28th June 2020 11:54 PM | ||
soumitnanda |
Re: How can I score 90% in CBSE 12th board exam? Heyy Buddy, In order to secure a good percentage in CBSE board exama you need to focus hard on your studies and need to keep grinding harder you need to make a study routine and need to mmaintain that routine. You need to track down your weakness and your strengths . As said there is no easier way to success . you need to work hard and get your basics right. That will help you lot . NCERT : be throughow with this this will help you a lot. I hope this helps you buddy. All the best. thank you. |
23rd March 2018 12:10 PM | ||
ravimahawar1234 |
Re: How can I score 90% in CBSE 12th board exam? It is only possible if you have been studying throughout the year. Here I’m sharing few tips that will help you to boost your percentages in CBSE 12th Board Exam –
Learn a proper way of writing. |
14th September 2015 10:20 PM | ||
taputanya |
Re: How can I score 90% in CBSE 12th board exam? It is very good to keep this spirit to attain good marks in 12th CBSE board. It is not very easy and not very difficult to attain at least 90% marks in 12th CBSE board. You need to burn mid night oils . a) Study in atmosphere where you feel relaxed and depression less. b) Make your own notes in easy way so that you may find it easy in your exam days. Make your concepts crystal clear with the help of your teacher.d) Keep revising your notes weekly.e) Refer easy and good books and firstly understand easy things then go for complex things. f) Very important is to practice previous year question papers. Take balance diet and do some yoga to make your memory sharp. And remember practice makes a man perfect. |
26th January 2015 08:42 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: How can I score 90% in CBSE 12th board exam? I am weak in 12th cbse accountancy. Please give me some tips to score above 90% marks as only one month is left |
6th November 2014 01:11 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: How can I score 90% in CBSE 12th board exam? Sir how to get good marks in 12 birds plz tell me I waste my lot of time in watching TV or talking to my sister.... I have got 9 cgpa in 10 but bad marks in 11 class |
21st October 2014 12:23 AM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: How can I score 90% in CBSE 12th board exam? when i go in examination hall i got confused and i forgot all about the paper and get confused.what can i do??? |
16th October 2014 11:10 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: How can I score 90% in CBSE 12th board exam? Hloo .i liked this page ....... Becuz you all the teachers , friends..... Guide students to get Good marks in exams. I m proud of U all. that you all are here to listen problems, solutions of students . so that they can get knowlede apart . To Make BRIGHT FUTURE........... GOD BLESS U ALL. Nd best wishes to all my friends ,brothers nd sis.......... for ur exams..... |
31st August 2014 10:24 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: How can I score 90% in CBSE 12th board exam? i have 6 months left before 12th cbse board exams. is it possible to score 93% if i study everyday for 5 hours from today? |
22nd August 2014 01:25 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: How can I score 90% in CBSE 12th board exam? please suggest me. I'm in hsc.I'm from vernacular medium.I want above 90%. How I study in 3 months.how many hrs I study in a day.?? please send u r answeres on my mail I'd. mail I'd: vaibhavlanhe@gmail.com |
22nd July 2014 05:31 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: How can I score 90% in CBSE 12th board exam? Dear studnts, if u want to score 90% marks try to do hardwrk nd maka a time table for study. Do more nd more prtce of math nd try to give ur ful focus on studies. Whn i was in 12 i read hardy 3 hrs a day bt with well focus nd i score 93% in non med |
9th April 2014 05:34 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: How can I score 90% in CBSE 12th board exam? hellooooo friends i think to get more than 90% marks you have to concentrate more in your studies.you have to follow your time table accordingly.as you think math is very tough subject .but according to me math is very easy from other subjects so you properly concentrate on your topic . |
25th February 2014 11:44 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: How can I score 90% in CBSE 12th board exam? i know everything nd when i start i think i know this i know that but in test i forget some things plz sir tell me what i should do now to get good marks |
15th February 2014 11:31 AM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: How can I score 90% in CBSE 12th board exam? This year,i m going to read in 12th,,,.,but i don't know which books i should prefer for maths,physics,biology,chemistry and English apart from ncert? |
10th February 2014 11:42 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: How can I score 90% in CBSE 12th board exam? how i get 95 % above in 12 if 15 days r left only for xam ....plz giv som tips |
9th February 2014 05:41 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: How can I score 90% in CBSE 12th board exam? Hi,i am a student of 11th class and i have subject science-maths.I am doing 11th foundation.I have to do 12th from school and leave coaching.I want to know that if i leave coaching and join school now did it will be right and teachers of coaching had not tought us 11th ncrt. Also tell me which board is better in 12th CBSE or RBSE.I was having ICSE BOARD 10th. REPLY TO ME AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.HELP ME I AM FELLING TO MUCH NERVOUS......... |
21st January 2014 09:19 AM | ||
nareshsunrise |
