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17th January 2016 09:08 PM
Re: Tips to prepare for CBSE 12th PCM subjects in last 1 month?

Sir I haven't studied whole year and now I have only 40 days left with me ...I am PCB student ... can I get 90 in 40 days preparation ?
28th October 2015 09:56 PM
Re: Tips to prepare for CBSE 12th PCM subjects in last 1 month?

Thank you so much Jits You showed me the right path.
15th September 2015 01:39 PM
Re: Tips to prepare for CBSE 12th PCM subjects in last 1 month?

In order to prepare yourself in one month for board exams , you need keep patience while studying and understanding the concepts. Keep revising the notes you referred earlier. Don't go for understanding new concepts now. Revise and practise earlier concepts only. Clear your doubts as much as possible. Start practising previous question paper if not yet. Keep yourself depression free. Revise important chapters more than unimportant things.
14th February 2015 01:06 AM
Re: Tips to prepare for CBSE 12th PCM subjects in last 1 month?

Just do 1 chapter of each subject daily.....give 3-4 hours to PCM subjects and 2 hours for English and 5th subject... By this way only you can prepare whole syllabus in 15 days because you have nearly 15 chapters in all subjects... And leave everything else apart for 15 days so that u could enjoy later!....and 16th and 17th day.. Do Sample papers of each subject...and 18th day revise fr d first exam...following this schedule needs total determination n concentratio...Work Hard...
8th February 2015 12:25 AM
Re: Tips to prepare for CBSE 12th PCM subjects in last 1 month?

1 month left.??
i m totally confused..
studied things lost somewhere...
i dont know whatto do??
plzz help..
10th December 2014 11:08 PM
Re: Tips to prepare for CBSE 12th PCM subjects in last 1 month?

I have about 3 months and i have no idea i pcm how do i get average marks?
2nd November 2014 08:43 PM
Re: Tips to prepare for CBSE 12th PCM subjects in last 1 month?

How to prepare for 12th board if I am only left with 5 hours after school hours n 2 months are left
24th December 2013 04:51 PM
Re: Tips to prepare for CBSE 12th PCM subjects in last 1 month?

thanks sir
22nd November 2013 08:34 PM
Re: Tips to prepare for CBSE 12th PCM subjects in last 1 month?

Tips to Score highest Marks in 12th board exam will surely help a lot to many students who wish to be successful in there future with great result & to be in competitive or merit list for colleges cut off.
tips for successful in 12 exams

There we are having most basic tips to follow up for be successful in the board exams which is always taken as a critical exams for any student in his/her life. Tips to score highest marks will surely push your moral as well as confidence to score maximum out off which you are desiring to score.
Top Tips to Score Highest Marks:-
you will surely Feel helped with these TOP TIPS TO SCORE HIGHEST MARKS in our +2 exam so, checkout and imply these tips in your exams.

Always feel Positive:-
Positive attitude is the key to solve many of the problem which you face in your life, During exam time this is an important feature to have in you for success & Crack the your exams with blushing colors. Attitude is the main for all the students because it reflects your personality as well as your confidence or self confidence we always makes you at the top of everything whether It is for exams or interviews or for your Life.
Positive attitude will make you through to the door of success and make you feel full of self confidence.
self confidence is must for exams

Plan well for studying:-
You must make an schedule for your studies followed by strict implementation of that schedule. make that schedule dealing with days or even with hours when your exams are really closed or it is high time for you in exam.
You should must Interact with your teachers for the important topics or topics which needs more hardwork or time then any other topic. use last year exam papers Or sample papers for the proper schedule of your study. you may also take help of your friends which you think can help you in an particular topic and make Imply that in your schedule too.
You must study more or gave more interaction to that topics which you feel you are not that up to mark ior which your teachers recommended you to study more . you should study that topics 1st during your exams high time preparation.
What to do night before the exam:-
The night before the exam is very much crucial for your exam and your exams performance pretty much dependent upon that. you must not cram before the exams to follow or you should just take review for each topics you feel important or less confident. never think of cramming too much before the exam It will mix your topics and also make to feel low in confidence for the exams.
students night before exam

You should sleep as soon as possible to make your brain as well as body to relax a bit and to be well prepared for the exams. as our brain too need a rest to be fresh and remember well for the exam.
Time Before the exam:-
never try to read anything or to study or cram just before the exam time even if your friends ask you for the topic he miss or leave during preparation of exams. close your book 1 hour before the exam starts and feel relaxed and worry free and full of self confidence before the exam.

