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5th December 2014 04:56 PM
Re: Job Opportunities for Engineering students in Indian Navy and Air Force?

I am completed Bsc. What is opportunity in Indian nave? Please send me detail my I'd
. [email protected]
16th July 2013 01:33 AM
Re: Job Opportunities for Engineering students in Indian Navy and Air Force?


Job Opportunities for Engineering students in Indian Navy and Air Force,

Thermodynamics and Applications / Heat Power Engineering.
Heat and Mass Transfer.
Fluid Mechanics
Flight Mechanics.
Machine Drawing

Thank you....................
8th July 2013 02:37 PM
Re: Job Opportunities for Engineering students in Indian Navy and Air Force?

for. pilot in air force can with computer sciene students are eligible?
7th April 2013 01:03 PM
Re: Job Opportunities for Engineering students in Indian Navy and Air Force?

i am in third year instrumentation engg. i have to join for navy. shall i get job or from which test usually go so that i can join navy please help me.........
17th February 2013 12:26 AM
Re: Job Opportunities for Engineering students in Indian Navy and Air Force?

sir iam in final year now and i have lose my one year due some problem,but iam having degree of 65%,10th 68%.12th is there any opportunity for me.please tell me .my email id is [email protected] reply me iam very intrested in airforce.
25th January 2013 07:54 PM
Re: Job Opportunities for Engineering students in Indian Navy and Air Force?

my age will cross 24 when i compleat my btech ,have any scop for me to join in navy
1st November 2012 12:10 AM
Srushti Krishna
Re: Job Opportunities for Engineering students in Indian Navy and Air Force?

You can apply for the CDS exam to join NAVY
Remember , the exam will helds two rimes in every year by UPSC
The Notifications for the exam will releases in the Months of JUNE and NOVEMBER

Job Opportunities for Engineering students in Indian Navy and Air Force ; -

Thermodynamics and Applications / Heat Power Engineering.
Heat and Mass Transfer.
Fluid Mechanics
Flight Mechanics.
Machine Drawing
31st October 2012 07:13 PM
Re: Job Opportunities for Engineering students in Indian Navy and Air Force?


Automotive Engineering / Plant Engineering / Industrial Engineering.

Engineering Mechanics / Strength of Material.


Thermodynamics and Applications / Heat Power Engineering.

Heat and Mass Transfer.

Fluid Mechanics / Turbo Machines.

Flight Mechanics.

Machine Drawing / Machine Design.


Material Science / Metallurgy.


GOOD LUCK.....................
30th October 2012 06:52 PM
Re: Job Opportunities for Engineering students in Indian Navy and Air Force?

if my agreeiate is below 60% then?
14th October 2012 05:59 PM
Re: Job Opportunities for Engineering students in Indian Navy and Air Force?

Hello Friend ,

Based on your qualification You would be in charge of some of the most sophisticated equipment in the world by joining one of the sub branches.

General Eligibility for Aeronautical Engineering Branch are (applicable for men and women):

Nationality - Indian.

Age - 18 to 28 years (at the time of commencement of course).

Marital Status - Candidates below the age of 25 years should be unmarried.

Entry into the Technical Branch is through two schemes, both via AFCAT

For candidates studying in Pre-Final year of B-tech/BE degree course
For men only. Grant of Permanent Commission.
Educational Qualifications: The candidate must be currently studying in Pre-final year of BE / BTech degree course with choice of subject as mentioned above.
There must be No backlog / arrears of papers of previous semesters at the time of SSB Testing.
On completion of degree, minimum 60% of marks in aggregate in all papers put together are mandatory.

After completion of Engineering degree or while in your final year/semester of Engineering
For both Men and Women. Permanent Commission (for men) / Short Service Commission (For men and women)
Marks - Must have scored a minimum of 60% marks in aggregate in all the papers put together in any one of the qualifications listed.

Final year students are eligible to apply provided they do not have any present backlog at the time of SSB testing and they produce provisional/ original degree issued by the University as per the date stipulated in the advertisement.

Educational Qualification for Aeronautical Engineering Branch – Depending upon your stream of Engineering and subjects studied, you could join one of the sub branches of the Technical branch. Check the educational qualification required for the sub branches.

