Thread: Universities offering LLB course through correspondence? Reply to Thread

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8th July 2013 04:15 PM
Annu 44
Re: Universities offering LLB course through correspondence?


List Universities offering LLB through Correspondence:-
Madurai Kamraj university,

Visva Bharati university,

Kurukshetra university,

Delhi university,

Mahatma Gandhi university,

Tamilnadu Dr.Ambedkar Law University of Distance education,

Indira Gandhi National Open university,

Osmania university,

Annamalai university,

Kakatiya university,

Banaras Hindu university
21st June 2013 04:36 PM
Anand Patil 95
Re: Universities offering LLB course through correspondence?

LLB Course offering university through correspondence :
Indira Gandhi National Open University

Annamalai University

Kurukshetra University

Delhi University

Banaras Hindu University

Jawaharlal Nehru University

Mahatma Gandhi University

Visva Bharati University

Tamil Nadu Dr Ambedkar Law University Distance Education

Madurai Kamraj University

Kakatiya University

15th June 2013 02:39 PM
Re: Universities offering LLB course through correspondence?

Universities offering LLB course through correspondence
Pondicherry University

Annamalai University

ILS Law College

Delhi University

Symbiosis Law College

Indira Gandhi National Open University

Amity Law School

Madurai kamraj University

Kurukshetra University

University Of Kashmir

Osmania University

Banaras Hindu University
23rd May 2013 03:49 AM
Re: Universities offering LLB course through correspondence?


LLB Course offering university through correspondence :

Delhi University
Madurai Kamraj University
Banaras Hindu University
Indira Gandhi National Open University
Jawaharlal Nehru University
Kakatiya University
Visva Bharati University
Annamalai University
Tamil Nadu Dr Ambedkar Law University Distance Education
7th November 2012 05:07 PM
Re: Universities offering LLB course through correspondence?

List of Universities offering LL.B. through correspondence course:-

-Government Law College - Mumbai
-Faculty of Law - Delhi University
-Mahatma Gandhi University - Kottayam
-Indira Gandhi National Open University - Delhi
-Anamalia University - Tamilnadu
-Kurukshetra University - Kuruskshetra
-National Law School of University - Bangalore
-Kakatiya University - Warangal
-Banaras Hindhu University - Varanashi
7th November 2012 12:09 PM
Re: Universities offering LLB course through correspondence?

i am doing B.B.A from vinayak mission university, so can i apply for study for law, in ip college?through regular or correspondence.
7th November 2012 10:01 AM
Re: Universities offering LLB course through correspondence?

List of university are:-
Delhi University
Banaras Hindu University
Jawaharlal Nehru University
Visva Bharati University
Tamil Nadu Dr Ambedkar Law University Distance Education
Madurai Kamraj University
Indira Gandhi National Open University
Kakatiya University
Kurukshetra University.
Thank you...........
7th November 2012 09:15 AM
Re: Universities offering LLB course through correspondence?


Some of the Universities offering LLB course through correspondence----------------

1.Annamalai University
2.Kurukshetra University
3.Indira Gandhi National Open University
4.Delhi University
5.Banaras Hindu University
6.Pondicherry University
7.University Of Kashmir
8.Mahatma Gandhi University
9.Visva Bharati University.

Hope the information helps you,
all the best..............
7th November 2012 12:47 AM
Re: Universities offering LLB course through correspondence?

List of LLB Course
offering university
correspondence :


Mahatma Gandhi

Delhi university

Osmania university

Kakatiya university

Annamalai University

Madurai Kamraj

Indira Gandhi
National Open

Banaras Hindu

All the best.
6th November 2012 09:20 PM
sirimulla srikanth
Re: Universities offering LLB course through correspondence?


University Of Kashmir

Annamalai University

Delhi University

Symbiosis Law College

Amity Law School

Kurukshetra University

Osmania University

Banaras Hindu University

ILS Law College

Pondicherry University

Indira Gandhi National Open University

Madurai kamraj University

6th November 2012 09:09 PM
Re: Universities offering LLB course through correspondence?

List of LLB Distance Colleges in India :

Pondichery University

Mahatma Gandhi University

Indira Gandhi National Open University

Annamalai University

Banaras Hindu University

Visva Bharati University

Kakatiya University

Delhi University

Jawaharlal University
6th November 2012 06:00 PM
Re: Universities offering LLB course through correspondence?

Dear Friend,

LLB Stands for Bachelor of Law.

The Universities offering LLB Course through correspondence are

* Jawaharlal Nehru Technical University

* Indira Gandhi National Open University

* Annamalai University

* University Of Delhi

* Kurukshetra University

* Banaras Hindu University

* Kakatiya University

This is the information i have to the best of my knowledge regarding your query. Hope the information will help you to the extent you want.
6th November 2012 04:43 PM
Re: Universities offering LLB course through correspondence?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
I want to do LLB thro corrosponse,

can you tell me university/college offering this course.