students discussing before exam
before exams
Also get up early in the morning and take another review of the important topics and make your self filled with confidence as confidence is the main key to score well.
During Exam time:-
Checkout all your things you required during exam time i.e.., Pen , Pencil, sketch Pens, rubber , sharper ,each and everything whether it is small or big matters a lot during your exam time.
tips for during exams

Read all the instructions carefully before giving exam and keep that in your mind during exam time and don’t make any foolish mistake regarding your exam paper Instructions.
Time management is important:-
Read out all the questions carefully before writing anything on answer sheet and always start your answering from the questions which will carry maximum marks as well as which you think is tougher , need much time to think before when you start exam from small questions you will always feel the problem of question left.
So, that’s why Time management is very much important during exams, you can write small questions even in last 30 mins but you will never able to write enough for the large questions in last moments which will eventually results in sadness.
when you feel Stuck during Exam:-
There will also a moment comes in your exam time when you feel stuck with some questions or an single questions . you just need to be relaxed and calm , don’t be panic in that situation and make your self be confident and try to think that answer with an cool mind.
If you are not feeling like giving that answer then make any resembles sign or tick that question with pen and move on to the next question and try doing that question after you finish your exam and still left with time.
Never try to think about that question when you are writing answer to any other question, this will reduce your concentration and when you feel no way out just make a guess and feel like attempting that question this will leave you with something in that space you left for that question.
Answer sheet should be neat & clean:-
Handwriting matters a lot for good or highest marks during your exam as your writing makes 1st impression on the checkers mind and make your answer sheet more filled with glow and read for the examiner or checker of the answer sheet.
Underline the lines you feel important and want to attract the examiner towards that so that he/she can be able to make a right mindset about your answer given and also rewards with the full or maximum marks.
After Completion Of exam paper:-
when you ends up with exam paper or question paper don’t feel like running out of examination hall, Sit there and review each n every answer before depositing that to the invigilator also, look for the questions you left during answering or in which you stuck.
Search for the mistakes you have done during writing and tuned in towards the hardest question you think and also feels uncomfortable of answering that review that well and looks for to add any other important lines you missed to answer in that.
- See more at:
22nd October 2013 10:25 AM
Re: Tips to prepare for CBSE 12th PCM subjects in last 1 month?

Respected Sir/Maam,
I aim to score above 93% in cbse exams and I have 4 months left for that.Kindly suggest me certain stategies and tips , so that I could shape up my preparation and practice likewise.
27th March 2013 05:57 PM
Re: Tips to prepare for CBSE 12th PCM subjects in last 1 month?

First of all keep yourself cool before the exam.Tension is the only factor which gallops everything i.e the entire memory of many students.

First of all go through the syllabus and then mark the subjects and topics in which your weak.After going through prepare a time table of yourself mentioning how many hours you need to prepare for and which subject to go through for a particular day.It will be better that you first concentrate on the subjects which your weak in and later go through subjects in which your strong in i.e allot more number of days for the subject your weak in.

Prefer standard books of NCERT and along wise go through the notes which you must have jotted down in your class.Go through a specific topic daily based on th time table which you prepare.So,if you go through a particular topic daily then i hope you can cover your entire syllabus with ease.

In this way you can cover the entire syllabus and so you just need to revise the topics just before the day of examination.
26th January 2013 10:59 AM
Re: Tips to prepare for CBSE 12th PCM subjects in last 1 month?

You just don't have to worry about the same.The best way to prepare well for PCM during last month before exam is to practice previous years CBSE question papers as much as you can,they not only give you an idea regarding the pattern of the question paper but gives you an instant revision too,mostly 1 out of 20 questions per question paper can be expected in yours too.And all this should be started only after going throught the complete course two or three times ,afetr this no doubt you can score good enough.Go through the following link to check out previous years CBSE question papers.
hope this will help you.
25th January 2013 10:44 PM
Re: Tips to prepare for CBSE 12th PCM subjects in last 1 month?

I dont know anything in can i get average marks in cbse 2013.
10th January 2013 10:11 AM
Re: Tips to prepare for CBSE 12th PCM subjects in last 1 month?

now ih hav only one month to study nd revision both nd now i'm cnfused how to manage this all & over all ths i'm presurised by all my surounding people how do i manage all ths??????????
22nd February 2012 11:01 AM
Re: Tips to prepare for CBSE 12th PCM subjects in last 1 month?

