Thread: How to take admission in marine after a B.E. mechanical engineering? syllabus for admission for presea training in any college? Reply to Thread

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5th July 2012 03:17 PM
Re: How to take admission in marine after a B.E. mechanical engineering? syllabus for admission for presea training in any college?

hai sir iam BE mechanical i would like to join marine jobs are they want well knowledge in english? plz give some details about jobs and courses
16th March 2012 12:51 PM
Re: How to take admission in marine after a B.E. mechanical engineering? syllabus for admission for presea training in any college?

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dear sir/madam,
1>how many coarse offered for marine after doing (mechanical engineering).
2>what is syllabus for doing it.
3>what is difference between sub marine and merchant navy.
student name-mohan Kumar
16th August 2011 11:38 AM
sherkar sagar
Re: How to take admission in marine after a B.E. mechanical engineering? syllabus for admission for presea training in any college?

Originally Posted by vikrant sammanwar View Post
hi my self vikrant sammanwar i want 2 take admission in merchant navy i m persuing B.E. (mech) pls give me reply as early as possible
Hi ,Sir, i anm sherkar sagar student of pune univercity. i am in last year of B.E.(mech).
i want to go in "marine engg." ,so how was the processer & it's eligibility ,also time period,
name colleges , "fees".....
I wait for your Reply, Sir.
Thakeyou Sir.
7th August 2011 05:05 PM
Re: How to take admission in marine after a B.E. mechanical engineering? syllabus for admission for presea training in any college?

I am not good in designig i take electrical engineer
5th June 2011 11:04 PM
Re: How to take admission in marine after a B.E. mechanical engineering? syllabus for admission for presea training in any college?

How can v get sponsor for pre-sea graduate mechanical engineering course ?..
25th May 2011 06:50 PM
Re: How to take admission in marine after a B.E. mechanical engineering? syllabus for admission for presea training in any college?

hello,i am studying inter 2nd year.after studying i want to study 4 year btech marine engineering or 4 year mechanical engineering and 1 year marine engineering course. which is the right decision?
14th May 2011 02:59 AM
Re: How to take admission in marine after a B.E. mechanical engineering? syllabus for admission for presea training in any college?

Hi dear,
These are the Universities offering this program:

• International Institute of Maritime Science through IIT-JEE
• College Of Engineering (Andhra University),
• Mohomed Sathak Engineering College,
• The Calcutta Technical School,
• Maharashtra Academy of Naval Education & Training(MANET),
• Tolani Maritime Institute, Sangurli Road,
• R L Institute of Nautical Science, Madurai,
• The Shipping Corporation of India , Shipping House,
• Garden Reach Shipbuilders & Engineering(GRSE)
• Shipbuilders Industry Society of Goa's Institute of Maritime Studies,
• Directorate General of Shipping, Jahaj Bhavan, Ballard Estate,
• IIT (Indian Institute of Technology),
• Indian Institute of Aeronautical Engineering,
• Indian Marine College,
• International Marine Communication Centre,
• Lal Bahadur Shastri College of Advanced Maritime Studies & Research,
• Marine Engineering & Research Institute, Hay Bunder Road,
• Marine Engineering Research Institute,
• Padmabhushan Vasantdada Patil Pratishthan's College of Engineering,
• T.S. Chanakya, Karaus, New Mumbai-400706

6th May 2011 11:56 AM
Re: How to take admission in marine after a B.E. mechanical engineering? syllabus for admission for presea training in any college?

I'm doing my bachelor of degree in Mechanical and I'm interested in Marine field,so how to initiate my first step ..? is there any exams to join the one year marine trainee course after completing my degree..?
14th April 2011 02:10 AM
Re: How to take admission in marine after a B.E. mechanical engineering? syllabus for admission for presea training in any college?

I am doing my final year B.E in Electrical and Electronics Engineering. I am planning to do M.Tech Nanotechnology which university is best M.Tech Nanotechnology in VIT(Vellore Institute of Technology) or M.Tech Nanoelectronics in SASTRA. If there are any management seat what it would cost for this course
9th April 2011 03:33 PM
Re: How to take admission in marine after a B.E. mechanical engineering? syllabus for admission for presea training in any college?

i have completed diploma in mechanical engg from IME institution of mechanical engineers india it is AICTE approved ,i want to take admission to merchant navy so can i take &what is the fee structure please tell me [email protected] this is my email id please reply to me thankyou...
4th February 2011 07:36 PM
Re: How to take admission in marine after a B.E. mechanical engineering? syllabus for admission for presea training in any college?

sir shich entrance exam we hav to given ,,,to get admission in colleges of marine engg..??
30th January 2011 03:08 PM
Re: How to take admission in marine after a B.E. mechanical engineering? syllabus for admission for presea training in any college?

sir, plz tel me abt entrance exam for marine engg after BE in mech.. tel us abt the shedule and locations, fee structures.. plz help me out..
10th January 2011 03:39 PM
Re: How to take admission in marine after a B.E. mechanical engineering? syllabus for admission for presea training in any college?

