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17th September 2012 04:11 PM
Re: MBA or MS: Better choice after B.Tech(biotech)?

im himabindhu, completed my B.Tech in computer science and engineering which is good for me either MBA or MS?In which way we can get jobs earlier?If MBA means which course and if MS mean which course?In future which is good and which helps me more?
10th September 2012 04:41 AM
Re: MBA or MS: Better choice after B.Tech(biotech)?

am pragna which courses are good in ms biotechnology
22nd June 2012 01:27 AM
Re: MBA or MS: Better choice after B.Tech(biotech)?

I will suggest you that if you can go abroad and can settle there then only you should go for MS because though it is booming sector in India but in reality there are very few companies which actually gives you a good package but if you want to enter in research field and if you love biotechnology field then and only then go for MS and if you want only good job and great packages go for MBA. As you already have degree you can get a job...take work experience for a year and then decide..

All the best..!
20th June 2012 10:40 PM
Re: MBA or MS: Better choice after B.Tech(biotech)?

how is mba in biotechnology after doing btech(biotech)..???
31st January 2012 08:34 PM
Re: MBA or MS: Better choice after B.Tech(biotech)?

hi frd,
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22nd December 2011 12:31 PM
Re: MBA or MS: Better choice after B.Tech(biotech)?

I am in final year in computer science. i want to go in android field. please tell me, what can i do for that?
13th September 2011 05:18 PM
Re: MBA or MS: Better choice after B.Tech(biotech)?

Hello,,,, I have completed my Graduation in BIOTECHNOLOGY, and PG in MBA(FINANCE). Now i would like to continue my studies in US. So am in a confusion of choosing further courses, whether to go with MS or any more choices. please suggest me the best suitable course.
30th July 2011 01:34 PM
Re: MBA or MS: Better choice after B.Tech(biotech)?

dear friend,

Biotechnology is the most growing subject in India now a days. As you said that you completed your in this stream you can get job easily

If you want further study then you can go for MS or MBA.
MS :- it is a technical education . It helps you do research work in future .
where as MBA:- it is management course which you can do if you want to go for higher post like manager in any companies .

best of luck.............
29th July 2011 01:13 PM
Re: MBA or MS: Better choice after B.Tech(biotech)?

respected sir,
i have done b tech in biotechnology. i want to ask whether i should opt mba in agri or any other field? which will be more beneficial to me to get a good job ?
18th March 2011 12:53 AM
Re: MBA or MS: Better choice after B.Tech(biotech)?

MS is nice if you are interested in pursuing an academic career and MBA would be good if you want to go for a fast track career growth. If you want a growth career, go for MBA/PGDBM from a reputed college. As for jobs, you stand a better chance with a MBA degree rather than a MS in Biotech. I am in the field of education and I know all the hoopla going around with Biotech being a booming industry. But there is hardly a few well paying jobs that can be obtained with a Biotech degree.

So your choice is simple -

You want to teach or do research - go for MS (Biotech) preferably from US
You want to earn more money and career growth - go for MBA (from a reputed college as the degree has less value than the institution you have studied from).

Hope it helps.

Education Expert
18th March 2011 12:15 AM
Re: MBA or MS: Better choice after B.Tech(biotech)?

you have complete your in biotech so i think you can easily get jobs in medical industriees.
but if you want to take higher education than i think
MS is better option.
and if you have interest in management field than you can go in MBA field.
so this is your choice.
ok best of luck.
17th March 2011 07:57 PM
Re: MBA or MS: Better choice after B.Tech(biotech)?

Both MBA and MS are good and it will depends on your interest .Mainly based on your knowledge , skills you can opt the choice.

MS-- If you are interested to go abroad and study then you can prefer MS.
In this course you will be trained according to your core subjects and you will get grip on the subject.

MBA-- If you are interested to start your own business then prefer MBA.
In this course you will learn about Business Environment,Business Laws,Economics,Accounts ,Statistics.

First of all you need to improve your communication skills.
17th March 2011 07:52 PM
Re: MBA or MS: Better choice after B.Tech(biotech)?

Originally Posted by rajitha drucella View Post
im rajitha i did my btech biotechnology,, now what should i do to get good jobs? is it MBA or MS? if it is MBA what branch and if it is MS what branch?? plzz help me to take right decission,,im in dilemma
MBA and MS both are very good for your carrer,but i think MBA is more suitable for your future,but it willbe better if you can go for
17th March 2011 07:39 PM
Re: MBA or MS: Better choice after B.Tech(biotech)?

it is depend your mind and you profesion . if you are interested in marketing then you will go MBA but if you go in technology you go MS side.
my choice is MBA but in this field your communication skills is good. it is very need condition in this field.
after MBA you find the best job in this field and good salary.
17th March 2011 07:00 PM
Re: MBA or MS: Better choice after B.Tech(biotech)?

In my opinion you should definately go for MS as it has a lot of scope for research line.
17th March 2011 05:03 PM
Re: MBA or MS: Better choice after B.Tech(biotech)?

It Depends On Your Personal Interest, If You Are Interested To Study In Abroad Then You Can Prefer MS Course.
And If You Are Interested To Set Up Your Own Business Or Interested To Do Job In top MNC's As A Manager, then Prefer MBA Course, That Will Give You the Good Position Or Good Path To Go Furthur.
17th March 2011 04:45 PM
rahul k
Re: MBA or MS: Better choice after B.Tech(biotech)?

It Depends On Your Personal Interest, If You Are Interested To Study In Abroad Then You Can Prefer MS Course.