Tips and Tricks to Prepare for the Physics Exam
These are some of the tips you can make use of at the time of their exams

• Make sure that you read every chapter thoroughly. The questions may be direct or indirect. Knowing all the concepts will help the students answer effortlessly. Refer to Textbook Solutions for complete solution to NCERT textbooks.
• Make short notes about derivations in each and every chapter. In addition to this, writing down the proofs will also be good. Get complete preparatory materials from Exam Resources.
• It would be very helpful for you if you make an all inclusive list of formulae.
• You can try out all the numerical type questions.
• Revise again and again. Never think that you know it all. For any query or doubt, use Ask the Expert.
• Solving Sample papers will be of immense help to you as you would get familiar with the general question paper pattern.

Scoring high marks in CBSE board exams needs thorough preparation. You can prepare well for it with thorough revisions and repeated practice of tackling questions asked from any part of the syllabus. Fulfill these few requirements to shine in the CBSE board exam. You can check your preparedness for CBSE board exams right now through Topper Preboards. Try it out to get guidance for doing even better!!!
22nd February 2012 12:07 AM
Re: Tips to prepare for CBSE 12th PCM subjects in last 1 month?

Originally Posted by Ritu Chaudhary View Post
Dear all,

Kindly advise me few important tips for preparation (Phy., Math and Chem) in short span of last one months for CBSE 12th PCM. Your valuable guidance will certainly boost my morale and I will concentrate accordingly.


C.B.S.C 12th class paper is based in N.C.E.R.T so first you read N.C.E.R.T...

After reading N.C.E.R.T books after that you can solve the numerical from the referance book like Pradeep, Denish, Modern ABC..

After that solve previous year question paper..

21st February 2012 08:37 PM
Re: Tips to prepare for CBSE 12th PCM subjects in last 1 month?

19th February 2012 03:43 PM
Re: Tips to prepare for CBSE 12th PCM subjects in last 1 month?

I am quite disturbed by my routine .........
I am a 12 th board student but seriousness
would u please give me tips for physics???
27th January 2012 01:49 AM
Re: Tips to prepare for CBSE 12th PCM subjects in last 1 month?

I am a student of PCMB stream.due to an injury i didn't attended my classes of semiconducter in phy integration in maths.although i had recovered other topics but these two main topics are still left.i am okay but i am lossing my confidence with time. I don't know what to do. I do not sleep whole night .PLEASE HELP ME. I am not poor student but i don't know what is happening to me
12th December 2011 08:58 PM
Re: Tips to prepare for CBSE 12th PCM subjects in last 1 month?

please guide me sir/mam,,,.....
8th November 2011 12:27 PM
Re: Tips to prepare for CBSE 12th PCM subjects in last 1 month?

i hv 4 months . what should i do to get above 80% marks in 12th cbse.. i have completed 75% sylabus.. plz tel me
28th October 2011 10:23 PM
Re: Tips to prepare for CBSE 12th PCM subjects in last 1 month?

Dear friend,
The three most important subjects of a student of Science background are the above three subjects that you have mentioned.

In the last one month keep preparing in a disciplined and well planned way.
You should categorize your interests and divide the most tough to most easier subjects according to you.Apart from getting disturbed from your preparation try to note down your ideas in some piece of paper after your study hour and think on your ideas and rebuild your plan.

Mathematics should be practiced regularly with full concentration.
While studying theory of Physics and Chemistry,after your study hour try to
close all your books and try to write what you memorize in the last hour of your study.This will increase your concentration and memory power.

_______________ALL____________THE______________BES T_____________
28th October 2011 07:30 PM
Re: Tips to prepare for CBSE 12th PCM subjects in last 1 month?

hi dear,

First of all go through the syllabus and then mark the subjects and topics in which your weak.After going through prepare a time table of yourself mentioning how many hours you need to prepare for and which subject to go through for a particular day.It will be better that you first concentrate on the subjects which your weak in and later go through subjects in which your strong in i.e allot more number of days for the subject your weak in.

Prefer standard books of NCERT and along wise go through the notes which you must have jotted down in your class.Go through a specific topic daily based on th time table which you prepare.So,if you go through a particular topic daily then i hope you can cover your entire syllabus with ease.

28th October 2011 01:11 AM
Re: Tips to prepare for CBSE 12th PCM subjects in last 1 month?

there is nothing better than NCERT books to prepare for CBSE exams.
try and solve as many previous year question papers as u can and some model test papers. before that first go through your class notes. and study all the subjects everyday, so that you are in touch with all the subjects.
27th October 2011 11:46 PM
Re: Tips to prepare for CBSE 12th PCM subjects in last 1 month?

