9th January 2016 10:02 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: What is the aspect of placement of electronics engineers (especially in india)?? I want to know that..which extra course i can do with electronics engineering..am in third year..what give me benifit in future |
4th June 2013 11:10 AM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: What is the aspect of placement of electronics engineers (especially in india)?? i have completed my 12 th & waiting for counselling now wt kind of course can i choose???????? which will be the best course?????????? |
15th March 2013 02:50 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: What is the aspect of placement of electronics engineers (especially in india)?? SIR I WAS COMPLETED MY B. TECH (EEE) IN 2012 PASSED OUT AND I HAVE SECURED PERCENTAGE OF 78.13 |
15th July 2012 12:37 AM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: What is the aspect of placement of electronics engineers (especially in india)?? Dear sir , I am a final year student in electronics engineearing. I want to make carrier in core field but i don't know what i do addition with B.E degree. ple tell me some course which is helpful for making carrier in core field. my email id is kumar.digvijay091@gmail.com and also my cell no. is 9372706075. Thanks |
23rd June 2012 11:21 AM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: What is the aspect of placement of electronics engineers (especially in india)?? i am a electronics engg student,completd 3rd yr. i wanted to know what arethe short term courses in banglore wich can be completed within a month???? |
28th January 2012 10:47 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: What is the aspect of placement of electronics engineers (especially in india)?? the course which a EC engg. is required for better placement are DOTNET,SPAM,some course related to embedded system,robotics,microprocessor,control system for entering in the field of electronics and for better placement in IT companies course related to software engineering like some languages like JAVA, FORTRAN HTML etc and also good knowledge about operating system. |
26th January 2012 03:59 PM | ||
despire007 |
Re: What is the aspect of placement of electronics engineers (especially in india)?? the aspects of engineering in india is very good,and day by day it is growing up. to be placed in mncs you should have a very good knowledge in basic electronics as well as communication skills is also mandatory. |
20th November 2011 10:38 AM | ||
pabitra_nayak |
Re: What is the aspect of placement of electronics engineers (especially in india)?? dear friend There are lot s of job opprtunity of jobs for electronics engineer in india in public sector: 1 SAIL 2 BHEL 3 BEL 4 BARC 5 IISRO 6 DRDO 7 NTPC 8 NHPC 9 TELECOM SECTOR IN PRIVATE SECTOR 1 NOKIA SIEMENS 2 HONEWLL TECHNOLOGY 3 IN VAREIOUS SOFTWARE COMPONY so only you to work hard for that to clear the exam conducted by it for more detail please visit their official website all the best |
11th November 2011 10:46 AM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: What is the aspect of placement of electronics engineers (especially in india)?? what is electroinics&communication |
25th October 2011 12:20 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: What is the aspect of placement of electronics engineers (especially in india)?? provide basic information for the DRDO for electronic & comm. student... |
7th October 2011 10:11 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: What is the aspect of placement of electronics engineers (especially in india)?? i am a final year BE Electronics student from M.U. can anyone tell me how to apply for a job in core companies like LG,SONY, PHILIPS, VIDEO CON, SAMSUNG etc as a "FRESHER!"? i want to do my career in core field only!! pls help me out!!!!!! !!!!! also tell me, after BE it is possible to apply for a VLSI field job??? |
15th September 2011 10:46 PM | ||
solution |
Re: What is the aspect of placement of electronics engineers (especially in india)?? hello dear aspect of placement of electronics engineers (especially in india) is very good. electronics engineers can apply for the given below jobs >>telecommunication jobs. >> core Electronics jobs. >>VLSI jobs. >>Automation jobs. >>Govt jobs. >>IT jobs. >>Lectureship jobs. etc. electronics engineers can apply in the given below govt sector >>BSNL. >>AIR. >>Airpor authotity of India. >>ECIL. >>EIL. >>BEL. >>ISRO. >>DRDO etc. all the best.......... |
