Thread: Total number of seats in SCRA? Reply to Thread

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25th October 2013 03:02 PM
Re: Total number of seats in SCRA?

Where is scra college
22nd January 2013 07:39 PM
Re: Total number of seats in SCRA?

pls tell me the no of seats available for sc girls category
17th January 2013 09:08 PM
Re: Total number of seats in SCRA?

How many seats r there for scra on 2013 ?
26th October 2012 11:57 PM
Re: Total number of seats in SCRA?

Are there any sports seats in SCRA?
26th October 2012 11:51 PM
Re: Total number of seats in SCRA?

Are there any sports seats in SCRA ?
24th September 2012 11:57 AM
Re: Total number of seats in SCRA?

pl tell me, when next advertisment will come for SCRA exam
5th February 2012 09:07 PM
Re: Total number of seats in SCRA?


Total seat in S.C.R.A in 42.

Four Vacancies are Reserved for Physically Challenged belonging to Orthopaedically Handicapped Having Functional Classified OA,OL...

SCRA Age Criteria:
Candidates must have attained lower age limit of 17 years of age & must have completed upper age limit of 21 on 1st august of year of examination..

SCRA Test Educational Qualification:

1.) To take admission in this examination, candidates must have passed Intermediate or an equivalent examination in first or in second division.
2.) University or board is of govenment approved.
3.) Mathematics and at least one of the subjects Physics and Chemistry as subjects of the examination.
4.) Mathematics graduate or students with at least one of the subjects Physics or Chemsitry as their degree level may apply also..

For more detail log on to

Best of luck!!!
5th February 2012 02:08 PM
Re: Total number of seats in SCRA?

Originally Posted by sumitaaryan View Post
please tell me about no of seats in scra

Reply me soon.
There are total 42 seat in S.C.R.A exam..
S.C.R.A exam is conducted by U.P.S.C once in a year..
The S.C.R.A exam will be held on the 29-JAN-2012

30th January 2012 12:00 PM
Re: Total number of seats in SCRA?

sir watt is the cutt off mark for scra 2012
24th December 2011 10:22 AM
Re: Total number of seats in SCRA?

how to get the hallticket for SCRA?
23rd December 2011 11:27 AM
Re: Total number of seats in SCRA?

My age is 28 yrs now, i am eligible for SCRA exam 2012? what is average salary and type of job involved?
plz reply soon
3rd December 2011 01:31 PM
Re: Total number of seats in SCRA?

Total number of seats in SCRA?

The number of Seat available after SCRA 2012 is 42 .

Four vacancies in SCRA are reserved for physically challenged candidates belonging to Orthopaedically Handicapped having functional classifications OA, OL.

For more information , please visit the official website of upsc that is

The exam is going to held on 29th january 2012

With Regards
3rd December 2011 11:44 AM
the gladiator
Re: Total number of seats in SCRA?

SCRA is special class railway apprentices conducted by UPSC.
the seats are not fixed, it's depends on the vacancies. however there is 12 seats in present exam. one can also check on and find more informations.
3rd December 2011 08:49 AM
Re: Total number of seats in SCRA?

Originally Posted by sumitaaryan View Post
please tell me about no of seats in scra

Reply me soon.
Total number of seats in SCRA?

The number of Seat available after SCRA 2012 is 42 .

Four vacancies in SCRA are reserved for physically challenged candidates belonging to Orthopaedically Handicapped having functional classifications OA, OL.

For more information , please visit the official website of upsc that is

The exam is going to held on 29th january 2012

With Regards
2nd December 2011 09:01 PM
Re: Total number of seats in SCRA?


SCRA stands for Special Class Railway Apprentice.This is conducted by the UPSC every year to select candidates for the Railways jobs.

Now every year, the no. of seat relative to the engineering streams differ every year.

It was only 42 seats in the year 2011. And normally is less than 100 only. And the number of applicants are over 1.5 lacs.

This is the competition there.

Hope this helps.

All the best

2nd December 2011 04:33 PM
Re: Total number of seats in SCRA?

SCRA 2011: Number of vacancies: 42

1. The approximate number of SCRA Job Vacancies, to be filled on the results of the SCRA examination 2011 is 42.

2. Four vacancies in SCRA are reserved for physically challenged candidates belonging to Orthopedically Handicapped having functional classifications OA, OL.
2nd December 2011 01:54 PM
Total number of seats in SCRA?

please tell me about no of seats in scra

Reply me soon.

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