Thread: How much to score in GATE to get admission in ME/M.Tech course offered by IISC? Reply to Thread

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18th September 2013 12:04 AM
Re: How much to score in GATE to get admission in ME/M.Tech course offered by IISC?

Can MSc Electronics graduates with a valid GATE score apply for ME programmes in IISc? In the IISc website the eligibility is given as BTech or equivalent.
7th March 2013 10:18 PM
Re: How much to score in GATE to get admission in ME/M.Tech course offered by IISC?

go to this url :

you can get all the cutoff details there on this website....
all the best...!!!!
2nd February 2013 12:46 PM
Re: How much to score in GATE to get admission in ME/M.Tech course offered by IISC?

Originally Posted by austere View Post
Hello all,
I'd like to know how much do i need to score (in terms of Percentile/Rank/Score) in GATE in order to be able to get an admission in the ME/M.Tech courses offered by the IISc.
I have a BE degree in EEE
Dear Aspirant,

The Gate rank for the IISC is varied from caste to caste.Since we have reservation in the allotment of seats.

So you should have mention your caste also.Even though it is not a problem.I can give the 2012 statistics.

According to 2012 admissions in the IISC.The EEE stream report stats from IISC for general category to PH category.

Stats for IISC in 2012:

Gen: 600

OBC: 500

SC/ST/: 100

PH: 500


Hope this info helps you.

All the best for your future endeavor's.

Any more Queries.
Don't Hesitate to ask me. Am happy to help you always. Just ping to my profile.

Best Regards,
2nd February 2013 11:18 AM
Re: How much to score in GATE to get admission in ME/M.Tech course offered by IISC?

how much rank is required to get admission in iisc for mechanical for obc for
8th June 2012 03:42 PM
Re: How much to score in GATE to get admission in ME/M.Tech course offered by IISC?

i would like to know that how much marks should be scored for taking admission in iisc in m.tec for mechanical branch?please reply soon
15th March 2012 07:22 PM
Re: How much to score in GATE to get admission in ME/M.Tech course offered by IISC?

In gate-2012
Marks Obtained: 39 Out of 100
GATE Score: 411
All India Rank: 9125
No of Candidates Appeared in CS: 156780
Plrase send me the cutoff of various institutes where I should apply for ME/MTech. My email id is [email protected]

29th January 2012 11:28 PM
Re: How much to score in GATE to get admission in ME/M.Tech course offered by IISC?

i scored 43.43 marks and 1111 all india rank in EE engineering in gate-2011 plz tell me what is my persentile and send me the cutoff of iisc intrance in ms.(engg) my email id is [email protected]
15th December 2011 03:33 PM
Re: How much to score in GATE to get admission in ME/M.Tech course offered by IISC?

i would like to know that how much marks should be scored for taking admission in iisc in m.tec for electronic and comm.branch?please reply soon
12th September 2011 01:16 AM
Re: How much to score in GATE to get admission in ME/M.Tech course offered by IISC?

how many marks need to get admission in
10th September 2011 11:55 PM
How much to score in GATE to get admission in ME/M.Tech course offered by IISC?

Hello all,
I'd like to know how much do i need to score (in terms of Percentile/Rank/Score) in GATE in order to be able to get an admission in the ME/M.Tech courses offered by the IISc.
I have a BE degree in EEE

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