15th September 2011 11:26 AM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: What is the aspect of placement of electronics engineers (especially in india)?? what's the requirement in interviews in electronics and comm. |
1st September 2011 03:43 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: What is the aspect of placement of electronics engineers (especially in india)?? sir can u tel me procedure for applyin for gate exam...?wen should be exam wil be held and tel wen shoul be i apply ? |
3rd August 2011 12:39 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: What is the aspect of placement of electronics engineers (especially in india)?? scope and salary packages of electrical and electronics engineering. |
2nd August 2011 08:46 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: What is the aspect of placement of electronics engineers (especially in india)?? I am studying in Electronics,please tell me,should i learn programming for better testing of my product,myself. |
26th July 2011 06:23 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: What is the aspect of placement of electronics engineers (especially in india)?? how 2 prepare for government jobs in ec engineering? |
17th July 2011 08:29 AM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: What is the aspect of placement of electronics engineers (especially in india)?? Dear sir now i am doing my 3rd year BE(EIE).i want know about what are core companies are available in this field.particularly instrumentation field. can you say and explain me |
16th July 2011 12:21 AM | ||
shekhar.379 |
Re: What is the aspect of placement of electronics engineers (especially in india)?? Hi dear, they should try and give GATE exams and prepare well for it as then they will automatically have an upper edge and along with that if any one persues for MBA then it will certainly land them in a good job in the MNC's and also with a good salary but if one wants to do more in technical field then one must opt for Mtech to get his educational background strong and then jump into the quest for jobs in MNC's. all the best wish you good luck for future.... Thanks` |
8th July 2011 11:49 AM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: What is the aspect of placement of electronics engineers (especially in india)?? dear sir i have selected electrical and electronics engineering,so in which companies i can get the jobs and can i get a high salary. |
27th March 2011 06:38 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: What is the aspect of placement of electronics engineers (especially in india)?? To enhance my placement skills , what good courses will help me ? Please list out the short courses which I can do during my holidays.Presently I am on holiday after the completion of third year BE in & ECE Dept. I am also interested in doing an internship during my summer vacation.please suggest me the ways to apply for an internship and the list out the companies that offer internships.please mail me at sanidhya98@gmail.com M0: 9092565803 |
8th September 2010 01:43 AM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: What is the aspect of placement of electronics engineers (especially in india)?? which of the given has more preference during recruitment by the mnc's for an engineer :knowledge ,skills, learning ability? |
28th August 2010 02:20 AM | ||
kool |
Re: What is the aspect of placement of electronics engineers (especially in india)?? dear friend, the job aspects of ECE engineering is very good. You can enter in either software sector as well as in your core sectors. In software sector you can join any MNCs like TCS,CTS,IBM,WIPRO,Satyam etc. & in core sector you can join either PSU or any private companies like Nokia,Samsung,LG,Intel etc. Some PSUs are: SAIL BHEL BEL BARC IISRO DRDO NTPC NHPC & a lot. but i would like to suggest you to go for further studies like M.Tech or MBA, which will sharply enhance your career.so kindly prepare for GATE,CAT,MAT etc exams through which you can take admission in further studies. good luck. |
28th August 2010 02:18 AM | ||
kool |
Re: What is the aspect of placement of electronics engineers (especially in india)?? dear friend, the job aspects of ECE engineering is very good. You can enter in either software sector as well as in your core sectors. In software sector you can join any MNCs like TCS,CTS,IBM,WIPRO,Satyam etc. & in core sector you can join either PSU or any private companies like Nokia,Samsung,LG,Intel etc. Some PSUs are: SAIL BHEL BEL BARC IISRO DRDO NTPC NHPC & a lot. but i would like to suggest you to go for further studies like M.Tech or MBA, which will sharply enhance your career. good luck. |
