Thread: Colleges after GATE score of 30? Companies recruiting on the basis of GATE scores? Reply to Thread

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3rd April 2013 10:02 PM
Re: Colleges after GATE score of 30? Companies recruiting on the basis of GATE scores?

sir,i got 25.33 marks in GATE-2013(ECE),which colleges are good for me to join in M.Tech?in which colleges i may get the admission.please suggest me.
30th March 2013 11:52 AM
Re: Colleges after GATE score of 30? Companies recruiting on the basis of GATE scores?

I got 15.6/100 marks in GATE 2013 in cse. Not qualified however i wish to know the GATE 2013 score as per the new GATE 2013 score formula.So can someone please tell the score for 15.6 marks. And by the way i already have the formula so no formulas please.
30th March 2013 11:48 AM
Re: Colleges after GATE score of 30? Companies recruiting on the basis of GATE scores?

I got 15.6/100 marks in GATE 2013 in cse. Not qualified however i wish to know my GATE score. Can someone tell me my score for 15.6 marks as per new GATE 2013 formula.I already have the formula by the way so no formula plz :|
26th March 2013 11:24 AM
Re: Colleges after GATE score of 30? Companies recruiting on the basis of GATE scores?

sir i got 30 mrks in gate 2013 in electrical eng & i belongs to obc my AIR 14295... what colloge i can get ?
22nd March 2013 08:31 AM
Re: Colleges after GATE score of 30? Companies recruiting on the basis of GATE scores?

sir i got 28.67 marks in ece my gate score is 328 and rank is category is obc....what college can i get?
and sir for nanotechnology which clg i can get?
18th March 2013 02:12 AM
Re: Colleges after GATE score of 30? Companies recruiting on the basis of GATE scores?

sr i have got 35.67 marks an rank is 13142 in ece in gate 2013, can i get any top nit , or any nit reply as soon as possible .............thnx
17th March 2013 11:41 PM
yashwar sharma S.G.
Re: Colleges after GATE score of 30? Companies recruiting on the basis of GATE scores?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
sir i hv got 20out of 100 (with score 290) in gate 2013 in computer science stream. i belong to sc category. could to tell me whether i could get admission in anna university(ceg) chennai ?
hello dear,

With a gate score of 20 out of 100, it is a very less score, so it would be difficult to get good colleges, nowdays its very competitive and even 30 marks will not get NITs, But you can try for other colleges, you can also apply for TANCET 2013 if you want colleges in tamilnadu.

Last year, one of my friends in CS branch, he got 28.33 in SC, he got PSG college, so you can also try for it. If you dont get good colleges and you can drop one year and prepare next year. It will be better for you.

Good Luck!!
17th March 2013 10:13 PM
Re: Colleges after GATE score of 30? Companies recruiting on the basis of GATE scores?

sir i hv got 20out of 100 (with score 290) in gate 2013 in computer science stream. i belong to sc category. could to tell me whether i could get admission in anna university(ceg) chennai ?
15th March 2013 08:43 PM
Re: Colleges after GATE score of 30? Companies recruiting on the basis of GATE scores?

My gate score 2013 is 28.67 nd gate score card is 328 nd AìR 22673 can i ellible for iit nd nit nd my branch is ece
15th March 2013 08:14 PM
Re: Colleges after GATE score of 30? Companies recruiting on the basis of GATE scores?

Iam from computer science branch ...My gate score 2013 is 26/100 and the cut off hi 25.....i have cleared the cut off AIR is 10788...i want to know in what colleges can i apply?
15th March 2013 04:26 PM
Re: Colleges after GATE score of 30? Companies recruiting on the basis of GATE scores?

I got a 44.67 out of 100 in GATE and I am from eee branch and I am an oc group in which college can i get admission?
Plz reply me at my email id- [email protected]
11th February 2013 06:04 PM
Re: Colleges after GATE score of 30? Companies recruiting on the basis of GATE scores?

I have got 30 marks out of 100 in GATE and I am from ECE branch of OBCGL group.Am I eligible for any IIT or NIT??
Plz reply me at my email id -: [email protected]
13th May 2012 11:51 PM
Re: Colleges after GATE score of 30? Companies recruiting on the basis of GATE scores?

please send me detail for collage for which i am eligible on me e-mail id:[email protected]
Thank yoU
27th March 2012 10:36 PM
Re: Colleges after GATE score of 30? Companies recruiting on the basis of GATE scores?

i have qualified gate 2012 with 30.33 and score 293 in BE final branch is cse and OBC catogary.Can get admission in NITs.
please send me detail for collage for which i am eligible on me e-mail id:[email protected]
Thank you
25th March 2012 11:35 AM
Re: Colleges after GATE score of 30? Companies recruiting on the basis of GATE scores?

