Thread: Which university in Tamilnadu provides MBA in Aviation Management through distance education? Reply to Thread

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23rd February 2013 06:30 AM
Re: Which university in Tamilnadu provides MBA in Aviation Management through distance education?


List of university in Tamilnadu providesMBA in Aviation Management through distance education:-

#.Anna University
#.Alagappa University
#.-Bharathidasan University
#.Meenakshi Academy of Higher Education and Research
#.Madras University
#.St. Peter's University
#.Mother Teresa Womens University
#.Pondicherry University (Pondicherry)
#.Tamilnadu Open University
22nd February 2013 09:37 PM
Re: Which university in Tamilnadu provides MBA in Aviation Management through distance education?

Following Universities offer Distance Education MBA in Aviation Management in Tamil Nadu:

-Alagappa University

-Anna University

-Annamalai University

-Bharathiar University

-Bharathidasan University

-Karpagam University

-Madras University

-Madurai Kamaraj University

-Manonmaniam Sundaranar University

-Meenakshi Academy of Higher Education and Research

-Mother Teresa Womens University

-Periyar University

-Pondicherry University (Pondicherry)

-St. Peter's University

-Tamilnadu Open University

-Thiruvalluvar University

-Vinayaka Missions University
22nd February 2013 07:55 PM
Re: Which university in Tamilnadu provides MBA in Aviation Management through distance education?


University in Tamil Nadu provides MBA in Aviation Management through Distance Education are :

  • Alagappa University
  • Anna University
  • Annamalai University
  • Bharathiar University
  • Bharathidasan University
  • Karpagam University
  • Madras University
  • Madurai Kamaraj University
  • Manonmaniam Sundaranar University
  • Periyar University
  • Pondicherry University (Pondicherry)
  • Tamilnadu Open University
  • Thiruvalluvar University

22nd February 2013 07:38 PM
Re: Which university in Tamilnadu provides MBA in Aviation Management through distance education?

Hi Guest,

No university in Tamil Nadu provides MBA in Aviation management through distance mode.

There are various other universities and colleges available which will be giving admission into various other courses.

So select the better course in order to get admission into the top colleges.

Thank you,

All the best.
22nd February 2013 07:37 PM
Re: Which university in Tamilnadu provides MBA in Aviation Management through distance education?

Hi Guest,

No university in Tamil Nadu provides MBA in Aviation management through distance mode.

There are various other universities and colleges available which will be giving admission into various other courses.

So select the better course in order to get admission into the top colleges.

Thank you,

All the best.
22nd February 2013 06:51 PM
Re: Which university in Tamilnadu provides MBA in Aviation Management through distance education?

Following are the universities which provides MBA in Aviation Management through distance education.
1) Anna University
2) Institute of Distance Education
3) SRM University
4) Dr.Ambedkar Law Universirty
22nd February 2013 05:48 PM
Re: Which university in Tamilnadu provides MBA in Aviation Management through distance education?

why cant i study MBA in aviation management through distance learning?
11th July 2012 10:43 AM
Re: Which university in Tamilnadu provides MBA in Aviation Management through distance education?

madurai kamaraj is about to announce mba in aviation management this calendar year as per the university news. cant wait for them to start the program and join asap! can anybody advise the benefits and drawbacks (if any) of this course?
1st May 2012 12:28 AM
Re: Which university in Tamilnadu provides MBA in Aviation Management through distance education?

it is better to study MBA aviation management as FULL TIME COURSE, becoz u get practical training in airports and IATA certification course ,which makes u industry ready and get good lucrative job offers. Kasturi institute of management studies offers MBA in airlines and airport management under Bharathiar University. Join there and do ur MBA .All the best.
21st February 2012 03:52 PM
Re: Which university in Tamilnadu provides MBA in Aviation Management through distance education?

after completing B.E aeronautics, what course in management studies we hv to prefer???and where that course is available in TAMILNADU????
29th December 2011 06:40 PM
Re: Which university in Tamilnadu provides MBA in Aviation Management through distance education?

m.b.a aviation management course details and colleges in tamilnadu
7th December 2011 10:54 AM
Re: Which university in Tamilnadu provides MBA in Aviation Management through distance education?

There is no colleges provide MBA in Aviation Management through distance education

however the following colleges offer MBA through distance education in various disciplines

1. Centre for Distance Education (CDE) (Anna University) Chennai

Master of Business Administration (MBA)

MBA (Financial Services Management)

MBA (Retail Management)
MBA (Health Services Management)

MBA (Human Resources Management)

MBA (Technology Management)

Contact Details:
Centre for Distance Education,
Anna University,
Chennai - 600 025

2. Institute of Distance Education, University of Madras Chennai

Diploma course in Management

Master of Business Administration(MBA)

Contact Details:

Institute of Distance Education, IDE
Tel:25385539; 25393347 Extn: 413
Chepauk, Chennai - 600005

Ph:- 25393347 / 25393348
25393353 / 25393354

3. SRM University-Virtual Education Chennai

M.B.A. (Master of Business Administration)

Contact Details:

SRM University- Virtual Education

#3, Veerasamy Street, West Mambalam,

Chennai - 600 033.

Phone : 0091-44- 24742836, 24747231, 24892621, 24893688

Fax : 0091-44- 24748925

email : [email protected]

4. The Tamil Nadu Dr. Ambedkar Law University Chennai
25th November 2011 06:42 PM
Re: Which university in Tamilnadu provides MBA in Aviation Management through distance education?

MBA in Aviation Management will give you an opportunity to understand the challenges faced by the air transport industry. Universities in Tamilnadu that provide the course through correspondence are Hindustan University, Anna University, Nehru College of Aeronautics and Applied Science, etc. Since air transport industry plays a vital role in the present era, the course offers various employment opportunities in the field of employee management. Air traffic control is one of the most important areas of growth in aviation management. The companies that offer jobs for masters in Aviation Management are Indian Airlines, Multi Track Air Charters, Sahara India, Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd, Deccan Airlines etc.
16th November 2011 10:05 PM
Which university in Tamilnadu provides MBA in Aviation Management through distance education?

I'm doing 2nd year business management in Andhra pradesh. Pls tell me which university in tamilnadu provides mba in aviation(airlines) management through distance education and more details regarding to it and let me know the career options in this stream.

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