Thread: Previous years question papers of ARS Prelims and ARS mains? Reply to Thread

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29th April 2021 11:20 PM
Re: Previous years question papers of ARS Prelims and ARS mains?

Sir agriculture statistics ke previous year paper send kr dijiye.
mail id [email protected]
19th October 2019 11:15 PM
Re: Previous years question papers of ARS Prelims and ARS mains?

I have done a M.Tech (Agril Engg.) with specialization Agriculture Process Engineering, want a ASRB NET Exam previous question papers of discipline Agriculture Structure and Process Engineering please kindly send the question papers at below mentioned mai
[email protected]
thank you,
21st August 2018 09:15 PM
Re: Previous years question papers of ARS Prelims and ARS mains?

Dear sir, Kindly send me an old/previous question papers of ARS prelims (Agroforestry) and ARS main (Agroforestry) for allowing me to prepare for the forthcoming ARS Examination, 2019.

yours sincerely,
Abhishek, Chhatt%u012Bsgarh

email : [email protected]
31st March 2018 07:56 PM
Re: Previous years question papers of ARS Prelims and ARS mains?

Sir, kindly send me previous year question papers of ARS prelims and mains of Animal Physiology..Plz.. your's faithfully, Prateeti R Bhunya. Email: [email protected]
8th February 2018 06:38 AM
Re: Previous years question papers of ARS Prelims and ARS mains?

Sir, Kindly send me previous year qn papers of ARs prelims and mains Biotechnology.. Plz...

Yours sincerely, Rahumath N.
email: [email protected]
30th September 2015 05:25 PM
Re: Previous years question papers of ARS Prelims and ARS mains?

Dear sir,
kindly send me an old/previous question papers of ARS prelim and ARS main Fishery management question paper to prepare for the ARS Examination 2015.

yours sincerely,Raheem p k,kerala,kozhikode

email :[email protected]
10th September 2015 09:57 PM
Re: Previous years question papers of ARS Prelims and ARS mains?

_elims and ARS mains?

Dear sir
Kindly send me some the previous years' question papers for ARS examination on fish process technology (for both Prelim and Mains)
with regards
Herbert email id: [email protected]
23rd July 2015 05:23 PM
Re: Previous years question papers of ARS Prelims and ARS mains?

Please send me previous year question papers for agricultural microbiology. My email id is [email protected]
29th January 2015 07:45 PM
Re: Previous years question papers of ARS Prelims and ARS mains?

Dear sir/madam
Kindly send me some the previous years' question papers for ARS examination on Plant Biochemistry (for both Prelim and Mains)
with regards
Pintubala email id:[email protected]
29th August 2014 01:33 PM
Re: Previous years question papers of ARS Prelims and ARS mains?

icar ARS NET previous years question paper in vegetable dicipline regards [email protected]
19th August 2014 02:53 PM
Re: Previous years question papers of ARS Prelims and ARS mains?

Respeted Sir

Kindly send me previous years question papers for ARS examination(Agricultural microbiolog)or please let me know the website from where I can download them for 2013.

With regards
my email id:[email protected]
8th August 2014 11:25 PM
Re: Previous years question papers of ARS Prelims and ARS mains?

Respected Sir/Madam,

I am writing this letter regarding ARS preliminary examination previous 4 years question paper it is very much recquired to me for my carrier aspect, please i recquest you that help me for my grand success......

Thanking You.
With regards,
Rajni Angadi
My email id is- [email protected]
6th February 2014 01:51 PM
Re: Previous years question papers of ARS Prelims and ARS mains?

Respected Sir/Madam,
If you can please send me ARS mains 2008, 2009 question papers and before 2007 question papers of mains exam then it will be very much helpful for me. Please send it to me as soon as possible for you.
Thanking you.
My email id is - [email protected]
25th December 2013 11:59 PM
Re: Previous years question papers of ARS Prelims and ARS mains?

