Thread: What is the scope for electronics diploma? Reply to Thread

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15th December 2020 10:54 AM
Re: What is the scope for electronics diploma?

You can work with government departments or PSU. BHEL, ECIL, EIL, GAIL, etc are some of the PSU’s where you can find jobs.
17th June 2019 03:04 AM
Re: What is the scope for electronics diploma?

You have 3 options after doing diploma in electronics and telecommunication engineering:

1)Higher Studies
You can do B.E/ (4 years duration) which provides more knowledge related to your branch,grows opportunities for getting good job in terms of post,salary from a reputed company.

2)Go for Job
You can directly do job after diploma if your score is more than 70% along with the deep practical and theoretical knowledge and good communication skills.
Government companies:
Private companies:
LSI Logic

3)Short-term courses
If you feel that any two of the above options are not good for you,then you can go for short-term courses(4-6 months each) like:
1)Embedded Systems
17th May 2019 07:01 PM
Re: What is the scope for electronics diploma?

My suggestion is go for higher study because you have lots of job after B.Tech

After diploma Electronics you have following government job..

Government Sector job for Diploma
-Junior Engineer, supervisor, Technician, Loco Pilot, In Indian Railway.
-Airmen, Technician, Junior Engineer In Indian Airforce
-Technical Job In Indian Army
-Clerk In Indian Banking
-Junior Engineer in State Electricity Board
-Junior Engineer in Maritime Board
Also got PSU's sector
<a href="">the sarakari result</a>
26th May 2014 04:49 PM
Re: What is the scope for electronics diploma?

Is it possible to directly get into iit 2nd year engg in E and TC course after the completion of 3 years of diploma?
14th May 2014 06:25 PM
Re: What is the scope for electronics diploma?

tanmay is now diploma engg. in Industrial electronics & also had the Good knowledge in I T sector with various courses for It Professional ,what should be next carrier guidance for him
4th December 2013 10:56 PM
Re: What is the scope for electronics diploma?

what is the salary offered to the diploma holder electronic engg.
16th August 2013 12:56 AM
Re: What is the scope for electronics diploma?


Scope in electronics is good .

you may join the following companies

Private companies:
LSI Logic

but after certain period of time you wont be able to rise and your salary would also be very low.

I would advice you to either go for higher education such as or do some short term courses

All the best
6th July 2013 12:44 PM
Re: What is the scope for electronics diploma?

Hai, Electronics Diploma is good course.It has good scope in future and job opportunities in good companies.
The companies:-
1.Government field:-
Indian Railways, BSNL TTA, Defence jobs ,Electricity Boar, ISRO, DRDO, BARC, Banking, BHEL , BEL, NTPC , etc.
2.Private field:-
Crompton, Bell, Bosch, Jindal Power, GVK Power, HP, Reliance etc.

The minimum percentage that you need to get job is 70%. Because most of companies wants students having above 70%.For getting job in good companies you need 90%.
30th March 2013 06:18 PM
Re: What is the scope for electronics diploma?

Hi dear...

Engineering is one of the top most courses every individual thinks for. Today, most of the students want to go for Engineering as it is a very good and rewarding course with numerous job opportunities.

Electrical and Electronics, is the core branch of Electrical Engineering. Although doing a degree course is highly recommended, but diploma is also a very good choice for getting into this stream.

Once, you pass the diploma, you have numerous options available for you.

> You can go for PSU's (Public Sector Units) like BHEL, NTPC, GAIL etc.

Most of the PSU's demand at least 60% to 70% marks depending on each.

You may go through criteria for each.

> You may work as a clerk in Bank.

> You may join any IT company like wipro, TCS, infosys etc.

> Junior Engineer in Indian Railways, State Electricity Board, Maritime Board.

> You can also work with Indian Army for various vacancies available.

All the best..!!

30th March 2013 06:09 PM
Re: What is the scope for electronics diploma?

Hi dear...

Engineering is one of the top most courses every individual thinks for. Today, most of the students want to go for Engineering as it is a very good and rewarding course with numerous job opportunities.

Electrical and Electronics, is the core branch of Electrical Engineering. Although doing a degree course is highly recommended, but diploma is also a very good choice for getting into this stream.

Once, you pass the diploma, you have numerous options available for you.

> You can go for PSU's (Public Sector Units) like BHEL, NTPC, GAIL etc.

