Thread: What is the scope of Biomedical Engineering in India as well as abroad? Is there any college in Mumbai or anywhere in India providing diploma in Biomedical Engineering? Reply to Thread

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19th May 2020 02:03 PM
Re: What is the scope of Biomedical Engineering in India as well as abroad? Is there any college in Mumbai or anywhere in India providing diploma in Biomedical Engineering?

which course can choose after biomedical engineering diopoma
5th June 2014 04:50 PM
Re: What is the scope of Biomedical Engineering in India as well as abroad? Is there any college in Mumbai or anywhere in India providing diploma in Biomedical Engineering?

I wnt 2 knw abt biomedical i m hvng pcb sub in my 12th plz tell me is there any scope hvng 4 dis field? Maths required or nt?
6th May 2014 08:05 PM
Re: What is the scope of Biomedical Engineering in India as well as abroad? Is there any college in Mumbai or anywhere in India providing diploma in Biomedical Engineering?

pls give me some best ideas after diploma biomedical engineering.
plz send your answer me on my
email: [email protected]
20th September 2013 04:10 PM
Re: What is the scope of Biomedical Engineering in India as well as abroad? Is there any college in Mumbai or anywhere in India providing diploma in Biomedical Engineering?

I am from Nepal. I want to study biomedical engineering in India? I am unknown about formalities and procedures to study in India..Please help me..
11th March 2013 11:58 PM
Re: What is the scope of Biomedical Engineering in India as well as abroad? Is there any college in Mumbai or anywhere in India providing diploma in Biomedical Engineering?

what are the oppertunities in biomedical enginering in u s a ?
3rd October 2012 12:20 AM
Re: What is the scope of Biomedical Engineering in India as well as abroad? Is there any college in Mumbai or anywhere in India providing diploma in Biomedical Engineering?

what are the scopes for biomedical engineering in India
15th May 2012 11:50 PM
Re: What is the scope of Biomedical Engineering in India as well as abroad? Is there any college in Mumbai or anywhere in India providing diploma in Biomedical Engineering?

are Bi.p.c students eligible for doing biomedical engineering ????????????
27th January 2012 12:17 PM
Re: What is the scope of Biomedical Engineering in India as well as abroad? Is there any college in Mumbai or anywhere in India providing diploma in Biomedical Engineering?

My nephew is appearing 12 std exm in march'12 and he will appear entrance of Bio-medical.
Now a days what is the scope of Bio-medical and which is the best college/university in
Bio-medical engg. in India. Please also let me know future career opportunity? on my
e-mail [email protected]
26th December 2011 11:24 PM
Re: What is the scope of Biomedical Engineering in India as well as abroad? Is there any college in Mumbai or anywhere in India providing diploma in Biomedical Engineering?

civil engineering or biomedical engineering ii best for career oppurtunity
25th December 2011 05:21 PM
Re: What is the scope of Biomedical Engineering in India as well as abroad? Is there any college in Mumbai or anywhere in India providing diploma in Biomedical Engineering?

I want to know wiill i benificial doing MBA after graduation in biomedical engineering.

pls send your ans. me on my email:[email protected]

thanking with expectation
31st October 2011 12:19 AM
Re: What is the scope of Biomedical Engineering in India as well as abroad? Is there any college in Mumbai or anywhere in India providing diploma in Biomedical Engineering?

please dont do biomedical engineering in india no scope for this . u will have to search job for this . if u get job also it wil b always travelling
26th July 2011 07:35 PM
Re: What is the scope of Biomedical Engineering in India as well as abroad? Is there any college in Mumbai or anywhere in India providing diploma in Biomedical Engineering?

civil engineering or biomedical engineering ii best for career oppurtunity
15th July 2011 12:20 AM
Re: What is the scope of Biomedical Engineering in India as well as abroad? Is there any college in Mumbai or anywhere in India providing diploma in Biomedical Engineering?

please tell me about the merits/demerits if i choose biomedical engineering as b-tech degree in NIT, Rourkela
7th July 2011 10:21 PM
Re: What is the scope of Biomedical Engineering in India as well as abroad? Is there any college in Mumbai or anywhere in India providing diploma in Biomedical Engineering?

This is my situation. I hav an admission for MSc Medical Engineering at University of leeds. Is this course good enough to fetch me a decent job at the end of next year or should i wait for a year and apply to a university in germany or the US. I am very confused. Help me choose. Also, University of Surrey offers the same course. Which is better?the one at leeds or Surrey? or do i wait for a year and reapply?
26th May 2011 02:42 AM
Re: What is the scope of Biomedical Engineering in India as well as abroad? Is there any college in Mumbai or anywhere in India providing diploma in Biomedical Engineering?

sir i have got 17601 rank in manipal uget 2011 for be course.. pls tell my chances of admission and which trade can i get????
pls mail me at [email protected]
16th May 2011 02:02 PM
What is the scope of Biomedical Engineering in India as well as abroad? Is there any college in Mumbai or anywhere in India providing diploma in Biomedical Engineering?

hiii, I have just appeared my ssc exams, I am interested in biology and want to do engineering thus i feel biomedical engg is good. Now i am totally unaware about the same.
Can you tall me the scope for bme in india as well as abroad? Also is there any college in mumbai or even in india providing diploma in the same field and if i take up diploma what should i do further. I hope you might have understood my anxiety and sincerely expect from you all to givwe me a detailed information about the same??? Thanking with expectations...

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