Thread: Which branch should I choose between Civil, EEE, ECE and CSE? Reply to Thread

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19th May 2016 01:31 AM
Re: Which branch should I choose between Civil, EEE, ECE and CSE?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
is civil engg is harder to study ans to my question?????????????????????????????????????
It is one of the easiest branch in don't think just go for it...
9th July 2015 10:24 PM
Re: Which branch should I choose between Civil, EEE, ECE and CSE?

I have completed my 12th . Iam little bit confused about the branches .I am intrested in drawing , chemistry and maths but i am not so good in good in physics .can please suggest which group apt me.
21st August 2014 01:44 AM
Re: Which branch should I choose between Civil, EEE, ECE and CSE?

Hi I have scored 49.2% in inter exams what can in do engg is that good for me if yes in which field
26th July 2014 08:13 PM
Re: Which branch should I choose between Civil, EEE, ECE and CSE?

i want to take civil......i got government college in civil is civil branch had good job/placement ???????pls pls pls answer
29th June 2014 09:33 AM
Re: Which branch should I choose between Civil, EEE, ECE and CSE?

civil or cse which group has high job oppurtunities and which group i have to select please tel me and which group has bright future
13th May 2014 01:22 PM
Re: Which branch should I choose between Civil, EEE, ECE and CSE?

13th May 2014 09:25 AM
Re: Which branch should I choose between Civil, EEE, ECE and CSE?

hi, i've completed my 12 and is now a bit confused which branch to opt for .please tell me which branch will be better for me between cse,ece,eee or ele ? I,m interested in physics and a little bit of mathematics but i dont have much knowledge about computers as it was not my subject in 11 and 12 .Also suggest me which branch will have more job opportunities with high paying salary among these branches in coming future and also tell me which branch will be good in the research field and as a girl which of these will be better to opt ?

Please reply fast as it's about my whole career and i'm reall tensed and confused if you suggest me it'll be a great help for me .please reply soon!!!
13th May 2014 09:23 AM
Re: Which branch should I choose between Civil, EEE, ECE and CSE?

hi, i've completed my 12 and is now a bit confused which branch to opt for .please tell me which branch will be better for me between cse,ece,eee or ele ? I,m interested in physics and a little bit of mathematics but i dont have much knowledge about computers as it was not my subject in 11 and 12 .Also suggest me which branch will have more job opportunities with high paying salary among these branches in coming future and also tell me which branch will be good in the research field and as a girl which of these will be better to opt ?

Please reply fast as it's about my whole career and i'm reall tensed and confused if you suggest me it'll be a great help for me .please reply soon!!!
18th April 2014 11:16 AM
Re: Which branch should I choose between Civil, EEE, ECE and CSE?

4th October 2013 05:49 PM
Re: Which branch should I choose between Civil, EEE, ECE and CSE?

i got CSE in a prestigious college but i dont have computer as a subject till 12 and i probably dont have musch knowledge about computer science. so what shall i do know?
17th July 2013 09:13 PM
Re: Which branch should I choose between Civil, EEE, ECE and CSE?

I Am Intreated In Computers programing langveg and communicaahan but not physics.....
so halp me which line i chuse....
E.c. Or C.e.
17th July 2013 12:47 PM
Re: Which branch should I choose between Civil, EEE, ECE and CSE?

i have finished my 12 th std and i got eee so in second councelling shd i change to ece or cse but most probably i wont get ece and if there is any seat left in cse i may opt for this branch ,so before that i want to know whether eee or cse is a good branch ,has got a good future and good job and plz reply soon whether i shd take eee or cse.
13th July 2013 12:21 PM
Re: Which branch should I choose between Civil, EEE, ECE and CSE?