LLB means Bachelor of laws. People who want to become a lawyer mainly choose this course. Since its a kind of professional course doing it through distance learning is not very beneficial as to excel in this field its not the degree that you require. But if you just want to have a LLB degree or you can't do a regular course due to a valid and true reason you can go for this.

There are many universities that offer LLB through distance learning in India. List of the universities are as follows:
  1. Annamalai University
  2. University of Jammu
  3. Kakatitya University
  4. School of Open Learning
  5. Continuing Education
  6. University of Kashmir
  7. Madhurai Kamraj University
  8. Pondicherry University

Hope this will help.
6th November 2012 02:24 PM
Re: Universities offering LLB course through correspondence?

Hi Friend......

Bachelor of Law (LL.B)

LLB correspondence Universities in India

** Government Law College - Mumbai

** Annamalai University - Tamilnadu

** Kakatiya University - Warangal, A.P,

** Delhi University

** Prof. Ram Reddy Distance Education - Hyderabad

** Kurushektra University - Haryana

** Indira Gandhi National Open University - Delhi

** SNDT Women's University - Mumbai

** Mahatma Gandhi University

6th November 2012 01:36 PM
Re: Universities offering LLB course through correspondence?

LLB is a great option as a career prospect.
You can do this course as a part time when you do not have time for the full time course.
Alos If you are doing another full time course, then also along with that course you can do simultaneously this part time course.

Universities offering courses in law through correspondence :

Annamalai University
Gurunanak Dev University
Kurukshetra University
NALSAR, Hyderabad
NLIU, Bhopal
Symbiosis Law College, Pune
ILS Law College, Pune
Faculty of Law, BHU, Banaras
Faculty of Law, DU, Delhi
Gover nment Law College, Mumbai
Amity Law School, Delhi
University of Jammu
Kakatiya University
6th November 2012 01:16 PM
Re: Universities offering LLB course through correspondence?


List Universities offering LLB through Correspondence:-

Jawaharlal University,

Delhi university,

Osmania university,

Kakatiya university,

Madurai Kamraj university,

Kurukshetra university,

Mahatma Gandhi university,

Indira Gandhi National Open university,

Annamalai university,

Banaras Hindu university,

Tamilnadu Dr.Ambedkar Law University of Distance education,

Visva Bharati university,

Pondichery university.
6th November 2012 12:40 PM
Re: Universities offering LLB course through correspondence?

There are option by which you can opt for the law courses through the correspondence, but before you head for the course, it is important that you need to be aware that according to the BCI, correspondence Bachelors in Law is not authorized to practice regular.

In the correspondence mode, you can ensure about the flexibility as there are several study centers all over the country for a particular University.

Universities offering courses in law through correspondence :

Kurukshetra University

NLSIU, Bangalore (Est: 1988)
Post Bag No. 7201, Nagarbhavi, Bangalore-560072
Tel: 080-23213160

NALSAR, Hyderabad(Est: 1998)
3-4, 761, Barkatpura, Hyderabad-500027
Tel: 040-27567955

NLIU, Bhopal(Est: 1997)
Bhadbhada Road, Barkheri Kalan, Bhopal-462002
Tel: 0755-2696965

Symbiosis Law College, Pune(Est: 1977)
Senapati Bapat Road, Pune-411004
Tel: 020-25655114

ILS Law College, Pune(Est: 1924)
Law College Road, Pune-411004
Tel: 020-25656775

Faculty of Law, BHU, Banaras(Est: 1916)
Tel: 0542-2369018

Faculty of Law, DU, Delhi(Est: 1924)
Tel: 011-27667765
E-mail: [email protected]
6th November 2012 10:04 AM
Re: Universities offering LLB course through correspondence?



National Law School of India University - NLSIU Distance Education,BANGALORE

Bundel khand university, JHANSI (UTTARPRADESH)

The Tamil Nadu Dr. Ambedkar Law University Distance Education,CHENNAI

Indira Gandhi National Open University

Mahatma Gandhi University

University College of Law, Bangalore

Aligarh Muslim University

Annamalai University

Banaras Hindu University

Faculty of Law, University of Delhi

5th November 2012 11:31 PM
Deep Ali
Re: Universities offering LLB course through correspondence?

I can suggest you some Universities for Distance Education LLB in India:
These are-

Bangalore University
National Law School of India University
Kurukshetra University
Annamalai University
University of Hyderabad
Jamia Millia Islamia Centre for Distance and Open Learning, New Delhi
ICFAI University, Gurgaon, New Delhi
Alagappa University, Directorate of Distance Education, Coimbatore, Nadu
5th November 2012 09:56 PM
Re: Universities offering LLB course through correspondence?


LLB is a three year degree programme.

