Thread: Previous year paper of SAIL? Reply to Thread

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22nd November 2014 01:08 PM
Re: Previous year paper of SAIL?

I have applied for Dy manager post (7 yrs exp in steel industry) in IISCO Burnpur. Please provide me the sample papers asked for written exams held for lateral entry.
Please mail me
5th June 2014 12:20 AM
Re: Previous year paper of SAIL?

i suman biswas applied for the post of dy engineer electrical in SAIL . can you send me the previous year question paper for dy manager engineering in technical and non technical both at earliest.
19th January 2014 01:11 PM
Re: Previous year paper of SAIL?

What is the syllabus for SAIL Management Trainee 2014 Instrumentation ?? Also the Books to refer for studying
1st February 2012 01:08 AM
Re: Previous year paper of SAIL?

Originally Posted by mukhija.ankit View Post
I am applied for SAIL Management Trainees (Technical)
Please send me previous SAIL Question paper.


I have attached the question paper of SAIL exam.

So please check out this question paper.

For more details about SAIL you can vist to
31st January 2012 02:05 AM
Re: Previous year paper of SAIL?

Originally Posted by mukhija.ankit View Post
I am applied for SAIL Management Trainees (Technical)
Please send me previous SAIL Question paper.


SAIL Question Paper

Steel Authority of India Limited(SAIL) is India's largest iron and steel production company.which is also a Public sector company.

Test Procedure

1. Technical Questions

2. Reasoning and Mental Ability

3. General Knowledge

4. Quantitative Aptitude

5. Vocabulary

Here i have Attached the Previous year question Paper for SAIL download it and go through it. It helps you.

With Regards
31st January 2012 12:41 AM
Re: Previous year paper of SAIL?


SAIL is a PSU Government Private Sector Company which functions under the government.

Till 2011, most of the PSU's used to conduct their own exams for the recruitment procedure.
But from now on, most of the PSU's like NTPC, BHEL, SAIL, ONGC, etc have agreed to recruit on the basis of the GATE score.

GATE stands for the Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering.

So you should rather concentrate on the GATE as of now.

Still I am uploading a few SAIL Previous year papers. Hope they help. Please refer for practice and information.

Apart from this, practice GATE papers more.

All the best.
19th September 2011 08:39 PM
Re: Previous year paper of SAIL?

I am applied for SAIL Trainees (Technical) in Electronics and Communication branch
Please send me previous SAIL Question paper on my email id
10th September 2011 09:38 PM
Re: Previous year paper of SAIL?

About the Recruitment test:

The recruitment test consists of 2 rounds.

1) Written test
2) HR Interview
now the formate of the written exam is like

1. Technical :

Basic fundamentals question from Thermodynamics, Fluid mechanics, hydraulic machines, RAC, material science, production engineering and industrial engineering, Strength of materials. IC engine, Heat and mass transfer and power plant.

NOTE- Direct questions from khurmi objective Mechanical Engineering.

2. Non-Technical:

(1) General Knowledge: G.K. was easy comparatively.

1. 2010 Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratn Award is given to- Sania nehwal

2. BIHU is local dance of which state- Asam

3. 2012 Olympic will organize in- London.

4. Sign of Indian Rupees is made by. D. uday kumar.

5. Brahm Society was established by- Raja Rammohan Ray

6. State of max. population in density in India- W.B.

7. Who is the ex-officio of planning commition of india is- P.M..

8. Which temple is made up by cutting Kailasa Mount- Ajanta, Alora,elephentas etc

9. 20-20 cricket world cup winner of 2010- England

10. Which river drains in Arabian Sea- Tapi.

11. Which country is recently become the member of SAARC- Myanmar, Sri lanka, Bhutan etc.

12. Durand line is in between of which two countries - pak/afganistan.

13. Currency of Bhutan …..And few more

(2) English: Synonyms, preposition, 5 best meaning and 2 para graph having 5 question each.

(3) Aptitude: Profit loss, Ratio and proportion, time and work, simple interest, compound interest

(4) Reasoning: There was 5 question each from Analogy, Venn diagram, Statement and conclusion, Direction sense test, cube.

Aptitude and reasoning was difficult and time taking. R.S Aggarwal is the best for aptitude and reasoning

NOTE- make sure you attempt all the sections to qualify, well I was one of, to qualify written test.


My interview was on 9 March 2011 in Chennai, almost after a month, the result was announced. So you will get enough time for interview preparation .
There will be two round more to go.
1. Group discussion

In GD there will be three round in continuity. It will take almost 1:20 hour so get prepared well.

1) simple GD on a social topic. eg-( euthanasia- mercy killing )
2) ranking some points given and then GD on same. eg-( point on National integration)
3) case study. eg-( a data base of a company).