And If You Are Interested To Set Up Your Own Business Or Interested To Do Job In top MNC's As A Manager, then Prefer MBA Course, That Will Give You the Good Position Or Good Path To Go Furthur.

So, I Think Both The Courses Are Good, Please Choose According To Your Interest, So That You Can Handle That Course In Future Without Any Problem.

But After MBA, You Will Get Good Chance To Do Jobs In Top Most Companies With High Salary Pacakges. So, If Your Communication Skill Is Good Then MBA Is the Best Option For You To Make Your Future Bright.

If You Have A Good Background, Then Do MBA And After Having Two Or Three Years Experience In job, Then You Can Start Your Own Business.

Then MBA Is A Better Option OR Choose Course According To Own Interest.
17th March 2011 01:43 PM
Re: MBA or MS: Better choice after B.Tech(biotech)?

Hello friend,

MS is better option than MBA because now days every one is doing MBA.

But MS is tough than MBA but it provides better opportunity than MBA.

although its all depend upon your choice.

good luck
17th March 2011 09:49 AM
Re: MBA or MS: Better choice after B.Tech(biotech)?

if you have don an graduation in the field of biotechnology then it would be better to do an post graduation by doing an ms course in biotechnology and also there is an lots of demand for professionals in biotechnology in the foreign countries than our own country,
because if you do an mbs degree it would be waste of your four years which you have given in your graduation,
also the pay scale for an bio technical professionals is far higher than the mba professionals,
16th March 2011 10:37 PM
Re: MBA or MS: Better choice after B.Tech(biotech)?

I Think its individuals choice in what field he/she want to grow his career, MBA is never a bad option but as you are from a technical background MS would also be a great option.

Choose the subjects on your own,you yourself know best what you are good at,

if I mention a particular subject you would be biased to it and it will become more difficult to make decision.
still if you are unable to decide go for Molecular Biology, Cell Biology.

There are many colleges offering this course in abroad when compared to here. In order to get admission in abroad Universities/Colleges, you must first write the entrance examinations.
One is GRE and another test is for testing your English proficiency (IELTS/ TOEFL).

For GRE test, you must prepare Aptitude (Maths) for 800 marks and Verbal for 800 marks. The total test is for 1600 marks.

For TOEFL/IELTS you will be having four common sections,
These are differentiated for the tests near the scores.
TOEFL is for 120 marks and each section carries 30 marks.
IELTS test is based on band score of 9 for each section. The overall band score is made average and ranked for 9.

I think you need not require any coaching from consultancy or other educational institutions if you are strong enough in the English and basic knowledge in Mathematics.

The main tactic in all these sections is time management. It comes on basic practice.

Next step is to opt the university after getting good scores. Inorder to get funding or scholarship you must be strong enough in academics, GRE scores, IELTS/ TOEFL scores. Even though if you cant get a good score and if the university does not offer funding, once you are admitted in the university and if your performance is good in the first semester, you will definitely get Assistantship or funding from them.

As you have no mentioned the place whether US or Australia or UK or European countries, I can't provide you the correct universities in all these places. But I can mention some of the US universities that are offering MS in Biotechnology.

GRE is compulsory entrance exam only for US. For other places, IELTS alone is sufficient.

US universities:

University of Houston - Clearlake
SUNY - New Paltz
Cleveland State University - Ohio
University of Tennessee at Chattanooga and many more.
16th March 2011 08:22 PM
Re: MBA or MS: Better choice after B.Tech(biotech)?

Originally Posted by rajitha drucella View Post
im rajitha i did my btech biotechnology,, now what should i do to get good jobs? is it MBA or MS? if it is MBA what branch and if it is MS what branch?? plzz help me to take right decission,,im in dilemma and mba are the two different trades itself....since u have done ur so i will say its better to go for ms because it has great importance if u r doing it through the same time if u doing mba through cat it wud be best...several trade are mentioned in ms depanding upon the university and also u can have trade like finance,marketing,HR etc for management course...
16th March 2011 06:07 PM
Re: MBA or MS: Better choice after B.Tech(biotech)?

Hiiiii Friend,

MS stands for Master in Science and MBA stands for Master in Business Administration.

Both MS & MBA are equivalent courses.

Both MS or MBA courses are better, its depend upon your interest.

If you are interested in Business field then you can do MBA or If you are interested in science field then you can do MS.

And after MS or MBA courses, you can get a better JOB and handsome salary.

According to my opinion you can do MS after B.Tech. in Biotechnology.

Good Luck
16th March 2011 06:03 PM
Re: MBA or MS: Better choice after B.Tech(biotech)?

well as you said you have done B.TECH biotech so i don't think there should be any
problem to you to get job in this sector as it is one the booming sector in india and if one
has good knowledge then he or she can easily get job in this field .i think you should go
for walk in interview and i hope you will definitely get job easily .

As MS is more technical in nature, it is good for doing further research by PhD or to work
in technical positions in your job.

It will give you edge in the technical area you are working or research. Many people who wish to become professors one day, choose this path .

MBA is for those of you who want to work in a management position.

It is for aspiring managers…If you want to grow to higher level in a company and one day
dream of becoming a CEO or opening your own business, then MBA is for you

so now you can choose what you want to do both the courses are very good.
16th March 2011 04:23 PM
rajitha drucella
MBA or MS: Better choice after B.Tech(biotech)?

im rajitha i did my btech biotechnology,, now what should i do to get good jobs? is it MBA or MS? if it is MBA what branch and if it is MS what branch?? plzz help me to take right decission,,im in dilemma

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