Thread: Preparation for banking sector jobs? written exam, interview preparations? Reply to Thread

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6th April 2012 01:56 PM
Re: Preparation for banking sector jobs? written exam, interview preparations?

if call letter for written exam is received after the exam. what to do?
31st January 2012 11:18 PM
Re: Preparation for banking sector jobs? written exam, interview preparations?

how to prepare for the bank jobs
17th December 2011 05:48 PM
Re: Preparation for banking sector jobs? written exam, interview preparations?

What are the future challenges in the field of banking??
26th November 2011 02:54 PM
Re: Preparation for banking sector jobs? written exam, interview preparations?

is it a right choice to join bank test after MBa?
26th November 2011 12:49 PM
Re: Preparation for banking sector jobs? written exam, interview preparations?

I have applied for customer service officer in Shamrao vithhal co-operative bank, the syllabus of which is not mentioned on their website. I have not joined any coaching. please guide me what to study and which books to refer?
also tell me that the exam syllabus will be based on banking or syllabus of PO? please help.
19th September 2011 04:44 PM
Re: Preparation for banking sector jobs? written exam, interview preparations?

[QUOTE=Unregistered;192864]pls suggest me some of the books for preparing the banking exam[/QUOT

for maths apptitude use R.S.Agarwall.,

Reasoning also use R.S. Agarwall.,

Try to english fluently and practise it by that way you can avoid grammatical mistakes.

Read the english newspaper by that way english fluency improved and note down the current events from the daily newspaper
1st August 2011 12:40 AM
Re: Preparation for banking sector jobs? written exam, interview preparations?

Originally Posted by 9806995982 View Post
please tell me about the preparation for banking sector job. about the written exam pattern, how to prepare for interview? and career objective of the respective job.
Hi Dear
You can contact [email protected] for proper guidance....
31st July 2011 10:50 PM
Re: Preparation for banking sector jobs? written exam, interview preparations?

Which is better investment: 11% stock at 143 or 9% stock at 117?
3rd June 2011 12:04 PM
amit gaur2065
Re: Preparation for banking sector jobs? written exam, interview preparations?

Good morning-:
it is not mentioned here that which type of banking exam, but i give brief idea about banking exam-
Written exam

it consists following:
- apptitude ( for apptitude follow R.S.Agarwal)
-General knowldege (for GK follow Pritiyogita Darpan )
-computer& Banking questions(follow Arihant Publication books )
Now In case of Interview-
-mainly interviewer ask a question- Tell me about your self
-include how your strengths meet the jobs requirement
-use your personal commercial or advertisment to the job description.
-Be honest.
-share career objective
-use a specific example and try to relate the example to the needed job skills.
- mostly a question is asked in banking sector i.e. "
what do you want join banking sector, so be prepare for this question.

TOp reasons for interviewers rejecting a candidates are as:

-poor personal appearence.
-lack of planning for career.
-lack of confidence.
-expects too much too soon.
-lack of tact.
-lack of maturity.
-lack of vitality.
-limp or "dead fish" hand shake.
-only want a job for short time.
-low moral standards.
-fails to make eye contact.
- late to interview without good reason.
so remove these things......
1st June 2011 01:34 PM
Re: Preparation for banking sector jobs? written exam, interview preparations?

I am a in ECE. I would like to know some good books in-order to prepare for Probationary officer in sbi bank?
30th May 2011 08:11 PM
Re: Preparation for banking sector jobs? written exam, interview preparations?

You have to increase your General knowledge and awareness and also increase general English by reading newspaper daily and by using some good books like
Books for preparing-
pratiyogita darpan
Times Magazine
Current Affairs
Pradeep's clerical book
JMD clerical requirement test guide
Arihant general knowledge book
25th May 2011 11:06 PM
Re: Preparation for banking sector jobs? written exam, interview preparations?

please suggest me some books for assistant manager civil engineering in state bank of india for interview purpose.
some questions with answers which are asked in iterview for such post.
Adarsh kumar
B.E. civil engineer
6th April 2011 12:40 PM
Re: Preparation for banking sector jobs? written exam, interview preparations?

5th December 2010 07:56 PM
mini rani
Re: Preparation for banking sector jobs? written exam, interview preparations?


There are 2 ways in which you can join a bank: either as a clerk or as a PO.

The written exam pattern for both clerk & PO is same. The only difference lies in the level of difficulty. The exam consists of questions from 4 sections:

numerical ability
general knowledge

For solving questions on reasoning & numerical ability refer the book by r.s.agarwal.
For GK refer pratiyoigita darpan & also read newspaper daily.
5th December 2010 07:13 PM
Re: Preparation for banking sector jobs? written exam, interview preparations?


You have to prepare for quantitative, aptitude, reasoning, english and current affairs to get into a bank job. You can get the knowledge of current affairs from pratiyogita darpan magazine and for the rest you can consult RS Aggarwal's books.

for interview, they mainly ask banking terms like bank rate, repo rate, reverse repo, etc. you need to understand all the terminologies used in the banking sector.
5th December 2010 08:44 AM
Re: Preparation for banking sector jobs? written exam, interview preparations?