Read NCERT textbooks for PCM . Solve exercises and also go through examples of the book.
Practice Sample papers especially those published by CBSE itself.
also solve and go through previous year question papers.
27th October 2011 10:55 PM
Re: Tips to prepare for CBSE 12th PCM subjects in last 1 month?

read daily 1 chapter from physics or chem. there total 36 chapters so you wil complete all chapters in just 2 months. and practice maths daily. 4 months enough to cover entire syllabus.
9th October 2011 06:24 PM
Re: Tips to prepare for CBSE 12th PCM subjects in last 1 month?

hmmmm..........i dont know any thng in 11th class...nd i hv wasted 6 months of 12th class....nw i hv only 4 what shuld i do now...?????
9th September 2011 06:34 PM
manoj rajpurohit
Re: Tips to prepare for CBSE 12th PCM subjects in last 1 month?

my dear,

Actually the last month is only for the revision. you have to studied all your course before this month.

but you are saying that you have not study hole year, i think there would be a reason you have.

so don`t take tension, you will be passed with first division, it will be hard to you, because nothing is possible.

you should go to study daily 8 hours, make it as a rule that you have to study 8 hours daily if you want to get marks in board.

you should solve all the numerical in the maths.

by this you will get good marks .

best of luck.
2nd September 2011 09:00 PM
Re: Tips to prepare for CBSE 12th PCM subjects in last 1 month?

Don't get tensed about exams remain cool in the exam time. In one month you can't study whole syllabus just go to the v.imp topics which often comes every year. Prepare the shedule of studies and prepare just important topics.

All the best
1st June 2011 11:36 AM
Re: Tips to prepare for CBSE 12th PCM subjects in last 1 month?

first you should know your strength and your weakness in different subjects.
then you should know the marks allotted for each unit.
then go through the previous year question paper.
then try to revise what you have studied before.
understand the concept and then study
try to follow this to achieve good marks.
31st May 2011 11:58 AM
Re: Tips to prepare for CBSE 12th PCM subjects in last 1 month?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
how should i keep myself motivated for my exam which is one month away.......i hav okay preparation.........i want to get some tips for rigourous preparation
Yes,We are here to solve your query you should solve sample papers available in market..go thouroughly through the notes you have jotted down for the same
31st May 2011 11:52 AM
Re: Tips to prepare for CBSE 12th PCM subjects in last 1 month?

You Shoul Go Thru The Sample Papers Try To Solve Them In The Prescribed Time Limit.Dont Be Over Stressed Feel Free And Try Good..Because IAS Is The IAS
5th May 2011 03:20 PM
Re: Tips to prepare for CBSE 12th PCM subjects in last 1 month?

how should i keep myself motivated for my ias exam which is one month away.......i hav okay preparation.........i want to get some tips for rigourous preparation
11th April 2011 07:05 PM
Re: Tips to prepare for CBSE 12th PCM subjects in last 1 month?

50% marks is required to appear in Aieee. It means what? 50marks individually in PCM or 50% marks including all subject?
31st March 2011 12:11 PM
Re: Tips to prepare for CBSE 12th PCM subjects in last 1 month?

sir /mam ,i want to know is topic wise marking system in class 12 pcm
6th March 2011 05:02 PM
Sanjiv sharma
Re: Tips to prepare for CBSE 12th PCM subjects in last 1 month?

Dear friend
Your exams are very near to you so make new planning and time table of study or reading. Revise all the topics and subjects. Don't take your exams easily because you are on the threshhold of next step of your education carrier. Neither take burden nor get stressed. Bear calm mind and feel good feelings. Practise more and moreio subjects like mathematics and physics. Give equal time and status to every subject. Don't leave any topic or question,take everything seriously. After learning a question make a habit of writing it on a rough page. Your will power,enthusiasm,determination and positive feeling are the success mantra for you. Adopt good advise of your elders and teachers. Success comes to those who dare and act bravely.
With best wishes good luck
6th March 2011 04:47 PM
Re: Tips to prepare for CBSE 12th PCM subjects in last 1 month?

Tip to prepare for CBSE Exam

-->Collect 4 to 9 years question paper, try to study all the question come under the topic

-->what ever you study on one day , try to do the Revision in the Next morning atleast for One Hour

-->try to spend 10 to 15 minutes on Meditation or Yoka ,that will help you to Remember the Subject

-->Have positive think ,that i will clear the Exam

-->by studying 5 to 6 question paper,you can get 70% in the Subject,it all depends on your concentration of studies

-->Important thing is that don't have mobile phone near by you while studies,try to switch off the mobile for one month

-->If you have done this before 3 month means you can get very good Mark, any way work hard

-->keep the friends away for one month, don't do group studies

All the Best
6th March 2011 03:41 PM
mini rani
Re: Tips to prepare for CBSE 12th PCM subjects in last 1 month?

