Thread: List of the top colleges offering BSc Biotechnology course? Reply to Thread

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22nd May 2017 05:53 PM
Re: List of the top colleges offering BSc Biotechnology course?


There are colleges in Bangalore which provide triple degree in other streams along with Biotechnology,which helps you increase in career options.
just make sure they are providing major subjects related to all three courses they offering.
one of such college i know is
Jain University,Bangalore
Which offers 3 years B.Sc degree in Biotechnology,Chemistry and microbiology.
Here is Link to their website:
wish you Best of Luck.
14th April 2016 08:28 AM
BN Yagnik
Re: List of the top colleges offering BSc Biotechnology course?

Government Science College Ahmedabad offers

BSc Biotechnology / Environmental Science / Health-hygiene course
with facilities for integrated M.Sc. studies.
Conferred CMAI award for 'Excellent Higher Education Institute in Gujarat'
Visit for more information
5th August 2014 12:30 AM
Re: List of the top colleges offering BSc Biotechnology course?

My daughter is studying in 12th with biology, chemistry, physics & is interested in biotechnology. I require details to help her do graduation from best colleges and universities.
5th June 2014 05:33 PM
Re: List of the top colleges offering BSc Biotechnology course?

I scored 65% in 12 th ...which course is best bsc in biotechnology or microbiology ...?
15th October 2013 11:17 PM
Re: List of the top colleges offering BSc Biotechnology course?

Hi Friend :

Ethiraj College for Women, Tamil Nadu
Delhi Institute of Technology and Paramedical Sciences
Adesh Institute of BiomedicalSciences, Punjab
Dayanand Anglo Vedic College
G.H.G. Khalsa College, Punjab
Banasthali University, Rajasthan
Jamia Millia Islamia University
22nd August 2013 03:34 PM
HUM 00
Re: List of the top colleges offering BSc Biotechnology course?

Top colleges offering BSc Biotechnology;---

Baba Farid Institute of Technology (BFIT), Uttarakhand

Chaudhary Charan Singh Post Graduate College, Uttar Pradesh

C.T. Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Punjab

Adesh Institute of Biomedical Sciences, Punjab

B.B.K. D.A.V. College for Women, Punjab

Chhatrapati Sahu Ji Maharaj University / Kanpur University, Uttar Pradesh

C.M.K. National P.G. Girls College, Haryana

Chandigarh College of Technology, Punjab

Babu Ram Singh Mahavidyalaya, Uttar Pradesh

Bareilly College, Uttar Pradesh

Arya P.G. College, Haryana

Beehive College of Advace Studies, Uttarakhand

Alpine Institute of Management and Technology, Uttarakhand

Bhagwati College of Science, Uttar Pradesh
13th August 2013 12:31 AM
sreenivas 44
Re: List of the top colleges offering BSc Biotechnology course?


List of the top colleges offering BSc Biotechnology course
Government Geetanjali Girls College, Madhya Pradesh

Institute of Bio-Sciences & Biotechnology, Uttar Pradesh

Guru Nanak Vidyak Society's Guru Nanak College of Arts, Science & Commerce

Hindustan College of Arts And Science Chennai

Baba Shahib Ambedkar Institute of Technology and Management, Delhi

Holkar Science College, Indore

Islamiah Women's Arts and Science College
26th June 2013 08:25 PM
Re: List of the top colleges offering BSc Biotechnology course?

The top colleges offering B.Sc Biotechnological Course are:

>>Dayananda Sagar College Of Biological Sciences, Bangalore

>>Kishan Institute Of Information Technology, Meerut

>>Modern College Of Arts, Pune

>>Trident Academy Of Creative Technology, Bhubaneswar

>>Avs College Of Arts And Science, Salem, Tamil nadu

>>Kumararani Meena Muthiah College Of Arts And Science, Chennai

>>Tej Narayan Banaili College, Bhagalpur

>>Hindustan College Of Arts And Science, Chennai

>>IIMT College of Medical Sciences, Meerut

>>Hemchandracharya North Gujarat University, Gujarat

BEST OF LUCK............
26th June 2013 06:01 PM
Re: List of the top colleges offering BSc Biotechnology course?