Better try to complete your question.You didn't mention that whether you want to go forward for the jobs as officers or as Bank PO i.e the position of clerk.

The questions will be mainly testing your aptitude level,mental ability and IQ level.
Refer books of R.s Agarwal,Barron,G.k publications,Upkar prakashan which will be available in the market .

If you still feel uneasy to go through the exam then its better that you go for coaching centers.

all the best
5th December 2010 08:34 AM
Re: Preparation for banking sector jobs? written exam, interview preparations?

Preparation for banking sector jobs
,Banking entrance exams are not as much tough as other entrances of any good recruiting companies.

Nothing to worry use "PRatyogita Darpan" and "Upkar Prakashan" books for preparation of any type of Bank exams.They are the best books for preparing for it.And also the best choice of aspirants.

However,you can also use books of G.K.Publications.If you feel that it is very difficult for you to crak any entrance then better switch to some coaching,they will guide you properly.

good luck.
4th December 2010 11:09 PM
Re: Preparation for banking sector jobs? written exam, interview preparations?

Originally Posted by 9806995982 View Post
please tell me about the preparation for banking sector job. about the written exam pattern, how to prepare for interview? and career objective of the respective job.
Dear friend,
Aptitude is most importent for bank exem as well as all compitative exem...
So practice those things and increase your IQ level....
I will suggest you some books like,
Quantative aptitudes - R.S. agarwal
Gre - Berron
those books are very effective for those exems....
4th December 2010 08:10 PM
RAKESH KUMAR.N [redacted]
3rd October 2010 02:58 PM
Re: Preparation for banking sector jobs? written exam, interview preparations?

Hey there any website which helps me to prepare for bank intrviews? which can clear my various Questions that was asked by the board?
My name is kamal. I have cleared many writtens of bank but still I am not finally selected I am a hotel mgmt. graduate........please mail it to my email [email protected] if you have any suggestion I am so much frustrated because of this.
10th September 2010 01:19 AM
tina toms
Re: Preparation for banking sector jobs? written exam, interview preparations?

in banking sector exams the questions wil be of aptitude includes critical reasoning,series,english,maths,GK,etc.for some of the banks like canara bank there is also another paper for eassy writting with 4 will be followed by an interview.
9th September 2010 02:43 PM
Re: Preparation for banking sector jobs? written exam, interview preparations?

pls suggest me some of the books for preparing the banking exam
13th July 2010 08:33 PM
Re: Preparation for banking sector jobs? written exam, interview preparations?

Dear friend,

There are so many bank exams in India conducted by several national and multinational banks in India.

Now-a-days, it has become so easy to prepare for these exams as the candidates can avail the study through electronic or telegraphic media.

You can get the online books for bank exams from the important sites like:

From the market, you can search for the books for aptitude, general knowledge, current affairs etc.
You can follow the books of R.S.Aggarwal for different aptitude problems, aptitude solving books of G.K. publication, current affairs of Brilliant publishers.

Good luck!
18th April 2010 11:43 AM
Re: Preparation for banking sector jobs? written exam, interview preparations?

the preparation for bank exams should be on the lines of mba and ias combined because there are questions based on aptitude and also on general topics,
but the questions are quite easy and an average student can get very good marks,
follow books like aptitude series like r.s.agrwal also follow the materials of time academy
read the newspaper regularly and make notes of important events
all the best
18th April 2010 08:10 AM
Re: Preparation for banking sector jobs? written exam, interview preparations?

good morning
For Selection in banking
Level 1: Aptitude
for cearing it :
start solving Shakuntala Devi
follow the notes of institute which give coaching regarding these Examination
solve R.S Arrarwal this helps in clearing MAt,Bank PO, SBI-PO,SSC,Ralway Recuritment
increase your verbal level
2. Interview
Make an Effective CV(Curirculam Vita)
Be Confident
Littel Knowledge about your job
If you are from computer background you are preffered.
show your negative points as your positive point.

Their is tuff competition for PO job in bank & also exam is tuff you can take coaching of PO(Probationary Officer).
Best of Luck
17th April 2010 10:34 PM
Re: Preparation for banking sector jobs? written exam, interview preparations?

You have'nt mentioned that which type of Bank exam you are appearing for,so that I can guide you accordingly.Niether you have mentioned your qualification.

However,Banking entrance exams are not as much tough as other entrances of any good recruiting companies.

Nothing to worry use "PRatyogita Darpan" and "Upkar Prakashan" books for preparation of any type of Bank exams.They are the best books for preparing for it.And also the best choice of aspirants.

However,you can also use books of G.K.Publications.If you feel that it is very difficult for you to crak any entrance then better switch to some coaching,they will guide you properly.

Best of Luck
10th April 2010 11:03 AM
Re: Preparation for banking sector jobs? written exam, interview preparations?

you should follow books like
competition success
also the aptitude book by r.s agrawal is very good ,
solve some problems from it regularly
for interview always try to speak in English with your friends that will make your language more fluent
all the best
9th April 2010 04:03 PM
Preparation for banking sector jobs? written exam, interview preparations?

please tell me about the preparation for banking sector job. about the written exam pattern, how to prepare for interview? and career objective of the respective job.

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