Thread: central pollution control board syllabus and sample paper for the post of asst. envi Reply to Thread

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7th March 2019 08:06 PM
Re: central pollution control board syllabus and sample paper for the post of asst. envi

Dear Sir, I have done M.Sc.,M.Phil. in Biochemistry department. I am to be written the exam for Environmental%u200B Scientist post in tnpcb year of 2019 ( Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board). What are reference books used for that scientist post Exam? Please inform me if there are any coaching centre.
9th February 2015 03:08 PM
Re: central pollution control board syllabus and sample paper for the post of asst. envi

Kindly provide me the previous question papers of Junior scientific assistant, pollution control board kerala
25th June 2013 08:49 PM
Re: central pollution control board syllabus and sample paper for the post of asst. envi

Kindly provide the model question papers and syllabus for environmental assitant engineer

25th June 2013 08:46 PM
Re: central pollution control board syllabus and sample paper for the post of asst. envi

i want previous years papers for the post of assistant environment engineer in pollution board as well as syllabus
19th May 2013 08:15 PM
Re: central pollution control board syllabus and sample paper for the post of asst. envi

syllubus for Andhra pradesh pollution control board exam? what is the pattern of the exam of ap control board?
2nd September 2012 02:51 AM
Re: central pollution control board syllabus and sample paper for the post of asst. envi

Sir, when will environment engineer recruitment notification come in andhrapradesh, for this year from appcb? kindly let me know.
25th July 2012 09:22 PM
savan kumar chaitanya
Re: central pollution control board syllabus and sample paper for the post of asst. envi

I will advice you to opt for books and magazines of 'pratyogita darpan'

and also the magazines of 'mtg'.

they are the best ones for crunching of any competitive nuts
22nd July 2012 06:46 PM
Re: central pollution control board syllabus and sample paper for the post of asst. envi

I also need syllabus of senoir/Junior Research fellow for central pollution control board with some sample papers.
Please mail the papers and syallbus on Id. my email id is .
9th July 2012 01:22 PM
Re: central pollution control board syllabus and sample paper for the post of asst. envi

what type of questions will be there ? please let me know.
26th May 2011 08:40 PM
Re: central pollution control board syllabus and sample paper for the post of asst. envi

Kindly provide me the syllabus and scheme of exam for the junior research fellow conducted by central pollution control board

My mail I.D is
12th May 2011 03:26 PM
Re: central pollution control board syllabus and sample paper for the post of asst. envi

kindly provide syllabus/ sample paper for the post of SRF exm in CPCB
11th May 2011 02:45 PM
Re: central pollution control board syllabus and sample paper for the post of asst. envi

Kindly provide the sample papers for LDc exam of central pollution control board

Deep kaur
27th March 2011 11:46 AM
Re: central pollution control board syllabus and sample paper for the post of asst. envi

I want a previous quiz model paper for master level in the field of soil pollution water and marine pollution thanks
27th January 2011 02:03 PM
west bengal pollution control board syllabus and sample paper for the post of asst. envi

where is ques paper?
I want previos year question papers for environmental assistant engg. post for instrumentation engg. if any one idea plz inform... pattern, subjects etc.
16th January 2011 03:27 PM
Re: central pollution control board syllabus and sample paper for the post of asst. envi

Hello Dear,
I am providing you the link to download sample papers ...please visit the following link
23rd December 2010 11:30 AM
Re: central pollution control board syllabus and sample paper for the post of asst. envi

Kindly provide the model question papers and syllabus for environmental assitant engineer.
11th December 2010 02:02 PM
Re: central pollution control board syllabus and sample paper for the post of asst. envi

Sir I want to model question paper and previous question paper of Central Pollution Control Board Exams for post of Scientists B.
plz tell me about the papers and give me old papers if you have.

Santosh Kumar Basethia
29th November 2010 01:41 PM
Re: central pollution control board syllabus and sample paper for the post of asst. envi

Any one can tell me what type of the preparation has to do for the interview at Gujarat pollution control board (GPCB), what material are available for the same. or where some old question papers are available
11th July 2010 10:49 PM
Re: central pollution control board syllabus and sample paper for the post of asst. envi

6th March 2010 11:34 PM
Re: central pollution control board syllabus and sample paper for the post of asst. envi

Get the PDF file of the syllabus from the below site:
You can get the syllabus from the book stores also........
15th February 2010 10:11 PM
Re: central pollution control board syllabus and sample paper for the post of asst. envi

central pollution control board syllabus and sample paper for the post of asst. envi can be downloaded from the following sites :-
15th January 2010 10:51 PM
Re: central pollution control board syllabus and sample paper for the post of asst. envi

you must refer books for competitive exam such as pratiyogita darpan , mtg etc these are the best books .and practice from last year papers .you can download from the official website
15th January 2010 07:46 PM
Re: central pollution control board syllabus and sample paper for the post of asst. envi

you will get the previous years model papers and questions at
all the best
28th November 2009 01:44 PM
Shafna Ashmi.A
Re: central pollution control board syllabus and sample paper for the post of asst.

For syllabus and other details visit ::: Central Polution Control Board :::....
u can get sample previous year question papers through online.........
28th November 2009 01:41 AM
Re: central pollution control board syllabus and sample paper for the post of asst.

Refer competative exams books available in the market like rs agrwal,pratyogita darpan,english book.or else search on net.all the best
27th November 2009 07:52 PM
Re: central pollution control board syllabus and sample paper for the post of asst.

I will advice you to opt for books and magazines of 'pratyogita darpan'

and also the magazines of 'mtg'.

they are the best ones for crunching of any competitive nuts
18th November 2009 06:02 PM
central pollution control board syllabus and sample paper for the post of asst. envi

sample paper for d post of asst. envrnm in central pollution control board

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