Thread: Procedure to join Ph.D after MCA? Reply to Thread

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14th June 2021 01:08 AM
Re: Procedure to join Ph.D after MCA?

PhD - Doctor of Philosophy
Course Duration : * 2 -3 Year * Maximum 5 Year

Eligibility - * Post Graduation with 55% Marks
* M.Phil for DU 2 Year Research Experience for DU
Eligibility - NET/JRF
Admission After PG - NET/JRF - University Entrance Test * Some University Prefer without NET Exam
Course Fee Variation

* Dr. * Professor * Lecturer * Research Career after PhD

Full Information Share Admission
*DU - Delhi University
*JNU - Jawaharlal National University
* BHU - Banaras Hindu University
* AU - Allahabad University
* AMU - Aligarh Mushlim University
JMIU - Jamia Millia Islamia University.
13th February 2021 05:22 PM
Re: Procedure to join Ph.D after MCA?

i have done MCA from sikkim manipal university( Distance learning), can i pursue p.hd now
17th January 2021 10:18 PM
Re: Procedure to join Ph.D after MCA?

Yes , You are applicable for PhD course but you must have GATE or NET score.

Only M-TECH candidate can apply for PhD without any score.

The best universities in india for doing PhD course are given below.

1. Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi
2. Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur
3. Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur
4. Indian Institute of Technology, Madras
5. Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay
6. Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee
7. Birla Institute of Technology and Sciences, Pilani
8. Institute of Technology, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi
9. Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati
10. Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore
5th April 2020 08:52 PM
Re: Procedure to join Ph.D after MCA?

I complete mca with 73% how to join PhD and what courses are available ...
12th January 2020 01:13 PM
Re: Procedure to join Ph.D after MCA?

After mca any body can do phd directly.but you have to appear a direct entrance which is conducted by university,if you qualify the entrance then you can do the phd
12th December 2019 07:49 PM
Re: Procedure to join Ph.D after MCA?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
This is a stupid ans. You have to complete the Master's degree. ME/Mtech
After MCA you can do phd! collect information bro! then you say! i don't know how stupid people write there answer here!
16th October 2019 07:14 PM
Re: Procedure to join Ph.D after MCA?

Can i do phd after mca and what is the procedure for join phd after mca?
27th June 2019 02:46 PM
Re: Procedure to join Ph.D after MCA?

MCA ARE POST GRATUATES.....After pg one can definitely do PHD...There are lots of people who had taken phd after mca
23rd May 2017 10:33 AM
Re: Procedure to join Ph.D after MCA?

Originally Posted by solution View Post
hello dear

sorry, you can't do Ph.D after MCA.

to do Ph.D after MCA, you have do M.Tech then you can do.

actually MCA is equivalent to BE/B.Tech. so mtech is compulsory.

to do M.Tech after MCA, you have to give GATE exam.

all the best....
MCA is never Equivalent to BE/, For your kind information, MCA is a Master degree which us done after BCA.
3rd June 2014 07:23 PM
Re: Procedure to join Ph.D after MCA?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
you are absolutely wrong...MCA is PG course full time degree. You spend 3 years studying MCA which makes 6 years of education after 12th and is 4 years bachelor's are those two in any way equivalent. Placements in companies offer same or more amount of money to B.Tech. that does not make B.Tech and MCA in any way equivalent. If you have completed your MCA with 60% then you are totally eligible for Doctrate degree in IT from any recognized university.
This is a stupid ans. You have to complete the Master's degree. ME/Mtech
27th March 2014 02:06 PM
Re: Procedure to join Ph.D after MCA?

if anyone know the right procedure,please share.otherwise,keep calm.Even i am also MCA passed out and looking for the procedure to do ph.d.
3rd June 2013 10:28 PM
Re: Procedure to join Ph.D after MCA?

