Thread: Scope and career prospects in BSc Microbiology stream? Reply to Thread

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13th August 2015 01:24 PM
Re: Scope and career prospects in BSc Microbiology stream?

I'm confused which option to choose ..bsc microbiology,bsc food tech or bsc agricultre..which has better job options and salary..please guide me
11th April 2015 11:11 PM
Re: Scope and career prospects in BSc Microbiology stream?

what is best option as a career or sci. after 12th sci how is scope?pl.reply
28th November 2014 02:10 PM
Re: Scope and career prospects in BSc Microbiology stream?

I'm a student of BSC(GEN) in microbiology.Sir/Mam, i want to know if there is any scope for bsc general student in microbiology?
9th October 2014 03:07 PM
Re: Scope and career prospects in BSc Microbiology stream?

What is scope of Bs hons microbiology?
10th June 2014 08:04 PM
Re: Scope and career prospects in BSc Microbiology stream?

Sir,i had just finished my 2.can you suggest among botany,zoology and microbiology which subject should i take or whic has mOre scope in future?
20th November 2013 08:52 PM
Re: Scope and career prospects in BSc Microbiology stream?

What should i do after industrial microbiology.
And i want to knw good palace for job in u.p.nd whts the prospector for getting job

Nupur das
29th June 2013 06:07 PM
Re: Scope and career prospects in BSc Microbiology stream?

what is the difference between bsc microbiology and bsc medical microbiology
23rd June 2013 09:30 PM
Re: Scope and career prospects in BSc Microbiology stream?

I have to know that the salary deatails after getting a job based bsc microbiology
12th June 2013 08:56 PM
Re: Scope and career prospects in BSc Microbiology stream?

what is pacage of the year to all courses
7th June 2013 11:52 AM
Re: Scope and career prospects in BSc Microbiology stream?

i want to know about scopes in medical field in microbiology after doing M.Sc
5th June 2013 03:58 PM
Re: Scope and career prospects in BSc Microbiology stream?

is any best college for microbiology in gujarat..???
28th May 2013 03:19 PM
Re: Scope and career prospects in BSc Microbiology stream?

what is the scope of B.Sc microbiology?
23rd May 2013 02:25 PM
Re: Scope and career prospects in BSc Microbiology stream?

which one is better in microbiology or in zoology honours?
23rd May 2013 10:53 AM
Re: Scope and career prospects in BSc Microbiology stream?

Is there any best colleges in kerala to study microbiology
20th May 2013 08:07 PM
Re: Scope and career prospects in BSc Microbiology stream?

Is there any colleges in kerala to study DNA finger printing?
17th April 2013 04:29 PM
Re: Scope and career prospects in BSc Microbiology stream?

Which is the best college for B.Sc. in microbiology?
2nd March 2013 02:29 PM
Re: Scope and career prospects in BSc Microbiology stream?

please tell me the top colleges in chennai for microbiology.............
2nd March 2013 02:25 PM
Re: Scope and career prospects in BSc Microbiology stream?

please tell me the top colleges in chennai for microbiology.............
2nd October 2012 10:19 PM
Re: Scope and career prospects in BSc Microbiology stream?

Scope of B.Sc Microbiology :

Higher Studies :

M.Sc Applied Microbiology

M.Sc Hons Microbiology

M.Sc Microbiology

Ph.D Microbiology

M.Sc Microbiology Genetics & Bioinformatics

Job Career :

Biomedical Scientists




Bio technologist


Cell Biologists


Science Writer


Employment Areas :


Private Hospitals

Research Organizations


Pharmaceutical Industries

Chemical Industries

Environmental Agencies

Agriculture Department

Jobs offering Companies :



Hindustan Lever

Dr Reddy's Labs

Food Processing Industry

Textile Industry

Thapar Group


Biocon India Ltd

2nd October 2012 01:05 AM
Re: Scope and career prospects in BSc Microbiology stream?


You can opt either for higher studies or for a job.if you want to pursue your higher studies,you can choose
any of the following courses:


M.Sc. (Microbial Genetics and Bioinformatics)

M.Sc. (Microbiology)

M.Sc. (Applied Microbiology)

M.Sc. (Hons.) (Microbiology)

Ph.D. (Microbiology)
Diploma Courses in Microbiology
Advance Post Graduate Diploma in Marine Microbiology
Various sectors which offer the jobs for the microbiology
students :-

research labs

**government and private hospitals

**research organisations

**pharmaceutical companies

**food beverage industries

**chemical industries

**Cosmetic industries

**Bottling Plants

**Water Processing Plants

**Biochemical Plants

**Dairy Industries

**Fertilizer industries

**R & D development

all the best............
1st October 2012 11:06 PM
Re: Scope and career prospects in BSc Microbiology stream?

Originally Posted by priyeja View Post
sir i want to do bsc in microbiology.where would you suggest me to study.also let me know the scope and career prospects of this stream. is there any job which i can do after completion of bsc.
Bsc in microbiology is a good stream.According to me it would be good decision if you opt for higher studies i.i MSc in microbiology itself. Here are list of career options after completing microbiology:
Research: research associates, senior/junior research fellows, medical coding.
Academics: Professors in microbiology
Other jobs: Food research centers ,pulmonology , radiology , cardiology lab assistant.
Best colleges:
  • University of Delhi
  • Guru Nanak Dev university,Punjab
  • Punjab agriculture university, Punjab
  • Maharshi Dyanand university, Haryana
  • Punjab university, punjab
  • Chaudhary charan singh university, UP
  • Kurukshetra university
1st October 2012 06:28 PM
Re: Scope and career prospects in BSc Microbiology stream?

What will be starting salary in the post of Microbiology
30th July 2012 07:10 PM
savan kumar chaitanya
Re: Scope and career prospects in BSc Microbiology stream?

You can find jobs in government sector and private firms. Periwinkle Global Solutions has recently invited applications from B.Sc Microbiology graduates for the post of Assistant Manager. One can work as Microbiologist in Pharmaceutical companies like Parenteral Drugs India Limited, Cipla, etc. If you are interested in banking sector jobs, you can apply for the position of Probationary Officer or Management Trainee in Banks. Other job positions can be searched in pharmaceutical departments under government hospitals, in drug manufacturing, research based labs, etc.
29th July 2012 09:31 PM
Re: Scope and career prospects in BSc Microbiology stream?

are there any technician cources available in Mumbai after in microbiology?
8th July 2012 02:31 PM
Re: Scope and career prospects in BSc Microbiology stream?

iam completed microbiology ,what should i do next? can i take in chemistry
27th June 2012 09:39 PM
Re: Scope and career prospects in BSc Microbiology stream?

which one is better B.pharm,B.Sc.Mlt,B.Sc Microbiology ?
15th May 2012 10:05 PM
Scope and career prospects in BSc Microbiology stream?

sir i want to do bsc in microbiology.where would you suggest me to study.also let me know the scope and career prospects of this stream. is there any job which i can do after completion of bsc.

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