Please sir, i qualified gate 2012 with score 545 and 36.5marks and AIR 1880 percentile is 98.3.. branch is EEE . plzz suggest.. in which college i should apply and what are the possible government jobs that i can get through this gate score and i also want to know private companies recruiting through gate [email protected]
23rd March 2012 06:42 PM
Re: Colleges after GATE score of 30? Companies recruiting on the basis of GATE scores?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
marks obtained 32.33 out of 100 gate score 467 air 3486 general category chances of admission in iit nit
Which dept are u from?
20th March 2012 02:11 PM
Re: Colleges after GATE score of 30? Companies recruiting on the basis of GATE scores?

marks obtained 32.33 out of 100 gate score 467 air 3486 general category chances of admission in iit nit
16th March 2012 09:02 PM
Re: Colleges after GATE score of 30? Companies recruiting on the basis of GATE scores?

sir,i have scored 30 out of 100 in general category ,will i get seat in Anna University chennai for M.E, i belong to EEE department B.E ?
30th December 2011 07:34 AM
Re: Colleges after GATE score of 30? Companies recruiting on the basis of GATE scores?

sir ,
i have sored 64.04% in from uptu, can i eligible for psu or gate exam, let suppose if i will scored good marks, will get in iit for
how many company have criteria below 65%???, sir please give me the list of that companies
13th September 2011 11:13 AM
Re: Colleges after GATE score of 30? Companies recruiting on the basis of GATE scores?

tell what the percentile need for BHEL,IOCL,NTPC.....IN gate score and i am O.B.C and Instrumentation and control Engg.These Companies call for interview...Email:[email protected]
18th May 2011 12:12 PM
Re: Colleges after GATE score of 30? Companies recruiting on the basis of GATE scores?

sir i had got 27 marks and 351 gate score in cse (gen).......
will i get any nit .......
other than nit which college is good
16th May 2011 02:43 PM
Re: Colleges after GATE score of 30? Companies recruiting on the basis of GATE scores?

my gate mark is 29.67 score 353 obc categery ECE branch sir please give the list of the colleges can i get my email [email protected]
16th May 2011 02:31 PM
Re: Colleges after GATE score of 30? Companies recruiting on the basis of GATE scores?

MY gate mark is 29.67 score 353 ECE branch obc categery please give the list of the colleges can i get my email [email protected]
14th May 2011 04:29 PM
Re: Colleges after GATE score of 30? Companies recruiting on the basis of GATE scores?

my gate rank is6368 and gate score is 469 in computer science branch can i expect nit
20th April 2011 04:07 PM
Re: Colleges after GATE score of 30? Companies recruiting on the basis of GATE scores?

sir, my name is khursheed farhan and my gate score is 35 am i prepare for nit or iocl
6th April 2011 12:23 PM
Re: Colleges after GATE score of 30? Companies recruiting on the basis of GATE scores?

i scored 25 gate score in mechanical branch .which college should i prefer for mtech admission?
25th March 2011 09:56 PM
Re: Colleges after GATE score of 30? Companies recruiting on the basis of GATE scores?

Please sir, i qualified gate 2011 with score 432 and 33.9marks and AIR 8329 percentile is 93.3.. branch is computer science and i belongs to obc category . plzz suggest.. in which college i should apply and what are the possible government jobs that i can get through this gate score......... [email protected]
23rd March 2011 02:45 AM
Re: Colleges after GATE score of 30? Companies recruiting on the basis of GATE scores?

sir, i qualified gate 2011 with score 500 and AIR 510.. percentile is 97.2.. branch is instrumentation.. plzz suggest.. in which college i should apply and what are the possible government jobs that i can get through this gate score......... [email protected]
22nd March 2011 01:00 PM
Re: Colleges after GATE score of 30? Companies recruiting on the basis of GATE scores?

sir my gate result is following
AIR- 2344, MARKS- 30, SCORE- 399, STREAM- civil engg. (GEN.)
I m doing my final year with agg. of 55%
so what are my chances..... which colleges, can i get admission in nits... or can i get mnit allahabad, H.B.T.I kanpur, jadhavpur university, bengal coll. of engg.,bits pilani, bits mesra

plz sir suggest me some gov. or good private colleges... plzzzzzz sir
19th March 2011 07:31 PM
Re: Colleges after GATE score of 30? Companies recruiting on the basis of GATE scores?

sir,my gate marks is 18 and score is 181....i m belonging to s.c categorg....can i get admission in any college in india or reply at [email protected]
19th March 2011 07:13 PM
Re: Colleges after GATE score of 30? Companies recruiting on the basis of GATE scores?

sir my marks is 25.33 which is less than cut off 26.08 in ee can i get any college
19th March 2011 01:38 PM
Re: Colleges after GATE score of 30? Companies recruiting on the basis of GATE scores?

Sir i got the marks 33.33 my gate score is 402 my branch is E.C.E
also in o.b.c can i aplly for in N.I.T
PLz rply
18th March 2011 11:41 PM
Re: Colleges after GATE score of 30? Companies recruiting on the basis of GATE scores?

my gate 2011 rank is 5079
i got 39 marks
which colleges i should apply for admission?
can i get admission to nit surat?
18th March 2011 04:36 PM
Re: Colleges after GATE score of 30? Companies recruiting on the basis of GATE scores?