Dude, i have complited my mca degree. .i am confused i hav wrote all the answer. . Every profeser told. 1st u take a degree than u get a phd . .plz help me. ! . Plz tel me true meaning ?
30th April 2013 11:26 PM
Re: Procedure to join Ph.D after MCA?

b tech is lower tham MCA. mind it
18th April 2013 05:33 PM
Re: Procedure to join Ph.D after MCA?

Originally Posted by solution View Post
hello dear

sorry, you can't do ph.d after mca.

To do ph.d after mca, you have do then you can do.

Actually mca is equivalent to be/ So mtech is compulsory.

To do after mca, you have to give gate exam.

All the best....

you fool , anyone can do phd after post graduation..... And mca is not equivalent to btech ... Mca is master degree>>>>btech is bachelor degree
1st November 2012 11:35 PM
Re: Procedure to join Ph.D after MCA?

i have completed my bsc physics course, mca , now which area i can go ...................
10th August 2012 03:36 PM
pardeep dhaliwal
Re: Procedure to join Ph.D after MCA?

hi dear.....

->If you get a admission in Ph.D after MCA then give the NET exam .

->The eligibility criteria to join Ph.D after MCA you can complete your MCA with 55% marks for computer science/IT and give NET exam.

-> In NET exam also conduct valid marks for Ph.D admission.

->so prepared for exam and give the exam ...all the best dear...
4th July 2012 02:43 PM
Re: Procedure to join Ph.D after MCA?

whats the value of MCA phD? is it equivalent to ME or ME Phd
6th May 2012 05:47 PM
Re: Procedure to join Ph.D after MCA?

Originally Posted by solution View Post
hello dear

sorry, you can't do Ph.D after MCA.

to do Ph.D after MCA, you have do M.Tech then you can do.

actually MCA is equivalent to BE/B.Tech. so mtech is compulsory.

to do M.Tech after MCA, you have to give GATE exam.

all the best....
you are absolutely wrong...MCA is PG course full time degree. You spend 3 years studying MCA which makes 6 years of education after 12th and is 4 years bachelor's are those two in any way equivalent. Placements in companies offer same or more amount of money to B.Tech. that does not make B.Tech and MCA in any way equivalent. If you have completed your MCA with 60% then you are totally eligible for Doctrate degree in IT from any recognized university.
19th January 2012 01:45 PM
Re: Procedure to join Ph.D after MCA?

i have completed my mca with 62% i want to do mtech.. what can i do please give me suggestion
23rd December 2011 06:26 PM
Re: Procedure to join Ph.D after MCA?

after mca can i join directly for Phd
10th August 2011 12:27 PM
Re: Procedure to join Ph.D after MCA?

Can i do Phd after completing MCA?
28th July 2011 07:30 PM
Re: Procedure to join Ph.D after MCA?

please give dept info about this
24th July 2011 06:04 PM
Re: Procedure to join Ph.D after MCA?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
i want to join ph.d? after mca so how to follow the instructions or procedure please send me the detailed information to me? It will helpfull to my future?
dear friend,

yes ,you are eligible for PHD programme after completion of your MCA degree.
But you have to qualify in GATE and NET exam with VALID SCORE.

Also you have passed masters degree with 55% marks.then you are eligible for PHD programme.

All the best
15th July 2011 08:39 PM
Re: Procedure to join Ph.D after MCA?

hello dear

sorry, you can't do Ph.D after MCA.

to do Ph.D after MCA, you have do M.Tech then you can do.

actually MCA is equivalent to BE/B.Tech. so mtech is compulsory.

to do M.Tech after MCA, you have to give GATE exam.

all the best....
15th July 2011 02:52 PM
Re: Procedure to join Ph.D after MCA?

you have to study further for getting admission into Ph D degrees. Because the MCA degree is equivalent to technical degree course. And for Ph D you need at least a Master’s degree i.e. M E/ M Tech in Computer Science.
15th July 2011 01:18 AM
Procedure to join Ph.D after MCA?

i want to join ph.d? after mca so how to follow the instructions or procedure please send me the detailed information to me? It will helpfull to my future?

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