Aeronautical Engineering (Electronics)
Aeronautical Engineering (Mechanical)

Eligible if they have undergone any one of the following Educational Qualifications:

Four year degree qualification from a recognised University

Cleared Section A and B examination of Associate Membership of Institution of Engineers (India)

Cleared Section A and B examination of Aeronautical Society of India

Graduate membership examination of the Institute of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers by actual studies
All the candidates should have studied at least eight subjects out of the list of eighteen subjects mentioned below while pursuing any one of the above mentioned qualifications:-
Physics / Engineering Physics.
Mathematics / Engineering Mathematics.
Engineering Graphics / Engineering Drawing.
Electrical Engineering / Electrical Technology.
Control Engineering.
Digital Electronics / Basic Electronics.
Computer Networks.
Information Technology.
Network Theory Design.
Telecommunication Systems.
Electronic Circuit Design.
Radar Theory.
Switching Theory.
Microwave Engineering.
Antenna and Wave Propagation.
Electronic Devices.


Eligible if they have undergone any one of the following Educational Qualifications:

Four year degree qualification from a recognized university

Cleared Section A and B examination of Associate Membership of Institution of Engineers (India)

Cleared section A and B examination of Aeronautical Society of India
All the candidates should have studied at least eight subjects out of the eighteen subjects mentioned below while pursuing any one of the above mentioned qualifications:
Physics / Engineering Physics.
Engineering Maths / Mathematics.
Engineering Drawing / Graphics.
Automotive Engineering / Plant Engineering / Industrial Engineering.
Engineering Mechanics / Strength of Material.
Thermodynamics and Applications / Heat Power Engineering.
Heat and Mass Transfer.
Theory of Machines (Kinematics and Dynamics of Machinery).
Fluid Mechanics / Turbo Machines.
Flight Mechanics.
Machine Drawing / Machine Design.
Material Science / Metallurgy.
Workshop Technology / Manufacturing Technology / Production Engineering.
Hydraulics and Pneumatics.
Aircraft Structures.

Best Wishes ....
14th October 2012 12:10 AM
sunil attigeri
Re: Job Opportunities for Engineering students in Indian Navy and Air Force?


you have got nice opportunities in airforce as well as in navy
in airforce you can join in 3 Branches (flying ,technical,ground duty branch)..
to join these branches you need go through the exams ,combined defense academy exam (cds),AFCAT(air force common entrance exam).provided you are citizen of India.male unmarried.

to join can cds exam and most the times there will be direct recruitment ..and posts available are navigator, officer in technical branch of navy,even as pilot.

all the best.....
13th October 2012 10:19 PM
Re: Job Opportunities for Engineering students in Indian Navy and Air Force?

Originally Posted by suraj kumar b bandi View Post
i want to know the job opportunities for an engineering student in Indian navy,air force.

in defense there are many jobs specially meant for engineers .
these are technical jobs for students of different branches.

there are many exams to join Indian army or AIF like




after that you will be called for SSB.
13th October 2012 09:24 PM
Re: Job Opportunities for Engineering students in Indian Navy and Air Force?

Yes , You can apply for the CDS ecam to join INDIAN NAVY

Actually , The exam will conducts by Union Public Service Commission , Two times in Eevery year

For the exam ,

~ The candidates who have completed Grduation can apply for the exam
The candidates who are in Final Year of Engineering can apply for the exam

~ The candidate's age should be bewteen 19-22 years , for Navy
~ The candidate's age should be bewteen 19-23 years , for Airforce
~ The candidate's age should be between 19-24 years , for Army
~ The candidate must be a citizen of india

Selection process : -

>> Written xam
>> Interview
>> Medical Test

Exam Syllabus : -

1) General Knowledge - 100 marks
2) General English - 100 marks
3) Elementary Maths - 100 marks

So, you can apply for the CDS exam to join NAVY

Remember , the exam will helds two rimes in every year by UPSC

The Notifications for the exam will releases in the Months of JUNE and NOVEMBER

13th October 2012 06:01 PM
Re: Job Opportunities for Engineering students in Indian Navy and Air Force?

hello sir, my name is mohit tyagi. I got 63% in tenth and 54% in 10 2. Now i m an engg. Student of ece 2nd year. Is there any job for me plz send it on my website [email protected]
7th September 2012 03:44 PM
Re: Job Opportunities for Engineering students in Indian Navy and Air Force?

