AM 27 F IS THERE ANY COURSE REQUIRED FOR BAK JOB
24th November 2011 07:38 PM
Re: Job in Clerk after completing B.A? How can I get a job in Banking Sector?

you can get good job after BA.. but it would be more better if you would have mention your field of interest...

well you can make your career in -

Civil serivices
can fight SSC exams for patwari & tax departments
Bank exams clerical & PO
private sector jobs of office assistants & back office jobs.
Insurance agent
loan agents in banks
and lot more
22nd October 2011 08:42 PM
Job in Clerk after completing B.A? How can I get a job in Banking Sector?

Dear Sir,
I've compleated my B.A & i want to do the job of cerk or any good job.
How can i get the job in banking sector.

With Regards
Ratikant Singh

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