List of the B.Sc Biotechnology Course in India:

Chikkanna Government Arts College, Tamil Nadu
Chinmaya Arts and Science College for Women, Kerala
City College, Karnataka
Cochin University of Science and Technology, Kerala
D.R.W. College, Andhra Pradesh
D.R.W. Ramanamma Womens College, Andhra Pradesh
Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan College of Arts and Science for Women, Tamil Nadu
Dhanwantari College of Management Science and Nursing, Karnataka
Dr. G.R. Damodaran College of Science, Tamil Nadu
Dr. Hima Sekhar Degree College, Andhra Pradesh
Dr. Jyothirmayi Degree College, Andhra Pradesh
Dr. L. Bullayya College, Andhra Pradesh
Dr. N.G.P. Arts and Science College, Tamil Nadu
Dr. R.V. Arts and Science College, Tamil Nadu
Dravidian University, Andhra Pradesh
E.M.E.A. College of Arts and Science, Kerala
East Point College of Higher Education, Karnataka
Ethiraj College for Women, Tamil Nadu
Ganga Kaveri Institute of Science & Management, Karnataka
Garden City College of Science and Management Studies, Karnataka
Gem Gates Arts and Science College, Tamil Nadu
Girvani Degree College, Andhra Pradesh
Goutham College, Karnataka
A.B.N. Seal College / Acharya Bojendranath Seal College, West Bengal
Anugrah Narayan College, Bihar
Burdwan Institute of Management & Computer Science, West Bengal
Dalmia College, Orissa
26th June 2013 05:19 PM
Re: List of the top colleges offering BSc Biotechnology course?

List of top Colleges offering B.Sc Biotechnology:

A V C College , Tamil Nadu

Andhra University

Adesh Institute of Biomedical Science , Punjab

Arya P.G College , Haryana

Abugrah Narayan College

Bharti College

Bapatla College of engineering

Bharathidasan University

Bangalore City College

Bio Engineering Mahavidyalaya

Career College

City College

C M K National PG Girls College , Haryana

D A V College , Punjab

Disha College of Science & Commerce

D R W College

Ethiraj College for Women

Guru Nanak Dev University

Hans Raj Mahila Maha Vidyalaya , Punjab

I A T S College of Applied Science

M.M College of ARts , Mumbai

Sir Mathurdas Vissonji College of Science & Commerce , Mumbai
26th June 2013 10:41 AM
Re: List of the top colleges offering BSc Biotechnology course?

dear friend.....

List of the top colleges offering BSc Biotechnology course

1.Modern College Of Arts, Pune
2.Trident Academy Of Creative Technology, Bhubaneswar
3.Dayananda Sagar College Of Biological Sciences, Bangalore
4.Hindustan College Of Arts And Science, Chennai
5.Hemchandracharya North Gujarat University, Gujarat
6.Tej Narayan Banaili College, Bhagalpur
7.Kumararani Meena Muthiah College Of Arts And Science, Chennai
8.Avs College Of Arts And Science, Salem, Tamil nadu
9.Modern College Of Arts, Pune
10.Dayananda Sagar College Of Biological Sciences, Bangalore
11.Jamia Millia Islamia University .
12.Amity Institute Of Biotechnology, New Delhi
13.Bharti Vidyapeeth, Pune
14.Guru Nanak Dev University
15.University Of Rajasthan , Jaipur.
12th February 2013 08:13 PM
Re: List of the top colleges offering BSc Biotechnology course?

The colleges for B.Sc. Biotechnology in India are mentioned below:

-Sathyabama University Chennai, India

-Acharya Institute of Sciences Bangalore, India

-Chaitanya Bharathi Institute of Technology (CBIT )Hyderabad, India

-Bangalore City College India

-St. Joseph's College of Engineering, Chennai India

-Gunamay Majumdar Institute of Science & Technology Kolkata, India

-Heritage Institute of Technology Kolkata, India

-International Institute of Information Technology(IIIT-P) Pune, India

-The Oxford Educational Institute Bangalore, India

-New Horizon Engineering College (NHCE) Bangalore, India

-Universal School of Biosciences. Delhi/NCR, India

-Thakur College of Science & Commerce Mumbai, India

-SNDT Womens University Mumbai, India

-C K Thakur College, Mumbai , India

-Goutham College Bangalore, India

-R.K. Institute Of Management and Computer Science Bangalore, India

-St.George College of Management, Science & Nursing Bangalore, India

-Indira Gandhi Institute of Aeronautics [ IGIA ] Chennai, India

-Sharda Group of Institutions Noida - Delhi/NCR, India

-Lovely Professional University Jalandhar, India
12th February 2013 07:58 PM
Re: List of the top colleges offering BSc Biotechnology course?

dear friend,

For the in Biotechnology so many collages in India. Some of Best collages which are follows:

1. Arya P.G collage, Haryana
2.Adesh institute of Biomedical institute, punjab
3.B.B.K D.A.V collages for women
4.babu Ram singh Mahavidyala, uttar pradesh
5.D.A.V collage , punjab
6. D.A.V collage, Haryana
7. D.A.V collage, Uttar pradesh
8. Guru Nanak Dev university
9. Hindu Girls collage, Haryana etc

so you can apply some of these collages for the course of in Biotechnology after study from these collages you can make your future good.

best of luck !
12th February 2013 06:17 PM
radha 2
Re: List of the top colleges offering BSc Biotechnology course?

List of the top colleges offering BSc Biotechnology

Adesh Institute of Biomedical Sciences, Punjab
Alpine Institute of Management and Technology, Uttarakhand
Arya P.G. College, Haryana
B.B.K. D.A.V. College for Women, Punjab
Baba Farid Institute of Technology (BFIT), Uttarakhand
Babu Ram Singh Mahavidyalaya, Uttar Pradesh
Bareilly College, Uttar Pradesh
Beehive College of Advace Studies, Uttarakhand
Bhagwati College of Science, Uttar Pradesh
C.M.K. National P.G. Girls College, Haryana
C.T. Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Punjab
Chandigarh College of Technology, Punjab
Chaudhary Charan Singh Post Graduate College, Uttar Pradesh
Chhaju Ram Memorial Jat College, Haryana
Chhatrapati Sahu Ji Maharaj University / Kanpur University, Uttar Pradesh
D.A.V. College, Punjab
D.A.V. College, Haryana
12th February 2013 06:16 PM
Re: List of the top colleges offering BSc Biotechnology course?

Top colleges offering B.Sc Bio technology

Gayathri College of Biomedical Science, Uttarkannad

Delhi Institute of Technology & Paramedical Science

Arya P G College, Haryana

G H G Khalsa College

Cochin University of Science and Technology, Keral

City College Karnataka

Chinmaya Arts and Science college for women

Trident Academy of Creative Technology

Dayananand Anglo Vedic College

Jamia Millia Islamia University

Disha College of Science and Commerce
12th February 2013 06:14 PM
Re: List of the top colleges offering BSc Biotechnology course?

Top colleges offering B.Sc Bio technology

Gayathri College of Biomedical Science, Uttarkannad

Delhi Institute of Technology & Paramedical Science

Arya P G College, Haryana

G H G Khalsa College

Cochin University of Science and Technology, Keral

City College Karnataka

Chinmaya Arts and Science college for women

Trident Academy of Creative Technology

Dayananand Anglo Vedic College

Jamia Millia Islamia University

Disha College of Science and Commerce
12th February 2013 06:06 PM
Re: List of the top colleges offering BSc Biotechnology course?


I have attached the list of all good biotech colleges in India
12th February 2013 05:57 PM
Re: List of the top colleges offering BSc Biotechnology course?


University Of Rajasthan , Jaipur.

Guru Nanak Dev University , Amritsar-143005, Punjab .
http://www.gnduonline .org

Jamia Millia Islamia University .

Gulbarga University, Jnana ganga, Gulbarga-585106, Andhra Pradesh.

Amity Institute Of Biotechnology, New Delhi

Bharti Vidyapeeth, Pune

Banasthali Vidyapeeth. P.O. Banasthali Vidyapeeth. -304022
12th February 2013 05:17 PM
Re: List of the top colleges offering BSc Biotechnology course?