Below are the universities offering LLB through distance learning -

1. Annamalai University

2. University of Jammu

3. Kakatitya University

4. School of Open Learning

5. Continuing Education

6. University of Kashmir

7. Madhurai Kamraj University

8. Pondicherry University
5th November 2012 08:10 PM
Re: Universities offering LLB course through correspondence?

LLB program is regulated by the Bar Council of India. There are two types of LLB program, one Integrated LLB, which can be pursued after the +2 level and the other LLB, which can be pursued after the Bachelors degree program. After the successful completion of the course, one is eligible to practice in a court of Law. In order to pursue LLB program candidate has to opt for regular mode, as there are no University which offers LLB through distance mode.

However, if a candidate is referring LLB as a Law course, then there are undergraduate as well as post graduate programs in Law through distance mode such as:
Bachelor of Law
Master of Business Law
Diploma in Cyber Law
PG Diploma in Human Right Law and many more.

However, candidate qualifying these programs will not be eligible to practice in any court of law.

There are many Universities which do provide these programs and following are the list of such Institutions.

Annamalai University
Indira Gandhi National Open University - IGNOU
Mahatama Gandhi University
Jammu university
Kurukshetra University.
5th November 2012 07:23 PM
Re: Universities offering LLB course through correspondence?

List of LLB Course offering university through correspondence :

Annamalai University

Delhi University

Banaras Hindu University

Jawaharlal Nehru University

Visva Bharati University

Tamil Nadu Dr Ambedkar Law University Distance Education

Madurai Kamraj University

Indira Gandhi National Open University

Kakatiya University

Kurukshetra University

Mahatma Gandhi University
5th November 2012 06:45 PM
radha 2
Re: Universities offering LLB course through correspondence?

Universities offering LLB course through correspondence:-
Patna University
Patna - 800005
Phone: (612) 2670352 , 2687204


B.E.S. College of Law

B.M.S. Law College

K.L.E. Societys Law College

National Law College
5th November 2012 05:25 PM
Re: Universities offering LLB course through correspondence?

There are various universities that offer LLB degree through correspondence but please beware that none of these are recognized by the Bar Council of India. Even after completing any such course you can not practice in the court as lawyer.

This is because Bar Council of India will not recognize the degree and you will not get the membership of Bar Coucil of India. Under such circumstances you can not practice in court anywhere in the country.

There are only two degrees that are recognized by the Bar Council of India.

1. BA LLB (5 years)

2. LLB (3 years)

Apart from the duration there isn't much difference between the two degree. Duration of BA LLB is longer because it includes a graduation course therefore candidates can apply for it even after completing 12th. While to apply for LLB each candidate has to complete graduation.

BA LLB Eligibility

1. You should be Indian national.

2. Must have passed 12th standard from a recognized board.

3. Minimum of 50 percent marks in 12th.

4. SC/ST need 45 percent marks.

5. The age limit for the course is 20 years.

6. There is 2 years relaxation for SC/ST.


1. Only Indian citizens can apply.

2. A graduation degree in any discipline from a recognized university.

3. At least 45 percent marks.

4. SC/ST need 40 percent marks.

5. Age limit is 30 years for LLB course.

6. There is 5 years relaxation for SC/ST.
5th November 2012 04:09 PM
Re: Universities offering LLB course through correspondence?

i have completed my HSC in 2011 can i do LLB correspondence? pls help me
19th June 2012 07:47 PM
Re: Universities offering LLB course through correspondence?

I am completed my 12th in 2006. Now, I finish my B.A. exam. I am scoring in class 12th 65%. Can I also apply for LLB in any colleges?
31st March 2012 08:03 PM
Re: Universities offering LLB course through correspondence?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
I want to do LLB thro corrosponse,

can you tell me university/college offering this course.
The university offering L.L.B Through distance education are:-

Mahatma Gandhi University (Kottayam)
SNDT Women’s University (Mumbai)
Indira Gandhi National Open University (Delih)
Annamalai University (Tamil Nadu)
National Law School of India University (Bangalore)
Kakatiya University (Warangal)
Kurukshetra University (Haryana)

31st March 2012 02:19 PM
Re: Universities offering LLB course through correspondence?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
I want to do LLB thro corrosponse,

can you tell me university/college offering this course.

LLB program is regulated by the Bar Council of India. There are two types of LLB program, one Integrated LLB, which can be pursued after the +2 level and the other LLB, which can be pursued after the Bachelors degree program. After the successful completion of the course, one is eligible to practice in a court of Law. In order to pursue LLB program candidate has to opt for regular mode, as there are no University which offers LLB through distance mode.

However, if a candidate is referring LLB as a Law course, then there are undergraduate as well as post graduate programs in Law through distance mode such as:
Bachelor of Law
Master of Business Law
Diploma in Cyber Law
PG Diploma in Human Right Law and many more.

However, candidate qualifying these programs will not be eligible to practice in any court of law.

There are many Universities which do provide these programs and following are the list of such Institutions.

Annamalai University
Indira Gandhi National Open University - IGNOU
Mahatama Gandhi University
Jammu university
Kurukshetra University.
11th February 2012 05:46 PM
Universities offering LLB course through correspondence?

I want to do LLB thro corrosponse,

can you tell me university/college offering this course.

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