27th August 2010 04:29 PM | ||
subhash5687 |
Re: What is the aspect of placement of electronics engineers (especially in india)?? Quote:
www.fresherworld.com lots of jobs are available for freshers you will get your drea job if beat the competition best of luck |
27th August 2010 02:26 PM | ||
KHAN20 |
Re: What is the aspect of placement of electronics engineers (especially in india)?? dear friend there r many sector for job of electronics engglike communication system in railway,signal prossing systemin railway&in power plant. good luck. |
27th August 2010 01:58 AM | ||
maddusajj |
Re: What is the aspect of placement of electronics engineers (especially in india)?? Quote:
to apply for drdo wait for the notification to come,which will come by the end of the year,in employment news all the best |
26th August 2010 11:58 PM | ||
Adarshxxx |
Re: What is the aspect of placement of electronics engineers (especially in india)?? Dear friend, do not worry about placements for electronics engineers.you have wide opportunities.you can give GATE exam and do m.tech after that you will get a good job with high salary.you can also do MBA if you are interested and then it will land you agood job in some MNC.you can also join without doing any further studies. All The Best!!! |
26th August 2010 06:06 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: What is the aspect of placement of electronics engineers (especially in india)?? Quote:
21st August 2010 07:16 PM | ||
robart |
Re: What is the aspect of placement of electronics engineers (especially in india)?? dear friend, there are very good future for electronics engineers.you can get jobs in either software companies like tcs, infosis, ibm, wibpro or in electronics companies lg, samsung , nokia bsnl etc. best of luck. |
20th August 2010 05:02 PM | ||
cenaetion |
Re: What is the aspect of placement of electronics engineers (especially in india)?? dear friend, there are huge scope of placement of electronics engineers.. u can go for any kind of job in govt.sector as well as in private sector.. as u want to know about MNCs ,for that u have to prepare urself very well.. u have to increase ur skills in that field ,by doing lots of short term courses.. u can do Mtech to encahnce ur knowledge in that particular field. all the best. |
19th August 2010 04:43 PM | ||
Bishwajit Giri |
Re: What is the aspect of placement of electronics engineers (especially in india)?? dear friend, sure u r eligible in MNCs in india it is quite possible to have job in india for details u may take help of:http://www.indianfresher.com/ Best of luck |
18th August 2010 05:13 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: What is the aspect of placement of electronics engineers (especially in india)?? i m doing b.tech. with electronics engg. and i wants to apply for DRDO. How can i apply for this??? |
7th August 2010 03:49 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: What is the aspect of placement of electronics engineers (especially in india)?? I m pursuing my B.E.(EC),III yr. can u plz tell me tht which r d best companies from where i should pursue my major training? |
7th July 2010 08:13 AM | ||
gohan4 |
Re: What is the aspect of placement of electronics engineers (especially in india)?? hi there is very good aspect of salary for electronic Eng. if you have good marks and experience . |
6th July 2010 12:17 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: What is the aspect of placement of electronics engineers (especially in india)?? To enhance my placement skills , what good courses will help me ? Please list out the short courses which I can do during my holidays.Presently I am on holiday after the completion of third year BE in & EC.i am also interested in doing an internship during my summer vacation.please suggest me the ways to apply for an internship and the list out the companies that offer internships.please mail me at sudhanvarocks@gmail.com |
30th June 2010 05:56 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: What is the aspect of placement of electronics engineers (especially in india)?? is it too difficult to get a job for a fresher passed ec?how to get it? |
28th June 2010 10:07 PM | ||
karthu |
Re: What is the aspect of placement of electronics engineers (especially in india)?? Quote:
I think you can do engg in aerospace,electrical,environmental,marine,fire & safety,aviation,electronic & communication,industrial,computer/IT,fluids,civil,instrumental,mining,structural.The se are developing nowadays. bye |