List of Some Top B.Sc. Biotechnology Colleges in India:-

-Amrita School of Biotechnology - Kollam
-Rajiv Gandhi Centre of Biotechnology - Kerala
-All India Institute of Medical Science - New Delhi
-Dayananda Sagar College of Biological Sciences - Bangalore
-Rizvi College of Arts, Science and Commerce - Mumbai
-Jadavpur University - Kolkata
-Vidya Pratisthan School of Biotechnology - Pune
-Presidency College of Arts & Science College - Hyderabad
-Jawaharlal Nehru University - Delhi
-Dr. B. Lal Institute of Biotechnology - Jaipur
12th February 2013 04:58 PM
Re: List of the top colleges offering BSc Biotechnology course?

Top B.Sc. Colleges in Biotechnology in India---
  • Alpha Arts & Science College, Chennai.
  • Jain Institute of Vocational & Advance Studies, Banglore.
  • Amrita School of Biotechnology, Kollam.
  • G.H.G. Khalsa College, Punjab.
  • Mithibai College of Arts, Chauhan Institute of Science & Amrutben Jivanlal College of Commerce & Economics, Mumbai.
  • Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi.
  • All India Institute for medical sciences, New Delhi.
  • Jadavpur University, Kolkatta.
  • Indian Institute of technology, Mumbai.
  • Indian Institute of technology, New Delhi.
12th February 2013 02:17 PM
varun dnawan
Re: List of the top colleges offering BSc Biotechnology course?

Jadavpur University
University of Calcutta
Patna University
Tezpur University
Lalit Narayan Mithila University
Devi Ahilya Vishwavidayalaya
Govind Ballabh Pant University of Agriculture and Technology
Banaras Hindu University
Aligarh Muslim University
Birla Institute of Technology & Science
12th February 2013 12:43 PM
Re: List of the top colleges offering BSc Biotechnology course?

my percentage is 60% in 12th and i want to know that can get admission in biotech.
26th January 2013 07:18 PM
Re: List of the top colleges offering BSc Biotechnology course?


Colleges offering BSc Biotechnology course :-

Vydehi Institute of Medical Sciences and Research, Bangalore, India

Sir Sitaram & Lady Shantabai Patkar College of Arts & Science , Mumbai, India

Kelkar Education Trust's V.G.Vaze College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Mumbai, India

Kishinchand Chellaram College (KC College), Mumbai, India

Rizvi College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Mumbai, India

Vidya Pratishthan's School of Biotechnology, Pune, India

Mumtaz College, Hyderabad, India

Presidency college of Arts & Science College, Hyderabad, India

Sri Venkateswara College, Delhi/NCR, India

AAKSON Group of Institutions (AGI), Bangalore, India

ICLES Motilal Jhunjhunwala College of Arts, Commerce & Science, Navi Mumbai, India

Dr. B. Lal Institute of Biotechnology, Jaipur, India

Modern College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Pune, India

AVK Group of Institutions , Bangalore, India

Elphinstone College, Mumbai, India

Viva College, Mumbai, India

Sambhram Academy of Management Studies (SAMS), Bangalore, India

SRM University, Chennai, India

Government College for Girls, Sector-42 Chandigarh, Chandigarh, India

Government College for Girls, Sector-42 Chandigarh, Chandigarh, India

16th November 2012 01:03 AM
radha 2
Re: List of the top colleges offering BSc Biotechnology course?

Colleges offering BSc Biotechnology
Dayananda Sagar College Of Biological Sciences, Bangalore

Vydehi Institute of Medical Sciences and Research, Bangalore, India

Kishan Institute Of Information Technology, Meerut

Sir Sitaram & Lady Shantabai Patkar College of Arts & Science , Mumbai, India

Trident Academy Of Creative Technology, Bhubaneswar

Kelkar Education Trust's V.G.Vaze College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Mumbai, India

Kishinchand Chellaram College (KC College), Mumbai, India

Rizvi College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Mumbai, India

Tej Narayan Banaili College, Bhagalpur
16th November 2012 12:38 AM
AAI ..
Re: List of the top colleges offering BSc Biotechnology course?

top colleges offering BSc Biotechnology course ------
Bareilly College, Uttar Pradesh

Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Amritapuri Campus, Kerala

Dr. N.G.P. Arts and Science College, Tamil Nadu

Arihant College of Management and Information Technology, Maharashtra

Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University, Maharashtra

Government Geetanjali Girls College, Madhya Pradesh

Bio Engineering Research Centre, Madhya Pradesh
16th November 2012 12:28 AM
AAI ..
Re: List of the top colleges offering BSc Biotechnology course?