Re: How can I score 90% in CBSE 12th board exam? It is a good move from your side of putting a goal to score more than 90% of marks in your 12th class of CBSE Board Exams. It is not so easy of scoring this huge percentage of marks in 12th class but nothing is impossible. Everything is possible but you have to put your best efforts in completing so. Please follow the below guidelines -Prepare a time table of yourself towards the preparation by taking into consideration of number of days left for final exams. -Make sure that you will complete the syllabus well in advance. -Then you will be having hands on time to revise and to take mock exams which will be very useful in getting good marks in final exams. -Not only that, this will tell you where you are and you can change your gears accordingly. -As you are weak in Maths, spend extra time towards the preparation for Mathematics. -Try to list out all the formulas and study them everyday. If you repeat it, after few days, you don't need to open the book to explain the formulas to others. -Practice the problems which are complex and lengthy. -While doing practice, rather than practicing the steps as it is in the book, try to understand the logic behind the problem and understand the problem logically. -Explain the problems to others which you have solved and try to know whether that is the right way of solving or not. -Try to get resolutions for various doubts from your friends who are strong enough in subject. -Time to time analyse your performance. This will let you to score good number of marks in the final exams easily. Wish you all the best. |
20th January 2014 05:58 PM | ||
sagaryadav199 |
Re: How can I score 90% in CBSE 12th board exam? Dear friend, good to hear from you that you want to secure 90% marks so this is your aim or we can say goal so try to focus on your goal & more over have faith, trust ,believe in urself & make your confidence level high that could lead you to even score better . So follow some tips given below: 1}Make a routine or time table divide the subjects accordingly and try to touch all the portions or topics. 2}try to solve 10 years questions papers. 3} try to solve latest sample papers as much as possible which can easily available in book shops. 4}pay more attention towards studies. 5}update your knowledge by reading newspapers . 6}discuss problems with teachers & friends. 7} dont be hyper. 8}dont take too much stress , worries, frustrations. 9}relax youself do meditation . 10}try to be more focus & sincere and try to be regular towards studies. Hope it will help you to secure 90% marks in your 12th boards. So wishing You GOOD LUCK !!! Reply With Quote |
19th January 2014 06:25 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: How can I score 90% in CBSE 12th board exam? Mala Jha how can i prepared my chemistry syllabus on time to score above 90% in CBSE 12th board exam? |
4th January 2014 09:17 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: How can I score 90% in CBSE 12th board exam? SIR, i haven't yet started studying , i m very weak in organic chemistry , could you please suggest something so, thatt i can secure good marks |
21st December 2013 04:07 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: How can I score 90% in CBSE 12th board exam? I want to score 90% in boards but not started yet. Is it possible anymore |
28th November 2013 11:49 AM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: How can I score 90% in CBSE 12th board exam? Hi, i m boilogy student. My target is to score more than 90% in board and to crack the PMT by good marks but i can't memorise . What i needs to do? I m ready to work hard. Please tell me. |
22nd November 2013 10:15 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: How can I score 90% in CBSE 12th board exam? jst practice....dnt forgt practice makes a man perfect.. |
10th November 2013 02:45 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: How can I score 90% in CBSE 12th board exam? I am a student of class XII (pcb) and I want to score atleast 92 % in cbse boards.my current situation is that i can hardly score 60% and weak in physics but i am a quick learner. i wasted all the time and now only 3 months are left for exams, is it possible for me if i work hard? If yes please tell me how many hours should i study and in what way.plz help me |
10th November 2013 02:44 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: How can I score 90% in CBSE 12th board exam? I am a student of class XII (pcb) and I want to score atleast 92 % in cbse boards.my current situation is that i can hardly score 60% and weak in physics but i am a quick learner. i wasted all the time and now only 3 months are left for exams, is it possible for me if i work hard? If yes please tell me how many hours should i study and in what way.plz help me |
4th November 2013 07:11 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: How can I score 90% in CBSE 12th board exam? you should have to regularly pratice mathmatics and try to keep with you a formula book .after sometime you will be able to remember all that formulas.type questions of different chapters will help you. |
24th October 2013 05:14 PM | ||
Unregistered |
10th October 2013 07:57 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: How can I score 90% in CBSE 12th board exam? Im joyciee studying in 12th commerce and im very weak in secretarial practice im un able to memorize it plz can u tel how to study it n score good mkrs in exam plz plz |
21st September 2013 11:52 AM | ||
A.prashanth yadav |