Most of the PSU's demand at least 60% to 70% marks depending on each.

You may go through criteria for each.

> You may work as a clerk in Bank.

> You may join any IT company like wipro, TCS, infosys etc.

> Junior Engineer in Indian Railways, State Electricity Board, Maritime Board.

> You can also work with Indian Army for various vacancies available.

All the best..!!

28th March 2013 06:54 PM
No 1
Re: What is the scope for electronics diploma?


The Scope of Electronic Diploma complete like ::

*** Banking clerk

*** Junior Engineer in State Electricity Board

*** Junior Engineer in Maritime Board

*** Air Man in Junior Engineer in Indian Army

*** Junior in Indian Railways.

All the best.....................
27th March 2013 01:49 PM
Re: What is the scope for electronics diploma?

hi friends, who are doing electronics dipoma they will get good job because we have lot of companies in bangolore,,dont bother about it. all the best
4th March 2013 06:16 PM
Re: What is the scope for electronics diploma?


the scope for electronics diploma

1.Clerk In Indian Banking

2.Junior Engineer, supervisor, Technician, Loco Pilot, In Indian Railway

3.Junior Engineer in Maritime Board

4.Airmen, Technician, Junior Engineer In Indian Airforce

5.Junior Engineer in State Electricity Board

all the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

hope this will helpful!!!!!!!!!!!!!
3rd March 2013 06:03 PM
Re: What is the scope for electronics diploma?

What is the scop of electronics and telly communicatin in future?
20th January 2013 06:31 PM
Re: What is the scope for electronics diploma?

How much per centage mark i will earn for get good opertunity....????
15th January 2013 09:28 PM
Re: What is the scope for electronics diploma?

hi dear,
The major driving force for the present day Information Technology revolution is the development in Electronics Engineering. The advancements in microelectronics, satellite and optical fibre technology, analog and digital in communication techniques have resulted in developing complex electronics devices, circuits and equipments capable of implementing fast and efficient telecommunication systems. Real time transfer of audio and video signals is now possible with recent trends in broad band technologies. Penetration of electronics has now revolutionalised other areas like health care, instrumentation, automation, remote sensing, signal processing etc.

The basic principles and performance of electronic devices and circuits are introduced in the course. Design and analysis of different analog and digital circuits are considered in detail. Different analog and digital modulation techniques used for communication, equipments and systems involved in wireless communications, satellite and optical communication technologies, computer communication and networking, design and development of microelectronic circuits for computation and processing, components and systems for electronic instrumentation and control etc,. form major content of the course. The course also covers the study of hardware and interfacing of computer systems, programming skills and application of computers in signal processing and communication.

Graduates in Electronics Engineering have opportunities in Government and private companies for installation, operation and maintenance of electronics equipments and systems. Defence, space and other large research organisations employ electronics engineers in design and development of complex devices and systems for signal processing and telecommunication. Industries involved in design and fabrication of devices, integrated circuits, embedded systems, electronic equipments etc have also provide large scale placements for engineers with this specilisation. Installation and maintenance of electronic equipments used for health care in hospitals, equipments & systems for instrumentation and control in process industries automation systems of assembly line in production industries, etc are also handled by electronics engineers.

Knowledge of computer hardware, networking equipments and communication systems enables electronics engineering graduate helped them to annexe an edge in the IT job market. The skills and understanding developed in the course enable them to be preferred, as software professionals by IT companies.
15th January 2013 04:59 PM
Re: What is the scope for electronics diploma?


After the course, you can work with government departments or PSU. BHEL, ECIL, EIL, GAIL, etc are some of the PSU’s where you can find jobs. Most of the PSU’s prefer candidates with 60% to 70% marks for job positions. For central/state government jobs, requirements may vary with profile. You can visit the concerned portal to collect such details.

all the best.
24th September 2012 09:10 PM
Re: What is the scope for electronics diploma?

iam hsc science passed and id pursuing diploma in electronics can i get good job after my diploms
14th September 2012 08:51 PM
Re: What is the scope for electronics diploma?

Originally Posted by Deepa L. Gawda View Post
I am Doing Electronics Diploma Do i have a chance to get Job in Co's in Private and also in government departments after i complete it and how much i should score?
Yes we have a lot of companies in Hyderabad those who are offering jobs on Diploma in Instrumentation. We have many companies that deals with heavy machines that produce a variety of products and supply it to them all over india. so you can find a job easily with your qualification...
14th September 2012 06:28 PM
AshwinKumar S.Hallikar
Re: What is the scope for electronics diploma?

