Thread: Any job opportunities in MSc maths other than Teaching? Reply to Thread

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16th December 2020 09:32 PM
Re: Any job opportunities in MSc maths other than Teaching?

Can I do MCA after in mathematics
1st June 2017 04:45 PM
Re: Any job opportunities in MSc maths other than Teaching?

I am studying MSC mathematics final year I am not interested in teaching I have company jobs Please suggest me a good job
2nd August 2016 05:53 PM
Re: Any job opportunities in MSc maths other than Teaching?

How to get high scale government job after MSc maths? And which types of government job are available for MSc fresher's ??
12th May 2015 08:59 PM
Re: Any job opportunities in MSc maths other than Teaching?

I want to do msc in maths but I'm not interested in teaching ,I want very good job of good salary ,is it enough to do msc maths??
22nd February 2015 06:34 PM
Re: Any job opportunities in MSc maths other than Teaching?

I am doing M.A.(mathematics).what can i do in private job after this other than teaching .
9th May 2014 06:22 PM
Re: Any job opportunities in MSc maths other than Teaching?

I finished msc maths i am not interested in teaching other job i will get except teaching
24th February 2014 06:16 PM
Re: Any job opportunities in MSc maths other than Teaching?

you have vary good job prospects......................................... .............................................
I am done study in Gujarat univarsity maths department........................................ ........... and I m now at prestegious univaristy in switzarland....................
10th July 2013 05:20 PM
Re: Any job opportunities in MSc maths other than Teaching?

I finished my M.Sc in mathematics but i'm not interested in teaching?could you please tell what kind of job i'll get?
1st June 2013 11:47 AM
Re: Any job opportunities in MSc maths other than Teaching?

After MSc. does one have good job opportunities or one has to go for PhD. only??
4th November 2012 01:55 PM
Re: Any job opportunities in MSc maths other than Teaching?

hy i am doing msc in mathematics.i want to know can i get a better job after completing this or i have to study any thing else after my msc.i want to get a job in multinational company or a high scale government i want to know is this msc is enough to achieve my goal?
24th March 2012 11:06 PM
Re: Any job opportunities in MSc maths other than Teaching?

i am in 12th class and i am a science student but i have more interest in physics and maths.Please suggest some kind of courses suitable for me during 12th class or after it asa soon as possible.
29th January 2012 09:40 PM
Re: Any job opportunities in MSc maths other than Teaching?

what is a better option doing Msc in mathematics or statistics and what is the best college for it.can a graduate from Bsc mathematics can apply for MCA and how.Is there any other better option for maths graduate to do.
28th January 2012 02:20 PM
Re: Any job opportunities in MSc maths other than Teaching?

There are many other jobs rather than teaching. Here we are sending you a list of jobs which you can opt after completing your in maths are:-
Mathematician,Numerical Analyst,Operation research analyst,Bank examiner,Foreign excahnge traders,Benefits Administrator, Production Manager,Psychometrist,Purchase Agent/Buyer,Computer Programmer,Investment Researcher,Informationscientist,Insurance agent,System analyst,Credit/loan officer, Market research analyst.
22nd September 2011 10:28 PM
Any job opportunities in MSc maths other than Teaching?

i ve completed my bsc in mpc group and furthur i wanna go for maths if any job oppurtunites other than teaching are available then i would like procced for maths

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