Please go through with the following link :

9th January 2011 11:53 PM
Re: How to take admission in marine after a B.E. mechanical engineering? syllabus for admission for presea training in any college?


to take admission in marine after a B.E. mechanical engineering
generally you can do diploma in marine engg after your B.E. mechanical engineering.
there are some good marine engg colleges are given
1.College of Engineering, Anna University
2.Berhampur University .
3.Goa University .
4.Mangalore University .
5.Praveenya Institute of Marine Engineering and Maritime Studies .
6.International Maritime Institute .
7.Birla Institute of Technology & Science .
8.Marine Engineering and Research Institute .

good luck
9th January 2011 03:40 AM
Re: How to take admission in marine after a B.E. mechanical engineering? syllabus for admission for presea training in any college?

i m in final year mechanical eng 4m uet peshawer and i want to join mrchnt navi......what z da procedure
24th December 2010 11:03 PM
Re: How to take admission in marine after a B.E. mechanical engineering? syllabus for admission for presea training in any college?

The entrance is such constructed to test core the knowledge as well as understanding of the candidate.Dont worry the entrance is not tougher one,just prepare you (mechanical engineering) syllabus nicely,specially the mechanics and core parts,acquire good command in mathematics and english you will easily able to crack it.
14th December 2010 11:04 AM
Re: How to take admission in marine after a B.E. mechanical engineering? syllabus for admission for presea training in any college?

i have passed diploma in mechanical, can i do marine engineering, please give the universities details
14th November 2010 01:53 AM
Re: How to take admission in marine after a B.E. mechanical engineering? syllabus for admission for presea training in any college?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
sir i have passed 10th class itake admission in Punjab poly tech in machanical engenerring
CAN i take admission in indian navy after 3year diploma of machanical engenerring
yeah you can do this course but u hav 2 write a entrance exam
ur eligible 4 doing diploma in marine after ur dip in mech
all the best 4 ur future
8th November 2010 03:09 AM
Re: How to take admission in marine after a B.E. mechanical engineering? syllabus for admission for presea training in any college?

I have completed B.Tech in Electrical & Electronics engineering and i wanted to join pre sea course offered by any of the institute of naval academy.
can you please tell me which is the best institute and when they take admissions for the above mentioned course.
Kindly reply me at [email protected]
thanks for your help.
19th October 2010 12:01 AM
Re: How to take admission in marine after a B.E. mechanical engineering? syllabus for admission for presea training in any college?

which r the institutes which provide GME course after B.E (Mech)?
18th September 2010 01:27 AM
Re: How to take admission in marine after a B.E. mechanical engineering? syllabus for admission for presea training in any college?

my son studying in 12th and he intersted in B.E in marine mechanical.
Please advice how to do this course and which college gives such education in mumbai.
1st September 2010 12:51 AM
thulasi yashwanth kumar
Re: How to take admission in marine after a B.E. mechanical engineering? syllabus for admission for presea training in any college?

how is the competetion by doing pre sea then which institute is better for pre sea ,how is the future , which section earns more money based on schedule
12th August 2010 05:53 PM
Re: How to take admission in marine after a B.E. mechanical engineering? syllabus for admission for presea training in any college?

how much percentage are eligible for marine engineer?
10th August 2010 10:13 PM
Re: How to take admission in marine after a B.E. mechanical engineering? syllabus for admission for presea training in any college?


i am btech mechanical final year student like would like to join t s chanakya instute for marine course after compliting b tech
pls tell me procedure to get admission and if any exam we have to face than tell me syllabus of that exam.......................
26th July 2010 01:38 PM
Re: How to take admission in marine after a B.E. mechanical engineering? syllabus for admission for presea training in any college?

abilities to get admission in marine after BE(mechanical)
25th July 2010 06:11 PM
Re: How to take admission in marine after a B.E. mechanical engineering? syllabus for admission for presea training in any college?

hello friend

generally you can do diploma in marine engg after your B.E. mechanical engineering.

there are some good marine engg colleges are given

1.College of Engineering, Anna University

2.Berhampur University .

3.Goa University .

4.Mangalore University .

5.Praveenya Institute of Marine Engineering and Maritime Studies .

6.International Maritime Institute .

7.Birla Institute of Technology & Science .