HELLO SIR........

B.Sc biotechnology are:-
Baba Shahib Ambedkar Institute of Technology and Management, Delhi

Government Geetanjali Girls College, Madhya Pradesh

Guru Nanak Vidyak Society's Guru Nanak College of Arts, Science & Commerce

Hindustan College of Arts And Science Chennai

Holkar Science College, Indore

Islamiah Women's Arts and Science College

ALL THE BEST.............
15th November 2012 11:15 PM
Re: List of the top colleges offering BSc Biotechnology course?


here is the List of some colleges offering BSc Biotechnology course

Rajiv Gandhi centre of biotechnology, Kerala

Dayananda Sagar College Of Biological Sciences, Bangalore

Vydehi Institute of Medical Sciences and Research, Bangalore, India

Kishan Institute Of Information Technology, Meerut

Sir Sitaram & Lady Shantabai Patkar College of Arts & Science , Mumbai, India

Trident Academy Of Creative Technology, Bhubaneswar

Kelkar Education Trust's V.G.Vaze College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Mumbai, India

Kishinchand Chellaram College (KC College), Mumbai, India

Rizvi College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Mumbai, India

Tej Narayan Banaili College, Bhagalpur

Vidya Pratishthan's School of Biotechnology, Pune, India

Presidency college of Arts & Science College, Hyderabad, India

Sri Venkateswara College, Delhi/NCR, India

AAKSON Group of Institutions (AGI), Bangalore, India

Best of luck!!!!
15th November 2012 10:40 PM
Re: List of the top colleges offering BSc Biotechnology course?

Best B.Sc Biotechnology Colleges :

Adesh Institute of Biomedical Science , Punjab

Arya P.G College , Haryana

C M K National PG Girls College , Haryana

D A V College , Punjab

Hans Raj Mahila Maha Vidyalaya , Punjab

Guru Nanak Dev University

A V C College , Tamil Nadu

Andhra University

Bangalore City College

Bapatla College of engineering

Bharathidasan University

City College

D R W College

Ethiraj College for Women

Abugrah Narayan College

Bharti College

Bio Engineering Mahavidyalaya

Career College

I A T S College of Applied Science

Disha College of Science & Commerce

M.M College of ARts , Mumbai

Sir Mathurdas Vissonji College of Science & Commerce , Mumbai
15th November 2012 09:36 PM
Re: List of the top colleges offering BSc Biotechnology course?


These are top colleges offering BSc Biotechnology course---------------------

Rajiv Gandhi centre of biotechnology, Kerala
Dayananda Sagar College Of Biological Sciences, Bangalore
Vydehi Institute of Medical Sciences and Research, Bangalore, India
Kishan Institute Of Information Technology, Meerut
Sir Sitaram & Lady Shantabai Patkar College of Arts & Science , Mumbai, India
Trident Academy Of Creative Technology, Bhubaneswar.

Best of luck,
Thank you-------------------
15th November 2012 09:11 PM
Re: List of the top colleges offering BSc Biotechnology course?

List of college are:-
Babu Ram Singh Mahavidyalaya, Uttar Pradesh
Bareilly College, Uttar Pradesh
Beehive College of Advace Studies, Uttarakhand
Bhagwati College of Science, Uttar Pradesh
C.M.K. National P.G. Girls College, Haryana
C.T. Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Punjab
Chandigarh College of Technology, Punjab
Chaudhary Charan Singh Post Graduate College, Uttar Pradesh
Chhaju Ram Memorial Jat College, Haryana
Chhatrapati Sahu Ji Maharaj University / Kanpur University, Uttar Pradesh
D.A.V. College, Punjab
D.A.V. College, Haryana
Thank you..........
15th November 2012 08:00 PM
Re: List of the top colleges offering BSc Biotechnology course?

