Thread: Which companies will give salary of 50 Lakhs for a software engineer from IIT? Reply to Thread

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26th August 2015 03:58 AM
Re: Which companies will give salary of 50 Lakhs for a software engineer from IIT?

I am studying in cse from colleges except IIT,IIT,nit and after this I am doing MS from foreign than what package I can get from the top companies?
Waiting for your response....
23rd May 2015 01:29 PM
Re: Which companies will give salary of 50 Lakhs for a software engineer from IIT?

What os the salary difference between an software engineer and iit software engineer??
23rd July 2014 08:58 PM
Re: Which companies will give salary of 50 Lakhs for a software engineer from IIT?

in automobile engineering how much is the salary is more than 30lakh per annum and what companies can call us like Ferrari etc
please reply
27th November 2013 02:10 PM
Re: Which companies will give salary of 50 Lakhs for a software engineer from IIT?

Which one is better IIT or Birla to earn some money?
10th October 2013 12:00 AM
Re: Which companies will give salary of 50 Lakhs for a software engineer from IIT?

what is a salary of civil
8th August 2013 03:27 PM
Re: Which companies will give salary of 50 Lakhs for a software engineer from IIT?

In IIT so many companies come for the campus placements.In that Facebook recruit the student in very less amount with higher packages more than 50 Laksh for annum.Many of other companies like Wipro,Infosys are offered more than 30 lakhs per annum in less amount.Many of the japan companies preferred to take students from IITs.So they offered more than 50 lakhs per annum.I think this well help you little
6th August 2013 04:48 PM
Re: Which companies will give salary of 50 Lakhs for a software engineer from IIT?

what is the starting salery of a mechanical engg. after degree from Govt college of hptu
28th May 2013 05:15 PM
Re: Which companies will give salary of 50 Lakhs for a software engineer from IIT?

is private colleages good for getting a good job?plz rply.......................
25th April 2013 11:32 PM
Re: Which companies will give salary of 50 Lakhs for a software engineer from IIT?

have passed 10 .... but want to ask that is 80% marks sufficient.... in all the exams....( IIT JEE and all the exams of course ) to get a good salaried job ( minimum 40-50,000/month) in iit....???
13th April 2013 08:48 PM
Re: Which companies will give salary of 50 Lakhs for a software engineer from IIT?

How to crack JEE with superb rank....please give some advise...
4th April 2013 03:40 PM
No 1
Re: Which companies will give salary of 50 Lakhs for a software engineer from IIT?


*** Facebook

*** Google

*** Directi - Little less than 50 lacs

*** Microsoft ( US )

*** Samsung.

All the best................................
4th April 2013 12:38 PM
Re: Which companies will give salary of 50 Lakhs for a software engineer from IIT?

I am a cls 10 student!i want 2 study engg but am confused btwn automobile n software wat shld i choose?
19th March 2013 09:16 PM
Re: Which companies will give salary of 50 Lakhs for a software engineer from IIT?

Im a 12 pass student with 78 pc, what shall i do 2 become a software engineer.
5th February 2013 10:36 AM
Re: Which companies will give salary of 50 Lakhs for a software engineer from IIT?

Which companies will give 50 lakhs package to an electrical engineer?
30th January 2013 03:23 PM
Re: Which companies will give salary of 50 Lakhs for a software engineer from IIT?

I am in class 10th n i wanna bcm a software engineer to have a bright future n ofcourse wish to have a huge salary... plzzz..suggest me some ways to bcm success n fulfil my desire... -Abhishek shukla!
5th January 2013 04:27 PM
Re: Which companies will give salary of 50 Lakhs for a software engineer from IIT?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Which companies are capable of giving a starting salary of 50lakhs for a software engineer studied in IIIT
1) Microsoft(US)
2) Facebook
4)Samsung(International Placement in Korea)
5)Directi--little less than 50 lacs
4th January 2013 06:09 PM
Re: Which companies will give salary of 50 Lakhs for a software engineer from IIT?

In which i will get better salary mechanical or software engennering
13th August 2012 01:01 AM
Re: Which companies will give salary of 50 Lakhs for a software engineer from IIT?