8.Marine Engineering and Research Institute .

all the best.......
24th July 2010 10:40 PM
Re: How to take admission in marine after a B.E. mechanical engineering? syllabus for admission for presea training in any college?

respected sir, kindly tell me that what is the admission procedure in t.s chanakya after in mechanical engenering if the college is aicte or ugc approved. how to apply .please give me all the information about this course and its fee structure.
17th July 2010 05:33 AM
Re: How to take admission in marine after a B.E. mechanical engineering? syllabus for admission for presea training in any college?

im a BE(electrical &electronics)student from an aicte approved college .i would like to know whether electrical students can take up the pre sea training and become a 5th grade engineer and then take up coc to reach chief engineer ranking.i ask this because some say its not possible for electrical engineers to become anything other than electrical officers in ship.if its possible how long will be the training program for electrical e-mail id is [email protected] please do reply to this address.
14th July 2010 04:13 PM
Re: How to take admission in marine after a B.E. mechanical engineering? syllabus for admission for presea training in any college?

what is the marin course
15th June 2010 01:27 AM
Re: How to take admission in marine after a B.E. mechanical engineering? syllabus for admission for presea training in any college?

how to attain sponsorship for the merchant navy course after completing BE Mechanical
5th June 2010 07:12 PM
Re: How to take admission in marine after a B.E. mechanical engineering? syllabus for admission for presea training in any college?

sir i have passed 10th class now i take admission in machanical engenerring in punjab polytech can i take admission in inian navy after 3year diploma of mechanical benggg
5th June 2010 07:02 PM
Re: How to take admission in marine after a B.E. mechanical engineering? syllabus for admission for presea training in any college?

sir i have passed 10th class itake admission in Punjab poly tech in machanical engenerring
CAN i take admission in indian navy after 3year diploma of machanical engenerring
22nd May 2010 09:53 PM
Re: How to take admission in marine after a B.E. mechanical engineering? syllabus for admission for presea training in any college?

when will they offer the marine courses
8th May 2010 03:00 PM
Re: How to take admission in marine after a B.E. mechanical engineering? syllabus for admission for presea training in any college?

is 50 percent marks in english is in12th or 10th necessary joining the marine course after in mechanical engineering????????
30th March 2010 01:18 PM
prem bhardwaj
Re: How to take admission in marine after a B.E. mechanical engineering? syllabus for admission for presea training in any college?

Dear sir/madam, many course is offered for marine after doing branch ) ??
2. what is the process for that course??????
3.i m doing from ICFAI UNIVERSITY,DEHRADUN ( UGC,SEC 2f )........I am applicable for that course........????????????????
29th March 2010 06:10 PM
vikrant sammanwar
Re: How to take admission in marine after a B.E. mechanical engineering? syllabus for admission for presea training in any college?

hi my self vikrant sammanwar i want 2 take admission in merchant navy i m persuing B.E. (mech) pls give me reply as early as possible
7th February 2010 08:46 PM
Re: How to take admission in marine after a B.E. mechanical engineering? syllabus for admission for presea training in any college?

These are the Universities offering this program:

• International Institute of Maritime Science through IIT-JEE
• College Of Engineering (Andhra University),
• Mohomed Sathak Engineering College,
• The Calcutta Technical School,
• Maharashtra Academy of Naval Education & Training(MANET),
• Tolani Maritime Institute, Sangurli Road,
• R L Institute of Nautical Science, Madurai,
• The Shipping Corporation of India , Shipping House,
• Garden Reach Shipbuilders & Engineering(GRSE)
• Shipbuilders Industry Society of Goa's Institute of Maritime Studies,
• Directorate General of Shipping, Jahaj Bhavan, Ballard Estate,
• IIT (Indian Institute of Technology),
• Indian Institute of Aeronautical Engineering,
• Indian Marine College,
• International Marine Communication Centre,
• Lal Bahadur Shastri College of Advanced Maritime Studies & Research,
• Marine Engineering & Research Institute, Hay Bunder Road,
• Marine Engineering Research Institute,
• Padmabhushan Vasantdada Patil Pratishthan's College of Engineering,
• T.S. Chanakya, Karaus, New Mumbai-400706

The Entrance exam details are give on the University Website.
31st January 2010 10:21 PM
Re: How to take admission in marine after a B.E. mechanical engineering? syllabus for admission for presea training in any college?

after BE if you are interested in sea service in merchant navy then you will have to contact the institutes and companies for sponsorship........then you will have to go fpr a training for a certificate which will make you eligible to board any merchant navy ship.......

you can contact the institutes like namac,meri -mumbai,etc.....
you can also check the details at their official website......

best of luck
30th January 2010 02:42 PM
Re: How to take admission in marine after a B.E. mechanical engineering? syllabus for admission for presea training in any college?

u can avail the marine engg in diploma in anna univ coimbotore
they r havin course
30th January 2010 12:06 PM
Re: How to take admission in marine after a B.E. mechanical engineering? syllabus for admission for presea training in any college?

The entrance is such constructed to test core the knowledge as well as understanding of the candidate.

Dont worry the entrance is not tougher one,just prepare you (mechanical engineering) syllabus nicely,specially the mechanics and core parts,accuire good command in mathematics and english you will easily able to crack it.

Best of luck
1st January 2010 11:57 AM
How to take admission in marine after a B.E. mechanical engineering? syllabus for admission for presea training in any college?

im be mechanical engineering student want to take admission in marine. so i want the sllabus of entrance exam of marchant neavy by which we can admission in any college for presea training.

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