29th May 2013 09:35 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Syllabus for technical assistant grade FCI? Model question papers for the same? SIR PLZ SEND ME PREVIOUS YEAR CECRI TECHNICAL ASSISTANT PAPER TO MY EMAIL ID nkarthidi@gmail.com |
25th January 2013 11:33 PM | |
pvchandrasekhar |
Re: Syllabus for technical assistant grade FCI? Model question papers for the same? Dear sir please send previous papers of FCI paper 3 to my Mail ID: pvchandrasekhar@ymail.com |
21st January 2013 02:33 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Syllabus for technical assistant grade FCI? Model question papers for the same? SIR PLZ SEND ME PREVIOUS YEAR PAPER OF FCI PAPER OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES TO MY EMAIL ID kalyani.2606@gmail.com |
16th January 2013 08:12 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Syllabus for technical assistant grade FCI? Model question papers for the same? SIR PLZ SEND ME PREVIOUS YEAR PAPER OF FCI PAPER OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES TO MY EMAIL ID sukhpals175@yahoo.com Source: http://entrance-exam.net/forum/general-discussion/syllabus-technical-assistant-grade-fci-model-question-papers-same-549685.html#ixzz2I963mqH6 |
5th January 2013 02:01 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Syllabus for technical assistant grade FCI? Model question papers for the same? Dear Sir/ madam, Please send me the previous year question papers of technical post to my email id devi.heerabati@gmail.com |
23rd December 2012 05:20 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Syllabus for technical assistant grade FCI? Model question papers for the same? SIR PLZ SEND ME PREVIOUS YEAR PAPER OF FCI PAPER OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES TO MY EMAIL ID nirbhaynathtiwari89@gmail.com |
21st December 2012 06:42 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Syllabus for technical assistant grade FCI? Model question papers for the same? Hello sir, can u send me the syllabus and previous year's question paper(if possible) for fci technical paper-III ? my mail id-abhiroy.roy.789@gmail.com |
2nd December 2012 06:57 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Syllabus for technical assistant grade FCI? Model question papers for the same? i want to detail of question Paper about privious year so please sent it this website. |
18th October 2012 10:30 AM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Syllabus for technical assistant grade FCI? Model question papers for the same? Hello sir, send me syllabus for fci technical(system). e_id:-ranjan.ravi226@gmail.com |
4th October 2012 09:57 PM | |
vidh |
Re: Syllabus for technical assistant grade FCI? Model question papers for the same? every one in society have its own views on this topic.Girls are future server as in the sense server of manners,etiquettes in their family.they are the pillars of good society.girls can serve nation in both direct and indirect way.they do jobs and also balance their family in future.so if the main is not aware of the all the situations then how can she pass the knowledge to next generation.yas experience comes through age but wisdom comes through education,potential that skill to tacle any situation comes through the education.and inspite of this fact also all people are equal and every one have right to get educated whether its girl or boy.education increases the range of thinking and broaden ones |
4th October 2012 09:55 PM | |
vidh |
Re: Syllabus for technical assistant grade FCI? Model question papers for the same? Yes you can apply if you fit in its age criteria.I provide you some information about the NDA (National Defence Academy) Eligibility criteria 1.Age 16 to 19 years 2.Qualification intermediate complete or pursuing person can also apply (12th class) 3.After cracking the written you have to give the physical and medical exam also 4. Your age, height and weight depend on each other for physical 5.According to the marks you can select the academy of NDA Indian Army Indian Navy Indian Air force I hope this information helpful to you....... Thanking you........ |
4th October 2012 07:05 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Syllabus for technical assistant grade FCI? Model question papers for the same? Sir pleas send me syllabus for technical assistant grade FCi and Modal question paper for the same. my mail id is akhileshkmr8@gmail.com |
26th September 2012 01:47 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Syllabus for technical assistant grade FCI? Model question papers for the same? Sir, Good morning,I want model question paper for technical assistant grade III of FCI and pls send study material and related reference books name. my mail ID is prahamicro24@gmail.com |
24th September 2012 10:30 AM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Syllabus for technical assistant grade FCI? Model question papers for the same? Dear Sir I want to know about the syllabus ot technical Assistant grad FCI. So pls send me PDF of study material of technical paper and model paper also. Becouse i have not found the related book on the shop for the TECHNICAL PAPER. My E-mail id is - nadeemahmad025@yahoo.com |
13th September 2012 10:48 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Syllabus for technical assistant grade FCI? Model question papers for the same? my name is priyanka and i want model question paper for technical assistant grade of fci and my mail id is priyankak593@gmail.com |
5th September 2012 08:34 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Syllabus for technical assistant grade FCI? Model question papers for the same? my name is suman i want fci syllubus my email id is seven.suman@gmail.com |
4th September 2012 01:35 AM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Syllabus for technical assistant grade FCI? Model question papers for the same? i want fci model question paper for download |