Would you mind explaining the new pattern of IIT-JEE,please?
16th July 2012 04:58 PM
Re: Which companies will give salary of 50 Lakhs for a software engineer from IIT?

in which engineearing higher salary?
civil engineer or software engineer
29th June 2012 12:23 PM
Re: Which companies will give salary of 50 Lakhs for a software engineer from IIT?

i am doing and want to do software engineer course will i get the job after my course
8th June 2012 01:05 PM
Re: Which companies will give salary of 50 Lakhs for a software engineer from IIT?

i had completed B.E. study so now should i do?
6th June 2012 09:44 PM
Re: Which companies will give salary of 50 Lakhs for a software engineer from IIT?

on what basis company like facebook , twitter paying whooping salary of more then 50 lakhs? also on what technologies one can expect of getting this type of salary
in IT?
10th May 2012 07:19 PM
Re: Which companies will give salary of 50 Lakhs for a software engineer from IIT?

actually i am doing B.Sc Maths second year. After my UG which course is best for studying my pg i totally confused plz clear my doubts.
20th April 2012 10:00 PM
Re: Which companies will give salary of 50 Lakhs for a software engineer from IIT?

my percent is 71..i m doing software engineer. my subject ic science maths
20th April 2012 09:51 PM
Re: Which companies will give salary of 50 Lakhs for a software engineer from IIT?

my subject ic science my percent is 71..i m doinf softare enginees..
31st March 2012 07:23 PM
Re: Which companies will give salary of 50 Lakhs for a software engineer from IIT?

my intermediate background is commarce 58% marks.............i am appearing b c a .4th cem.............
30th January 2012 04:09 PM
Re: Which companies will give salary of 50 Lakhs for a software engineer from IIT?

Becoming a Software Engineer is not a difficult task now-a-days .

As you are aware of the Number of Engineering Colleges in the State .
The Number is increasing every year , as a result there are many Engineers coming out , some are well settled and while some are still struggling for Settlement .

In order to become a Software Engineer , you must enter into the field of Engineering which is also called as B'tech i.e Bachelor of Technology .
This is completer 4 - Year regular course divided into 7 Semesters .

You need to appear for Entrance Examination for getting into Engineering field .
The entrance exams are called EAMCET, AIEEE, IIT-JEE, etc .

For this , firstly complete your Intermediate with a good score , so that it gets added as Weightage in the Entrance Examinations like EAMCET .
Once you complete your Intermediate, then you need to appear for the Entrance Examination .
Depending on the Merit in this examinations you are admitted in an Engineering College .

You must choose CSE course , as a Branch in your Engineering , so as to become an Software Engineer .

CSE -- Computer Science Engineering.

>>Computer engineering, also called computer systems engineering, is a discipline that integrates several fields of electrical engineering and computer science required to develop computer systems.

>>Computer Software mainly deals with the Coding , Decoding , Testing , Developing , etc , . You must be creative in nature in order to mingle with the companies .

>>Computer engineers usually have training in electronic engineering, software design, and hardware-software integration instead of only software engineering or electronic engineering. Computer engineers are involved in many hardware and software aspects of computing, from the design of individual microprocessors, personal computers, and supercomputers, to circuit design.

The Fee Structure of the Engineering Colleges are :

The fee structure varies from state to state and college to college and also sometimes depends on the course selected too .
The common tuition fee without any reservation category ranges from 32,000/- to 50,000/- per year as per state govt .

Once you complete this course with a Good Aggregate i.e above 70% , then you are easily get placed in the Software Companies(MNC's) as a Software Engineer .

You can be Programmer , Developer , Tester , Software Designer , Project Manager , Team Leader , Debugger , etc ,.

Good Luck !!!
24th January 2012 07:39 PM
Re: Which companies will give salary of 50 Lakhs for a software engineer from IIT?

Can i give Entrance exam jee-iit in hindi language from kanpur?
11th January 2012 06:04 PM
Re: Which companies will give salary of 50 Lakhs for a software engineer from IIT?

How do i become a software engineer can any one help me ? plzz
22nd December 2011 09:04 PM
Re: Which companies will give salary of 50 Lakhs for a software engineer from IIT?

You should appear for the Joint Entrance Exam(JEE) during your 10 2!
16th December 2011 08:29 PM
Re: Which companies will give salary of 50 Lakhs for a software engineer from IIT?

in order to become iit engineer what should we study
12th December 2011 07:10 PM
Re: Which companies will give salary of 50 Lakhs for a software engineer from IIT?


Some companies such as google and facebook will give more than 50 lakhs.Many more companies can give about that includes Apple,microsoft and many foreign based companys.This year facebook gives 64 lakhs for iit madras student.All the best.

12th December 2011 01:43 PM
Re: Which companies will give salary of 50 Lakhs for a software engineer from IIT?

Some companies such as google and facebook will give more than 50 lakhs.Many more companies can give about that includes Apple,microsoft and many foreign based companys.This year facebook gives 64 lakhs for iit madras student.All the best.
4th December 2011 12:13 PM
Re: Which companies will give salary of 50 Lakhs for a software engineer from IIT?

what is the monthly income of a computer engineer?
17th August 2011 08:52 PM
Which companies will give salary of 50 Lakhs for a software engineer from IIT?

Which companies are capable of giving a starting salary of 50lakhs for a software engineer studied in IIIT

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