Since only one month is left for your CBSE 12th board exam you must have studies well. Now it's time for revision.

If you get stuck somewhere,ask somebody & try to remove the doubt. Once you understood the concept revise the subject using any standard book.

For maths you can remember certain shortcuts, it will increase accuracy & save time. In chemistry learn the chemical rections. Likewise in physics try to solve the numericals problems.

You can also start maintaining a diary containing "only" those points which are high yielding & you tend to forget frequently.

Solving previous years papers as well as sample papers is also a good idea.
6th March 2011 03:31 PM
Re: Tips to prepare for CBSE 12th PCM subjects in last 1 month?

As exams are going to start within a short span of time so before 15 days of exams you should solve or read topics in which you are weak and after that its time to revise all the matter because in last days if u solve topics in which u are weak then it will decrease your confidence which is a big factor in exams so be calm and cool at the time of exams and never thought of that topic which you haven't revised.Also consider prevous yrs. solved papers they will help u a lot as some ques. in exam came as it is
6th March 2011 01:51 PM
Somesh Goenka
Re: Tips to prepare for CBSE 12th PCM subjects in last 1 month?


In today's scenario, one must do smart work rather than hard work. And that is the key to success.I dont say that you take a short cut, as there is no short cut to success.

As time is very less and you have a lot of work to do so i suggest that you opt the following procedure.

*Study all the important topics as suggested by your teachers.
*Highlight important points and make a note of them.
*Look up previous years papers and decide what is important for this year.
*Practice as many sample papers as possible.
*Do not forget to solve the the question TAG question.
*Do not collect notes from your friends now. They will only confuse you.
*Regular revision of your topics studied is important.
*Dont study for long hours without break.

I suggest that you buy books of TOGETHER WITH series for each of the subjects as cover all the important topics and give a ggod understanding of each of the topics they have covered.
Also, you must solve the guess papers for each subject as they give an idea of what to expect during the exams.

*For maths I suggest that you refer to books by R.D.Sharma and R.S.Agarwal.
*For Physics, you must refer to pradeep's fundamentals.
*For chemistry, you should refer to O.P.Agarwal.

Apart from these NCERT is a must for each of the subjects.
6th March 2011 01:22 PM
Re: Tips to prepare for CBSE 12th PCM subjects in last 1 month?

Last minute prepare is not good.Try to study the all the chapters and important
concepts.It is very important in the examination point of You.Maths is easy subject only thing is Understand the concepts and workout the problems.first prepare easy subjects then go for the difficulties subjects.And See the previous questions papers.Don't study same subject everyday and You feel difficult to study in the subject,then go for the easy subject.
6th March 2011 12:42 PM
Re: Tips to prepare for CBSE 12th PCM subjects in last 1 month?

Tips to prepare for CBSE 12th PCM subjects in last 1 month?


Here i am providing you the methods all steps which can be really helpful .

(1)Don't get pressurised because pressure is dangerous thing which can cause a lot of damage so try to be cool and calm.

(2)There is no any way of shortcut so you will have to work hard and there is no any other way to perform well.

(3)For CBSE exam , read carefully the ncert books . that is ncert books of physics, chemistry and maths fully. Ncert book are best for cbse exam and is suggested by all experts . so first of all try to complete your ncert books and then go for any other side book or what so ever.

(4)practice sample papers . sample papers are now available at market . go and purchase some sample papers and practice them . Pay special care toward time management as time management is one of the most important cause for the failure of students in different exams.

(5)Look at previous year papers . From there you will get the idea of question.

(6)You have only 1 months now so instead of trying to complete all syallabus , try to complete those topic which you have read before. don't try to do something new.

(7)On first page of your answer sheet Try to attempt only those question in which you are confident because first impression is the last impression .

(8)Don't try to read whole night . sleep early and wake up early . morning study is far better than overnight study .

Rest of everything is ok. now it totally depends upon your hard work .Practice your portion regulary because it the practice that makes a person perfect.
6th March 2011 12:39 PM
Re: Tips to prepare for CBSE 12th PCM subjects in last 1 month?

do solve last year question papers .
revise what you have learnt whole year . Acc. to my opinion , avoid wasting time in learning new topics which you have not studied at all.
means , first revise wat you have studied during whole year and then go for new topic.