Hai, you can join any of the branch. Each and every branch are inter linked with other branches and also has it's own importance in society. I think you are completed your intermediate, based on your interest you can choose you branch.
If you are good at maths and physics then you can choose ECE. For this you need to have some imagination skills and logical thinking.
If you are god at Physics and Maths and Drawing then you can do Mechanical. For this branch you need to have some observation and analytical skills.
For CSE ,if you are good at programs and logic then you can suitable to this field.If you have good memory power drawing skills and theoretical knowledge then you can take civil.If you are interest in Physics and maths and you can take EEE.
12th July 2013 10:42 PM
Re: Which branch should I choose between Civil, EEE, ECE and CSE?

Four streams are good , based on your future hiring like ms are do you like to do in top mnc companies in software so you should choose cse.
if you have more interest in electronics applications .so you have good future in it
There is more government sector jobs for mechanical and civil these are some what difficult streams but there have good package for that people .
In my opinion you should choose Cse or Ece.
12th July 2013 10:07 PM
Re: Which branch should I choose between Civil, EEE, ECE and CSE?

Does cse has life in future days, with good payment and incentives specially for girls,PLZZZZZZ answer my quetion
9th July 2013 07:58 PM
Re: Which branch should I choose between Civil, EEE, ECE and CSE?

Originally Posted by im maitreya View Post
which branch should i choose civil or eee or ece or cse ???..please tell me
Here I won't tell which branch you need to take but I will give the way to choose the right branch. Different Branches have different scope as per industrial application is concern. All all you passion , determination to tell the world that I am this.Every branch of engineering require prerequisite knowledge to do well.

You must select your branch based upon your apptitute, interests, opportunities, job market trend and scope for further education and research in respective branch.
Student’s interest is the main determinator of the branch.
If you are interested in rearing troubled scooter, car or fan, you can think that you are interested in Mechanical.
If you were interested in understanding the functions of electrical wiring, switches, radio and television…you may opt for Electrical and Electronics.
If you are a fan of mega dams and constructions, you can opt for Civil engineering.
Besides your interest, you have to factor in facts such as your rank, available branches, present market trend, further educational opprtunites and selecte a Branch. Your interest in basic science subjects viz. physics, mathematics and chemistry also determine the selction of your branch. For example, if you are interested in physics, you can select ECE, EEE and Mechanical branches.
If you are good at Maths and Logic, you can think about CSE and IT. These days, research is also emerging as one of the kep future prospects. Hence, you should also keep research opprutnites of different branches before you select one.

It is the turning point of your life take the decision correctly

All The Best
9th July 2013 02:54 PM
Re: Which branch should I choose between Civil, EEE, ECE and CSE?

does civil engg. has good job opportunities in govt. jobs or private ones????
Or Shall I take CSE as most of my peer group is taking (but unlike them I have not studied Computer Science in 12 class) ?
Please reply in terms of Job Opportunities after 4 years in both public & private sector ?
And also is it better to do a M.Tech after B.Tech to fetch a high paying PERMANENT job ?
4th July 2013 02:13 PM
Re: Which branch should I choose between Civil, EEE, ECE and CSE?

i got 3868 obc rank in iit will i get any iit. Any branch except chemical,cs,metalurgical.plzzzzz.......answer in 3 days
2nd July 2013 09:04 AM
Re: Which branch should I choose between Civil, EEE, ECE and CSE?

The choices you have given are a blend of core and non-core branches.Core branches such as civil and EEE have an evergreen demand and the every year new jobs are created.But on the other hand, if you consider ECE and CSE,they are non-core i.e. they do not have a stable market value but still have a greater scope than the earlier ones when they boom up.Last but not the least,your interest also matters
28th June 2013 11:18 PM
Re: Which branch should I choose between Civil, EEE, ECE and CSE?

Hello friend...

Each group has its own importance.....its totally based on you....

If you have good knowledge in physics,mathematics...then choose ece or eee...which are bit tough groups but they support you alot...this field is evergreen......

Ifyou are intrested in software knowing alot about computer....i suggest you to take cse...

Civil is good for boys rather than girls.....

I hope you will choose good group....

