Thread: mistake in draft in aieee form Reply to Thread

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6th March 2012 10:19 AM
Re: mistake in draft in aieee form

I send my demand draft with my aieee application form, but it was not received by assistance secretary of aieee and they send me a letter that i didnt submitted demand draft with the application form, so what can i do please help me.i think some one stolen my demand draft from envelop.
14th December 2011 02:57 PM
Re: mistake in draft in aieee form

this is urgent,plz can u help me?
i have lost my draft, if i provide my draft no will it be possible? i have already registered online. what do I do now?
22nd November 2011 07:59 PM
Re: mistake in draft in aieee form

sir i took a dd of aieee in the name of join secratary insted of secratary ,and i applied online is there any problem of this pl plz help me
14th January 2011 03:42 PM
Re: mistake in draft in aieee form

I want to change my Address
10th January 2011 01:54 PM
Re:mistake in course applied option

i have filled two online forms with different courses and both have same application number
10th January 2011 01:46 PM
Re: mistake in draft in aieee form

i have filled the wrong courses applied option and the another form filled shows the same application number
10th January 2011 01:44 PM
Re: mistake in draft in aieee form

course applied is wrong and i have filled another form and that is having the same application no.
2nd January 2011 01:00 PM
Re: mistake in draft in aieee form

today i fillup the online application form of AIEEE vide Registration No.5335455 on 02.01.2011 but i have made some mistake in demand draft details so plz tell me the solution, i have ready for make the payment through icici credit card so plz revert me at the earliest.

thanks n regards,

omeshwary chandekar
[email protected]
23rd December 2010 05:49 PM
Re: mistake in draft in aieee form

i wrote to asst secratary(aieee unit) in the dd instead of secratary,cbse,new it a big problem?
23rd December 2010 03:10 PM
Re: mistake in draft in aieee form

sir,i had made a mistake during submition of form online. i have selected online mode of exam but i want offline mode. is there any proceduure.
18th December 2010 03:17 PM
Re: mistake in draft in aieee form

the form i have submitted does not have the sign of my parent.
what should i do for it?
16th December 2010 09:48 AM
Re: mistake in draft in aieee form

i ve made a mistake in bank's name. insted of "state bank of india" i gave te option "bank of india"!What am i suppose to do next!
15th December 2010 07:20 PM
Re: mistake in draft in aieee form

Dear friend,

AIEEE is so strict in considering all these details.

If the mistake is happened from your side in demand draft, then it is sure that your application form is going to be rejected.

But if the mistake is from bankers point, then there may be chances for you to appear for the exam

Anyway i hope you will write the exam.

All the best.
14th December 2010 04:38 PM
Re: mistake in draft in aieee form

I have wrongly mentioned My Demend Draft number in the form.
What M I suppose to do next?????????
12th December 2010 05:11 PM
Re: mistake in draft in aieee form

the form i have posted that dont have the signature of my dad,can it make the problem?

what should i do for it?
27th November 2010 05:47 PM
Re: mistake in draft in aieee form

sir this is ankur saxena from hg international school,abu road i want to let you know that i did a mistake in filling up aieee online form of
2011 instead of writing dd no 280 i wrote 208,now i am in a great trouble and in a lots of tension if you are having any solution regardingg
this sir please contact me my cel no is_09460977431,sir please get me out of this situation my future is in your hand,please....please help me
my registeration no is_5004518
28th October 2010 07:55 PM
Re: mistake in draft in aieee form

try to contact the required authorities as soon as possinble either through web or through phone. you should correct your mistake in order to get your admit card . so do soon. good luck
22nd October 2010 08:45 PM
Re: mistake in draft in aieee form

The first thing is that you must not panic. Just call the peoples of AIEEE on the contact no given in the booklet and if possible ask them sincerely what to do. It is not a big issue, you can definitely get through it and also through exam.
All the best dude
22nd October 2010 08:22 PM
Re: mistake in draft in aieee form

contact the aieee authorities emmediately through any means . but it is difficult to contact with phone so log on to the official website of aieee and just correct your mistake and if your attempt fails then there is no any possibilities except to contacting with phone.
22nd October 2010 07:17 PM
Re: mistake in draft in aieee form

its not a big mistake so chill out...
i had a similar situation 3 years back...
there machine could not read my thumb impression...
so,they themselves sent me a form and i replied to them....only a few days before the exam
just contact problem will be solved
21st October 2010 07:07 PM
Re: mistake in draft in aieee form

sir,i had not got my aieee original marksheet.pls give me any suggestion. if i will not submit my orriginal marksheet
then my admission can be cancelled.
28th July 2010 08:15 AM
Re: mistake in draft in aieee form

hi friend

as you have made a great mistake so i will suggest you to cancel the previous draft and make a new draft
25th June 2010 04:50 AM
Re: mistake in draft in aieee form

hi, there is a name mistake made by your staff,whereas name mentioned in my form was correct, plz tell me how can i make that correction
3rd June 2010 12:01 PM
Re: mistake in draft in aieee form

sir, In my application form i had made a mistake in filling state code of eligibility.instead of chandigarh i had filled haryana as i thought we have to fill the state of residence whereas i had done my schooling from chandigarh.For taking admission in chandigarh i need to have U.T. quota.what can be done now? Please try to sort out my problem.
9th May 2010 07:47 PM
[email protected]
Re: mistake in draft in aieee form

you should leave a column that is important as blank as it comes to rejection and now you should go and contact the contacts given in the brochure
23rd March 2010 10:20 AM
Re: mistake in draft in aieee form

i forgot 2 fill the nationality&the language of the question paper.but when i found the language as hindi in the net but i need it in english what can i do
23rd March 2010 03:30 AM
Re: mistake in draft in aieee form

dear friend
immediately contact the office of AIEEE.
you can get the phone numbers from the official website of AIEEE.
all the besst.
15th March 2010 02:26 PM
Re: mistake in draft in aieee form

contact CBSE exam office and
or contact email of the helpline
14th March 2010 11:44 PM
Re: mistake in draft in aieee form

dear friend
the exams are near and your application form can be rejected
i would advise you to visit
you will get contacts for the officials from there
contact them immediately
hope you get out of the mess
all the best
14th March 2010 04:50 PM
Re: mistake in draft in aieee form

hey friend,

if you have given not proper address in the demand draft,
then it may be considered as rejected.