Respeted Sir

Kindly send me previous years question papers for ARS examination(Agricultural microbiolog)or please let me know the website from where I can download them for 2013.

With regards
my email id:[email protected]
11th December 2013 01:07 AM
Re: Previous years question papers of ARS Prelims and ARS mains?

Dear sir/madam,
Kindly send me the previous five years question paper for ARS examination(Land and Water Management Engineering) or please let me know the website from where I can download them.

With regards
email id : [email protected]
11th December 2013 01:06 AM
Re: Previous years question papers of ARS Prelims and ARS mains?

Dear sir/madam,
Kindly send me the previous five years question paper for ARS examination(Land and Water Management Engineering) or please let me know the website from where I can download them.

With regards
email id : [email protected]
11th December 2013 12:33 AM
Re: Previous years question papers of ARS Prelims and ARS mains?

Dear sir/madam,
Kindly send me the previous years question paper for ARS examination(Land and Water Management Engineering) or please let me know the website from where I can download them.

With regards
email id : [email protected]
27th November 2013 11:26 AM
Re: Previous years question papers of ARS Prelims and ARS mains?

estemed sir/ madam
please send me previous years question papers of ARS prelims./Mains (Plant Pathology)
with regards
Email: [email protected]
6th November 2013 08:01 PM
Re: Previous years question papers of ARS Prelims and ARS mains?

Respeted Sir

Kindly send me previous years question papers for ARS examination(Agricultural microbiology)

With regards
email id:[email protected]
23rd October 2013 02:07 PM
Re: Previous years question papers of ARS Prelims and ARS mains?

Dear sir/madam
Kindly send me some of the previous years' question papers for ARS net examination on plant biochemistry or please let me know the website from where I can download them.

with regards
email id: [email protected]
28th August 2013 12:00 PM
Re: Previous years question papers of ARS Prelims and ARS mains?

Respective Sir/madam,
Kindly send me previous five years question papers for ARS net examination (Agriculture Microbiology) or please provide me the website where can I find it.

With regards
email id. [email protected]
18th January 2013 06:59 PM
Re: Previous years question papers of ARS Prelims and ARS mains?

Dear Sir
Kindly send me the previous five years question papers for ARA examination (Land and Water Management Engineering)
Do the needful in the matter and oblige

email [email protected]
18th January 2013 06:55 PM
Re: Previous years question papers of ARS Prelims and ARS mains?

Dear sir/madam,
Kindly send me the previous five years question paper for ARS examination(Land and Water Management Engineering) or please let me know the website from where I can download them.

With regards
email id : [email protected]
27th December 2012 05:49 PM
Re: Previous years question papers of ARS Prelims and ARS mains?

Dear Sir
Kindly send me the previous five years question papers for ARA examination (Plant Physiology)
Do the needful in the matter and oblige

With regards
Email- [email protected]
10th December 2012 02:56 PM
Re: Previous years question papers of ARS Prelims and ARS mains?

hello sir please send the books name which we can read for ARS exam preparation
15th October 2012 05:22 PM
Re: Previous years question papers of ARS Prelims and ARS mains?

i want guideline for the preparation of ars exam and the books related stream is farm machinery and power
29th June 2012 09:46 PM
Re: Previous years question papers of ARS Prelims and ARS mains?

What is the syllabus ofARS net for micribiology field
9th June 2012 06:29 PM
Re: Previous years question papers of ARS Prelims and ARS mains?

hello sir, Please send the previous ARS question papers in biotechnology and basic plant science

yours sincerely
sunita panigrahi
email-id- [email protected]
6th February 2012 03:44 PM
Previous years question papers of ARS Prelims and ARS mains?

Dear sir,
kindly send me an old/previous question papers of ARS prelim (A2. crop protection) and ARS main ( 05. plant pathology) for allowing me to prepare for the forthcoming ARS Examination, 2011.

yours sincerely, vanlalhruaia, aizawl, mizoram

email :[email protected]

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