Dear sir
sir i have completed B.E.MECHANICAL ENGNEERING branch,i have 70%in B.E,10th &12th ,my child wood aim is join in Indian navy or air force ,can i appear in indian navy or airforce...what the next step i do it sir give me details in this mail
[email protected]
6th August 2012 06:21 PM
Re: Job Opportunities for Engineering students in Indian Navy and Air Force?

sir i have completed B-tech in electrical branch , my aim is join in navy or air force from my childwood ,i will take a coaching to UES, EKT pleace tell me sir were i will coaching [email protected] thanking sir
28th June 2012 01:18 PM
Re: Job Opportunities for Engineering students in Indian Navy and Air Force?

sir i have completed diploma in mechanical engineering recently....i hav 71%in 10th nd 75%in diploma. wcan i appear in indian navy or airforce...or what should i do next??
give me details in this mail
[email protected]
17th June 2012 07:46 PM
Re: Job Opportunities for Engineering students in Indian Navy and Air Force?

sir....i am anoop, doing ma final year civil engg degree from anna university,..i hav 90% in 10th& 90%in plus two....what are ma job opportunites in indian navy??send details to ma e mail [email protected]
28th April 2012 08:24 PM
Re: Job Opportunities for Engineering students in Indian Navy and Air Force?

Dear sir,
i m prabhudatta dhal my 10th % is 61 and 2 % is 43 and % is 65% can i appear indian navy or indian airforce give me the details in dis mail
[email protected]
30th January 2012 08:39 PM
Re: Job Opportunities for Engineering students in Indian Navy and Air Force?

sir i am studying in second year B.Sc which job can apply? contact me on or [email protected]
18th November 2011 03:17 PM
Re: Job Opportunities for Engineering students in Indian Navy and Air Force?

can engg failed student have a job in navy ?
13th November 2011 01:07 AM
Manish Kumar Tripathi
Re: Job Opportunities for Engineering students in Indian Navy and Air Force?

in defense there are many jobs specially meant for engineers .
these are technical jobs for students of different branches.

there are many exams to join Indian army or AIF like


9th November 2011 09:15 PM
Re: Job Opportunities for Engineering students in Indian Navy and Air Force?

Hello Sir,
I have completed my graduation with a degree of first class in Bsc I.T from University of Mumbai. Please tell me for which post I can apply in Indian Navy or Indian Air Force. Please send details on Id [email protected] asap.
19th September 2011 07:34 PM
Re: Job Opportunities for Engineering students in Indian Navy and Air Force?

hello sir
my % is 70 but in 10th 65% and 12th 56% can i apply to indian navy and air force for engineering post
also can i eligible for EKT , UES and CDSE exam's
plz help
plz send me details on my id [email protected]
8th September 2011 04:07 PM
Re: Job Opportunities for Engineering students in Indian Navy and Air Force?

job for aerospace student in indian navy
28th August 2011 07:00 PM
Snehamay ganguly
Re: Job Opportunities for Engineering students in Indian Navy and Air Force?

dear friend,
You want to get a job in Indian Navy or Air force after completion of bachelor degree in engineering field, then you can go for it..
For that you have to appear in exams like-
CDSE(Combined defense service exam)
UES(university entry scheme)
EKT(Engineering knowledge test)

Through any of these exams you can apply for Indian navy or Air force in technical field..
If you get qualified in the exam , then they will call you for the SSB..
Which is a 5 days interview.. It consist of GD session, Technical and HR interview, Physical fitness test, Medical test..
After clearing all these steps you will get a chance to join in navy or Air force in the post of lieutenant..
So, go for it..
All the best..
28th August 2011 06:38 PM
Re: Job Opportunities for Engineering students in Indian Navy and Air Force?

Dear friend,
I am giving you the details of Navy and Air force after Engineering.
For Navy::::::::::::::

Eligibility Criteria:
Age : Between 19 and 1/2 to 25 years (between 02 January 1985 to 01 July 1990; both dates inclusive)

Educational Qualifications :A Degree;with 60% or above marks in any discipline including civil engineering/ B. Arch./
Graduate degree with Post graduate Diploma/ Degree in Material Management/ ICWA/ CA

Physical Standards : Height and Weight : Minimum height – 157 cms with correlated weight.

For Air Force::::::::::

Age: 18 to 28 years (At the time of commencement of training)

Other criterion are same as Navy.

Branches in Btech / BE: Electronics,Tele-communication, Electrical, Electrical Communication, Electronics & Communication, Instrumentation, Computer Science & Engineering
28th August 2011 04:59 PM
Re: Job Opportunities for Engineering students in Indian Navy and Air Force?

dear friend

in defense there are many jobs specially meant for engineers .
these are technical jobs for students of different branches.

there are many exams to join Indian army or AIF like




after that you will be called for SSB.

all the best.
28th August 2011 11:24 AM
suraj kumar b bandi
Job Opportunities for Engineering students in Indian Navy and Air Force?

i want to know the job opportunities for an engineering student in Indian navy,air force.

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