o k
13th March 2010 11:25 PM
Re: mistake in draft in aieee form

i don't think it is a big mistake
but it can be big mistake if you don't take it serious
so please contact to aieee office & make contact to them through website & ask to them for it's solution
Best of Luck
13th March 2010 03:39 AM
mike shinoda back
Re: mistake in draft in aieee form

hello friend the draft submission is already over.......try next time....and please do not do any mistakes......
8th March 2010 01:04 PM
rahul k
Re: mistake in draft in aieee form

try calling aieee helpline no: 011-22246987 between 4:30 to 5:00p.m.
their office closes at this time, so phone lines are not engaged.
28th February 2010 09:20 AM
Re: mistake in draft in aieee form

really a big mistake you have done,all you have to do is correct the dd,means that you have to cancel the old one and make a new dd.
15th February 2010 09:54 PM
gautam d wonder lover
Re: mistake in draft in aieee form

now at this time you have no any option to do any thing so it will better to wait and see whether your form is accepted or not.
14th February 2010 10:15 PM
rahul k
Re: mistake in draft in aieee form

in this case you may contact aieee headoffice as soon as possible. please kindly contact aieee main office of delhi. they will help you better.
30th January 2010 06:55 PM
Re: mistake in draft in aieee form

if u create mistake in aieee form the it can be solved through sending email/contact to the owner of aieee .he can solve ur problem as soon as possible.
30th January 2010 03:45 PM
Re: mistake in draft in aieee form

just contact the place they will guide you for your mistake dont panic contact them as soona s possible
29th January 2010 05:07 AM
Re: mistake in draft in aieee form

now nothing can be done so wait for your status see weather your form is rejected
26th January 2010 05:18 PM
Re: mistake in draft in aieee form


don't worry about the mistake that you have made in draft making.
there are about 10 lacs of application forms which aieee has to process ,so it will take some time and when they will come across your application form then they will send back your dd or contact you to send you a fresh dd stating the correct name.

or if you are too tensed then you can also contact the aieee authorities and with reference to your application form number you can ask for hep:

The Assistant Secretary (AIEEE Unit),
Central Board of Secondary Education,
PS 1-2 Institutional Area
IP Extension, Patparganj,
Telephone : 011-22239177-80
Extn. 110, 151 & 157
011-22246095, 22246087
Fax : 011-22246095, 22235775

all the very best
23rd January 2010 02:04 AM
Re: mistake in draft in aieee form

i suggest you make new demand draf and cancel the previous one and contact to the concern authority as soon as possible at this address:-
The Assistant Secretary (AIEEE Unit)
Central Board of Secondary Education
PS 1-2, Institutional Area
IP Extension, Patparganj, Delhi 110 092
Ph: 011-22239177-80 Extn. 110, 151, 157
011-22246095, 22246087
23rd January 2010 01:58 AM
Re: mistake in draft in aieee form

i suggest you to cancel the DD you have made to the wrong address and made an another one on the correct address and send it to the concerned authority along with a letter stating that you have canceled the previous DD and made an another one on there behalf...
22nd January 2010 09:30 AM
Re: mistake in draft in aieee form

the date is over apply next time, or contact aieee main office they will also help you
12th January 2010 03:35 PM
Re: mistake in draft in aieee form

this is a big mistake. immediately contact aieee authorities and ask them what should you do.
contact details:
Ph: 011-22239177-80 Extn. 110, 151, 157
011-22246095, 22246087
Fax: 011-22246095, 22235775
E-mail: [email protected]
[email protected]
12th January 2010 12:34 AM
Re: mistake in draft in aieee form

i am sorry to tell you that your form will be rejected,you can try next year,
10th January 2010 01:11 PM
rohit kumar singh
Re: mistake in draft in aieee form

well i think its not huge mistake but definitely ur form is liable to reject..i sujjest u to contact with concerned authority
10th January 2010 10:00 AM
kusum singal
Re: mistake in draft in aieee form

sorry now your form will be rejected.aieee mentioned that it will not take any problem as personally.
9th January 2010 07:12 PM
Re: mistake in draft in aieee form

hey do not is not a big problem....i think its not atol a problem.....not to worry ohk...
9th January 2010 05:44 PM
Re: mistake in draft in aieee form

the demand draft will be rejected for sure ....and in that case you will be applicable for appearing for only exam and not b.arch exam.......
now you should get in contact with the authority ....and if they say then apply a fresh application for b.arch .......but in all the cases you have to contact them immediately ....
best of luck
9th January 2010 01:54 PM
Re: mistake in draft in aieee form

Its a big mistake and there is no way instead of making a fresh DD in the required format.

If its a bank's mistake then you dont need to make a new DD. by paying the fees again,but if it is your mistake then make a fresh DD in the correct format as said i information brochure.

Best of luck
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