28th June 2010 12:06 PM | ||
compaq123 |
Re: What is the aspect of placement of electronics engineers (especially in india)?? dear friend you can apply for the officer post in govt sector: 1 SAIL 2 BHEL 3 BEL 4 BARC 5 IISRO 6 DRDO 7 NTPC 8 NHPC 9 TELECOM SECTOR IN PRIVATE SECTOR 1 NOKIA SIEMENS 2 HONEWLL TECHNOLOGY 3 IN VAREIOUS SOFTWARE COMPONY so only you to work hard for that to clear the exam conducted by it for more detail please visit their official website ok all the best |
28th June 2010 08:59 AM | ||
August |
Re: What is the aspect of placement of electronics engineers (especially in india)?? dear friend after completion of ur b.tech in electronics u can join various companies u can apply for communication companies like BSNL, AIRTEL, RELIANCE ,AIRCEL and many more. there are various electronics good manufacturing companies like LG,SONY,SAMSUNG,VIDEOCON and many more. there will be also many GOVT.sector jobs 4 u . u can get all information about this jobs from employment news. all the best. |
27th June 2010 09:53 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: What is the aspect of placement of electronics engineers (especially in india)?? what are the extra courses required to do for an EC engg. student ,for better placement? |
31st May 2010 11:56 PM | ||
drdo99 |
Re: What is the aspect of placement of electronics engineers (especially in india)?? Since indian market is still far from the electronics basic industries. This is because of east asia prolong market. But since the recession,the electroniics market is looking in india. so,the scope are coming there. for you. |
15th May 2010 02:31 PM | ||
amitforever |
Re: What is the aspect of placement of electronics engineers (especially in india)?? dear friend there are lot s of job opprtunity of jobs for electronics engineer in india in public sector: 1 SAIL 2 BHEL 3 BEL 4 BARC 5 IISRO 6 DRDO 7 NTPC 8 NHPC 9 TELECOM SECTOR IN PRIVATE SECTOR 1 NOKIA SIEMENS 2 HONEWLL TECHNOLOGY 3 IN VAREIOUS SOFTWARE COMPONY so only you to work hard for that to clear the exam conducted by it for more detail please visit their official website ok all the best |
8th March 2010 12:29 AM | ||
charumat |
Re: What is the aspect of placement of electronics engineers (especially in india)?? better acquire proficiency in your subject you may also do some course in embeded system, micro processors an extra knowledge of mechtronis will benefit you so, try for MNCs |
28th February 2010 08:22 PM | ||
atanu |
Re: What is the aspect of placement of electronics engineers (especially in india)?? dear friend there is good aspects of placement of electronics engineer........in india as well as foreign country also.. if you want to joinit than go for it good luck.. |
16th February 2010 02:09 PM | ||
madhar_skeee |
Re: What is the aspect of placement of electronics engineers (especially in india)?? first have 60 to 65 %,,then have main basics in electricals and mahines subject and also they have good opportunity in software and their core companys also like dell ,ibm,satyam,infosis like this |
9th February 2010 03:44 PM | ||
bond007 |
Re: What is the aspect of placement of electronics engineers (especially in india)?? if you are studying in a good and reputed college than you can get job in jindal, hindalco, and you can also go for IT industry like TCS,INFOSIS,WIPRO,SATYAM and many more. |
9th February 2010 03:29 PM | ||
rahul k |
Re: What is the aspect of placement of electronics engineers (especially in india)?? in india there are wide scope for electronics engineers. most of the companies provide jobs on the basis of electronics. so there are manny jobs for electronics engineers. |
8th February 2010 03:26 PM | ||
Esha Sharma |
Re: What is the aspect of placement of electronics engineers (especially in india)?? Hey Friend Don't need to worry at all as India is no more under purview of recession. Lot of big MNC's are coming and investing in manpower recruitment in India as you know India is enriched with mastermind people here. So don't panic and keep on doing hard work and sharpen your skills, keep in contact with placement agencies and websites. |
3rd February 2010 11:22 PM | ||
pradeep.g.u |
Re: What is the aspect of placement of electronics engineers (especially in india)?? electronics engineers have great scope in terms of placement .. all the companies are prefering electronics engineering students.. electronics engineers can apply for software companies and their core companies .. so it an added advantage for the electronics engineers |
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