3rd September 2012 08:47 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Syllabus for technical assistant grade FCI? Model question papers for the same? sir i want syllabus of fci along with some model papers plz send me on my id monika23july@gmail.com |
10th April 2012 12:18 AM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Syllabus for technical assistant grade FCI? Model question papers for the same? I am not able to download fci mains exam admit card |
7th April 2012 04:33 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Syllabus for technical assistant grade FCI? Model question papers for the same? Please send me the syllabus for fci tier 2 exam for technical. My email address is js25315@gmail.com |
3rd April 2012 12:12 AM | |
bablu30487 |
Re: Syllabus for technical assistant grade FCI? Model question papers for the same? Syllabus for technical assistant grade FCI? Model question papers for the same? syllabus for fci technical |
2nd April 2012 11:47 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Syllabus for technical assistant grade FCI? Model question papers for the same? sir/madam please send syllabus for assistant grade 3 technical to sampoornaprakash@gmail.com |
2nd April 2012 02:30 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Syllabus for technical assistant grade FCI? Model question papers for the same? can you plis send me previous years question papers and samples of FCI technical cadre. my email ID nature.kumar47@gmail.com Source: http://entrance-exam.net/forum/general-discussion/syllabus-technical-assistant-grade-fci-model-question-papers-same-549685.html#ixzz1qrd7qOtL |
30th March 2012 09:41 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Syllabus for technical assistant grade FCI? Model question papers for the same? Sir/Madam, Could you please send me model question papers and previous years question papers of Food Corporation of India's Technical (biological Sciences) paper-iii. my email id. umashankarcl@gmail.com Thank you Sir/Madam |
29th March 2012 06:37 PM | |
moinao |
Re: Syllabus for technical assistant grade FCI? Model question papers for the same? can you plis send me previous years question papers and samples of FCI technical cadre. my email ID-phungz@gmail.com.Thank you. |
24th March 2012 11:53 AM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Syllabus for technical assistant grade FCI? Model question papers for the same? Dear Sir I want to know about the syllabus ot technical Assistant grad FCI. So pls send me PDF of study material of technical paper and model paper also. Becouse i have not found the related book on the shop for the TECHNICAL PAPER. My E-mail id is - vivuicet@gmail.com |
14th March 2012 10:16 AM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Syllabus for technical assistant grade FCI? Model question papers for the same? Dear Sir I want to know about the syllabus ot technical Assistant grad FCI. So pls send me PDF of study material of technical paper and model paper also. Becouse i have not found the related book on the shop for the TECHNICAL PAPER. My E-mail id is - vivekuicet@gmail.com |
12th March 2012 09:05 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Syllabus for technical assistant grade FCI? Model question papers for the same? Sir I have cleared pre exam of FCI technical asst grade, but noe i have to appear for mains so kindly send me some model papers and syllabus for technical assistant grade FCI, my mail id is gowtami.6@gmail.com |
11th March 2012 05:48 PM | |
Siku032 |
Re: Syllabus for technical assistant grade FCI? Model question papers for the same? Sir I have cleared pre exam of FCI technical asst grade, but noe i have to appear for mains so kindly send me some model papers and syllabus for technical assistant grade FCI, my mail id is sikendra.kumar@yahoo.com |
11th March 2012 11:38 AM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Syllabus for technical assistant grade FCI? Model question papers for the same? sir i want to know syllabus for mains of fci depot.& g. accountant MY EMAIL I. D.-nikhil.gangwar@rediffmail .com |
10th March 2012 10:18 AM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Syllabus for technical assistant grade FCI? Model question papers for the same? Sir I have cleared pre exam of FCI technical asst grade, but noe i have to appear for mains so kindly send me some model papers and syllabus for technical assistant grade FCI, my mail id is ashutoshrai31@gmail.com |
1st February 2012 09:27 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Syllabus for technical assistant grade FCI? Model question papers for the same? please send me some model papers on it officers and fci exams g.santhosh654@gmail.com |
1st February 2012 09:23 PM | |
prashanthb |
Re: Syllabus for technical assistant grade FCI? Model question papers for the same? sir plzzzzzz send me fci previous year question paers to my id prashanthcupid2u4u@mail.com |
24th January 2012 02:04 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Syllabus for technical assistant grade FCI? Model question papers for the same? sir , i want to in detail syllabus for assistant grade 3 exam my email id is patilvaibhav2009@gmail.com |
15th January 2012 07:42 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Syllabus for technical assistant grade FCI? Model question papers for the same? syllabus for fci technical |
2nd January 2012 04:41 PM | |
gimtrakesh |
Syllabus for technical assistant grade FCI? Model question papers for the same? Dear Sir I want to know about the syllabus ot technical Assistant grad FCI. So pls send me PDF of study material of technical paper and model paper also. Becouse i have not found the related book on the shop for the TECHNICAL PAPER. My E-mail id is - gimtrakesh@gmail.com |