Also , you can see last year toppers answer sheet on cbse website .
6th March 2011 12:28 PM
Re: Tips to prepare for CBSE 12th PCM subjects in last 1 month?

last 1 month is very important for board exam so one should prepare in same way for these

1.don't take any tension.

2.lot of question asked are based on previous year question paper so do not forget to
solve previous years papers . for at least 12 hours a day .

4.try to study 3 subject a day it will help you to not get bored of particular subject . confident .question asked are generally straight forward and simple

6.important ::do take rest in regular interval at least after every 3 hours.hear music in this time for 10 to 15 min .this will give your brain a little soothing environment
6th March 2011 10:07 AM
Re: Tips to prepare for CBSE 12th PCM subjects in last 1 month?

tips for prepare for CBSE 12th PCM subjects-

-have confidence in your preparation what do have done in whole year .

- try to solve more question from R.D.SHARMA. FOR MATHS.





-be calm and cool in examination hall.

- pay more emphasis on derivation in physics .

all the best for the board exam , do well
6th March 2011 09:44 AM
dreksha chaudhary
Re: Tips to prepare for CBSE 12th PCM subjects in last 1 month?

Dear friend ,

First and most important is to have confidence in yourself.
At home prepare a time table and follow it strictly.Don’t ignore it.
Don’t waste time and don’t stress yourself.Study in a balanced way and maintain a good friend circle who
will guide you when you face doubts and also boost your morale.

Last but very important point is not to get nervous while going for the exam.This will get your hands and
brain move faster,quicker and better than those who are nervous!

Best of Luck!!!!!!!!
6th March 2011 09:36 AM
Re: Tips to prepare for CBSE 12th PCM subjects in last 1 month?

i want to share some of my experience in this matter see

* There is no short cut for success

* Try to solve as much as question you can practice a day and try to increase the question in next day.

*Try to understand fully the question you solved that mean go as much deep you can go

*in exam try to put those answers only in which you are sure as negative marking for wrong answer decrease a

individual marks a lot

*Be calm and cool in examination hall

*stop reading before 1 hour as it may lead you in confusion......
6th March 2011 09:17 AM
Re: Tips to prepare for CBSE 12th PCM subjects in last 1 month?

CBSE exams known for its rigor...

but its not the fact..

all that is build an attitude to face exams confidently.

some tips which i usually follow during the exams..
  • build full knowledge regarding syllabus
  • categorise your interests.
  • divide the most tough to most easier subjects according to you
  • right away start your preparation
  • think up on how to improve your preparation processs
  • you'll get lot of ideas during your studies.
  • apart from getting disturbed from your preparation try to note down your
    ideas in some peice of paper after your study hour think on your ideas and rebuild your plan
  • always try to change the plan don't stick to some particular plan because
    you may get a better idea than what you're following.
  • the subjects like mathematics should be done when you're fully concentrated towards your goal.
  • for Physics and chemistry try to follow the classical plans to acheive the best result.
  • while studying theory in the above subjects after your study hour try to
    close all your books and open a peice of paper try to write what you memorise in the last hour of your study.
  • this will increase your concentration and memory power.
  • maintain your health in good condition
  • take following precaution regarding health which plays a prominent role in preparation time

i hope these points may help you in your preparation

all the best

6th March 2011 07:40 AM
Re: Tips to prepare for CBSE 12th PCM subjects in last 1 month?

I would like you to go through the following points :

1. 12th CBSE exam is a vital stage of everyones life and so i suggest you to better have a clear understanding of the subjects and the topics that you have.

2. The paper that CBSE forms will be completely based on your ability to grasp the situation and knowledge based.

3. You are definitely going to have some direct questions that you study in textbooks but it would be more advantageous and smart of you if you can have the logic and reason behind all that derivations and theory.

4. This way it would help in your CBSE (AISSCE) board exam as well as in the upcoming All India Based competitive exams that you may face..

5. And what Jits has suggested is also important... So keep that in mind...

Wish you all the best.
6th March 2011 07:35 AM
Re: Tips to prepare for CBSE 12th PCM subjects in last 1 month?

No body can prepare whole 12th syllabus in month if he/she has not prepared it well earlier. In last month the revision is more important than studying a new topic. So, first of all be tension free and start studying regiouriously for atleast 6 hours daily with very cool mind. First of all complete the whole NCERT syllabus, then go for solving the previous year questions. Make a routine for studying the subject and folloe that strictly.

All the best for board exam.
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