In India there so many B.Sc Bio-Technology college.But the most of famous college name are given below.

Those candidate have completed 12th standard with above 70% marks with Bio science Department from recognized University are applicable for This course.


University Of Rajasthan , Jaipur.

Guru Nanak Dev University , Amritsar-143005, Punjab .
http://www.gnduonline .org

Jamia Millia Islamia University .

Gulbarga University, Jnana ganga, Gulbarga-585106, Andhra Pradesh.

Amity Institute Of Biotechnology, New Delhi

Bharti Vidyapeeth, Pune

Banasthali Vidyapeeth. P.O. Banasthali Vidyapeeth. -304022
15th November 2012 05:00 PM
Re: List of the top colleges offering BSc Biotechnology course?

Top Colleges Offering BSc Biotechnology Course are :

G.H.G. Khalsa College, Punjab

Delhi Institute of Technology and Paramedical Sciences

Ethiraj College for Women, Tamil Nadu

Adesh Institute of Biomedical Sciences, Punjab

Jamia Millia Islamia University

Dayanand Anglo Vedic College

Banasthali University, Rajasthan
15th November 2012 03:36 PM
AA 12345
Re: List of the top colleges offering BSc Biotechnology course?

Hello friends ...................

Here sometop colleges offering BSc Biotechnology course ;

•Loyola College , Chennai

•St. Xavier’s College, Kolkata

•St. Xavier’s College, Ahmedabad

•St. Stephen’s College, Delhi

•St. Xavier’s College, Mumbai

•Madras Christian College , Chennai

•Presidency College , Chennai

•Presidency College , Kolkata

•Fergusson College , Pune

•Christ College . Bangalore

All the best
13th November 2012 06:45 PM
Re: List of the top colleges offering BSc Biotechnology course?


>> List of the top colleges offering BSc Biotechnology course

- Government College of Science, Chattisgarh

- Bareilly College, Uttar Pradesh

- Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Amritapuri Campus, Kerala

- Dr. N.G.P. Arts and Science College, Tamil Nadu

- Arihant College of Management and Information Technology, Maharashtra

- Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University, Maharashtra

- Government Geetanjali Girls College, Madhya Pradesh

- Bio Engineering Research Centre, Madhya Pradesh

- Fergusson College, Maharshtra

- Capital College, Karnataka

Good luck
12th November 2012 06:40 PM
Re: List of the top colleges offering BSc Biotechnology course?

Biotechnology Colleges

Here is the list of the top colleges offering BSc Biotechnology course

1. Acharya Institute of Technology
1st Cross, 1st stage, Peenya
Bangalore - 560 058
Phone: 080-28398699, 28398711
Fax: 080-28378268
E-mail: [email protected]
Course: B.E. (Biotechnology)

2. B. M. S. College of Engineering
P.O. Box No: 1908 Bull Temple Road,
Basavanagudi, Bangalore - 560 019, Karnataka, India.
Phone: +91-080-26622130-35 (6 lines)
Principal: +91- 080-26527424
Fax: +91- 080-26614357
E-mail: [email protected]
Course: B.E. (Biotechnology)
No. of seats: 30
12th November 2012 04:01 PM
Re: List of the top colleges offering BSc Biotechnology course?

Dear there,

Some top colleges offering BSc Biotechnology course are listed below:

** Delhi Institute of Technology and Paramedical Sciences

** G.H.G. Khalsa College, Punjab

** Ethiraj College for Women, Tamil Nadu

** Jamia Millia Islamia University

** Banasthali University, Rajasthan

** Adesh Institute of Biomedical Sciences, Punjab

** Dayanand Anglo Vedic College

1st November 2012 12:16 AM
Re: List of the top colleges offering BSc Biotechnology course?