Re: How can I score 90% in CBSE 12th board exam? DEAR FRIEND ![]() Making Time table is very easy. It is very good that you are so targeted and want to score more then 90% marks in your board exam. Now a days in India admission after class 12th to any top university is very tough and hence a good percentage is necessary to get a seat in prestigious colleges and universities. You should make a time table like this :- 1. First of all make a SWOT analysis of yours and see what are your strength, Weakness etc. 2. Then first of all focus on your subject which comes under your weakness category. Do solve all your query before going to the next topic. 3. Do not hesitate to ask a query to your teacher. 4. Study at least 10 hours a day otherwise you will not be able to cover all the subject in your list. 5. Wake up early in the morning and first of all solve the question that you studied earlier and then move to the new questions 6. Do eat well and stay away from oily substances and eatables 7. Do revise well before the exam 8. Do solve some sample papers before the exam and see whether you are able to solve the question in time or not and also mark the area in which you feel difficulty. ALL THE BEST |
21st September 2013 01:55 AM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: How can I score 90% in CBSE 12th board exam? I need last 10 year cbse board questiin papers with solutions for class 12.. PCB. 12zahraamin@gmail.com this is my id.-Kindly help me through this. I also want some tips to improve my physics as I am kinda weak in it. |
30th June 2013 07:28 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: How can I score 90% in CBSE 12th board exam? How can i improve my 12th chemistry ? |
27th June 2013 07:46 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: How can I score 90% in CBSE 12th board exam? Quote:
in maths first understand the concept throughly.....the keep practising...ijm sure itll help u ...all the best |
23rd June 2013 08:57 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: How can I score 90% in CBSE 12th board exam? my maths is too really bad so what to do? |
17th June 2013 09:51 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: How can I score 90% in CBSE 12th board exam? sir i cant write better answers in exams because of which I score less.. I study hard but have no idea of writing answers and I've extreme pressure of scoring 85 . Please help me with tips so that I can get 85 in 12 board without any tension. |
15th June 2013 06:01 PM | ||
Unregistered |
9th June 2013 07:59 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: How can I score 90% in CBSE 12th board exam? Sir.. What type of scholorship or college benefit will i get if i score above 90% ? |
6th June 2013 07:59 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: How can I score 90% in CBSE 12th board exam? How can i manage my time while studying.My time management is something which i m lacking in...... I just can understand how can i overcome this problem.I m student of class XII(PCB),and preparing for PMT too.So its almost impossible for me to give equal importance to all subjects....... I m weak in Phy and Chem,and i want these two subjects to be strong enough to compete in PMT and scoring good marks aswell in board.I aiming atleast 90% in class XII and want to clear my PMT in the first attempt aswell...... So plz give me beneficial suggestion which would help me to tackle the problem(Scored CGPA-9.6 and in class 11th 74%) |
11th May 2013 08:25 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: How can I score 90% in CBSE 12th board exam? m a gud stdnt in studies n wanna score 90 abve %ge in my 12 board examination so plz give me some tips to enhance my cnfidnce levl n how should i stdy???m cnfsed dat should i prefer NCERT first or rfrshrs.I use rfreshers to study so do not get much time for studying plzzz give me a gud time table n plzz hlp me n m vry tensed for cmpleting my syllabus...plz rply on dis manvi.jain1144@gmail.com |
27th March 2013 09:49 PM | ||
ri_123 |
Re: How can I score 90% in CBSE 12th board exam? Quote:
Always do things in positive manner, try to remember all formulas and Properties including theorems. Revise formulas every early morning as it make your brain sharp and give you best result in your exams. Best of Luck |
27th March 2013 06:38 PM | ||
Kotesh432 |
Re: How can I score 90% in CBSE 12th board exam? Hi Guest, In order to score 90% in CBSE 12th Standard you need to prepare too good for the examinations. In between when you attend the classes you need to get updated about each and every topic for the syllabus. Preparing daily on the topics taught will be helpful to you to score good marks in the examination. So keep attending all the classes and prepare on all the topics in order to get good marks. Thank you, All the best. |
27th March 2013 06:17 PM | ||
yash kumar katiyar |
Re: How can I score 90% in CBSE 12th board exam? for scoring 90% in CBSE 12th board exams you have to work hard.You have to do regular studies and concentrate on each and every topic.First try for weak subjects and make sure those topics in which you are confused.remember there is no shortcut for success.so BEST OF LUCK. |
27th March 2013 05:40 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: How can I score 90% in CBSE 12th board exam? how much can we in computer science in class 12 board exam .do the colleges in tamil nadu consider computer science or do they only take mpc marks for admission |
27th March 2013 04:59 PM | ||