All the best dear..........
28th June 2013 07:53 PM
Re: Which branch should I choose between Civil, EEE, ECE and CSE?

hi bros ,
am interested in CSC and EEE ... though i didnt get good marks in 12th(993) .. i know much about computers since i hav been using them from my childhood ...y am interested in CSC becauz ... csc deals with languages ... and it will b useful when i get into IT Companies .. and helps me shine .. !
EEE becauz .. though the subject is tough .. after completing ... i can go into industry ,core ,.. IT side, .. many options are der .. !
i wanted to get into IT companies and shine .. please help me out ...!
25th June 2013 09:28 PM
Re: Which branch should I choose between Civil, EEE, ECE and CSE?

iam good at maths not much in physics and chemistry which group would you suggest to me ece or eee
22nd June 2013 11:12 AM
Re: Which branch should I choose between Civil, EEE, ECE and CSE?

I didn't have computer science in class 12 but physics. So cse or ece which one will be easier to me?
19th June 2013 10:49 AM
Re: Which branch should I choose between Civil, EEE, ECE and CSE?

I am extremely intrested in physics and very good in programming in JAVA and C, I've started modifying windows, creating softwares many years ago, but now i want to study "Quantum Mechanics", "Relativistic Physics". I also want to be rich.

Please help me to select a trade should i go with my Interest(Physics) or with my Specialty(Software).
12th June 2013 06:30 PM
Re: Which branch should I choose between Civil, EEE, ECE and CSE?

i am good at both maths and chemistry..i don't like physics at all..but yet managed to score well in my board exam!!which branch should i prefer??
11th June 2013 01:13 PM
Re: Which branch should I choose between Civil, EEE, ECE and CSE?

sir,pls tell me which branch is best among ece& civil engineering in upcoming years?
7th June 2013 05:43 PM
Re: Which branch should I choose between Civil, EEE, ECE and CSE?

i am about finishing undergraduate in civil engineering in NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY WARANGAL.I need to know if once completed my degree i can or not get a job abroad like in USA,AUSTRALIA,CANADA.what are requirements?what are the expected salaries over there?any answer is welcome and thanks
4th June 2013 06:33 PM
Re: Which branch should I choose between Civil, EEE, ECE and CSE?

Which branch is good among civil and eee according to future scope?and also which is easy
1st June 2013 08:30 AM
Re: Which branch should I choose between Civil, EEE, ECE and CSE?

Difference between EEE and EIE which is more job in future
Plssssss reply
31st May 2013 08:55 PM
Re: Which branch should I choose between Civil, EEE, ECE and CSE?

Dear ,

In my view, ECE is best because CSE is a filed which has boom, we don't know when ever the boom is high or low.

In polytechnic/Engineering, the core subjects are
1. ECE
2. EEE
3. Mechanical
4. Civil

these subjects have good scope doesn't depend on time. These are bright forever.

Thank you...
26th May 2013 05:20 PM
Re: Which branch should I choose between Civil, EEE, ECE and CSE?

I have passed my ssc and i am joining to polytechnic . I want to know which stream goes best in the future after 2019
22nd April 2013 07:23 PM
Re: Which branch should I choose between Civil, EEE, ECE and CSE?

I want to study i just want to know that which stream is best to get a good job in future year of 2017-2018 ????........i know all is good but in which stream i will get better chance ????
12th February 2013 11:05 PM
Re: Which branch should I choose between Civil, EEE, ECE and CSE?

For girls ECE & CSE ae quit handy and comfortable,EEE must not be ur choice unless u a cableguy type..and Civil is the most useful one fo having a handsome job..but still it isnt the girl type of stream..So go for either ECE/CSE.But nevertheless it must be your choice from inside and what u have the zeal for..Best of luck
12th February 2013 09:53 PM
Re: Which branch should I choose between Civil, EEE, ECE and CSE?

which brunch is good for career EEE or CSE i have interest in both
5th December 2012 05:28 PM
Re: Which branch should I choose between Civil, EEE, ECE and CSE?