These are the top colleges offering BSc Biotechnology course----------------------

Rajiv Gandhi centre of biotechnology, Kerala
Dayananda Sagar College Of Biological Sciences, Bangalore
Vydehi Institute of Medical Sciences and Research, Bangalore, India
Kishan Institute Of Information Technology, Meerut
Sir Sitaram & Lady Shantabai Patkar College of Arts & Science , Mumbai, India
Trident Academy Of Creative Technology, Bhubaneswar.

This should help
thank you
31st October 2012 03:39 PM
Re: List of the top colleges offering BSc Biotechnology course?

Dear Friend,

The List of Top Colleges Offering BSc Biotechnology Course are :

* Ethiraj College for Women, Tamil Nadu

* Delhi Institute of Technology and Paramedical Sciences

* Adesh Institute of Biomedical Sciences, Punjab

* Dayanand Anglo Vedic College

* G.H.G. Khalsa College, Punjab

* Banasthali University, Rajasthan

* Jamia Millia Islamia University

This is the information i have to the best of my knowledge regarding your query. Hope the information will help you to the extent you want.
7th October 2012 09:38 PM
Re: List of the top colleges offering BSc Biotechnology course?


List of some colleges offering BSc Biotechnology course

Rajiv Gandhi centre of biotechnology, Kerala
Dayananda Sagar College Of Biological Sciences, Bangalore
Vydehi Institute of Medical Sciences and Research, Bangalore, India
Kishan Institute Of Information Technology, Meerut
Sir Sitaram & Lady Shantabai Patkar College of Arts & Science , Mumbai, India
Trident Academy Of Creative Technology, Bhubaneswar
Kelkar Education Trust's V.G.Vaze College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Mumbai, India
31st August 2012 04:32 AM
Re: List of the top colleges offering BSc Biotechnology course?

Originally Posted by akhil vivek View Post
top 10 colleges in india offering bsc biotechnoloy course

List of the B.Sc Biotechnology Course in India:
  1. Chikkanna Government Arts College, Tamil Nadu
  2. Chinmaya Arts and Science College for Women, Kerala
  3. City College, Karnataka
  4. Cochin University of Science and Technology, Kerala
  5. D.R.W. College, Andhra Pradesh
  6. D.R.W. Ramanamma Womens College, Andhra Pradesh
  7. Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan College of Arts and Science for Women, Tamil Nadu
  8. Dhanwantari College of Management Science and Nursing, Karnataka
  9. Dr. G.R. Damodaran College of Science, Tamil Nadu
  10. Dr. Hima Sekhar Degree College, Andhra Pradesh
  11. Dr. Jyothirmayi Degree College, Andhra Pradesh
  12. Dr. L. Bullayya College, Andhra Pradesh
  13. Dr. N.G.P. Arts and Science College, Tamil Nadu
  14. Dr. R.V. Arts and Science College, Tamil Nadu
  15. Dravidian University, Andhra Pradesh
  16. E.M.E.A. College of Arts and Science, Kerala
  17. East Point College of Higher Education, Karnataka
  18. Ethiraj College for Women, Tamil Nadu
  19. Ganga Kaveri Institute of Science & Management, Karnataka
  20. Garden City College of Science and Management Studies, Karnataka
  21. Gem Gates Arts and Science College, Tamil Nadu
  22. Girvani Degree College, Andhra Pradesh
  23. Goutham College, Karnataka
  24. A.B.N. Seal College / Acharya Bojendranath Seal College, West Bengal
  25. Anugrah Narayan College, Bihar
  26. Burdwan Institute of Management & Computer Science, West Bengal
  27. Dalmia College, Orissa
All the best.
15th August 2012 11:03 PM
Re: List of the top colleges offering BSc Biotechnology course?

bsc biotech CCS UNIVERSITY MEERUT se krne k lye kya procedure hota h iske lye phele registration krane ki koi fix date hoti h kya
20th June 2012 12:51 PM
Re: List of the top colleges offering BSc Biotechnology course?

i got 69% in twelth is there any option that k mujhe govt. biotech coolege me addmission mil sake
19th June 2012 10:41 PM
Re: List of the top colleges offering BSc Biotechnology course?

