Thread: Total number of government MBBS seats in WB? Reply to Thread

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5th May 2018 06:58 PM
Re: Total number of government MBBS seats in WB?

In 2018 how much no.need to admit in a gov.medical college? What ranking get chance to admit college?
6th June 2015 12:44 PM
Re: Total number of government MBBS seats in WB?

My rank is 1840 in wbjee medical 2015 . Can i get any govt college in west bengal ? I am a general candidate.
13th June 2013 01:15 PM
Re: Total number of government MBBS seats in WB?

My all india rank is 17304 and state rank in west bengal is 989 IN GENRAL category . Can i get a medical college in west bengal under sate quota???
7th June 2013 10:58 PM
Re: Total number of government MBBS seats in WB?

in neet-ug 2013 exam my state rank is 2460 !!!! cn I get any chances in government colleges???
6th June 2013 01:40 AM
Re: Total number of government MBBS seats in WB?

My rank in west bengal is 1440. May I get any chance for admission?
4th May 2013 03:29 PM
Re: Total number of government MBBS seats in WB?

27th November 2012 07:32 PM
Re: Total number of government MBBS seats in WB?

Is their any foreign quota? What is the procedure for admission in foreign quota
7th July 2012 09:14 PM
Re: Total number of government MBBS seats in WB?

my rank is 745 where i get chanse to read
14th June 2012 10:09 PM
Re: Total number of government MBBS seats in WB?

my wbjee rank in medical is 1181.can i get mbbs seat in
12th June 2012 12:31 AM
[email protected]
Re: Total number of government MBBS seats in WB?

What is the total number of government MBBS seats in WB in 2012?...please tell me how many seats
12th June 2012 12:20 AM
Re: Total number of government MBBS seats in WB?

What is the total number of government MBBS seats in WB in 2012?...please tell me how manyseats
8th June 2012 11:17 PM
Re: Total number of government MBBS seats in WB?

My medical rank is 334 in sc quota.can i get a govt college for MBBS??
31st May 2012 08:57 PM
Re: Total number of government MBBS seats in WB?

my wbjee engg rank is 1560 sc,will i get admission in any of the govt colleges
31st May 2012 04:24 AM
Re: Total number of government MBBS seats in WB?

my rank is 1405 in wbjee medical can i gea a mbbs seat
29th May 2012 02:24 PM
Re: Total number of government MBBS seats in WB?

my jee rank is 715 in medical. which college can i get admission in?
29th May 2012 02:12 PM
Re: Total number of government MBBS seats in WB?

my jee rank is 715 in medical. which college can i get admission in?
29th May 2012 02:04 PM
Re: Total number of government MBBS seats in WB?

my jee rank is 715 in medical. which college can i get admission in?
25th May 2012 04:12 PM
Re: Total number of government MBBS seats in WB?

my jee rank is 848 in medical. Which college can I get admission in?
24th May 2012 09:06 PM
Re: Total number of government MBBS seats in WB?

My rank in wbjee is 191 for medical ,which college can i expect for mbbs? plz reply as soon as possible.
20th May 2012 08:09 PM
Re: Total number of government MBBS seats in WB?

My medical Rank is 1371 in WBJEE.Can I get MBBS in goverment colleges?
20th May 2012 03:36 PM
Re: Total number of government MBBS seats in WB?

The state has less number of medical seats in comparison to engineering. Despite qualifying for Joint Entrance Examination, most of the medical aspirants did not get opportunity to get admission in medical colleges.
However, Mamata Banerjee government has already added 600 MBBS seats. Now the total number of seats will reach to 2000.
Meanwhile, the Mamata government is striving hard to set up AIIMS in the state.
20th May 2012 02:31 PM
Re: Total number of government MBBS seats in WB?

Medical Colleges in West Bengal :

150 seats each in medical colleges

Medical College , Kolkata

Kolkata National Medical College

R G Kar Medical College

N R S Medical Collage

100 seats each in medical colleges

Burdwan Medical College

Bankura Sammilani M.College

north Bengal Medical College

Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education Research

Midnapore Medical College

KPC Medical College

Kalyani Medical College

Dr.R.Ahmed Dental College

North Bengal Dental College

Gurunank Institute of Dental College & research
20th May 2012 12:20 PM
Re: Total number of government MBBS seats in WB?


West Bengal Joint Entrance Exam 2012 Result announced recently.So now this is time for you to pursue MBBS Admission.

Some private MBBS and BDS college are included in WEST BENGAL.

In West Bengal have 1100 seats for Medical course in govt college.

  1. The Kalyani Medical College -100
  2. The Calcutta Medical College - 155
  3. NRS Medical College -150
  4. RG Kar Medical College -150
  5. Calcutta National Medical College -150
  6. Burdwan Medical College - 100
  7. Midnapore Medical College -100
  8. Bankura Sammilani Medical College - 100
  9. North Bengal Medical College have - 100

The way to join MBBS is cracking medical entrance exams conducted by CBSE

Official Website for entrance exam :

20th May 2012 11:25 AM
Re: Total number of government MBBS seats in WB?

Originally Posted by skhan2404 View Post
What is the total number of government MBBS seats in WB in 2012?...please tell me how many

West Bengal Joint Entrance Exam 2012 Result announced recently.So now this is time for Admission.

Some private MBBS and BDS college are included in WEST BENGAL.

In West Bengal have 1100 seats for Medical course in govt college.

  • The Kalyani Medical College -100
  • The Calcutta Medical College - 155
  • NRS Medical College -150
  • RG Kar Medical College -150
  • Calcutta National Medical College -150
  • Post-Graduate Medical Education and Research (IPGMER) - 100
  • Burdwan Medical College - 100
  • Midnapore Medical College -100
  • Bankura Sammilani Medical College - 100
  • North Bengal Medical College have - 100
KPC Medical College -50 .This is private medical college.

19th May 2012 11:55 PM
Total number of government MBBS seats in WB?

What is the total number of government MBBS seats in WB in 2012?...please tell me how many

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