2. Interview-

My interview took about 20 mins. I was first candidate after their lunch, I was still hungry. There was a panel of 4 person. Some of the question they asked.
1. why mechanical?
2. tell your subjects you studied in last sem.
3. how you judge your self a bright study or what?
4 .why SAIL?
5. will you be able to do job any were in India?
6. what is maintenance, its type?
7. what is Entropy, its significance.
8. Define Enthalpy, Unit?
9. Iron carbon diagram draw?
10. steel types
11.what will you do if your worker says that a machine doesn’t need maintenance.
12. what u have contributed to your family.(don’t hesitate to say u are down to earth)
13. carnot cycle, otta cycle all processes.
14 few quick questions on IC engine.

NOTE-More over they ask about the related topics of their field –material science, thermodynamics, IC Engine, production and all cycles.

for more papers log on to the
14th August 2011 09:08 PM
Re: Previous year paper of SAIL?

i,m preparing for sail.plz send civil previous papers my email id is
14th August 2011 06:23 PM
Re: Previous year paper of SAIL?


Previous paper of SAIL

I have attached a file below

Thank you
7th August 2011 12:25 PM
Re: Previous year paper of SAIL?

i am preparing for SAIL ..plz send mechanical previous papers my email id is
27th July 2011 09:41 PM
Re: Previous year paper of SAIL?

i'm from Information Technology brach and applied for MT (technical) in sail so pls send me placemen paperl for IT branch student my e-mail id is
27th July 2011 09:39 PM
Re: Previous year paper of SAIL?

i'm from Information Technology brach and i'e applied for MT (technical) in sail so pls send me placemen paperl for IT branch student
25th July 2011 09:59 PM
Re: Previous year paper of SAIL?

I am applied for SAIL Trainees (Technical) in computer science branch
Please send me previous SAIL Question paper on my email id
22nd July 2011 03:33 PM
shikha nick
Re: Previous year paper of SAIL?

I am applied for SAIL Trainees (Technical) in ET&T branch
Please send me previous SAIL Question paper on my email id
22nd July 2011 03:32 PM
shikha nick
Re: Previous year paper of SAIL?

I am applied for SAIL Trainees (Technical) in ET&T branch
Please send me previous SAIL Question paper on my email id
19th June 2011 06:45 PM
Re: Previous year paper of SAIL?

actually i have applied for sail Operator cum Technician exam .if it is possible then can you please send me previous 5 year question paper.if you send me then it can be very helpful for me.

Aashish Sharma
17th June 2011 05:12 PM
Re: Previous year paper of SAIL?

20th January 2011 04:42 PM
Re: Previous year paper of SAIL?

i am apply for sail exam(engineers).i want previous year sail question paper.
7th December 2010 07:51 PM
Re: Previous year paper of SAIL?

i want to get a government or praviet job in core should i prepare and what exams should i write
6th December 2010 02:12 PM
Re: Previous year paper of SAIL?

Hi friend
*don't try to study the previous very question paper ,for that you prepare GATE material from that only for ever PSU exam they are asking question

*so try to work all the GATE question paper

*books like RK publication and AMITY publication for PSU

*daily prepare for 2 hour you can clear easily, be strong in basic

best of luck
5th December 2010 09:51 PM
Re: Previous year paper of SAIL?

Previous year paper of SAIL
Sample questions of SAIL Management Trainees exam are available online in different websites. Please visit these portals to get question related to the exam.
and alsoin books stores near u..

good luck.
5th December 2010 03:46 PM
Re: Previous year paper of SAIL?

This is the official site for SAIL
check this
5th December 2010 01:18 PM
Re: Previous year paper of SAIL?

you can find papers

and also i have attached on paper download it!!!
5th December 2010 10:58 AM
Re: Previous year paper of SAIL?

dear friend,

FOR SAIL Management training exam all the requirements like book,question patterns as well as questions , subject wise information are given in this link :
please go through it you meyu get some help.

all the best..........
4th December 2010 09:49 PM
Re: Previous year paper of SAIL?

Originally Posted by mukhija.ankit View Post
I am applied for SAIL Management Trainees (Technical)
Please send me previous SAIL Question paper.

Sample questions of SAIL Management Trainees exam are available online in different websites. Please visit these portals to get question related to the exam. Try to practice as many question papers as possible as it will help you to increase you speed in answering in the actual exam.
3rd December 2010 02:59 PM
Re: Previous year paper of SAIL?
2nd December 2010 09:12 PM
Previous year paper of SAIL?

I am applied for SAIL Management Trainees (Technical)
Please send me previous SAIL Question paper.


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