Hi friend,

As per current market scenario you can go for electrical engineering in a good institute if possible.
Because in electrical engineering you will have a great carieer in core sector and also if you are interested you can join software line.

2nd one is civil engineering.Now a days it is in high demand.
Choose as per your liking subjects.

6th October 2012 10:14 AM
Re: Which branch should I choose between Civil, EEE, ECE and CSE?

is eee in is hard??
27th September 2012 12:48 PM
Re: Which branch should I choose between Civil, EEE, ECE and CSE?

i am notgood at maths but some what good at phy i like that sub so which branch i should prefer plzzzzzzzzz help me out of this?
26th August 2012 12:47 PM
Re: Which branch should I choose between Civil, EEE, ECE and CSE?

is civil engg is harder to study ans to my question?????????????????????????????????????
18th August 2012 01:38 AM
Re: Which branch should I choose between Civil, EEE, ECE and CSE?

i am good at mathematics and i am not perfect in drawing but i want to take civil is it right or wrong? and i have little bit interest in physics and i heard that civil branch has low salaries is it right or not and is civil branch should have a stout body with good stamina? these are my questions so answer these questions as early as possible because i am in confused state sir.
11th July 2012 11:35 PM
Re: Which branch should I choose between Civil, EEE, ECE and CSE?

which is better medical or engineering? In engineering which branch has is has better scope?
9th July 2012 08:06 PM
Re: Which branch should I choose between Civil, EEE, ECE and CSE?

heyy dear,
All branches are good in their own way.. its totallyy depend on u that in which branch u have intrst in. if have done ur 12 in electronics or cse den go thru it.. All branches have their careerr in professional world..!!! so go in ur way n apply for the branch u like..
Best Luck..!!!
9th July 2012 12:07 PM
Re: Which branch should I choose between Civil, EEE, ECE and CSE?

which group is better for girls? Ece, cse or eee? Pls answer
1st July 2012 10:28 PM
Re: Which branch should I choose between Civil, EEE, ECE and CSE?

Originally Posted by im maitreya View Post
which branch should i choose civil or eee or ece or cse ???..please tell me
first prefer tocivil then to eee and ece and cse because in civil goverment jobs are more .eee stands for electrical by doing eee we can go any where like ias,it msade ,electrical alssssssssso
1st July 2012 06:32 PM
Re: Which branch should I choose between Civil, EEE, ECE and CSE?

i want to choose eee,so what will be the chapters in that branch?
23rd June 2012 11:54 PM
Re: Which branch should I choose between Civil, EEE, ECE and CSE?

See most placed students in Velammal college of engineering
The order is CSC, EEE,ECE, MECH and CIVIL
So choose EEE, it has wide opportunities like IT/Core/Govt sector
Much scope in future studies
-Simon bsnl
14th June 2012 12:46 PM
Re: Which branch should I choose between Civil, EEE, ECE and CSE?

what are the jobs that come under EEE?
31st May 2012 11:52 AM
Re: Which branch should I choose between Civil, EEE, ECE and CSE?

hi....I am good in mathematics and chemistry...In fact i really enjoy,which branch of engineering suits me the best....plssss do help me.....THANK YOU
24th May 2012 07:51 PM
Re: Which branch should I choose between Civil, EEE, ECE and CSE?

This question is entirely left to your intrest......many oppourtunities are now available in engineering career have mentioned 3 branches of your interest

In case of civil,,,you can pursue job at constructional companies
and for EEE,you can go for power plants,electrical and electronics core..
and lastly for CSE,,you can move to software,networking,web design...etc

select the stream that suits you well

all the best!
24th May 2012 11:43 AM
Re: Which branch should I choose between Civil, EEE, ECE and CSE?

what is the difference between cse and it branches??
21st May 2012 01:11 PM
Re: Which branch should I choose between Civil, EEE, ECE and CSE?

what can i study???which one is best between ECE and CIVIL???is EIE has a better future??
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