Thread: Books to be referred to prepare for Aptitude Tests? Reply to Thread

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9th January 2013 10:12 AM
Re: Books to be referred to prepare for Aptitude Tests?

Helo sir,I am perusing mca and I want to strt practice for apptitude questions from now Plzz suggest me apptitude books with mathematics practice questions.I shall be vry thankful to u sir.
14th June 2012 01:02 PM
Re: Books to be referred to prepare for Aptitude Tests?

Sir which book is the best for aptitude to study .suggest me the book name or author name.for core companies and it companies
10th June 2012 02:55 PM
Re: Books to be referred to prepare for Aptitude Tests?

Sir! i done and i want to do BBA from halley college. For the admission in halley college i,ll have to pass the entry test NAT. plz tell me which book i should use for the prepration of my test? thankx
12th January 2012 11:54 AM
Re: Books to be referred to prepare for Aptitude Tests?

sir plz recommend few good books for GATE and NET-JRF apptitude test
7th January 2012 08:23 PM
Re: Books to be referred to prepare for Aptitude Tests?

book to be refered for software company interview?
22nd December 2011 01:56 PM
Re: Books to be referred to prepare for Aptitude Tests?

Which are the best books for GATE and GRE entrance exams?
1st October 2011 06:16 PM
Re: Books to be referred to prepare for Aptitude Tests?

hi frnds i'm doing Msc IT 1st year. While i was in ug i had attended many Interviews i got good percentage but i had not yet cleared apptitude test i have good communication skills.Please tell me what are books to refer and clear the apptitude test.
2nd August 2011 12:49 AM
Re: Books to be referred to prepare for Aptitude Tests?

Best book for apptitute is R.S.Aggarwal..
which is best Book for preparing Bank PO ,and Multinational Companies..
31st July 2011 10:55 PM
Re: Books to be referred to prepare for Aptitude Tests?

dear friend,

there are many books available in market but the following two are the best:-
1) quantitative aptitude of R S Agarwal
2) puzzles of sakuntala devi

you may practice aptitude question from or

best of luck.......
31st July 2011 02:12 PM
Re: Books to be referred to prepare for Aptitude Tests?

IQ test for pre-engenerring
30th July 2011 12:30 PM
Re: Books to be referred to prepare for Aptitude Tests?

which is the best book for aptitude test in IT companies..???
17th July 2011 12:46 PM
Re: Books to be referred to prepare for Aptitude Tests?

sir i hv been shortlisted for st microeelectronics plz will u suggest me that how i get all electronics engg summary or in short in one book
8th June 2011 12:51 AM
Re: Books to be referred to prepare for Aptitude Tests?

how can i get good basics of english language too clear out the test conducted by various companies?
off course i had seen naming norman livis,,barros ..books.etc but as i wanted to know the foundations for the exams like in correction of sentences...etc...those books deal about much other things...if grammar is really needed plz tell me such book.....or plz give me a suggesation in this plz tell me iam btech 3rd year student.ece dpt.
5th June 2011 01:43 PM
Re: Books to be referred to prepare for Aptitude Tests?

how to prepare apptitute test for IT companies and what all are the important topics in R.S.A?.
19th March 2011 02:30 PM
Re: Books to be referred to prepare for Aptitude Tests?

Hi friend,
you can refer the following books:
GRE Barrons for apti, reasoning and English
quantitative aptitude by R.S.Aggarwal
A modern approach to verbal and nonverbal reasoning by R.S.Aggarwal
Test your C skills by Yashavant Kanetkar
word power made easy by Norman Lewis
more puzzles by Shakuntala Devi.

wish you best of luck
6th March 2011 02:40 PM
Re: Books to be referred to prepare for Aptitude Tests?

which book to be reffered for logical reasoning questions that are asked in the campus recruitment process?
4th March 2011 05:00 PM
Re: Books to be referred to prepare for Aptitude Tests?

This is the correct time to begin preparations for these exams. You can begin with referring to books for the various entrance exams. This will include the books for CAT, Bank PO etc. There are books written by O.P. Sinhal, Arun Sharma etc. Some of the books for Bank PO include that of R.S Agarwal, Pearsons book etc.
3rd March 2011 01:40 PM
Re: Books to be referred to prepare for Aptitude Tests?

There are many books for aptitude tests:
1>Quatitative apti by R.S.Agarwal
2>Puzzles of Sakuntala Devi

and many other books like:
1>Quatitative Apti by Gupta R
2>A practice book of quantitative aptitude test including mathematical skills by Malhotra AM/Bright PS...
and there is one online site where you can have online aptitude test fro free:

You can get all aptitude question papers of various companies from:

good luck...
17th February 2011 04:38 PM
Books to be referred to prepare for Aptitude Tests?

Hi,I am studying 6th sem B.E(ECE).Please tell me book references to prepare for aptitude tests during placement.Please send good books names which will help me to score well and get selected.

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