I am an ece student got gate rank 47 out of 100 and a gate score of 562 for 1000 i am oc will i get any admisson in iits r nits r pls tell me any institution which is best and good placements
17th March 2011 09:33 PM
Re: Colleges after GATE score of 30? Companies recruiting on the basis of GATE scores?

I secured a GATE score of 182 in instrumentation engg branch in GATE 2011,what colleges can i get for mtech?
17th March 2011 09:13 PM
Re: Colleges after GATE score of 30? Companies recruiting on the basis of GATE scores?

If your marks are 30 then the expected rank for you is


Companies that recruit the students in this way considering.

Grade A companies will consider the students who got a 90 percentile +

Grade B companies will consider the students who qualified for Gate.

only these companies will consider the Gate as a parameter

Don't loose your hope

if your not satisfied once again give a powerful try next year.

all the best

17th March 2011 07:41 PM
Re: Colleges after GATE score of 30? Companies recruiting on the basis of GATE scores?

I have scored 44.67 in GATE 2011 with score of 464.I am OBC(NC) query is:- Will i be able to get an admission in DTU for the academic year 2011-13?
16th March 2011 07:39 PM
Re: Colleges after GATE score of 30? Companies recruiting on the basis of GATE scores?

sir, my gate score is 156 and i have scored 15.67marks out of 100.will i get admission in any college?
16th March 2011 02:07 PM
Re: Colleges after GATE score of 30? Companies recruiting on the basis of GATE scores?

My branch is EC nd i got 22.67 marks out of 100.
Can i get addmission in SGSITS.
16th March 2011 01:35 AM
Re: Colleges after GATE score of 30? Companies recruiting on the basis of GATE scores?

my gate score is 497 and rank 5079 what should i do now??
16th March 2011 12:55 AM
Re: Colleges after GATE score of 30? Companies recruiting on the basis of GATE scores?


Colleges after GATE score of 30
if you get 30 marks out of 100 in GATE surely it is a good marks and you will clear cut off marks irrespective of the department. with this marks may be you will able to take admission in government institution and you will also avail the stipend. may be you will not get chance in best colleges like IITs but surely you will get chance to take admission in good colleges.
You have not mentioned your branch, so nothing can be said. if you belongs to mechanical engineering branch, then you wont cross even cut-off marks. if from anyother branch then will just cross the cut-off and get some nit colleges

good luck
15th March 2011 07:19 PM
Re: Colleges after GATE score of 30? Companies recruiting on the basis of GATE scores?

my gate score is 33. Wat all institutions can i get? My branch is cs
15th March 2011 04:07 PM
Re: Colleges after GATE score of 30? Companies recruiting on the basis of GATE scores?

I got a score of 32 in Gate-2011 in CH .can I expect to get shortlisted for IOCL job
15th March 2011 11:25 AM
Re: Colleges after GATE score of 30? Companies recruiting on the basis of GATE scores?

my gate score is 37.33 in ece, which college will i get?
5th March 2011 03:21 PM
Re: Colleges after GATE score of 30? Companies recruiting on the basis of GATE scores?

Originally Posted by poojaparihar View Post
i want to knw how much apprx i can expect in gate 2011 with 30 marks out of 100 and in which colleges i can get the admission
i also want to know companies recruiting through gate score
my branch is eee
4th March 2011 11:02 PM
Re: Colleges after GATE score of 30? Companies recruiting on the basis of GATE scores?

my branch is electrical and can i get the admission in dce now dtu delhi institute of technology?
4th March 2011 08:03 AM
Re: Colleges after GATE score of 30? Companies recruiting on the basis of GATE scores?

Congrats for such score

you got 30 out of 10 this is a very good score .you clear the cutoff marks

you admissioned in good govt college(but you can not addmissioned like iit & niit)

it is difficult to said which company hire u in gate score
4th March 2011 01:05 AM
Re: Colleges after GATE score of 30? Companies recruiting on the basis of GATE scores?

Originally Posted by poojaparihar View Post
i want to knw how much apprx i can expect in gate 2011 with 30 marks out of 100 and in which colleges i can get the admission
i also want to know companies recruiting through gate score
4th March 2011 01:03 AM
Re: Colleges after GATE score of 30? Companies recruiting on the basis of GATE scores?

GATE score definitively plays important at the time of interview.GATE score give some additional impression to the interviewer,and may have maximum chance for the job for you.
4th March 2011 12:51 AM
Re: Colleges after GATE score of 30? Companies recruiting on the basis of GATE scores?

you have not mentioned your branch of study so it is difficult to guess your approximate rank. although if you mentioned your branch then also it is not possible to predict the rank because every year the rank varies according to the question difficulty level. the cut off for different branch and for different years varies.

but if you get 30 marks out of 100 in GATE surely it is a good marks and you will clear cut off marks irrespective of the department. with this marks may be you will able to take admission in government institution and you will also avail the stipend. may be you will not get chance in best colleges like IITs but surely you will get chance to take admission in good colleges.

best wishes.
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