Adesh Institute of Biomedical Sciences, Punjab
Alpine Institute of Management and Technology, Uttarakhand
Arya P.G. College, Haryana
B.B.K. D.A.V. College for Women, Punjab
Baba Farid Institute of Technology (BFIT), Uttarakhand
Babu Ram Singh Mahavidyalaya, Uttar Pradesh
Bareilly College, Uttar Pradesh
Beehive College of Advace Studies, Uttarakhand
Bhagwati College of Science, Uttar Pradesh
C.M.K. National P.G. Girls College, Haryana
C.T. Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Punjab
Chandigarh College of Technology, Punjab
Chaudhary Charan Singh Post Graduate College, Uttar Pradesh
Chhaju Ram Memorial Jat College, Haryana
Chhatrapati Sahu Ji Maharaj University / Kanpur University, Uttar Pradesh
D.A.V. College, Punjab
D.A.V. College, Haryana
Dayanand Anglo Vedic College (D.A.V.), Uttar Pradesh
Deendayal Upadhyaya Gorakhpur University, Uttar Pradesh
Delhi Institute of Technology and Paramedical Sciences
Deoband College of Higher Education, Uttar Pradesh
Dolphin (P.G.) Institute of Bio-Medical & Natural Sciences, Uttarakhand
Doon Ghati College of Professional Education, Uttarakhand
6th June 2012 12:20 PM
Re: List of the top colleges offering BSc Biotechnology course?

is delhi university also offering bsc(hons)biotechnology
30th May 2012 08:48 PM
Re: List of the top colleges offering BSc Biotechnology course?

6th May 2012 12:28 PM
Re: List of the top colleges offering BSc Biotechnology course?

hello sir i hav completed my bsc biotech 1st year in belgaum karnataka ......n now u want to continue my 2nd n 3rd year in pune......
plz suggest me some best college in pune
2nd May 2012 07:57 PM
Re: List of the top colleges offering BSc Biotechnology course?

why has nt ny one entered loyola college??
i was planning 2 go there because whatever site i open the top college for bsc is loyola ,chennai ?? i d like to know pls
27th April 2012 12:50 PM
Re: List of the top colleges offering BSc Biotechnology course?

Dear friend,

Here is the list of the top colleges offering BSc Biotechnology course

Arya P.G. College, Haryana

Baba Farid Institute of Technology (BFIT), Uttarakhand

D.A.V. College, Punjab

D.A.V. College, Haryana

Delhi Institute of Technology and Paramedical Sciences

Deoband College of Higher Education, Uttar Pradesh

Gayatri College of Biomedical Sciences (GCBS), Uttarakhand

Arya P.G. College, Haryana

G.H.G. Khalsa College, Punjab

Dayanand Anglo Vedic College (D.A.V.), Uttar Pradesh e.t.c.
27th April 2012 09:11 AM
Re: List of the top colleges offering BSc Biotechnology course?

Adesh Institute of Biomedical Sciences, Punjab
Arya P.G. College, Haryana

Goutham College, Karnataka
Banasthali University, Rajasthan
Dalmia College, Orissa
other college;
Bharti College (BIIT), Chhattisgarh
Bhilai Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Chhattisgarh
Bio Engineering Research Centre, Madhya Pradesh
Bonnie foi College, Madhya Pradesh
Boston College for Professional Studies, Madhya Pradesh
Career College, Madhya Pradesh
Chankya Mahavidyalaya, Madhya Pradesh
Chitransh A.D.P.G. College, Madhya Pradesh
Choudhary Dilip Singh Girls college, Madhya Pradesh
Disha College of Science and Commerce, Chhattisgarh
Government Geetanjali Girls College, Madhya Pradesh
Government Holkar Science College, Madhya Pradesh
Government Model Science College, Madhya Pradesh
Gwlior Institute of Technology and Science, Madhya Pradesh
I.A.T.S. College of Applied Science
best regards,
26th April 2012 11:59 PM
Re: List of the top colleges offering BSc Biotechnology course?

The Best B.Sc Bio-Technology College In India
http://www.gnduonline .org
Jamia Millia Islamia University .
Gulbarga University, Jnana ganga, Gulbarga-585106, Andhra Pradesh.
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