Re: How can I score 90% in CBSE 12th board exam? Hi friend, ![]() The knowledge and percentage of 12th class is very important in the students future life. I advise you to give your best effort in the 12th class exam. To prepare for your 12th class CBSE exam just follow these instruction: >>First of all, you must have the complete knowledge about your syllabus. >> You must have learn only those topics that are given in the contents table of your subject textbooks. >>Firstly complete your NCERT syllabus then you may study from other guide books . >>You must keep blueprint of every subject. According to blueprint, you must prepare yourself for examination, >>You must use to solve the questions of Previous Sample Papers. This would help you a lot. >> You must not use to solve the sample papers at beginning. First of all just complete your syllabus then just try to solve as mush question papers as you can. >> Always follow C.B.S.E. sample papers. >>The practice is the key thing. Just do as much practice as you can. Best of luck... |
27th March 2013 04:53 PM | ||
kshreyaa |
Re: How can I score 90% in CBSE 12th board exam? Dear friend, good to hear from you that you want to secure 90% marks so this is your aim or we can say goal so try to focus on your goal & more over have faith, trust ,believe in urself & make your confidence level high that could lead you to even score better . So follow some tips given below: 1}Make a routine or time table divide the subjects accordingly and try to touch all the portions or topics. 2}try to solve 10 years questions papers. 3} try to solve latest sample papers as much as possible which can easily available in book shops. 4}pay more attention towards studies. 5}update your knowledge by reading newspapers . 6}discuss problems with teachers & friends. 7} dont be hyper. 8}dont take too much stress , worries, frustrations. 9}relax youself do meditation . 10}try to be more focus & sincere and try to be regular towards studies. Hope it will help you to secure 90% marks in your 12th boards. So wishing You GOOD LUCK !!! |
27th March 2013 04:48 PM | ||
arshadkm |
Re: How can I score 90% in CBSE 12th board exam? Dear friend, No gain without pain,that is there is no short cut to the success.Don't wait untill the exam to study the whole portion.You have to be upto date.Make your own codes to study the difficult parts,espacially in maths. Create short notes in your own language.Ofcource you can score high marks. All the best |
27th March 2013 04:02 PM | ||
purnimashukla |
Re: How can I score 90% in CBSE 12th board exam? DEAR FRIEND , BE POSITIVE & GET POSITIVE!!! if you want to be above 90% then you should belive in your self first of all, secondly practice makes man perfect. Study with Short Breaks: Do not study continuously for more than 30 to 45 minutes. Give a break of five to ten minutes in between two sessions. Concentrate mainly on those subject in which you score brilliant and in those too which are typical to you. Gain practical knowledge as the practical things are never be forgotten. refer high class books such as: phsics- h c verma chemistry- o p tandon maths- r d sharma they help in your difficult topics.. some tips are attached also goodluck |
27th March 2013 11:00 AM | ||
helper1 |
Re: How can I score 90% in CBSE 12th board exam? heloo friend, On the Percentage of 12th marks,your some of the future plans depends as some of the graduation colleges give admissions to different students on the basis of their 12th marks. So,on the basis of your 12th marks you may get admission into different good colleges or universities of India. Tips to score well in 12th : 1.Keep each book of each subject with you,as you must have atleast book of each subject. 2.Read these books daily at least 1 page of each book as you have 365 days with you in 12th standard to score well. 3.Join coaching classes for those subjects which you think are the typical one's. 4.Practice the maths like subjects as much as you can. 5.Concentrate as the time of the exam and just focus on those subjects. 6.Writing relavent content in your exams as most of the times irrrelavant marks may deduct your marks. 7.Be sure at your answer. 8.Keep your mind free from tensions as teh time of exam. 9.Concentrate mainly on those subject in which you score brilliant and in those too which are typical to you. 10.Gain practical knowledge as the practical things are never be forgotten. Good luck !! |
26th March 2013 10:20 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: How can I score 90% in CBSE 12th board exam? I failed 11th and appeared privately for 12th. I passed with 53%. Now I have lost my marksheet of 11th. Is this necassery to have the markseet if I want to study further. |
14th March 2013 07:38 AM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: How can I score 90% in CBSE 12th board exam? i am very weak in maths and i usually get 40 percent .how can i get good marks in board exam? |
21st February 2013 08:35 PM | ||
martha.anjaneyulu |
Re: How can I score 90% in CBSE 12th board exam? Quote:
Friend this is most coomon problem face by every student in appearing Maths exam. You do not read the sums but understand the sum so that you will get concept and you can improve you maths. Friend Maths is not Social Science where you can to remember the things. In maths you have to understand the concept If you know the concept you can score above 95% marks. ALL THE BEST! |
21st February 2013 07:44 PM | ||
shayasmk |
Re: How can I score 90% in CBSE 12th board exam? Basically, maths is not about reading and learning. It is something where we have to do a lot of problems by ourselves. I remember myself using a book of R D Sharma for getting more questions just for the purpose of practicing more and more on the same type of topics. I expect you also do the same to get adjusted with maths. It is necessary that you have to get the formulas right at times. You may do the problems on your book many times initially by looking at the formulas and this will gradually take itself into your mind. Study hard and get 90% marks Best of luck. |
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