The scope for electronics diploma

Engineering has always been one of the most preferred career options for students. With the advancement in technology, the engineering sector is on an expansion spree. One of the popular and emerging fields in engineering is Electronics engineering. There are numerous job opportunities in this area.

So u want to take admission in diploma course in Electronics engineering , then you can go for it...

Because Electrical and Electronics stream is a core stream, so, you will definitely have lots of job opportunities in core sector..

After completion of diploma course you will be able to go for core technical jobs in Electronics field as well as core technical jobs in Electrical field..

So, don't bother about it.. Just go for the diploma course....

You can also go for course in the same field after completion of diploma course..
Which will give you better job opportunity, also better designation and better salary...

!All the best!
14th September 2012 06:27 PM
AshwinKumar S.Hallikar
Re: What is the scope for electronics diploma?

The scope for electronics diploma

Engineering has always been one of the most preferred career options for students. With the advancement in technology, the engineering sector is on an expansion spree. One of the popular and emerging fields in engineering is Electronics engineering. There are numerous job opportunities in this area.

So u want to take admission in diploma course in Electronics engineering , then you can go for it...

Because Electrical and Electronics stream is a core stream, so, you will definitely have lots of job opportunities in core sector..

After completion of diploma course you will be able to go for core technical jobs in Electronics field as well as core technical jobs in Electrical field..

So, don't bother about it.. Just go for the diploma course....

You can also go for course in the same field after completion of diploma course..
Which will give you better job opportunity, also better designation and better salary...

!All the best!
14th September 2012 02:32 PM
Re: What is the scope for electronics diploma?

i am 20 years old and in first year in electronics diploma.have i any chance for a better carrer
11th September 2012 03:32 PM
Re: What is the scope for electronics diploma?


After the course, you can work with government departments or PSU. BHEL, ECIL, EIL, GAIL, etc are some of the PSU’s where you can find jobs. Most of the PSU’s prefer candidates with 60% to 70% marks for job positions. For central/state government jobs, requirements may vary with profile. You can visit the concerned portal to collect such details.

all the best.
11th September 2012 03:27 PM
Re: What is the scope for electronics diploma?


After the course, you can work with government departments or PSU. BHEL, ECIL, EIL, GAIL, etc are some of the PSU’s where you can find jobs. Most of the PSU’s prefer candidates with 60% to 70% marks for job positions. For central/state government jobs, requirements may vary with profile. You can visit the concerned portal to collect such details.

all the best.
11th September 2012 02:56 PM
Re: What is the scope for electronics diploma?

Hello friend

My suggestion is go for higher study because you have lots of job after B.Tech

After diploma Electronics you have following government job..

Government Sector job for Diploma
-Junior Engineer, supervisor, Technician, Loco Pilot, In Indian Railway.
-Airmen, Technician, Junior Engineer In Indian Airforce
-Technical Job In Indian Army
-Clerk In Indian Banking
-Junior Engineer in State Electricity Board
-Junior Engineer in Maritime Board
Also got PSU's sector

TTA Post in BSNL
Technician Post in BHEL, SAIL, ISRO, IOCL, HPCL, NTPC etc

Top job searching..

Government Jobs
Top job
All the best

11th September 2012 02:12 PM
Re: What is the scope for electronics diploma?

After the course, you can work with government departments or PSU. BHEL, ECIL, EIL, GAIL, etc are some of the PSU’s where you can find jobs. Most of the PSU’s prefer candidates with 60% to 70% marks for job positions. For central/state government jobs, requirements may vary with profile. You can visit the concerned portal to collect such details.
11th September 2012 02:02 PM
Re: What is the scope for electronics diploma?

After the course, you can work with government departments or PSU. BHEL, ECIL, EIL, GAIL, etc are some of the PSU’s where you can find jobs. Most of the PSU’s prefer candidates with 60% to 70% marks for job positions. For central/state government jobs, requirements may vary with profile. You can visit the concerned portal to collect such details.
27th August 2012 06:06 PM
Deepa L. Gawda
What is the scope for electronics diploma?

I am Doing Electronics Diploma Do i have a chance to get Job in Co's in Private and also in government departments after i complete it and how much i should score?

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